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Rift Erupts In Thailand's Red-Shirt Movement

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Right!!!!! Precisely what I'm trying to get over. He has lost control of the situation

Have you not seen all the stories about Peau Thai MPs flying to Dubai to get Thaksin's endorsement? How come they're not knocking on Yingluck's door? You also seem to be underestimating family pecking-order. The nong's always answer to the pii's in this country, don't you know that?

Where is this story about MP's flocking to Dubai? I've only heard it reported here by members. And, in this day and age why do they have to go personally when it's so obvious what they are doing and why they are going?



what planet are you from

The *reason* the people gave PTP an absolute majority is that many of the *do* want Thaksin to return, and most likely to have his convictions go away and for him to re-take the helm.

What the yellows, the army and any other elements opposed to Thaksin want or don't want at this point is only relevant if they're willing to risk all-out civil war.

IMO if he's smart he'll pull the puppet strings from Dubai for a reasonable period of time, include genuine reconciliation gestures in PTS's policies, and work in a reasonable manner at a reasonable speed toward his rehabilitation, maybe in 2-3 years' time. But I'm afraid he'll likely push to hard and trigger a push-back, and we all can imagine where that's like to go, not toward stability and peace in the Kingdom.

But we'll just have to wait and see. . .

I also recall a little tale of one Osama Bin Laden who everyone assumed, if not dead, was still calling all the shots in Al Qaeda. As it turns out he was basically in exile and had correspondence with a messenger once a month or so, not exactly enough to run an international organization.

Of course it's different with Thaksin, but you never know. He may be less in control than everyone is assuming.

Right!!!!! Precisely what I'm trying to get over. He has lost control of the situation to a large extent and now he is at a loss at what to do about it as his sister is clearly revelling in the limelight with all that atttention and adulation she is getting and she will find this impossible to give up - even

with her brother crying pitifully in her ear that it was HIS idea. After all what right has he (as a convicted criminal) to command and demand what the prime minister of Thailand does when she will be the one getting all the criticism if she is forced to do something that the population doesn't like (such as bringing him back to Thailand)!!!! After all she is in the highest office in Thailand now and is responsible to the people in her decisions and actions, not the goblin parasite that is her brother.

you deluded naive people make me laugh pull the other one cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif hell be back by year end and little sis will be gone within 1 year

That's ridiculous except in the realm of conspiracy theorists and martian hunters. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


How can there be a conflict of interest if PTP = UDD? Another indication of the weakness of this simplistic and misleading formula.

Up until the election, PTP did equal UDD, but now the election has been won, UDD's purpose has been served. PTP's connection to it only serves to embarrass. Trick now is to cut ties, visible ones anyway, without putting too many noses out of joint.

Thida, whose husband Weng is a Pheu Thai party-list MP-elect, warned that those doubting the suitability of elected red-shirt leaders harboured ill intentions towards the ruling Pheu Thai Party, as the red-shirt movement is one of the two legs of the party.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's seeing analogies with Brown shirts and the Nazi party. The rhetoric here is truly scary. So sad that human beings don't learn from history.

Thais write their own history. Besides, when did they ever need to learn anything from anyone?

Thida, whose husband Weng is a Pheu Thai party-list MP-elect, warned that those doubting the suitability of elected red-shirt leaders harboured ill intentions towards the ruling Pheu Thai Party, as the red-shirt movement is one of the two legs of the party.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's seeing analogies with Brown shirts and the Nazi party. The rhetoric here is truly scary. So sad that human beings don't learn from history.

Thais write their own history. Besides, when did they ever need to learn anything from anyone?

Never. They know everything there is to know in the world, and nobody else needs to have any input.



Where is this story about MP's flocking to Dubai? I've only heard it reported here by members.

Reported by the Nation, see the storyboard titeld "northeast-mps-to-fly-to-dubai-demanding-cabinet-seats"

And, in this day and age why do they have to go personally when it's so obvious what they are doing and why they are going?

Because that's how Thai etiquette works (and indeed, a lot of business and negotiating etiquette the world over). You want something, you go in person. You show the appropriate kind of respect, you offer the appropriate kind of sweeteners, and if your rival can only be bothered to make a phone call, nine times out of ten you'll get the nod over him. C'est la vie.


"Hardline figures...." are concerned about "........... their image mired by violence." Well they might be - how do they think they got to this situation.

How does this fit with "We did nothing wrong!"?

If there is a complete rift, will we have dark reds and light reds - magentas and vermilions, or fuschias and crimsons? Do these translate into thai?

But some will always be pink, ducky. :)


Where is this story about MP's flocking to Dubai? I've only heard it reported here by members.

Reported by the Nation, see the storyboard titeld "northeast-mps-to-fly-to-dubai-demanding-cabinet-seats"

And, in this day and age why do they have to go personally when it's so obvious what they are doing and why they are going?

Because that's how Thai etiquette works (and indeed, a lot of business and negotiating etiquette the world over). You want something, you go in person. You show the appropriate kind of respect, you offer the appropriate kind of sweeteners, and if your rival can only be bothered to make a phone call, nine times out of ten you'll get the nod over him. C'est la vie.

Depends on who makes the phone call. A bunch of dogs fighting for scraps below the table might need to make a personal appearance, but going the other way Thaksin only needs to pick up the phone. If it's true that these guys are going to ask for seats it doesn't mean that they'll get them, or not all of them anyway. If Thaksin really is pulling the strings like this he may have some people in mind for certain positions already.

Well their departure has not gone unnoticed so it remains to be seen if they get the jobs. Thanks for the link.



You're welcome. :)

But the point at issue was about who has the power? Thaksin or Yingluck?

Anyone who thinks the latter is seriously ill-informed.

Well Suthep has already given her a nudge nudge wink wink wink.gif that she needs to step out from under his shadow if she wants any credibility, also hinting at the future of her new job.

Of course this may be nearly impossible, but it'll be interesting to see what happens. I imagine that the PM job has the power to lead people to believe they have the right make some decisions of their own.

....and then hit-the-fan.gif


A certain Philippine's politician - Benigno Simeon "Ninoy" Aquino, who on return from exile left the international airport in a box , maybe the same fate awaits a certain Thai politician who is currently in exile. Remember this is Thailand and it will sort it all out.


you people that call the Red Shirt where elected just because you don't like it dose give you the right to run off at the mouth , they used the procese as other's did and wone so give them a chance as there are some good paople among them i am sure , after all maybe the people with little will have a chance for a change


you people that call the Red Shirt where elected just because you don't like it dose give you the right to run off at the mouth , they used the procese as other's did and wone so give them a chance as there are some good paople among them i am sure , after all maybe the people with little will have a chance for a change

I think a lot of people here are probably pulling for the little guy. If you scroll back through the posts and look at some of the ones in the Abhisit Steps Down... article you might notice that a lot of people express an obvious concern for the fate of the little guy seeing as how Thaksin has a proven track record of being a silver tongued liar who's quite capable of serving himself the largest slice of the pie. A lot of opinions have been expressed about how the Red provinces have probably been duped. Of course most of us hope this is not the case, but many have also expressed the "you make your bed and lie in it" type of opinion.



How can there be a conflict of interest if PTP = UDD? Another indication of the weakness of this simplistic and misleading formula.

Up until the election, PTP did equal UDD, but now the election has been won, UDD's purpose has been served. PTP's connection to it only serves to embarrass. Trick now is to cut ties, visible ones anyway, without putting too many noses out of joint.

Perhaps a more appropriate term would be to establish a safe distance. If some Redshirts lobbying,,then it demonstrates that the PTP is acting in the interest of all concerned groups and not just one.


A derogatory post about Thais has been removed.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

A post advocating assassination has been removed.


Where is this story about MP's flocking to Dubai? I've only heard it reported here by members.

Reported by the Nation, see the storyboard titeld "northeast-mps-to-fly-to-dubai-demanding-cabinet-seats"

And, in this day and age why do they have to go personally when it's so obvious what they are doing and why they are going?

Because that's how Thai etiquette works (and indeed, a lot of business and negotiating etiquette the world over). You want something, you go in person. You show the appropriate kind of respect, you offer the appropriate kind of sweeteners, and if your rival can only be bothered to make a phone call, nine times out of ten you'll get the nod over him. C'est la vie.

I thought you had to be there to physically put the lips upon the anointed sphincter.huh.gif


The red shirts will become to Puea Thai what BJT were to the Govt, a dirty lot who helped achieve a victory and then over-exaggerated their importance and demanded too much and disgraced themselves too much, I expect them to be at the heart of the next government's headaches and subject of the opposition's ridicule.

"At the same time, red-shirt leader Thida said she did not expect any problem during the formation of the new government because the process is being closely watched by the public. " - too right!

Basically, the Yinglock govt has a shelf life that expires shortly after Thaksin returns. The longer they leave it, the more likely they are to survive, it all depends on how impatient the boss is, or how arrogant, expect regular curved balls chucked at them by the PAD, Democrats, Chuwit, courts, army and their own reds. Can't say they didn't set themselves up for it though!


Each movement is but a layer of the onion supporting Thaksin.

All are expendable and infighting is not a problem for Thaksin who will of course arbitrate at end.

For the moment the red shirts are the used paper hankie, but no doubt will be kept in reserve as Thaksin's thug wing for when needed.

When the anti-Thaksin demonstrators eventually take to the streets, they will face the physical intimidation of the Red Shirt mobs. the violence will increase from then onwards. I feel a sneeze coming on .... Ahh-coup!

Do you really believe this will happen - jump on the "tedium" bandwaggon you may, but I think you will be disappointed when it doesn't happen as the situation is so different to before and not conducive to promoting a coup!!! Unless.......Yingluck attempts to bring her brother back when he's better of in a majority of people's minds being anywhere ELSE in the world rather than in Thailand as he raped it and ran for cover and people either knew this or are starting to appreciate it now.

I don't think this will happen either as Yingluck is surely more savvy than this and must know that it will back fire big time should she attempt to make this happen!!!

I agree this form of intervention is quite unlikely to happen this time around, however I'm not convinced on Yingluck's actual personal saviness (no real proof of that yet). Tthere is guaranteed to be a few more twists and turns to come yet:

- Will she actually become the next PM, or will she become what was just the mascot to secure an election win, with a strategic choice put in place for the "next phase of the plan"? Can't rule it out.

- Could there be sufficient red cards issued by the EC against elected candidates for vote fraud that might be able enough to hinder majority house support for the PTP's amnesty plans? Can't rule it out.

- Many more scenarios, can't rule them out.

There are many tactics that could be applied by both sides in the coming weeks: the net result of which will only be clear on who has really been the smartest tacticians perhaps in a year or so's time.


Bands of thieves, murderers and general scumbags forming the Pheu Thai. Like Thaksins mess's prior to the 2006 required coup to clean out the trash, it will only be a matter of time before this lot implode with their greed and in fighting, and the Army will be needed to clean them out again.

Starting to agree with a few other posters in perhaps the wisest thing the Democrats did was not win this election. Sadly though it will be Thailand as a whole that is going to go through the whole process to nowhere again with this Red scum.

....exactly, the only way to get rid of the reds is to let them destroy themselves.

The most active members of the reds will now feel something is owed to them.

The only thing these corrupt people do better than lying is revenge jealousy. I give them 4 months then people will start getting clipped.


Bands of thieves, murderers and general scumbags forming the Pheu Thai. Like Thaksins mess's prior to the 2006 required coup to clean out the trash, it will only be a matter of time before this lot implode with their greed and in fighting, and the Army will be needed to clean them out again.

Starting to agree with a few other posters in perhaps the wisest thing the Democrats did was not win this election. Sadly though it will be Thailand as a whole that is going to go through the whole process to nowhere again with this Red scum.

....exactly, the only way to get rid of the reds is to let them destroy themselves.

The most active members of the reds will now feel something is owed to them.

The only thing corrupt thais do better than lying is revenge jealousy. I give them 4 months then people will start getting clipped.

Dream on hahahaha


Right!!!!! Precisely what I'm trying to get over. He has lost control of the situation to a large extent and now he is at a loss at what to do about it as his sister is clearly revelling in the limelight with all that atttention and adulation she is getting and she will find this impossible to give up - even

with her brother crying pitifully in her ear that it was HIS idea. After all what right has he (as a convicted criminal) to command and demand what the prime minister of Thailand does when she will be the one getting all the criticism if she is forced to do something that the population doesn't like (such as bringing him back to Thailand)!!!! After all she is in the highest office in Thailand now and is responsible to the people in her decisions and actions, not the goblin parasite that is her brother.

you deluded naive people make me laugh pull the other one cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif hell be back by year end and little sis will be gone within 1 year

That's ridiculous except in the realm of conspiracy theorists and martian hunters. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

youll see rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif Taksin will be back by year end thats for sure weather he allows little sis to stay for a while a little while might be debatable/ whistling.gif what planet are you from fairytale land


Whenever you put "is" and "has" you should substitute these with"was" and "had". For some reason I think that Thaksin's invincibility, popularity, importance and any other attributes he held evaporated during the election when Yingluck came on the scene. His fall from grace sprung from something of his own doing, ironically!!!

The words on the "red shirts" lips and names on their banners that they waved around with flourish said YINGLUCK not THAKSIN!! They were not smiling for Thaksin were they. Who???? Oh how it must hurt for his adoring fans to have deserted him (for "baby spice" Yingluck as well)!!

I get the sneaky feeling that she will surprise a few people in how she negotiates the path that lies ahead - avoiding tripping over the obstacles placed in front of her with such grace and nimbleness. Bear in mind this comes from a loyal advocate of Abhisit who I still think would have made the best job of manoeuvring along the tricky road ahead, incidentally - but that's not to be and I feel less fearful now with Yingluck in charge (having cut her strings away) when she is installed as the first lady prime minister in Thailands history. Don't forget she batting for the ladies as well now so she will be determined to leave her stamp on the job without interference from her pesky has-been brother!!!!

The biggest lie you can tell someone is to tell them you are not lying.

It just seems to be a coincidence that Yingluck held a banner saying not to damage the ballots ....and low and behold there were over 1 million damaged ballots

Another 1 million people were deprived of their early voting rights do to a 2007 list that was used.

The police were in charge of tallying the votes, and everyone knows the cops are in Thaksin's wallet.

Lying straight to your face is nothing new to the Shinawatras.


How can there be a conflict of interest if PTP = UDD? Another indication of the weakness of this simplistic and misleading formula.

Up until the election, PTP did equal UDD, but now the election has been won, UDD's purpose has been served. PTP's connection to it only serves to embarrass. Trick now is to cut ties, visible ones anyway, without putting too many noses out of joint.

I put it to you that neither organization changed suddenly as soon as the PTP won the election. The relationship between them is, however, changing with the seismic change in the political landscape that a general election can bring. Their relationship is becoming less close. This says absolutely nothing about them being the same at any stage. On the contrary, it shows that the issues which defined the differences between them all along can now surface with the immediate task of unseating the Dems out of the way.


Dream on hahahaha

Redshirts do not know how to share, and will start to turn on each other. Just wait and see.


I agree with Letitbe — i suspect Thaksin will be back somewhat sooner than anyone anticipates...

Do you really think it's not in his interest to provoke his enemies now that they're on the backfoot? Do you think he's wouldn't go down the road of civil war and the chance to totally re-make Thailand in his own image if he thought he could win? He's arguably never been in a more powerful position than he is now.


Bands of thieves, murderers and general scumbags forming the Pheu Thai. Like Thaksins mess's prior to the 2006 required coup to clean out the trash, it will only be a matter of time before this lot implode with their greed and in fighting, and the Army will be needed to clean them out again.

Starting to agree with a few other posters in perhaps the wisest thing the Democrats did was not win this election. Sadly though it will be Thailand as a whole that is going to go through the whole process to nowhere again with this Red scum.

Your subtlety is astonishing.

Behind it hides a great intellectual.

You may want to google "intellectual".


Greek situation.

Military Dictatorship, revolte, than a little bit democracy, one time right wing, one time left wing. No essential change.

Now the "red gouvernment ( socialist) has to confront the red mob to resolve the economic crisis.

Phuai Thai Gouvernement confronts the same problem.

Economic problems cannot be resolved ( too many pigs on the trough).

PT can buy some Red Leaders, but not the criminels and and and .............

Next party of the reds is programmed.

Do you really believe this will happen - jump on the "tedium" bandwaggon you may, but I think you will be disappointed when it doesn't happen as the situation is so different to before and not conducive to promoting a coup!!! Unless.......Yingluck attempts to bring her brother back when he's better of in a majority of people's minds being anywhere ELSE in the world rather than in Thailand as he raped it and ran for cover and people either knew this or are starting to appreciate it now. I don't think this will happen either as Yingluck is surely more savvy than this and must know that it will back fire big time should she attempt to make this happen!!!

You seem to be under the illusion that Little Sis has any say in how the country is run. Forget not who put her there and how she got there. Notice that all those Isaan MPs are flying to Dubai to negotiate for their position in the Pheua Thai cabinet. They're not hot-footing it down to BKK to talk to Yingy.

When you want a song, you talk to the organ grinder, not the monkey!:D


Greek situation.

Military Dictatorship, revolte, than a little bit democracy, one time right wing, one time left wing. No essential change.

Now the "red gouvernment ( socialist) has to confront the red mob to resolve the economic crisis.

Phuai Thai Gouvernement confronts the same problem.

Economic problems cannot be resolved ( too many pigs on the trough).

PT can buy some Red Leaders, but not the criminels and and and .............

Next party of the reds is programmed.

I do not understand this post.

and euhhh...... is Thaksin a socialist? Or do you use "socialist" only as a swear word, like fachist or atheist or .....?

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