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Im flying to Thailand soon and im trying to think of ways to pass the 12 hour+ flight. My MP3 Player has only about 20 song capacity and i could play a footie game on my laptop but it only has a 90 minutes battery life. Ok so the in flight movies are ok but they could all be chick flicks like the last time which will make the flight seem like about 72 hours. So if anyone has any ideas about how to pass the time quickly????

Also is there any gadgets that can prolong the life of a laptop batterie or is it expensive to buy a couple of spare batteries for a compaq laptop??

Drinking myself stupid is always another alternative but i find that it takes longer to recover from the flight after being drunk fying for some reason, maybe its just me and i dont want to spend the first week in bed, sleeping that is!!!!

Im flying to Thailand soon and im trying to think of ways to pass the 12 hour+ flight. My MP3 Player has only about 20 song capacity and i could play a footie game on my laptop but it only has a 90 minutes battery life. Ok so the in flight movies are ok but they could all be chick flicks like the last time which will make the flight seem like about 72 hours. So if anyone has any ideas about how to pass the time quickly????

Also is there any gadgets that can prolong the life of a laptop batterie or is it expensive to buy a couple of spare batteries for a compaq laptop??

Drinking myself stupid is always another alternative but i find that it takes longer to recover from the flight after being drunk fying for some reason, maybe its just me and i dont want to spend the first week in bed, sleeping that is!!!!

If you're flying out on a US carrier go to SeatGuru.com, find your aircraft type and configuration and ask for a seat next to an electrical outlet.


How about one of those book things? :o


Don't airliners have outlets available to every seat in order for that person to use their lap top whilst preserving their battery?

I've always found the inflight entertainment to be sufficient enough to keep me more or less occupied for the duration of the flight.

Sleeping is never a bad idea, although I personally can never manage it on the plane.

Buy another MP3 player, you can get ones which do vidoe clips and just about everything else for a resonable price, not to mention you have room for about 10,000 songs.

My personal favourite is to read, particularly about the culture of the place I am going to. Learning the language, well, important phrases is always a must for me when I travel to another country, it is amazing what you can learn in 12 hours. Also, if this sort of thing isn't for you, it could always help you on your way to sleep :o


Sounds like you are flying out of Europe – 12 hours flight etc and of course “Paddy” gives it away a bit!

Having done that trip many many times – I suggest you put your watch on Thai time when you sit on the plane - (normally that would make it about 2 a.m. assuming leaving Europe at about 8 p.m.) – take a sleeping tablet, get comfortable and sleep for 8 hours or so. Then waking for breakfast (having skipped all the other offerings) you should have already adjusted to Thai time and not lose a day recovering from so called “jet lag” when you arrive in LOS.

Have a nice trip!


Depends on when his flight arrives in LoS. Quite a few flights land in the evening nowadays.

If you decide to do the book thing anything by Edward Rutherfurd or 'Gates of Fire' by Stephen Pressfield are worth a go.


During the first half of the flight read Choke by Chuck Palahniuk (the author of Fight Club). During the second half of the flight entertain yourself by re-enacting some of the scenarios from the book.

And drink lots of water, it helps with the jet-lag.


Power runner is great i have one I would buy yourself a better mp3 player i would be lodt without my ipod! The entertainment on most flights is not very good!


Try downloading an Audiobook on to your lap top and uploading it in stages to your MP3 player as and when you need to.

I tend to start drinking a few hours before I fly and once in the air I cane it until the meal has come and gone and then by the time everyone starts to settle I'm ratarsed and crash out. I usually wake over Burma in time for breakfast!!! Never fails! God Bless Alchohol!


Have to agree, I would NEVER board a flight unless Iam in the best seat on the plane, be it Bizz class or First. PLenty room to relax no-one bothers you, good sleep, jet lag is a thing of the past. God knows how so many people can fly "cattle"class, they must be mad.

Have to agree, I would NEVER board a flight unless Iam in the best seat on the plane, be it Bizz class or First. PLenty room to relax no-one bothers you, good sleep, jet lag is a thing of the past. God knows how so many people can fly "cattle"class, they must be mad.

I've done my faire share of cattle and the otherside naturally. If I'm knackered I'll sleep anywhere. As for jetlag - no problem normally arrive around 10PM, so off to bed once I arrive. :o


Yes, buy a new MP3 player for sure. I usually survive most of the flight with my music collection. I organise several different playlists suiting a different genre of music and I always make a playlist for sleeping to; who wants to listen to people snoring?

I find reading on planes gives me a pain in the neck :o

And as for the flight movies I agree most of them are chick flicks *yawn* I know I'm a female but I prefer horror movies or action.

As for the laptop upgrading to first class or business would be a better option. Then get a load of new games for it. A football game? Eeek. I recomend something like a F.E.A.R demo - enjoy :D

Have to agree, I would NEVER board a flight unless Iam in the best seat on the plane, be it Bizz class or First. PLenty room to relax no-one bothers you, good sleep, jet lag is a thing of the past. God knows how so many people can fly "cattle"class, they must be mad.

Uhm, maybe they don't have the money or the frequent flyer miles? Hello? that wasn't a serious comment you made about plane travel was it? Let me guess, you went to Eaton. Do you realize how silly you sound? :o

Maybe you should just take your own private jet, that would be WAY more comfortable than measly first class like the rest of the plebs use! Better yet, build your own private train tunnel from your home country to straight through the earth to Thailand, commission the building of your very own expatgaz express and really ride in style! :D

Why would you live in junky old Pattaya when you could pose on your yacht at the yacht club in Phuket, much more posh. Send us a good picture of you posing on your yacht with a nice Phuket golf course community in the background and we will all cheer your upper-crustiness. :D


You might consider purchasing a 7" Toshiba SD-P1600 DVD player. VERY thin, light weight, with an excellent picture.

An extra battery pack would add about 3-4 hours to it.

You might consider purchasing a 7" Toshiba SD-P1600 DVD player. VERY thin, light weight, with an excellent picture.

An extra battery pack would add about 3-4 hours to it.

You might consider purchasing a book. Quite thick, very light, and it will last you for the whole flight. You can then go to Gecko Books at Thapae and swap it for a different one for the trip home.


Try flying Emirates,More entertainment than you can shake a stick at. On there new planes they have the I C E systen Information Comunication Entertainment. They have every number one UK hit single since the charts started,about fifty films from new to very old clasics plus games and lots lots more. You can even phone or email from your seat if you realy want too.

But I dont suppose this is much help if you have got your ticket allready!

Have to agree, I would NEVER board a flight unless Iam in the best seat on the plane, be it Bizz class or First. PLenty room to relax no-one bothers you, good sleep, jet lag is a thing of the past. God knows how so many people can fly "cattle"class, they must be mad.

Uhm, maybe they don't have the money or the frequent flyer miles? Hello? that wasn't a serious comment you made about plane travel was it? Let me guess, you went to Eaton. Do you realize how silly you sound? :o

Maybe you should just take your own private jet, that would be WAY more comfortable than measly first class like the rest of the plebs use! Better yet, build your own private train tunnel from your home country to straight through the earth to Thailand, commission the building of your very own expatgaz express and really ride in style! :D

Why would you live in junky old Pattaya when you could pose on your yacht at the yacht club in Phuket, much more posh. Send us a good picture of you posing on your yacht with a nice Phuket golf course community in the background and we will all cheer your upper-crustiness. :D

Perfectly serious pal, I work for a living and didn't go to ETON ( your spelling is awful) I just prefer to travel in comfort and the best luxury possible, unfortunately a private jet is not practicle due to stopping several times for refuelling, however bizz or first class is practicle.The difference between cattle and bizz is abt $1000, if you can't afford that maybe better to save up more before you fly or stop whinging.By the way I don't live in Junky old Pattaya , as you call it, but Jomtien.Tried Phuket but didn't fancy the yacht club lifestyle !!!

Perfectly serious pal, I work for a living and didn't go to ETON ( your spelling is awful) I just prefer to travel in comfort and the best luxury possible, unfortunately a private jet is not practicle due to stopping several times for refuelling, however bizz or first class is practicle.The difference between cattle and bizz is abt $1000, if you can't afford that maybe better to save up more before you fly or stop whinging.By the way I don't live in Junky old Pattaya , as you call it, but Jomtien.Tried Phuket but didn't fancy the yacht club lifestyle !!!

Jomtien=Patters except its more gay. :o

Have to agree, I would NEVER board a flight unless Iam in the best seat on the plane, be it Bizz class or First. PLenty room to relax no-one bothers you, good sleep, jet lag is a thing of the past. God knows how so many people can fly "cattle"class, they must be mad.

Uhm, maybe they don't have the money or the frequent flyer miles? Hello? that wasn't a serious comment you made about plane travel was it? Let me guess, you went to Eaton. Do you realize how silly you sound? :D

Maybe you should just take your own private jet, that would be WAY more comfortable than measly first class like the rest of the plebs use! Better yet, build your own private train tunnel from your home country to straight through the earth to Thailand, commission the building of your very own expatgaz express and really ride in style! :D

Why would you live in junky old Pattaya when you could pose on your yacht at the yacht club in Phuket, much more posh. Send us a good picture of you posing on your yacht with a nice Phuket golf course community in the background and we will all cheer your upper-crustiness. :D

Perfectly serious pal, I work for a living and didn't go to ETON ( your spelling is awful) I just prefer to travel in comfort and the best luxury possible, unfortunately a private jet is not practicle due to stopping several times for refuelling, however bizz or first class is practicle.The difference between cattle and bizz is abt $1000, if you can't afford that maybe better to save up more before you fly or stop whinging.By the way I don't live in Junky old Pattaya , as you call it, but Jomtien.Tried Phuket but didn't fancy the yacht club lifestyle !!!

I am not being funny but your spelling isnt any better. Its practical not as you spell it practicle :o


ooOOoo Jomtien! :o

Take it easy there tiger, your post just sounded pretentious is all. We all work and pay good money for airline tickets. I'm sure many of us make over 6 figures (foreign currency).

But from where I live, first class tickets to Bangkok are generally $10,000

Business class: $5,000-$7,000

Economy: I can get under $1,000 easily if not less.

Family of 4? yeah, I'll be flying economy, thanks.

Fly first class like a twit or put the extra $36,000 in the kid's college funds? or replace the windows, or new roof or new car, etc.

ooOOoo Jomtien!  :o

Take it easy there tiger, your post just sounded pretentious is all. We all work and pay good money for airline tickets.  I'm sure many of us make over 6 figures (foreign currency).

But from where I live, first class tickets to Bangkok are generally $10,000

Business class: $5,000-$7,000

Economy: I can get under $1,000 easily if not less.

Family of 4? yeah, I'll be flying economy, thanks.

Fly first class like a twit or put the extra $36,000 in the kid's college funds? or replace the windows, or new roof or new car, etc.

It's all relative lads..$10,000 to one man is like $10 to another....so arguing about it is pointless.

I will say that air service is markedly improving ie: you have premium economy and cheaper business fares now, and the quality of these classes of service rival first class services of 5 years ago.

Have to agree, I would NEVER board a flight unless Iam in the best seat on the plane, be it Bizz class or First. PLenty room to relax no-one bothers you, good sleep, jet lag is a thing of the past. God knows how so many people can fly "cattle"class, they must be mad.

Uhm, maybe they don't have the money or the frequent flyer miles? Hello? that wasn't a serious comment you made about plane travel was it? Let me guess, you went to Eaton. Do you realize how silly you sound? :o

Maybe you should just take your own private jet, that would be WAY more comfortable than measly first class like the rest of the plebs use! Better yet, build your own private train tunnel from your home country to straight through the earth to Thailand, commission the building of your very own expatgaz express and really ride in style! :D

Why would you live in junky old Pattaya when you could pose on your yacht at the yacht club in Phuket, much more posh. Send us a good picture of you posing on your yacht with a nice Phuket golf course community in the background and we will all cheer your upper-crustiness. :D

Perfectly serious pal, I work for a living and didn't go to ETON ( your spelling is awful) I just prefer to travel in comfort and the best luxury possible, unfortunately a private jet is not practicle due to stopping several times for refuelling, however bizz or first class is practicle.The difference between cattle and bizz is abt $1000, if you can't afford that maybe better to save up more before you fly or stop whinging.By the way I don't live in Junky old Pattaya , as you call it, but Jomtien.Tried Phuket but didn't fancy the yacht club lifestyle !!!

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