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Mae Sod -- Mai Sai Borders


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They are open. You can ask on the Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai subforums for any details, or Google.

when did mae sod re-open? googles a very big pool - u have a specific website or are u just assuming both boarders are open?

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re ... when did mae sod re-open?

it hasnt been open for visa runs or crossings for about two years as far as i know

but if its open this is the mayanmar border post

mai sai shut for a few days about two years ago over some border spat but it was open when i

went there last november


ps ... the border at kio pha wok near fang hasnt been open for years : (





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Mae Sot has been closed for a year now and can confirm Edwinchesters post above that as of last week was still closed.

Best to phone ahead rather than potentially waste a long trip based on inaccurate info on a forum imo.

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Hi I was over at Mae Sot in April and it was definitely closed nothing was going either way and hasn't been for a while. Last time we crossed over was in Jan 2010 and then closed shortly after.

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