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"Someone is walking over my grave"

Scared the heck out of my husband when I first said that. :o But all funniness aside, anyone know what causes the shivers? I get them fairly often (esp lately) and have wondered what causes them. It can happen anytime, not usually when scared or anything, just sitting at the computer will do it.

Any ideas?


Come to think of it I get that quite often too. I tend to feel cold before others in the same room do so I wonder if it's to do with that. Will have to take notice next time!

anyone know what causes the shivers? I get them fairly often (esp lately) and have wondered what causes them. It can happen anytime, not usually when scared or anything

maybe it was from, in your subconscious (u are scared/stress but you just dont know) .. make your body secret adrenaline(has effect on sympathetic nervous system ) .. and the result makes regulate heat loss through modulation of peripheral vasoconstriction and piloerection(aka.goose bump ,shevering)

Bambi :o

goshh... you make methinks of the physiology class :D

maybe it  was  from,  in your  subconscious (u are scared/stress but you just dont know)  .. make your body secret adrenaline(has effect on sympathetic nervous system ) .. and the result makes regulate heat loss through modulation of peripheral vasoconstriction and piloerection(aka.goose bump ,shevering)

Bambi :o

goshh... you make  methinks of the  physiology class  :D

Woooooooow Professor Bambi...!!!!! :D:D

Woooooooow Professor Bambi...!!!!! :D  :o

this is my nurse


OK Prof Bambina.... what causes the shivers when you read or hear a freaky/ scary or bizarre  story? ... just curious!!

the coz that makes me shivering is ... i just worry i will post something nasty for beat the OP,troll or other memb (noo.. i dont mean u sbk ..) ..and i will get suspense or ban in 2 seconds lol ..it makes me has goose bump :D:D

but but ... u...... i have you khall , good ol gal :D never walk alone moi :D

:o It was a serious question Bambi  :D

concentrate..bambi ..slap slap :D

well Khall, i reckon it's just adrenaline stuff babe .. when we re excited , fear, scared ,too happy ,,etc....it just happend ..we cant control it, ..sort of automatic response from body ... (automatic nervous sys) ..sometime it's just reflex .. run on spinal cord but never passed brain

bambi :D


Bambi, I don't usually get them when I am scared or cold, (since that very rarely occurs :o) but at random times, nothing seems to trigger them at all. I'll just be sitting there, having coffee, on the computer, whatever and then suddenly, shivers up and down my spine!


When you say shiver do you mean a quick spontaneous shiver that comes and goes in a seceond? Or prolonged shivering that last for some time, like when your are really cold?

When you say shiver do you mean a quick spontaneous shiver that comes and goes in a seceond? Or prolonged shivering that last for some time, like when your are really cold?

maybe the spontaneous shiver is someone walking over your grave, the prolonged shiver might be someone stealing the flowers. :o

When you say shiver do you mean a quick spontaneous shiver that comes and goes in a seceond? Or prolonged shivering that last for some time, like when your are really cold?

Bit longer than a second, more than just someone walking over my grave, a bit more like they've stopped to steal the flowers (great expression!) :o

but all kidding aside, it is more than just the quick shiver but not so prolonged as from cold. I get it at least 3-4 times a week. Kinda creeps me out, frankly, because my sister has MS, and anything nerve related scares the bejesus out of me!

When you say shiver do you mean a quick spontaneous shiver that comes and goes in a seceond? Or prolonged shivering that last for some time, like when your are really cold?

Bit longer than a second, more than just someone walking over my grave, a bit more like they've stopped to steal the flowers (great expression!) :o

but all kidding aside, it is more than just the quick shiver but not so prolonged as from cold. I get it at least 3-4 times a week. Kinda creeps me out, frankly, because my sister has MS, and anything nerve related scares the bejesus out of me!

Shivering is the bodies response to the loss of heat. If you are neither cold nor aroused, yet you shiver I would definetly seek some professional advice, particuarly with a history of MS in the family

When you say shiver do you mean a quick spontaneous shiver that comes and goes in a seceond? Or prolonged shivering that last for some time, like when your are really cold?

maybe the spontaneous shiver is someone walking over your grave, the prolonged shiver might be someone stealing the flowers. :D

and you ..you..you make me laugh till shivering :D:o:D


Quoted from: http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/sym/shivering.htm#possible

Possible causes of symptom: Shivering: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Shivering as a symptom. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.

* Cold weather

* Feeling cold (see Chills)

* Chills

* Hypothermia

* Cold sweats

* Fever - see the many causes of high fever that may cause shivering.

* Cold sensitivity

* Menopause

* Panic attack - causes people to feel hot and cold flashes (but usually with numerous other symptoms including panic).

* See also causes of chills, temperature sensitivity, cold sweats, hypothermia, fever, high fever

* Other symptoms that might be imprecisely described as "shivering" include:

o Tremor

o Trembling

o Tics

o Twitches

o Spasms

Don't know your age but it indicates menopause as a possibility.


It's not a prolonged shivering just the occasional whoo! up and down my spine. When my sister was diagnosed with MS she had pins and needles in her legs even tho she hadn't been sitting on her legs. Never mentioned shivers, nor does it list it on the MS site. Its amazing what they can do for MS patients these days, my sister was diagnosed in 1992 and she just returned home from a scuba diving trip in Costa Rica!

God, not menopause, I would be really too young for that! If it continues I will have to go to the mainland or Bangkok to see a specialist.

I wasn't looking for a diagnosis, I was just curious if anyone knew the physiological reasons behind the shivers that come with "someone walking over your grave" rather than any sustained shivering that is clearly fear or cold.


My search turned anxiety as the most common cause of intermittent type shivers. I did rule out the menopause as both your age and no hot flash tends to argue against that.

As for MS and the like I am not too sure how positive doctors can be when faced with these type disease as my mother was told she had ACLS decades ago but it never progressed but new tests came up with the same diagnosis. Only after living with it for 25 years and expecting to die within months another doctor took her off medications at age 80 (she was one hooked on Valium) and she is still alive at age 93.


Anxiety could be a possibility, god knows these bungalows leave me stressed sometimes!


Oh, for cryin' out loud. It's nothing, SBK. I have gotten those on occasion most of my life. Back in elementary school we used to induce them on each other. You quickly tap each edge of the shoulder blade, then run a couple fingers down the spine. Repeat three times, quite fast. That shiver/rush should follow.

Oh, for cryin' out loud. It's nothing, SBK. I have gotten those on occasion most of my life. Back in elementary school we used to induce them on each other. You quickly tap each edge of the shoulder blade, then run a couple fingers down the spine. Repeat three times, quite fast. That shiver/rush should follow.

Then there's running your finger nails across the blackboard. Ooo, just got a shiver thinking about it. :o


Well, its just that after seeing my sister in an induced coma on a life support machine because her body can no longer breathe for itself I tend to be a bit paranoid about anything that may be nerve related.

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