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I am about to marry my thai girkfriend who has a 5 year old boy. i want to get the bot into a bilingual school, preferably covering a western style curriculum. can anyone offer any advice on possible schools? i've seen info on loads of them but they seem to vary a great deal in curriculum, facilities, prices, etc. i've also been informed that some are excellent and others are a waste of time.

any advice very gratefully received.

I am about to marry my thai girkfriend who has a 5 year old boy.  i want to get the bot into a bilingual school, ...

If you are serious, the

can learn a lot including grammar, which would make the
happy. Sorry, I had to do it.

More serious, these schools are not cheap at all. Where are you from?

If Europe, I would recommend DSSB in Minburi. They would be able to carry him through with a target to put him into any university in Switzerland and all (or most) of Europe. If the boy is smart, he will speak English, German, French and Latin.

wqould - Switzeerland


Yoo shod bea verry carefull wen u kritisize sumwuns tipos or spelin. :o

Me no probrem, should go La Suisse to talk the mountain ice lingo :D


HI there ..

I think you can search for an international school in Google for the details

... "ISB" , "Ruam Rudee" ,and "Harrow" is kewl in my opinion and also

" Brewberry"..... these are top international schools in Thailand at the moment.

I know it because i am planing to get my niece there and i am in an international program of my university as well.......so a lot of my friends are from those places i mentioned.

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