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Build A House In Chiang Mai.


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¡Hello to everybody!:rolleyes:

My thai girlfriend and I , we are on the way to buy a land in Chiang Mai in order to build a house. I know that this subject should be complicated but I would like, if possible, a little bit of your kind help to know:

-Where can I contact a good , flexible,not expensive and honest architect to make the plans and get the idea of what we want.

-Were can I contact a good company or individual person to take care of all the process and build the house.

-What are the points and matters that I have to be specially careful to avoid problems, delays and overcosts.

I have seen a website of a Company Called Kensington . Atre they reliable? Do they have competitive prices? Is it recommended to put in charge of all the process to a single company or person ? Is it better and worth it to buy our own materials?

We are planning to build a house around 200-250 Sqare Wah on a Land around 2 Rais. We are looking for good quality at a reasonable price.

I would like to say that I work in Chiang mai so I cannot spend more than weekends and a little bit of time during the week days to follow all the process, buy materials, etc.

I know that to build a house anywhere is a little bit of nightmare and I imagine that in Thailand is much cheaper but at least as nightmare as in any other place. So any advise in which steps I have to follow in order to avoid many mistakes it will be very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot for helping me with your experience,


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Hi ‘bagan68’

Where doyou intend to build and when do you intend to start. The where because thebuilding supplier needs to be close, (the one I could recommend maybe too faraway from you) the when, because I’m away from home at the Mo……So can’t lay myhands on relevant info.

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Am I reading this correctly?

"We are planning to build a house around 200-250 Sqare Wah"

800-1,000 square metre house or did you mean to write 200-250 square metre?

Assuming the build cost starts from 10,000 baht per sq/m thats at least 8 million baht.

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"...We are planning to build a house around 200-250 Sqare Wah on a Land around 2 Rais. We are looking for good quality at a reasonable price...."

It is unbelievable some of the people here...if I understand this correctly and if I did the conversion right, then you are thinking of building a rather large house with a basic construction cost of around 8-10 million Baht. On a piece of land that you can't even hold title to???

Edit: Looks like someone already did the same calculation. Unbelievable.

Edited by elektrified
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To the OP

I hope you know what you are doing and fully understand all the pros and cons?

There is a lot more to this then just buying a piece of land, building a house and living happily ever after.

Many the mighty have fallen because of being unaware of Thai law, land types and who or what can be build next to you.

I would advise that you first seek advice from people that have lived here for some time and don`t jump into the real estate game at the deep end.

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My thai girlfriend and I , we are on the way to buy a land in Chiang Mai in order to build a house. I know that this subject should be complicated but I would like, if possible, a little bit of your kind help to know: - It does not need to be complicated. And you can help keep it that way.

-Where can I contact a good , flexible,not expensive and honest architect to make the plans and get the idea of what we want. You should start out knowing what you want. Remember the Architect works for you. Your the boss not him. However there are also draftmen and others that can make your plan. most charge 5 - 10 % and good, flexible and not expensive just do not go hand and hand as I have found over 8 year here.

-Were can I contact a good company or individual person to take care of all the process and build the house. PM me for names and numbers

-What are the points and matters that I have to be specially careful to avoid problems, delays and overcosts. Start with a good plan, good contract, and very specific BOQ as they call it here. This is Thailand and most run over on time as well as cost unless there are penalty clauses in the contract.

I have seen a website of a Company Called Kensington . Atre they reliable? Do they have competitive prices? Is it recommended to put in charge of all the process to a single company or person ? Is it better and worth it to buy our own materials? Kensington is decent, but not cheep. you keep saying low prices, if your wanting western quality and style you will be paying western prices. It you want Thai style, and quality they it is lower, What is it you want ? You say your time is limited, Building a home is a full time job with thousands of questions to be answered. The more you do the less they do and it saves you. But do you really have 50 or 60 hours a week to work on this ? Or will you hire someone to do it for you ?

We are planning to build a house around 200-250 Sqare Wah on a Land around 2 Rais. We are looking for good quality at a reasonable price. Houses here are in Sq. M. Land in Sq.Wah. The size your giving is very large for Thai standard. More information would be helpful

I would like to say that I work in Chiang mai so I cannot spend more than weekends and a little bit of time during the week days to follow all the process, buy materials, etc.

I know that to build a house anywhere is a little bit of nightmare and I imagine that in Thailand is much cheaper but at least as nightmare as in any other place. So any advise in which steps I have to follow in order to avoid many mistakes it will be very much appreciated. Cheeper if you want a Thai style and quality home. Equal or more if you want just like where ever was home before

Again, Having built dozens and with 17 under construction now in Thailand, and 30 years prior experance with it in Hawaii as well as America I would be happy to start you in the right direction.

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Mr JefferyMcCollun is very spot on... I also have been doing construction here in Thailand for 20 years and in Hawaii before...

You need your land before you can have an architect design a home.... Also when you do find a contractor you need a good contract and i would recommend that you hire a project manager that is a foreigner that speaks Thai and has a extensive back ground of building in Thailand... As well having experience with contracts...This way he will look after your best interest and that the contractor is following the drawings and doing a quality job....

Believe me All contractors can talk a great story .... But what they will deliver can very Largely.....

Also penalty clauses for not finishing on time are needed to motivate the contractor to finish on time..... Also A Payment plane is important ... Do Not pay till each phase of construction is completed....... Do Not advance payment for Any reason.... i have seen Many contractors get a large advancement and Leave Never to be seen again...

There are good contractors but check with people who they have build for and see the quality and ask if they finished on time and check more than just on client...

Oh ... and make sure You set up a thai company and buy the land thought Your company....

Good luck to you.....

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200-250 Talang Wah for your house? You must be kidding or it's typo? 2 Rai is very big in Thailand standard to own a land and house. Presumed that you had already got the land.

2 Rai in city will cost a bomb, a house 200-250Sq Wah will be like a villa, and unless you have many hundreds of million Baht to splash. You are saying your girlfriend but not wife huh? Okay, so this is a gift to her. Then I try calculating it for you if you use Kensington. 250 wah = 1000 sq m, Approximately 10 million to build it! Wow....a palace!!??

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Hi we at Sausage king bought a 2 Rai piece of land in sansai 4 years ago and its been a long road + stress+ lots of over cost + 1 builder taken a fair some of money up front to get started on the building project, But the poor sole died in a accident so lost first payment,However i had to find another large some of cash to get the building on the way again. Now four years on and double the origonal cost of building we are near to finish now. Lots of extra costs to bare in mind,If you want to look our project then your welcome as it will give you more idea. I also put the land in the name of my sons who were 7 and 9 that time, another story but good move ?? /Rob/sk

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I always thought Hawaii was in America. I guess I was mistaken.

Hawaii is part of America....

Well, actually..... Hawaii is part of the United States of America.... It is not part of North, Central, or South America...... but that is trivial.. I must be bored.


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I always thought Hawaii was in America. I guess I was mistaken.

Hawaii is part of America....

Well, actually..... Hawaii is part of the United States of America.... It is not part of North, Central, or South America...... but that is trivial.. I must be bored...... sorry!


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It's amazing how many farangs are asking for PM's - even as far away as Samui, when they smell the kind of money this guy is thinking of burning spending. 10 million is only start-up costs for a house that size. Not to mention how many solicitations he may have gotten by members sending him PM's. If I had a lot of money to throw away building in Thailand I would not be advertising it on an Internet forum. It just invites unsavory types to show up.

There are many websites out there advising foreigners thinking of living/retiring in Thailand that they can legally own property in Thailand and surprise! - that they can contact the website to get advice and to also arrange to build their dream house in Phuket, Koh Samui, Chaing Mai...wherever. I wouldn't worry so much about the Thais whether it be BG's or whatever... trying to scam a few thousand Baht here or there. It's the farang scammers that are going for the jugular - the trusting foreigner's entire life savings! Just read the Phuket news.

There is a group here affiliated with an expat club that has a questionnaire asking how much money the retiree is bringing to C.M., they offer investment (of course) and legal advice, insurance, etc. They will be there to pick up the new arrival from the airport...shameful.

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Hi we at Sausage king bought a 2 Rai piece of land in sansai 4 years ago and its been a long road + stress+ lots of over cost + 1 builder taken a fair some of money up front to get started on the building project, But the poor sole died in a accident so lost first payment,However i had to find another large some of cash to get the building on the way again. Now four years on and double the origonal cost of building we are near to finish now. Lots of extra costs to bare in mind,If you want to look our project then your welcome as it will give you more idea. I also put the land in the name of my sons who were 7 and 9 that time, another story but good move ?? /Rob/sk

I'm not sure what the SPAM from the above website has to do with this so I'll delete from your quote, but in answer to SausageKing's inquiry I would say say that yes Rob, you made a very wise decision there by putting title in your minor children's names. I believe that any future transactions concerning the land require court supervision or court order, but if you don't plan to sell or borrow against it, then that is a very good move. That is what I would do if I was in a situation like that. You don't ever want to put a large investment like that in a Thai spouse's name.

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I would say say that yes Rob, you made a very wise decision there by putting title in your minor children's names. I believe that any future transactions concerning the land require court supervision or court order, but if you don't plan to sell or borrow against it, then that is a very good move. That is what I would do if I was in a situation like that. You don't ever want to put a large investment like that in a Thai spouse's name.

I would say say that issue needs deeper consideration. Teenagers, daughters in law, costs....

I know of a guy whose teenage son told him several times "You have no right to this house, I own the land,......." The court was not involved with transferring the land out of the teenage son's name because he "agreed" to it. There was however a significant tax paid for the transfer like any other transfer of land.

Further, when the child owners become of age there is no need for court supervision, they own the land, they are adults and they can do what they want with it. So the kid is 18 or 21, whatever the legal age of adulthood is, and wants or his wife wants for example a new BMW, he can sell the land and house.

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I would say say that yes Rob, you made a very wise decision there by putting title in your minor children's names. I believe that any future transactions concerning the land require court supervision or court order, but if you don't plan to sell or borrow against it, then that is a very good move. That is what I would do if I was in a situation like that. You don't ever want to put a large investment like that in a Thai spouse's name.

I would say say that issue needs deeper consideration. Teenagers, daughters in law, costs....

I know of a guy whose teenage son told him several times "You have no right to this house, I own the land,......." The court was not involved with transferring the land out of the teenage son's name because he "agreed" to it. There was however a significant tax paid for the transfer like any other transfer of land.

Further, when the child owners become of age there is no need for court supervision, they own the land, they are adults and they can do what they want with it. So the kid is 18 or 21, whatever the legal age of adulthood is, and wants or his wife wants for example a new BMW, he can sell the land and house.

Something to consider indeed. But if a child grows up to behave in a manner like that, then I see it as a failure on the part of the parent(s) and the way they raised the child.

Edited by elektrified
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I put 2 sons name on the land papers so if one goes of the rails the land conot be sold until both sign. its the best way at the time and has worked out well as my sons are good boys.far safer risk.

I would say say that yes Rob, you made a very wise decision there by putting title in your minor children's names. I believe that any future transactions concerning the land require court supervision or court order, but if you don't plan to sell or borrow against it, then that is a very good move. That is what I would do if I was in a situation like that. You don't ever want to put a large investment like that in a Thai spouse's name.

I would say say that issue needs deeper consideration. Teenagers, daughters in law, costs....

I know of a guy whose teenage son told him several times "You have no right to this house, I own the land,......." The court was not involved with transferring the land out of the teenage son's name because he "agreed" to it. There was however a significant tax paid for the transfer like any other transfer of land.

Further, when the child owners become of age there is no need for court supervision, they own the land, they are adults and they can do what they want with it. So the kid is 18 or 21, whatever the legal age of adulthood is, and wants or his wife wants for example a new BMW, he can sell the land and house.

Something to consider indeed. But if a child grows up to behave in a manner like that, then I see it as a failure on the part of the parent(s) and the way they raised the child.

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Am I reading this correctly?

"We are planning to build a house around 200-250 Sqare Wah"

800-1,000 square metre house or did you mean to write 200-250 square metre?

Assuming the build cost starts from 10,000 baht per sq/m thats at least 8 million baht.

¡Soory! Is sg/m

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Hi 'bagan68'

Where doyou intend to build and when do you intend to start. The where because thebuilding supplier needs to be close, (the one I could recommend maybe too faraway from you) the when, because I'm away from home at the Mo……So can't lay myhands on relevant info.

The land is near Mae Jo University and we plan start building (as first we have, as far as I know, to present the plans and wait around 3 months for official approval) around Jnauary next year.


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200-250 Talang Wah for your house? You must be kidding or it's typo? 2 Rai is very big in Thailand standard to own a land and house. Presumed that you had already got the land.

2 Rai in city will cost a bomb, a house 200-250Sq Wah will be like a villa, and unless you have many hundreds of million Baht to splash. You are saying your girlfriend but not wife huh? Okay, so this is a gift to her. Then I try calculating it for you if you use Kensington. 250 wah = 1000 sq m, Approximately 10 million to build it! Wow....a palace!!??

Soory for the mistake on the size. I meant Talang Met or Suquare Meters that I think are both the same measure.

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¡Sorry for the mistake of the size! ¡ I am not a rich man wanting to build a super-villa! The correct size is around 250 Square Meters or Talang Met. Which budget I need for a good western quality standard house? Some people told me around 10-12 Thousand Baht per Square meter . This is a correct cost including everything.


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10-12,000 baht is a good round figure to use. However, there are additional expenses not included in these quotes. i.e. the perimeter fencing is an extra, sometimes the concrete driveway is extra, and nothing extra comes in the interior of the house. No kitchen countertops or cabinets and no applicances. Also no ceiling fans and maybe no hot water heaters for the bathrooms. Alot depends on how you negotiate. Right now it seems as though there is a massive building rush going on. Don't really understand it. So maybe you should plan on leaning towards the 12,000 baht a sq meter price.

Do you really want/need that big of a house? Oh ya, air conditioners are definately not included.

Good Luck on your endeavor, you'll need lots of it...

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My advice is:

Don`t get involved with any farang companies or persons with the building of your house.

Many are just looking for a nice new boy on the block and naive farang like you. I wouldn't trust any of them.

<snip> And you would be paying farang prices; way over the top to what the local Thais would be paying in your area.

The best option is to ask the locals to recommend a builder to you; after all, someone in the area must have built their houses. The builder should also be able to advise you on the design of the property.

Another point is, even the Thais will try to rip you off if they think you are gullible enough, so do some research first on the costs of building materials and labour. Take a Thai person with you, who you can trust and has some knowledge of the costs involved and about the area.

If there is a large area of open land next to the property, make sure that no one can build a factory, block of apartments, shopping mall or a karaoke bar next to you in the future.

Ensure that no one has any rights of way on the land.

Check that the land has a good water supply, electricity, phone lines and so on.

Survey the area, look for factories or near industrial sites that may emit bad smells, smoke or fumes near your house.

Make sure the present land owner is the real owner and that there are no loans drawn on the land.

Check to see that there is no possibility of the land becoming land locked in the future. Meaning to make sure that someone can't buy a piece of adjoining land and block your exit to the roadway.

As I said, there is a lot involved, so you need to get it right on the first time, otherwise you could stand to lose a truck load of cash and your dream home turned into a nightmare.

Now, would I lie to you?

Edited by soundman
Removed in-acurate information.
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