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Does Your Thai Wife /Gf Like Living In The Uk?

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I appreciate it's all down to circumstances and individual viewpoint and one person liking it doesn't mean another will and vice versa, but is your missus happy there?

I ask as we are planning to go back to live year and would be interested to hear how other thai woman have adapted to life in the UK.

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My wife says if your wife loves you she will want to be with you England is Ok for her.

She likes the Shoping and can obtain all her food requirements localy.

But its not her country and it was dificult at first She said if you come here in winter your wife will want to go back quick.

However she says you can stay in the house and keep warm. Last winter was particulary bad and she did not complain.

I would say get her over to the UK and give it a fair try. Sure she will miss Thailand because that's her comfort zone.

If you have youg children like us then they will get a better state Education, Unless you have the money to send them to a good Iternational schoolin Thailand

Most of the Thai wives I have met from going to English classes with my wife are settled here some have been here 6 or 7 years

I would say most settle here. some may not but most do My wife has been here 2 years this week And we have just applied for ILR

Good Luck

Edited by kennkate
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My wife likes it. She socialises with a number of Thai friends, watches terrible Thai soap operas on dooTV so gets the best and worst of both worlds. She goes to college and does well there. She is on Live Messenger a lot and use this to communicate to family all over the world. Do not let your wife go out shopping with a credit card under any circumstances and never let her have a pay monthly mobile phone. The largest phone bill I had when I made that mistake was £780 for one month!!! I did not know whether to laugh or cry.

Both my wife and daughter have become terrible 'weather snobs' when they go back to Thailand and spend a lot of the time complaining about the heat!!

They love the snow and still get a thrill from seeing their breath on cold days! The first time this happened was in the car park at Heathrow. The novelty has still not worn off.

Damp chilly days are a different matter but they are for me as well!

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nobody likes it here in the winter, esp jan-feb times when its at its worst...

my missus arrived in october had about 3 weeks of ok weather then it all went dark and gloomy....loved the snow when it first came then when it turned to ice and then slush couldn't stand it.

we started out with the thia tv but i have insisted whilst I am at home its sky only, she can watch loads of thai stuff for free online, youtube etc.

just lastnight we was walking home from a local restaurant about 10pm and it was still light, she commented that summer in England is so nice and how comfortable it can be over here, the light nights is a novelty to anyone living close to the equator.

as with the above posts food and friends are not a problem, in fact she got more mates than me also I would agree to pay as you go mobile and no credit card sprees, but thats the same for a lot of people from anywhere, no self control when they aren't the bread winner ;)

the local English language course is worth every penny, you'll be charge full rate to start till she been here for 1 year or more but because we registered before she has just started a free summer course at an adult college for 2 hours every week lasting for 8 weeks.

Good luck

Edited by norrona
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I told my missus we/she would have a better social life in England, there is more to do. Here we just sit around most of the day lacking energy. I always feel more alive in the UK and wanting to do things, grab your coat and out you go into the fresh air.

I had a look at 'dootv' that looks ideal for when we are living there. Also told her we will have a loving extended family (my family) around us, over here there isn't really that relationship with her family, it's farcical.

I'm sure we will be fine but it is a huge move, a totally different way of life. After 12 years living in Thailand I am going to find it very strange at first too, and cold!

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Probably better to ask this question in the 'general forum' - you may get more replies.

I think he is probably better off here, even though it is not specific to this sub-forum, in General you will get the usual chorus of 'don't let her meet Thai women they will drag her down to their level'.

Individuals are all different, mine has several credit cards and doesn't abuse the plastic, met some very good friends, avoids others and can get most ingredients for thier or any other food.

Generally they are quite resourceful, we landed for the first time on January 1st, got home and the heating had broken down, but still made no complaints, just got on with life.

Found a job fairly easily and soon had a better understanding of English, very important in my opinion, learnt to drive, helps in the community for under-priviliged famillies.

So to answer your question she has adapted very well.

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I was expecting a similar reaction ''Generally you will get the usual chorus of 'don't let her meet Thai women they will drag her down to their level'' as has happened before in similar posts.

My wife has become friends with a large number of Thais (and non-Thais) and I have to say they are overall a very nice bunch. There will always be a number of 'not nice Thais' but there are lots of 'not nice Europeans'.

I suspect many of the negative posts are from disillusioned individuals with failed relationships! Don't be put off and definitely don't try to control who your wife meets. Isolation is potentially devastating as my sister in law has found out.

Edited by bobrussell
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My wife has been in the Uk now for 18 months and as she says "I love it here the people are so friendly" my wife can walk about doing plenty of window shopping when ever she wants! :D she goes to night school 1 night a week and has plenty of good friends both thai and english, we also have my wifes 6 year old daughter with us now and she has been going to school for 4 months and loves it she skips to and back from school a joy to see. oh as well my wife is 34 weeks pregnant!! we are all very happy living in England.

Not sure when we will go back the Thailand! no rush.


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norrona - I'm a big hammer and want to start going to the games again when I come back, I really miss it.

Do you go over there?

gonna start going back over there, used to go all the time, pick and choose my games now...unfortunately the missus likes man utd :annoyed:

good luck with your plans, PM me once sorted and i'll see you for a bit of pie n mash when you're back ;)

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my wife has realized that not all People in the UK have big money, and its just as hard to live in the UK as in Thailand, except for the Heat and cold.although she does except that we have better health care here and Policing.

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Dubar - Nice post.

Do you agree that there is a lot more to do in the UK than in Thailand?

No Mate,

I just think things are going well for us at the moment and that my wife is interested in learning english with her six year ild daughter, they have a lot more to do in England at the moment because they are happy learning a different culture.

Best regards


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Dunbar - Appreciate your honesty.

Speaking for myself my social life was much more varied in the UK, all I do here is get p*ssed with a load of (s)expats. Bored to death with it. I would love to be able to go Sandown tomorrow and over me brothers on Sunday for dinner then a few down the local. Not work Monday morning though :angry:

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My Wife has been here 2 years (just got herILR) She loves it here, has good job earns nearly as much as me.

She has lots of friends Thai and english, she does complain a little about the wheather in winter but she getting used to it.

So give it a go, let me know how it goes.

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