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Ok this is a question that may not give me the right answer but I will try anyway.

My Thai girlfriend was successful in getting a visitor visa for the UK. Really happy about this and we will be going for about 5-6 weeks end of July.

Before she got the visa I told her that if she was unsuccessful we will have a holiday in Hua Hin, if she was successful she could have a new nose (poor girl can't keep those 3D glasses on in the cinema). Ok she got the visa but obviously having had her biometrics taken could having a new nose cause her to be refused entry into the UK. The nose job won't be major, just a bit more bridge but if at all she can be refused then this procedure can wait until after she returns from the UK. I in no way want to cause problems but is the biometrics mainly to do with fingerprints and not the face etc!.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


I was at the VFS office in Shenzhen only this morning and asked the same questions. was told that the facial picture taken will actually be printed on the visa placed in the passport. My Chinese partner asked why she should go through all of the biometric recordings again after having done the same 3 years ago. Answer facial features can change for a number of reasons including facial surgery !!

Suggest nose job is put on the back burner


It would depend on how close after the operation you are going to fly , most airlines will not let you fly because of the danger blood clotting. The finger prints are still the same so i cannot see problem.


Biometrics are the fingers only if I remember correctly.

I cant see that!.

The current biometric passports show your face.....not your hands.


Sounds to me like a hit and miss situation. I am sure that if she arrived in UK and her finger prints were the same then after a few questions she would/could be allowed in but I am not willing to take the chance.

Maybe I could email the UK Border Agency in Bangkok but I am not sure that they would reply or they would refer me to their outsource company VFS. I am sure they would be helpful but I am sure they could not give me a sure fire answer on the subject. Maybe best to err on the cautious side............


A couple of points. Biometrics for visa purposes means fingerprints. These can be checked in the UK to confirm that the visa holder is the same person who actually applied for the visa. They will also be checked the next time you apply, even if it three year later, again to confirm that you are the same person.

When it comes to nose jobs, facial reconstruction or whatever, the problem is, does your face match the photo in the passport and/or on the visa ? When you go to check in for your flight, or the man from the British Embassy who sometimes checks passports at the boarding gate, looks at you and your passport photo, he expects to see the same. If he doesn't, then your problem starts there because he doesn't have access to fingerprint comparison equipment. You may be able to convince him that you are the same person, but maybe your flight has gone by that time !

As a piece of useless information for you, there is now a booming business, mainly in China, in surgically changing fingerprints.


Remember that the photos on both her visa and in her passport are full face; it is unlikely that her surgery, as you have described it, will make that much difference to her full face appearance; unless she goes for a nose of Streisand proportions!

Both my wife and daughter have had surgery to give them a larger bridge and neither have had any problems.

But there is a slight risk, as described above; up to you if you want to chance it.


As for "landing" at UK at worst it will cause a hell of a lot of inconvenience but as finger prints have been taken these will be on record, just going to take time to verify.

You may have problems with the airlines though, suggest you talk her in to postponing the op until after your trip, if not get a medical note "fit to fly" and detailing the work done.

I am sure this issue is nothing new to the airlines and boarder agencies who probably have this issue more frequently the we think.


Based on 2 passport renewals in the last couple of years, my understanding about biometrics as it applies to UK passports, includes data from the passport photo hence their having a constant cow about the style and quality of the picture. Right now they don't take fingerprints on passport renewals but I saw discourse on how they plan on including interviews and probably finger printing some time in the near future for new applicants AND renewals. Trip to Hong Kong anyone?

Now, as it applies to UK visit visas, biometrics will include fingerprints but can anyone say categorically that passport pictures submitted via VFS are not similarly scanned and included in the visitors biometric data? What's that about eye-scans? Do they do retina scans as part of the UK visit visa application as well as taking the dabs?

For the OP, I wouldn't risk it and save the nose job till after the UK since travel is in about 5-6 weeks time.


I have decided to leave it until after our return to the UK. There is not a medical reason to have to do it now and there is also the possibility that should there be any negative reaction through infection etc we don't have the luxury of too much time to get it sorted. No it is on the back burner. It would probably stress me out that it might just give UK Immigration a reason to detain her for further interview etc. I am also worried about Thai immigration giving her grief at Swampy.

All in all better to leave it till later. Much appreciate your replies.

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