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Outgoing Thai PM Abhisit Resigns As Party Leader


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If nothing else, he looked and sounded good when interviewed by international press. That chap with his own cooking show couldn't even grunt in English

His french was crisp and he told idioms in Swahili.

Now can Mr Cameron grunt in Thai?

MS. MegaRanter: Unfortunately I believe that the IQs were down there long before this weekend! My take on what you said is not only on the immediate context but on its less than optimistic implications. Your IQ is definitely not "down there."

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"As the Democrat Party leader during the election, we won fewer seats than in the previous election, so I think as a good leader I should take responsibility by resigning."

He never had a mandate! Not one but. Military backing was his only mandate - and Abhisit should never ever have been in power.

Now, at last, justice has been done and PTP/red shirts are back in power: exactly what the majority of the people want. And for those who point to the burning of Bangkok last year: never forget that injustice through non-democratic methods (as we saw in Thailand many years ago with Suchinda, and in many other countries across the world since) can bring a powerful backlash.

This post is the only right one, it seems many of the posters do not know he was never elected.....

Tell us one, only one thing this PM did good for the people, rich, poor, investors.... nothing as only his hobby, hunting the only one who was democratic elected.

You must have missed the 2007 election where he was elected on the Democrat party list, and then the 2008 parliamentary vote where the majority of MPs elected him PM.

You must have also missed the news about the global financial crisis, that Thailand has weathered quite successfully during Abhisit's tenure.

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The right thing to do. If renominated, he should make it clear he wont accept. The country needs an opposition as well as a government and Abhisit is a divisive character who will distract from the job an opposition has to do.

It is a good early test of whether the democrats can start to move forward. The old way will be to renominate and reelect and stay still. The modern way will be to thank him, accept he has gone and chose a new leader to rebuild the party

Hopefully, the main divisive character will also stay out of view as well.

We will see on that one although he has just fairly openly won an election on a Thaksin thinks, PTP does slogan, so anything could happen. What happens next depends on the magnanimity of the victors and the willingness of the shadowy forces to stay out of things after maybe ensuring the "safety" of them and their family is guaranteed after some deal, which unless there is going to be massive conflict, is now inevitable, and will likely see Thaksin back in the country at some stage even if not in politics imho

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Abhisit had integrity, even if sadly many of those around him did not, and those who opposed him had even less. Could have been a great leader for Thailand but he was born 100 years before his time as 500 baht in anyone's back pocket demonstrates.

The same thing happened when Taksin bought the seat from Chaun. Chaun was a great Prime Minister.

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I give Abhisit credit for letting the people decide which way they wanted to go, and furthermore stepping down so gracefully. He said what he was going to do and kept his word. A man of his word is quite rare in these parts. Samak the cooking show guy spoke English quite well, he just lied through his teeth when he did.

He should have stepped down last year, nothing graceful about people dying.

Do you know that the deaths came after Abhisit's offer for early elections was rejected by the Red Shirt leaders? (after agreeing at first and changing their mind, on live TV, after receiving a mysterious SMS)

In any case those deaths were necessary to feed Thaksin's political campaign, if you want to know who is responsible for them look at who benefited the most out of it.

You are so right..... This PHILLIES guy is quite niave to believe that most of those deaths weren't sacrafices for Taksin's cause....

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Suthep has been uncharacteristically quiet for a big occasion.

Any sightings?

He is an old hand in politics adjusting to his new reality of being in opposition and seeing power within his own party maybe change hands. He also must take some responsibility for the election defeat

Probably more so than Abhisit.

If you remember back to the farily public breaking and removal of the one democrat Isaan power broker a while back followed by an eastern one, then Suthep almost certainly has a lot of responsibility in the election outcome. But he remains a powerful figure in the party in the southern powerbase and with other regions seeing decline while the south is strong that keeps the south ever more relevant and powerful in the party and that helps Suthep if not the party and in the longer term not the country. The democrats have so much change to make to become competetive

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If nothing else, he looked and sounded good when interviewed by international press. That chap with his own cooking show couldn't even grunt in English

Nonsense...on the BBC's "Hard Talk", he came over as evasive and bland. Totally nice guy...just afraid to speak his mind and tell the world what Thailand really needs in the way of policies, going forward.

The Thai people heard the same blandness, but they also had to live under it, day after day....

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If nothing else, he looked and sounded good when interviewed by international press. That chap with his own cooking show couldn't even grunt in English

What country do you think this is?Just to inform you, this country is called Thailand .Its National language is Thai. That means there is no demand that to hold political office in this country or any other country where English is not the national language ,, you must be fluent in English.

Are you serious? I guess world trade is nothing in your book.

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If there's a replacement, let's hope for Korn. One of the most switched-on finance ministers we're had here for a long time - and pretty good with the foreign investment community, too. Fluent English speaker and one of the more trusted Dems.

The first time this year that the SET stockmarket is up over 4% and foreigners are coming back.

With the DEMS the SET was only heading south.ohmy.gif

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I give Abhisit credit for letting the people decide which way they wanted to go, and furthermore stepping down so gracefully. He said what he was going to do and kept his word. A man of his word is quite rare in these parts. Samak the cooking show guy spoke English quite well, he just lied through his teeth when he did.

He should have stepped down last year, nothing graceful about people dying.

Do you know that the deaths came after Abhisit's offer for early elections was rejected by the Red Shirt leaders? (after agreeing at first and changing their mind, on live TV, after receiving a mysterious SMS)

In any case those deaths were necessary to feed Thaksin's political campaign, if you want to know who is responsible for them look at who benefited the most out of it.


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I give Abhisit credit for letting the people decide which way they wanted to go, and furthermore stepping down so gracefully. He said what he was going to do and kept his word. A man of his word is quite rare in these parts. Samak the cooking show guy spoke English quite well, he just lied through his teeth when he did.

He should have stepped down last year, nothing graceful about people dying.

Then maybe the redshirts should not have taken shots at the military or burned buildings , set up roadblocks and raided government buildings.

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"As the Democrat Party leader during the election, we won fewer seats than in the previous election, so I think as a good leader I should take responsibility by resigning."

He never had a mandate! Not one but. Military backing was his only mandate - and Abhisit should never ever have been in power.

Now, at last, justice has been done and PTP/red shirts are back in power: exactly what the majority of the people want. And for those who point to the burning of Bangkok last year: never forget that injustice through non-democratic methods (as we saw in Thailand many years ago with Suchinda, and in many other countries across the world since) can bring a powerful backlash.

Open your eyes. Thaksin's "political machine" as another poster termed it has been giving handouts to the poor in exchange for support for years, support of any kind: votes, protests, any kind. Thailand's majority is poor and dumb, sorry, but facts are facts. If you tell them their life will be better and it is you who can improve it they will offer support. Thaksin talked the talk while embezzling his country and selling out to foreign interests. Wake up.


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All the good honest people in Thailand get rejected. its just the dumb way it has always been. :blink:

Replace the word 'Thailand' in your post with the word 'politics' and then it is elevated above just another dumb instance of offhand Thai-bashing.

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I give Abhisit credit for letting the people decide which way they wanted to go, and furthermore stepping down so gracefully. He said what he was going to do and kept his word. A man of his word is quite rare in these parts. Samak the cooking show guy spoke English quite well, he just lied through his teeth when he did.

He should have stepped down last year, nothing graceful about people dying.

Then maybe the redshirts should not have taken shots at the military or burned buildings , set up roadblocks and raided government buildings.

Now the redshirts are in power again and not the military,so you can better move to Myanmar,then tou feel more comfortable.laugh.gif

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A dead man cannot defend himself. Show him a little bit of respect.

If nothing else, he looked and sounded good when interviewed by international press. That chap with his own cooking show couldn't even grunt in English

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I know I'm probably one of the few who dislike the Dems and their policies, but actually thought AV was a good man at heart. Unfortunately, no matter how good his heart was, or what he might have wanted to accomplish in positive ways, he was like a fly trapped in the spiderweb of those around him who truly controlled things, including what he said and did. I feel like he was the right man at the wrong time. A different time, a different setting, and I think he might have been a good PM.

I also think that Yingluck/Thaksin should take a page from the Obama book (just one, mind you), and appoint AV as Foreign Ambassador, as Obama did with Clinton. Much better qualified than some of the ones of the past. He might have a problem when it comes to Cambodia, but I think he would be very acceptable to the rest of the world in that position.

Just my opinion.

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A decent chap who did his best. I think he'd be wrong to accept renomination. Some Thais I've spoken to voted for Lil' Sis simply because the Dems have been so utterly ineffective, and rightly or wrongly they blame Abhisit for that.

Time for a change. I agree Korn has the intellectual mettle, but his yellow shirt/airport days will dog him.

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The right thing to do. If renominated, he should make it clear he wont accept. The country needs an opposition as well as a government and Abhisit is a divisive character who will distract from the job an opposition has to do.

It is a good early test of whether the democrats can start to move forward. The old way will be to renominate and reelect and stay still. The modern way will be to thank him, accept he has gone and chose a new leader to rebuild the party


The Dems got 21 fewer seats than I expected and Abhisit has to fall on his sword. Next up? Possibly Korn ... he has a solid background and decisive strengths. Some serious culling is needed (including Suthep) as the Dems step into the opposition role.

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I give Abhisit credit for letting the people decide which way they wanted to go, and furthermore stepping down so gracefully. He said what he was going to do and kept his word. A man of his word is quite rare in these parts. Samak the cooking show guy spoke English quite well, he just lied through his teeth when he did.

He should have stepped down last year, nothing graceful about people dying.

That was a very complex situation. There was no one solution. I thought he handled it quite well. The protests, looting, burning, and violence had to be stopped. It could have been tanks and rolling thunder. Think about it. A lot of people were put on buses and safely returned home.


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The right thing to do. If renominated, he should make it clear he wont accept. The country needs an opposition as well as a government and Abhisit is a divisive character who will distract from the job an opposition has to do.

It is a good early test of whether the democrats can start to move forward. The old way will be to renominate and reelect and stay still. The modern way will be to thank him, accept he has gone and chose a new leader to rebuild the party

In a country with proportional representation it is a bad thing if one party has more as 50% of the seats.

A coalition Government is the best thing.

Otherwise a Government will be able to act as a dictatorship.

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If there's a replacement, let's hope for Korn. One of the most switched-on finance ministers we're had here for a long time - and pretty good with the foreign investment community, too. Fluent English speaker and one of the more trusted Dems.

The first time this year that the SET stockmarket is up over 4% and foreigners are coming back.

With the DEMS the SET was only heading south.ohmy.gif

Really? I trade on the SET and i can tell you that you are full of sh*te. The SET hasnt been this high for a very long time. its consistantly sat at 1000+ for a few months or more. I was quite surprised to see today's jump in the numbers, but that's all good for the profit-taking side of me... i've made a considerable amount more than the 500b offered for my soul today already :)

Lets take a look in 12months time and see what state the economy and the stock exchange is in, shall we?

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Abhisit steps down as Democrat leader

By The Nation


Suffering a defeat in the Sunday general election incumbent Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva announced his resignation as the Democrat leader Monday.

His party won only 159 House seats, short of at least 170 MPs Abhisit earlier expected. He has told a media that he would step down as the party leader if his party failed to win 170 MPs.

On Sunday when he realised the defeat, he said he would make an announcement after the election results were final on Monday.

Abhisit was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, England in 1964. He is married to Chulalongkorn University lecturer Pimpen and has two children.

Abhisit attended primary school in Thailand, at Chulalongkorn University's Demonstration School, and then had further education in England, including at Eton College. He earned a joint degree in philosophy, politics and economics and later a Masters in Economics from Oxford, before coming back to Thailand and earning a degree in Law at Ramkhamhaeng University.

He had a brief academic career, teaching at the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy and at Thammasat University. He left academia to run for political office in 1992. At the age of 27, he won the seat and became the only Democrat MP in Bangkok at that time.

Abhisit's involvement in the Democrat party runs deep. While he hails from a family of doctors, he was a youth volunteer in Democratic campaigns while still in school. After becoming an MP for Bangkok, he served as government spokesman in the 1992 Chuan Leekpai administration, and as PM's Office Minister in the Chuan Leekpai government of 1997. He has been the Democrat party leader since 2005.

Abhisit is known for his reputation as a clean politician, but has faced criticism for the corruption of other members of his government. He also has had to contend with becoming prime minister without winning the popular vote. He took office through horse-trading, after the PPP was dissolved by the courts in 2008. There is also the perception that he's upper-class and out of touch with the common voter.

In this election Abhisit focused on offering a realistic economic policy that would improve the lives of the poor, defined the election as a choice between voting Democrat or for Thaksin, and, at least in Bangkok, brought back the spectre of the 2010 Bangkok riots. Other cornerstones of his platform were 15 years of free education and a gradual minimum wage hike.


-- The Nation 2011-07-04

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If there's a replacement, let's hope for Korn. One of the most switched-on finance ministers we're had here for a long time - and pretty good with the foreign investment community, too. Fluent English speaker and one of the more trusted Dems.

The first time this year that the SET stockmarket is up over 4% and foreigners are coming back.

With the DEMS the SET was only heading south.ohmy.gif

Really? I trade on the SET and i can tell you that you are full of sh*te. The SET hasnt been this high for a very long time. its consistantly sat at 1000+ for a few months or more. I was quite surprised to see today's jump in the numbers, but that's all good for the profit-taking side of me... i've made a considerable amount more than the 500b offered for my soul today already :)

Lets take a look in 12months time and see what state the economy and the stock exchange is in, shall we?

Note, I said foreign investors. Not people playing the SET. And is there really a need to lower yourself down more than your nick suggests with expletives?

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Great, now with the Reds back in power the Yellows will have to protest again or lose face. Now those people know how to protest. They're the educated ones, remember? They do things like shut down an international airport putting an immediate choke chain on international travel while the lower class, simple minded, farming Reds are torching buildings. How much more can Thai tourism take? Please let it end.


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All the good honest people in Thailand get rejected. its just the dumb way it has always been. :blink:

It's indeed very sad for this country that the older brother will be back soon to give 46 billion baht back to Thais.......:jap:

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