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Should Foreigners Pay Higher Prices?


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Work. Love.

If money is your only reason to be here there are plenty of cheaper places you could be.


if you mean, work for an international company, then you are in the 5%

if you mean, work as a barowner or something, then you are in the 95%


i love my thai wife - she loves me - we could love one another anywhere in the world

but we choose to love one another in Thailand. Because that is cheaper.

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95% of us

including me

I think Thailand is too expensive for you. Considering your anger about left over food in a previous topic. :rolleyes:


Well, this is what you posted: My family cooks several dishes every day, and leave them on the table.

And buy thai takeaways too, not so very cheap.

Yes they do have a fridge, but it seems that the food has to be ready on the table, just in case some visitor drops in.

My thai wife did the same until i told her this upsets me - now she tries to reduce the amount of food wasted.


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I think Thailand is too expensive for you. Considering your anger about left over food in a previous topic. :rolleyes:


Well, this is what you posted: My family cooks several dishes every day, and leave them on the table.

And buy thai takeaways too, not so very cheap.

Yes they do have a fridge, but it seems that the food has to be ready on the table, just in case some visitor drops in.

My thai wife did the same until i told her this upsets me - now she tries to reduce the amount of food wasted.



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Work. Love.

If money is your only reason to be here there are plenty of cheaper places you could be.


if you mean, work for an international company, then you are in the 5%

if you mean, work as a barowner or something, then you are in the 95%


i love my thai wife - she loves me - we could love one another anywhere in the world

but we choose to love one another in Thailand. Because that is cheaper.

I am neither a barowner nor do I work for an international company (and for that matter I am not a teacher too -- which you left out --- and yet --- somehow --- I work :)

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I wish the UK would adopt dual pricing.

There are children who just can't visit historical sites that are their heritage because of the high cost of entry, whilst to rich tourists from this part of the world and others, it's loose change!

Edit: In UK - Brits free, the rest.......whatever the invisible hand decides. ;)

The last time i was at the london museums . last June they where all free.

Been there long time ago. Still free? the mummies !!!! and others. cool....

Shanghai museum is also free for every one. I took lots of photos too.

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You need to get out more, buddy, and stop generalizing about people other than yourself. Makes you look like a real tir.

I'll try tomorrow if it's not raining. BTW, what is a tir or tit? :unsure:

Edit. And don't "buddy" me. :ermm:

Edited by Semper
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95% of us

including me

I think Thailand is too expensive for you. Considering your anger about left over food in a previous topic. :rolleyes:

You managed to insult a poster that tried to help you - on a thread (about waterprices) that you yourself started.

Semper crescendo?

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You need to get out more, buddy, and stop generalizing about people other than yourself. Makes you look like a real tir.

I'll try tomorrow if it's not raining. BTW, what is a tir or tit? :unsure:

i do not know the meaning neither, but my guess would be: a breach of forum rules

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Price based prejudice is discrimination. A higher price for another race is racial discrimination.

100% correct,

shame that some apologists on here,choose not to recognise the fact!

Nationality does NOT equal race.

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Price based prejudice is discrimination. A higher price for another race is racial discrimination.

100% correct,

shame that some apologists on here,choose not to recognise the fact!

Nationality does NOT equal race.

Would you find it acceptable if a european restaurant charged you extra for being american?

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if it were race-based, I as a farang with a Thai ID card would not be getting the Thai price. I do -- no questions asked. As do other foreigners who can present a DL or work permit, in almost all cases.

It is nationality-based, nit race-based.

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if it were race-based, I as a farang with a Thai ID card would not be getting the Thai price. I do -- no questions asked. As do other foreigners who can present a DL or work permit, in almost all cases.

It is nationality-based, nit race-based.

If it were nationality based, would you accept that americans pay more in european restaurants?

And by your own explaination, it is DL and WP based...... discrimination against users of public transport and those that are retired?

Price discrimination is wrong - but yes, many apologists AND marketingnutters will advocate it.

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if it were race-based, I as a farang with a Thai ID card would not be getting the Thai price. I do -- no questions asked. As do other foreigners who can present a DL or work permit, in almost all cases.

It is nationality-based, nit race-based.

If it were nationality based, would you accept that americans pay more in european restaurants?

And by your own explaination, it is DL and WP based...... discrimination against users of public transport and those that are retired?

Price discrimination is wrong - but yes, many apologists AND marketingnutters will advocate it.

I'm not defending the practice, I'm just saying it has nothing to do with RACE.

The Dutch are currently debating a law that would allow only Dutch nationals to buy pot at coffee shops. Same thing: nationality based, not race based.

Again -- not defending it, just trying to get people to stop saying it's "racist", which it is 100% not.

So -- price discrimination. How do you feel about special student prices, senior citizen discounts, and "ladies' nights" at bars? All forms of price discrimination...no?

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So -- price discrimination. How do you feel about special student prices, senior citizen discounts, and "ladies' nights" at bars? All forms of price discrimination...no?

i will answer that one - at last a serious discussion on TV

but the pizza is ready now......

i will be back (as the governor said)

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There are two arguments to support price discrimination - one social, one about economics, both equally wrong.

The social argument is that we should "help" people with a low income, such as students, pensioners, unemployed, handicapped etc.

(Assuming of course that their low income is not the result of their own actions - in that case, why help them anyway?)

That argument does not make sense, the course of their problems is their low income, so we should raise their income, not subsidise their spending.

Then there is the economics side - the idea of maximising profits.

But i doubt anybody is still reading this......

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if it were race-based, I as a farang with a Thai ID card would not be getting the Thai price. I do -- no questions asked. As do other foreigners who can present a DL or work permit, in almost all cases.

It is nationality-based, nit race-based.

If it were nationality based, would you accept that americans pay more in european restaurants?

And by your own explaination, it is DL and WP based...... discrimination against users of public transport and those that are retired?

Price discrimination is wrong - but yes, many apologists AND marketingnutters will advocate it.

As a retired person of a different nationality you were (supposedly) someone that never paid taxes here. Is it discrimination? Yes. You are not Thai. You are not a tax-payer in Thailand (not counting VAT) (If you were a past tax-payer here and keep your social-security active you will still have that card to get in at the local rate.

I don't think people are saying that private companies should be allowed to charge more. (I know I am not)

I am used to seeing fees differ by nationality or residency. It is common in my country. Government funded universities charge more for out-of-state tuition --- and FAR more for international students. The same can be said about many states and their user fees.

Richard apparently has Thai nationality. I do not. We pay the same at most Thai government funded places. Why? He is Thai (although always a farang ;) ). I am a taxpayer in Thailand. We are both entitled to medical care but his basic care would be guaranteed by his nationality. Mine is guaranteed by my monthly contribution to the social-security fund. He likely has the additional hospital coverage offered due to working.

I can't get a retirement visa (too young) waaaaaa not fair -- I can afford not to work and chose not to from age 35-45 :)

I can't get an extension based upon marriage ---- waaaaa not fair (am not married -- am gay -- in a long term relationship with a Thai man)

So --- if you want to pay the Thai rate and not work and not have a DL (really --- unless you CANNOT drive there is no reason that a retiree can't have a DL .. borrow a friend's car or motorcycle and go take the test! )---- That only leaves gaining Thai nationality which is pretty difficult but not impossible.

BTW -- I would expect to pay what non-citizens/residents pay anywhere I was not a citizen or resident. I would not accept a higher fee from a private company based upon nationality, but do accept it for government funded places.

Edited by jdinasia
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if it were race-based, I as a farang with a Thai ID card would not be getting the Thai price. I do -- no questions asked. As do other foreigners who can present a DL or work permit, in almost all cases.

It is nationality-based, nit race-based.

If it were nationality based, would you accept that americans pay more in european restaurants?

And by your own explaination, it is DL and WP based...... discrimination against users of public transport and those that are retired?

Price discrimination is wrong - but yes, many apologists AND marketingnutters will advocate it.

As a retired person of a different nationality you were (supposedly) someone that never paid taxes here. Is it discrimination? Yes. You are not Thai. You are not a tax-payer in Thailand (not counting VAT) (If you were a past tax-payer here and keep your social-security active you will still have that card to get in at the local rate.

VAT is tax - so what are you saying then???

I don't think people are saying that private companies should be allowed to charge more. (I know I am not)

I am used to seeing fees differ by nationality or residency. It is common in my country. Government funded universities charge more for out-of-state tuition --- and FAR more for international students. The same can be said about many states and their user fees.

Did i say that government price discrimination is wrong in thailand, but acceptable in western countries?

Richard apparently has Thai nationality. I do not. We pay the same at most Thai government funded places. Why? He is Thai (although always a farang ;) ). I am a taxpayer in Thailand. We are both entitled to medical care but his basic care would be guaranteed by his nationality. Mine is guaranteed by my monthly contribution to the social-security fund. He likely has the additional hospital coverage offered due to working.

I can't get a retirement visa (too young) waaaaaa not fair -- I can afford not to work and chose not to from age 35-45 :)

I can't get an extension based upon marriage ---- waaaaa not fair (am not married -- am gay -- in a long term relationship with a Thai man)

So --- if you want to pay the Thai rate and not work and not have a DL (really --- unless you CANNOT drive there is no reason that a retiree can't have a DL .. borrow a friend's car or motorcycle and go take the test! )---- That only leaves gaining Thai nationality which is pretty difficult but not impossible.

BTW -- I would expect to pay what non-citizens/residents pay anywhere I was not a citizen or resident. I would not accept a higher fee from a private company based upon nationality, but do accept it for government funded places.

how do you differentiate between the two? A restaurant ok - but a partly government funded hospital, train company, bus line, ..... 555 or a bank bailed out by local taxpayers?

actually....if i pay tax so that my government can ensure healthstandards in our restaurants, should foreigners then pay extra?

the more one thinks about price discrimination, the more it becomes rediculous;

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@ 'kropotkin'

Nope -- the more it makes sense. Health code inspectors are typically paid in licensure fees and fines --- but they protect the health of all people and mostly citizens. The restaurant is not government funded. Hospitals (in most places) charge foreigners even if basic health-care is free for citizens/residents. Etc etc etc ... public transport... hmmm I am not aware of any place that charges less for citizens than foreigners, most likely because creating two-tier pricing would cost more than it makes.

BTW ... making your post bold doesn't make it more correct ;) There aren't that many places that have two-tier prices officially in Thailand and feel free to deprive yourself of visiting some great National Parks etc if it bothers you so much. (Note you will find English signage and Western toilets in most of these places --- that your non-Thai user fees helped pay for.

(please do not change the contents of posts you quote --- respond in the area above or below the post --- It makes it look as if the person you quoted said what you are saying .. or emphasized things that only you are emphasizing)

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I think any business leader is free to grant discounts to anybody as he sees fit.


Everyone should pay as low a price as his negotiating skills allow.

End of story.

end of symplistic story.

business leaders free to charge more / less to jews, blacks, ...... yeah right

but yes - like you - i am all for the free market system, too bad though, that there is no such thing as a free market, in no country in the world

monopolies and oligopolies, only exceptionally free markets

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if it were race-based, I as a farang with a Thai ID card would not be getting the Thai price. I do -- no questions asked. As do other foreigners who can present a DL or work permit, in almost all cases.

It is nationality-based, nit race-based.

I have a Thai driver's license. There are several places I have never been allowed into at the Thai price.

So the best you can say is that "in some places it is nationality based". In others, it is race based. And to a large degree it depends on the person taking your money to make the decision.

You are are being intentionally blind if you think otherwise.

BTW, basing something on nationality is still discrimination. Residency, no problem. Residents pay taxes and are likely to be returning guests. We've all had this discussion before. There are valid business reasons for that. But a nationality based fee is just as discriminatory as a race based fee.

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Why would it bother me that Thai's who have 1/10th the income as me get in for less? It doesn't.

How do you feel about Thais who make 10X what you make getting in for less? That's what gets my goat.

I'll tell you how I feel. I don't care. It's their country and if they want to set prices it's up to them.

I know what the cost of things are here and my overall cost of living is still significantly less than I could live in the US so why would I care? I knew what the costs were before I came here.

My cost of living is more effected by the mismanagement of the US economy where my income is derived. Thailand will have to go a long way to catch up to my own countries mismanagement and the resulting increase in my cost of living. The next thing is going to be inflation which will eat away at my nest egg.

You folks that go on and on about how terrible Thailand is when the problems we face economically are not of Thailand's making.

How about a little objectivity?

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