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Where To Find Goats In Isaan

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Dear All,

in Isaan I have 2,5 Rai of land and the growing grass drives me crazy. So I think about to purchase 3 goats, which hopefully eat any green 24/7 and taste wonderful later on the roast.

Unfortunatelly goats do not seem to be very popular in Isaan.

So my question is: where can I purchase goats in Isaan? Any hint is very appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance!

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I hope you don't think I am being facetious, But find the Muslims near you. Ask them. If anyone knows it will be them. I don't know where you are but in Nikkom, ( Southern Buriram ) there is a Muslim family with goats. Unfortunately , the Thais don't seem to eat goat at all.

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I hope you don't think I am being facetious, But find the Muslims near you. Ask them. If anyone knows it will be them. I don't know where you are but in Nikkom, ( Southern Buriram ) there is a Muslim family with goats. Unfortunately , the Thais don't seem to eat goat at all.

Well, if i knew any muslims, of course I would go there. In Jakarta goats are running through the city center but they are difficult to import into Thailand for sure.

So no goats or/and no muslims in Issan really?

Btw: goat meat is just delcious as the milk is! Very soft while maintaining a nice texture and great flavour!

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I hope you don't think I am being facetious, But find the Muslims near you. Ask them. If anyone knows it will be them. I don't know where you are but in Nikkom, ( Southern Buriram ) there is a Muslim family with goats. Unfortunately , the Thais don't seem to eat goat at all.

Well, if i knew any muslims, of course I would go there. In Jakarta goats are running through the city center but they are difficult to import into Thailand for sure.

So no goats or/and no muslims in Issan really?

Btw: goat meat is just delcious as the milk is! Very soft while maintaining a nice texture and great flavour!

"Of course i would go there " Whoops, my apologies for offering advice.You may try reading my post a little more carefully.

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I hope you don't think I am being facetious, But find the Muslims near you. Ask them. If anyone knows it will be them. I don't know where you are but in Nikkom, ( Southern Buriram ) there is a Muslim family with goats. Unfortunately , the Thais don't seem to eat goat at all.

Well, if i knew any muslims, of course I would go there. In Jakarta goats are running through the city center but they are difficult to import into Thailand for sure.

So no goats or/and no muslims in Issan really?

Btw: goat meat is just delcious as the milk is! Very soft while maintaining a nice texture and great flavour!

"Of course i would go there " Whoops, my apologies for offering advice.You may try reading my post a little more carefully.

It was not meant as an offense really. I would like to say only, that I have really no contact to any muslims here as they are not visible at all (as the goats are). Working long time in Jakarta I know muslims prefer goats over pork.

I understood from your post, I could go to Buriram and I thank you for advice. I will keep it as last resort in case I do not find somethong more northern (like Khon Khaen, Udon or Nong Khai).

Best regards!

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I hope you don't think I am being facetious, But find the Muslims near you. Ask them. If anyone knows it will be them. I don't know where you are but in Nikkom, ( Southern Buriram ) there is a Muslim family with goats. Unfortunately , the Thais don't seem to eat goat at all.

Well, if i knew any muslims, of course I would go there. In Jakarta goats are running through the city center but they are difficult to import into Thailand for sure.

So no goats or/and no muslims in Issan really?

Btw: goat meat is just delcious as the milk is! Very soft while maintaining a nice texture and great flavour!

"Of course i would go there " Whoops, my apologies for offering advice.You may try reading my post a little more carefully.

It was not meant as an offense really. I would like to say only, that I have really no contact to any muslims here as they are not visible at all (as the goats are). Working long time in Jakarta I know muslims prefer goats over pork.

I understood from your post, I could go to Buriram and I thank you for advice. I will keep it as last resort in case I do not find somethong more northern (like Khon Khaen, Udon or Nong Khai).

Best regards!

O.K., not many of us do,I personally no none, but you need to ask around for Muslims. Maybe at an abattoir for cattle. They will do the slaughtering, generally not the Thais. There are some in Isarn ,just not a lot and as you rightly point out, not so obvious.

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I hope you don't think I am being facetious, But find the Muslims near you. Ask them. If anyone knows it will be them. I don't know where you are but in Nikkom, ( Southern Buriram ) there is a Muslim family with goats. Unfortunately , the Thais don't seem to eat goat at all.

Well, if i knew any muslims, of course I would go there. In Jakarta goats are running through the city center but they are difficult to import into Thailand for sure.

So no goats or/and no muslims in Issan really?

Btw: goat meat is just delcious as the milk is! Very soft while maintaining a nice texture and great flavour!

I am sure your local Agricultural dept will put you on the right track.

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There are muslims and goats in Khon Kaen. You need to ask the local people - start by asking where for a muslim restaurant. There used to be a muslim restaurant on the main friendship highway - east side a few hundred meters up from the underpass - not sure if it is still there because I haven't been there in years. I've seen a few goats on a smallholding just round the corner from my place - looking at Google Earth I think this is the place: 16° 31.822'N 102° 55.119'E

There are loads of goats on the other side of the mekong river, e.g. Savannakhet in Laos. They eat them and ship them to Vietnam.

There was a German guy who used to be on this forum - started a goat farm but eventually gave up because they kept dying of parasitic worms. I'm not sure he knew to much about goat keeping.


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Hi, I'm living between Udon Thani and Nong Khai with 8 Rai needing grass trimming also. I have only 1 goat and also am having difficulty buying more because I don't know where to buy them. Very few Thais here have goats and if they do they won't sell them.

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Hi, I'm living between Udon Thani and Nong Khai with 8 Rai needing grass trimming also. I have only 1 goat and also am having difficulty buying more because I don't know where to buy them. Very few Thais here have goats and if they do they won't sell them.

David ,the answers you are looking for ,are in the previous posts,The Thais do not eat goat meat, so do not farm them. The Muslims DO, so you need to find them. They do not appear easy to buy, but seek and ye shall find, Try contacting the Ag. Dept. at Khon Kaen Uni. .Where there is a Muslim community ,also there will be a Muslim butcher, who may tell you where he buys his goats from. Sorry, but some leg work will be needed to be done by you. Good Luck

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By pure coincidence, yesterday while driving in the centre of Khon Kaen I found myself behind a pickup with a picture of a boer goat on the back window, plus some Thai writing (I assume it was adverting promoting Boer goats)and a mobile phone number. I think if you call this number you will find the goats you are looking for: 081-871-8695. The vehicle registration plate was from Khon Kaen.

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There are two mosques in Khon Kaen, go visit one on Friday.

Central Mosque of Khon Kaen located at Ban Samliam. At the main cross roads turn West on Hwy 12 somewhere in that area apparently.

About 30 minutes South in Ban Phai:

Masjid Dar-Ul-Aman

Near Ban Phai, Police station after Railway Track,

Ban Phai, Khon Kaen.

These are prayer times for this Friday.

04:25 05:43 12:15 15:35 18:46 20:00

(Most of August is Ramadan this year)

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There are two mosques in Khon Kaen, go visit one on Friday.

Central Mosque of Khon Kaen located at Ban Samliam. At the main cross roads turn West on Hwy 12 somewhere in that area apparently.

About 30 minutes South in Ban Phai:

Masjid Dar-Ul-Aman

Near Ban Phai, Police station after Railway Track,

Ban Phai, Khon Kaen.

These are prayer times for this Friday.

04:25 05:43 12:15 15:35 18:46 20:00

(Most of August is Ramadan this year)

Well Done !!! We have no mosques any where near us. Not unhappy with that , as they are very noisy ,aren't they? The Thais are bad enough , when they party or have a funeral. I can hear them clearly ,even when they are about 3 kilometres away

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I have a friend that lives next to the Wat in his village, he says that is bad enough. But agree with your suggestion talking to the local Muslims is the probable fastest route to a source of goat meat and therefore supplier.

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boers would be a good solution if u can get an adult gravid mature female as they kid three somes by the time they are three years old and continue to do so... first kidding is a singlet, second kidding is twins and then it just stays triplets... also hardy, good meat goat.

but grass is NOT ENOUGH for a goat. goats really need to be fed. food. forage. roughage (lots of it). dewormed. and feet KEPT DRY. grass is not food for a goat but a snack. a dessert. so either u will have to provide additional food in the form of grain, hay/forages, goat chow. not cow chow. sheep/goat chow. for the proper minerals. a salt lick for goats. (not for cows or horses as the selenium and copper etc are different). u have to butcher your kids (goat i.e.) before 6 months as boers mature early and get that 'goaty' scent early although most muslems keep goats up to 8 months in pasture to get the pasture flavour.need ivermac for deworming although i dont know how long after u can eat the meat. some penstrep 30 antibiotic and some oxytetracycline type antibiotic for the various illnesses. vitamin b complex injectable. dyparone/flunix or other pain killer to be injected or given orally (not paracetamol). goats cannot get most drugs orally since they are ruminants and the rumen is the most important organ to a goat apart from the tongue (or hooves). most illnesses are connected to feet, or rumen.

the guy in soeng sang (korat) went back home and sold off his goats in 2006). the other guy is in laos i think. and there is someone down south that does (did) cheeses and he has local thai goats that look a bit like a mix with malaysian goats; not sure about their meat... outside korat city i once spotted a goat farm (coming south from soeng sang to korat)... hubby refused to stop and visit the place...

goats if not kept properly will cost u more money and hassle then mowing the law. but they are great pets, tasty. give milk (even the boer can be milked if a bit difficult with all their extra teats)...




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boers would be a good solution if u can get an adult gravid mature female as they kid three somes by the time they are three years old and continue to do so... first kidding is a singlet, second kidding is twins and then it just stays triplets... also hardy, good meat goat.

but grass is NOT ENOUGH for a goat. goats really need to be fed. food. forage. roughage (lots of it). dewormed. and feet KEPT DRY. grass is not food for a goat but a snack. a dessert. so either u will have to provide additional food in the form of grain, hay/forages, goat chow. not cow chow. sheep/goat chow. for the proper minerals. a salt lick for goats. (not for cows or horses as the selenium and copper etc are different). u have to butcher your kids (goat i.e.) before 6 months as boers mature early and get that 'goaty' scent early although most muslems keep goats up to 8 months in pasture to get the pasture flavour.need ivermac for deworming although i dont know how long after u can eat the meat. some penstrep 30 antibiotic and some oxytetracycline type antibiotic for the various illnesses. vitamin b complex injectable. dyparone/flunix or other pain killer to be injected or given orally (not paracetamol). goats cannot get most drugs orally since they are ruminants and the rumen is the most important organ to a goat apart from the tongue (or hooves). most illnesses are connected to feet, or rumen.

the guy in soeng sang (korat) went back home and sold off his goats in 2006). the other guy is in laos i think. and there is someone down south that does (did) cheeses and he has local thai goats that look a bit like a mix with malaysian goats; not sure about their meat... outside korat city i once spotted a goat farm (coming south from soeng sang to korat)... hubby refused to stop and visit the place...

goats if not kept properly will cost u more money and hassle then mowing the law. but they are great pets, tasty. give milk (even the boer can be milked if a bit difficult with all their extra teats)...



Agreed with all the above. Also consider this: They will eat everything that's green. Too many goats can turn your property into an Arizona-like desert aerea in no time at all. (They can turn into a better "lawnmower" than you ever wished for!)

But on a positive note: Since non-muslim-Thais will not eat goats, nobody will steal them off your property while you are out for a beer and nobody is home !!


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boers would be a good solution if u can get an adult gravid mature female as they kid three somes by the time they are three years old and continue to do so... first kidding is a singlet, second kidding is twins and then it just stays triplets... also hardy, good meat goat.

but grass is NOT ENOUGH for a goat. goats really need to be fed. food. forage. roughage (lots of it). dewormed. and feet KEPT DRY. grass is not food for a goat but a snack. a dessert. so either u will have to provide additional food in the form of grain, hay/forages, goat chow. not cow chow. sheep/goat chow. for the proper minerals. a salt lick for goats. (not for cows or horses as the selenium and copper etc are different). u have to butcher your kids (goat i.e.) before 6 months as boers mature early and get that 'goaty' scent early although most muslems keep goats up to 8 months in pasture to get the pasture flavour.need ivermac for deworming although i dont know how long after u can eat the meat. some penstrep 30 antibiotic and some oxytetracycline type antibiotic for the various illnesses. vitamin b complex injectable. dyparone/flunix or other pain killer to be injected or given orally (not paracetamol). goats cannot get most drugs orally since they are ruminants and the rumen is the most important organ to a goat apart from the tongue (or hooves). most illnesses are connected to feet, or rumen.

the guy in soeng sang (korat) went back home and sold off his goats in 2006). the other guy is in laos i think. and there is someone down south that does (did) cheeses and he has local thai goats that look a bit like a mix with malaysian goats; not sure about their meat... outside korat city i once spotted a goat farm (coming south from soeng sang to korat)... hubby refused to stop and visit the place...

goats if not kept properly will cost u more money and hassle then mowing the law. but they are great pets, tasty. give milk (even the boer can be milked if a bit difficult with all their extra teats)...



Thanks for your help,much appreciated.

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boers would be a good solution if u can get an adult gravid mature female as they kid three somes by the time they are three years old and continue to do so... first kidding is a singlet, second kidding is twins and then it just stays triplets... also hardy, good meat goat.

but grass is NOT ENOUGH for a goat. goats really need to be fed. food. forage. roughage (lots of it). dewormed. and feet KEPT DRY. grass is not food for a goat but a snack. a dessert. so either u will have to provide additional food in the form of grain, hay/forages, goat chow. not cow chow. sheep/goat chow. for the proper minerals. a salt lick for goats. (not for cows or horses as the selenium and copper etc are different). u have to butcher your kids (goat i.e.) before 6 months as boers mature early and get that 'goaty' scent early although most muslems keep goats up to 8 months in pasture to get the pasture flavour.need ivermac for deworming although i dont know how long after u can eat the meat. some penstrep 30 antibiotic and some oxytetracycline type antibiotic for the various illnesses. vitamin b complex injectable. dyparone/flunix or other pain killer to be injected or given orally (not paracetamol). goats cannot get most drugs orally since they are ruminants and the rumen is the most important organ to a goat apart from the tongue (or hooves). most illnesses are connected to feet, or rumen.

the guy in soeng sang (korat) went back home and sold off his goats in 2006). the other guy is in laos i think. and there is someone down south that does (did) cheeses and he has local thai goats that look a bit like a mix with malaysian goats; not sure about their meat... outside korat city i once spotted a goat farm (coming south from soeng sang to korat)... hubby refused to stop and visit the place...

goats if not kept properly will cost u more money and hassle then mowing the law. but they are great pets, tasty. give milk (even the boer can be milked if a bit difficult with all their extra teats)...



Agreed with all the above. Also consider this: They will eat everything that's green. Too many goats can turn your property into an Arizona-like desert aerea in no time at all. (They can turn into a better "lawnmower" than you ever wished for!)

But on a positive note: Since non-muslim-Thais will not eat goats, nobody will steal them off your property while you are out for a beer and nobody is home !!


Thank you for the information.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All, if your in the Korat area, the Ag Show is open. I did a quick pass through

today and now have goats on display. Should be able to find where you can buy.


ps, sorry for the bad pic's, my phone is ready to die.








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So many very good posts. Goats will eat ANYTHING that is green or brown. I cut a lot of Cypress ,fed it to the goats ( in Oz) about 1 ton .Gone in 1 hour -DEMOLISHED, totally, the bark , that is. ,Want trees ringbarked? Set goats onto it Job done ,no Wuckin Furries,mate

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Ag Fair/Show - Where in Korat? Will be for how long?

Behind my property there is a retired Thai policeman who raises goats. He use to have a sign out front. My wife said he sells goats and is getting me the number. I will post it when I get it in case anyone is interested or still needs goat information. He/we are only 13 kilometers from the Mall Korat. You pass our road (about 5 kilometers) every time you go from Korat to the new immigration office.

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I hope you don't think I am being facetious, But find the Muslims near you. Ask them. If anyone knows it will be them. I don't know where you are but in Nikkom, ( Southern Buriram ) there is a Muslim family with goats. Unfortunately , the Thais don't seem to eat goat at all.

My wife is shocked by the idea to eat goats.....But I saw a lot in the south. Muslims love them. Maybe can import some from the south?

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Ag Fair/Show - Where in Korat? Will be for how long?

Behind my property there is a retired Thai policeman who raises goats. He use to have a sign out front. My wife said he sells goats and is getting me the number. I will post it when I get it in case anyone is interested or still needs goat information. He/we are only 13 kilometers from the Mall Korat. You pass our road (about 5 kilometers) every time you go from Korat to the new immigration office.

put me down for half,leg,loin and shoulder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know where I can buy three Pygmy Goats in Thailand? I have a small farm at Sirindhorn, Ubon. I saw some Pygmy Goats at Kasetsart Agricultural Fair in Bangkok a couple of years back but did not see the owner.

Pygmy Goats: Females, called does, weigh 23 to 34 kg (51 to 75 lb) and males, called bucks, weigh 27 to 39 kg (60 to 86 lb). Wither height ranges from 16 to 23 in (41 to 58 cm).

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  • 1 month later...

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