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Thai Immigration Crackdown On Ed Visas


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If some find learning Thai so hard what about learning Russian?

We have an Russian course that qualifies for ED visa for 3 years, yes, you do have to attend your classes at least twice a week for 2 lessons.

Some may question my fluency in Thai ( I can certainly improve ) but I am a fluent Russian speaker so I can take good care of your Russian learning needs.

Walen School - teaching Russian!

Actually, it's kind of cool to know that can be done... I do know of a lot of expat people who are much better at European languages than Asian ones, might help them a bit.

Apparently you can also get an ED visa to learn Thai cooking, for the ones that have problems learning the Thai language.

Then all they'll only have to worry about cooking for the immigration officer some larb gai if asked to show proof of studying.

Laab Pet will do the trick.........:jap:

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All you people who are cheering this are absolute scum, you know that? At least people who use ED visa's are trying to do something to stay here legitimately.

Some of you lot forget that we are essentially all here for similar reasons, it's just that not all of us are lucky enough to have a job or be over a certain age so that we can get the visa we need...

You might laugh now while you have your comfortable retirement visa or whatever it is, but one day they'll clamp down on those as well - then perhaps you'll wish you weren't quite so gleeful about the struggles of the rest of us to stay here. Morons. Shameful

I`m scum, my father is scum, his father before him and we`re proud.

Education visa loophole closed.

hip hip hurray.

Yeah! Go home foreigners!!! Oops, I mean illegal foreigners. You're not worthy!

Edited by rkidlad
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He did not ask him to translate passages from Shakespeare into Thai, did he?

I was around some Thais lately who were watching a movie on cable TV that happened to be the modern-day, Leonardo Di Caprio version of "Romeo and Juliet."

I asked, did anyone know or recognize the name "Shakespeare." Answers: Not a clue...

And how many westerners in Thailand would know of Russia or China's greatest writers? I had the advantage of an enriched early Anglo centric education. We were not exposed to the genius of Spanish culture. I am unable to name one great poet or playwright from Scandanavia. Because I am ignorant of these people, does this mean that I am "uneducated"? How many foreigners in Thailand have read early period Thai literature? Walk down a street in Bristol or Bath and ask the people you meet to name Cicero's greatest work and you will draw blank stares and perhaps get a response of, "oh isn't that a character in a Disney animated film"? Be fair.

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Great news! But they should have done it years ago!

Even though these "students" can take care of them self, it shows clearly that they do not wish to integrate themselves. If you do not have sufficient qualifications to get a job in a foreign country and you are not retired, the least you can do is to learn the language, integrate yourself and then try to positively contribute to the society. Those who just want to be here without doing anything, should not be here!

Who are you to dictate who should and should not be here? What a stupid thing to say ...

I don't dedicate, the law does! I state my opinion, which I assumed smart people like you would know was the main point of a forum.

What does the law here dedicate itself too? Being incorruptible?

The law can never be corrupted, those who write, practice and enforce it; however, can!

Edited by jamora
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Great news! But they should have done it years ago!

Even though these "students" can take care of them self, it shows clearly that they do not wish to integrate themselves. If you do not have sufficient qualifications to get a job in a foreign country and you are not retired, the least you can do is to learn the language, integrate yourself and then try to positively contribute to the society. Those who just want to be here without doing anything, should not be here!

* Why do you care how someone gets a visa?

* Foreigners are double (sometimes triple) charged for many things and are many times treated unfairly as is. Financially, they already "contribute to society" and often more so than many Thais do. And as far as "positively contributing," if you mean like sending your children off to work in a bar so you can have the latest crap, burning down shopping malls, shooting politician candidates, violently gang attacking foreigners, littering everywhere, selling drugs, or not even finishing high school... then I will pass on that one and you can just call me Mr. Negative. If I want to do more I'll join the red cross.

* Not everyone is capable of learning Thai, or any language, at the same rate as others.

* I can speak Thai at a decent level, however I can not understand a lot of Thais because they speak with a different dialect. Southern, Northern, Issaan... all speak a little different and it takes a while to understand them all. I can hardly even understand the English that some of the Brits speak around town. If a policeman wants to know about big fish eating little fish and he speaks a different dialect, there is a good chance I won't understand what he says without spending some effort on it. The speed of his speech is another variable.

* Why does someone have to "integrate" themselves in order to stay in a city full of foreigners and where every sign is written in English? I would think if they wanted to be "integrated" that they would go live in the sticks and as far away from others who speak their native language as possible.

I know common sense isn't often found in Thailand, but please try to use a muster a little of it up before you condemn others who may have different circumstances than you. Not everyone wants to integrate with the locals, just as not everyone wants to spend their days wasting away at a beer bar. To each his own. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing.

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Education visa loophole closed.

hip hip hurray.

Yes, all the sons and daughters can now stop selling their bodies and go back to a lavish live in Issaan.

No more drugs either.

Now that they've closed the ED Visa loophole, Thailand will be a much better and safer place. Fun for the whole family finally.

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Great news! But they should have done it years ago!

Even though these "students" can take care of them self, it shows clearly that they do not wish to integrate themselves. If you do not have sufficient qualifications to get a job in a foreign country and you are not retired, the least you can do is to learn the language, integrate yourself and then try to positively contribute to the society. Those who just want to be here without doing anything, should not be here!

* Why do you care how someone gets a visa?

* Foreigners are double (sometimes triple) charged for many things and are many times treated unfairly as is. Financially, they already "contribute to society" and often more so than many Thais do. And as far as "positively contributing," if you mean like sending your children off to work in a bar so you can have the latest crap, burning down shopping malls, shooting politician candidates, violently gang attacking foreigners, littering everywhere, selling drugs, or not even finishing high school... then I will pass on that one and you can just call me Mr. Negative. If I want to do more I'll join the red cross.

* Not everyone is capable of learning Thai, or any language, at the same rate as others.

* I can speak Thai at a decent level, however I can not understand a lot of Thais because they speak with a different dialect. Southern, Northern, Issaan... all speak a little different and it takes a while to understand them all. I can hardly even understand the English that some of the Brits speak around town. If a policeman wants to know about big fish eating little fish and he speaks a different dialect, there is a good chance I won't understand what he says without spending some effort on it. The speed of his speech is another variable.

* Why does someone have to "integrate" themselves in order to stay in a city full of foreigners and where every sign is written in English? I would think if they wanted to be "integrated" that they would go live in the sticks and as far away from others who speak their native language as possible.

I know common sense isn't often found in Thailand, but please try to use a muster a little of it up before you condemn others who may have different circumstances than you. Not everyone wants to integrate with the locals, just as not everyone wants to spend their days wasting away at a beer bar. To each his own. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing.

Hear hear!

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What I was trying to say that if the person did not have a level of education and/or initiative that included extensive exposure to English, then in most cases the discussion probably wouldn't interest me. To me it's a practical issue and did not mean to come across as arrogant or ignorant (not today, anyway). In any event, I often state this position in order to gauge the reaction to it. Then there is the internet and the unavoidable fact that English is or will be the de facto International language ... but thread-drift threatens.

Max, seriously, ability to speak English is neither a sign of general intelligence nor a measure of whether someone possesses something interesting to say. Of course, if you can't speak any other language than English, you will never EVER know this to be true, and nor is there anything I can say to convince you otherwise. But the practical issue is not really just that other people cant' speak English, its that you can't speak Thai...if you overcame that practical handicap, you'd find a very different world above the sand...

I've learned a lot of interesting things, and had a lot of interesting conversations, with people who don't speak English.

Not to worry, nothing I said had anything to do with level of intelligence and I didn't even imply that it did, so I was already pre-convinced. BTW, I do read and speak Spanish as a practical matter so it's not a matter of language-arrogance or superiority. Yes, I'm handicapped by not knowing Thai and any number of other even more prevalent languages and it looks like I'm doomed to stay that way unless my time-allocation czar relents. Yes, that's the problem it's my fault. I'm language-handicapped. But I'd bet that the non-English-speaking Thai person is more handicapped than I and will probably stay that way.

Everyone has something interesting to say (I'm being PC here - it's arguable and subjective), but I guess I'll just have to miss-out this lifetime if they're saying it in Thai (or any of the other hundreds of languages I don't know).

It has to do with spheres of interest, culture, values and the level of communication. For example, I would love to have a sit-down and serious discussion with outgoing PM Vejjajiva, but not with my own (such as he is) President Obama. Why would this be? This might, in this case, have to do with their comparative intelligence (as I perceive them from public appearances and statements I've seen and heard of both of them), but Vejjajiva's English skills, as well as his life experiences and ability to communicate, are far superior to Obama's, IMHO. Thanks for the comment.

Edited by MaxYakov
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All these stories for people want to stay here for whatever reason should be given a chance no matter what, no body actually takes away nothing from Thailand and only put into the economy . A lot of foreigners are against foreigners staying here I dont know why ... there is no unity .... that's why you can be pushed pillar to post :) Anyway god bless us all because the Thai's will not bless us :)

Edited by mmx69
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Thank you nice complement. Thank god I am not here for the same reason as you.

Like the ladyboys do you? :whistling:

How exactly this crackdown supposed to improve their lives?

As all other crackdowns, this one too shall pass. Probably by next month.

At best it's a way for them to fine someone or a school.

It's always about the tea money. Always has been, always will be.

If you've been living in Thailand how do you not understand such a simple phrase?

Should be deported for stupidity.

And if you are deaf like my German neighbor, deport him too? He must be stupid.

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Thank you nice complement. Thank god I am not here for the same reason as you.

Like the ladyboys do you? :whistling:

How exactly this crackdown supposed to improve their lives?

As all other crackdowns, this one too shall pass. Probably by next month.

At best it's a way for them to fine someone or a school.

It's always about the tea money. Always has been, always will be.

If you've been living in Thailand how do you not understand such a simple phrase?

Should be deported for stupidity.

And if you are deaf like my German neighbor, deport him too? He must be stupid.

If he's pretending to learn Thai at a school, then I would agree with you.

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A lot of foreigners are against foreigners staying here I dont know why ... there is no unity ....

Those types fall into one (or more) of the following category:

Option 1) They have failed or ran away from their home country and unless they are drunk, they don't play well with others.

Option 2) Loners who don't like people and came her to be left alone.

Option 3) Haters.

Only they know which option describes them the best.

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Pla yay geen pla lek

So what the answer?

Jing ah? Phom ow gin pla yai!

Mai ching krap,

you yaek a verb and aow a noun,

Dont bother naming and shaming your Thai language school I have no intention of attending.

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Great news! But they should have done it years ago!

Even though these "students" can take care of them self, it shows clearly that they do not wish to integrate themselves. If you do not have sufficient qualifications to get a job in a foreign country and you are not retired, the least you can do is to learn the language, integrate yourself and then try to positively contribute to the society. Those who just want to be here without doing anything, should not be here!

* Why do you care how someone gets a visa?

* Foreigners are double (sometimes triple) charged for many things and are many times treated unfairly as is. Financially, they already "contribute to society" and often more so than many Thais do. And as far as "positively contributing," if you mean like sending your children off to work in a bar so you can have the latest crap, burning down shopping malls, shooting politician candidates, violently gang attacking foreigners, littering everywhere, selling drugs, or not even finishing high school... then I will pass on that one and you can just call me Mr. Negative. If I want to do more I'll join the red cross.

* Not everyone is capable of learning Thai, or any language, at the same rate as others.

* I can speak Thai at a decent level, however I can not understand a lot of Thais because they speak with a different dialect. Southern, Northern, Issaan... all speak a little different and it takes a while to understand them all. I can hardly even understand the English that some of the Brits speak around town. If a policeman wants to know about big fish eating little fish and he speaks a different dialect, there is a good chance I won't understand what he says without spending some effort on it. The speed of his speech is another variable.

* Why does someone have to "integrate" themselves in order to stay in a city full of foreigners and where every sign is written in English? I would think if they wanted to be "integrated" that they would go live in the sticks and as far away from others who speak their native language as possible.

I know common sense isn't often found in Thailand, but please try to use a muster a little of it up before you condemn others who may have different circumstances than you. Not everyone wants to integrate with the locals, just as not everyone wants to spend their days wasting away at a beer bar. To each his own. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing.

I never said you need to be able to speak Thai (I don't speak much Thai myself), and I never stated that you need to be able to speak Thai to contribute to society or even integrate yourself.

But if you cannot get a job or qualify for a retirement visa, then you need to learn the language and try to integrate yourself, and qualify yourself for a job. If you do not want to be integrated, then I don't believe you belong here. Integration does not mean to live like the locals, but it means to become a part of the local society. People who stay here without doing anything but bring in a bit of money from abroad only for personal consumption does not contribute, and have nothing to do here.

What I mean by positively contributing, is adding real economic value to the given economy. Spending foreign money, is not added real value, but it allows locals to generate real value, but these locals will in return become dependent on that foreign spending. Adding real value is buying a onion for 100 B peel it and sell it for 110 B, then you have added 10 B value. The person who bought the onion did not add any value, but he got an onion.

And it amazes me that many compare themselves certain groups of locals and claim that if the locals do it, why cant I? When in Rome, do like the Romans, does not mean that you should behave like the worst fraction of society. I often do thing in my house that I would never do in the house of another, or expect them to do in my house!

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I never said you need to be able to speak Thai (I don't speak much Thai myself), and I never stated that you need to be able to speak Thai to contribute to society or even integrate yourself.

But if you cannot get a job or qualify for a retirement visa, then you need to learn the language and try to integrate yourself, and qualify yourself for a job. If you do not want to be integrated, then I don't believe you belong here. Integration does not mean to live like the locals, but it means to become a part of the local society. People who stay here without doing anything but bring in a bit of money from abroad only for personal consumption does not contribute, and have nothing to do here.

What I mean by positively contributing, is adding real economic value to the given economy. Spending foreign money, is not added real value, but it allows locals to generate real value, but these locals will in return become dependent on that foreign spending. Adding real value is buying a onion for 100 B peel it and sell it for 110 B, then you have added 10 B value. The person who bought the onion did not add any value, but he got an onion.

And it amazes me that many compare themselves certain groups of locals and claim that if the locals do it, why cant I? When in Rome, do like the Romans, does not mean that you should behave like the worst fraction of society. I often do thing in my house that I would never do in the house of another, or expect them to do in my house!

I misunderstood you then.

Personally, I do enough for society here and have zero interest in doing more. My generosity only goes so far in a xenophobic country that doesn't want us here in the first place and with a people who (in many locations) will generally try to cheat you before being honest.

If another person doesn't want to contribute or be part of society (any society), that is a choice a free man has, and his choice alone. Not mine, yours, or any Thai. Lots of people just like to be left alone and want nothing to do with the locals or other foreigners. And to be honest, when you see how many people are happy every time there is a visa crack down, I can't blame them for staying away from other foreigners.

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Pla yay geen pla lek

So what the answer?

Jing ah? Phom ow gin pla yai!

Mai ching krap,

you yaek a verb and aow a noun,

Dont bother naming and shaming your Thai language school I have no intention of attending.

Hey - it was a better attempt than the guy in the original story made, one that would likely have been understood by the immi guy, caused him to crack a big grin or even laugh out loud, and send me on my way with my visa.

My school that you won't be attending? You couldn't. I didn't need to go to school to learn that much Thai.

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They don't want us here do they? :unsure:

Depends on whom you mean by "They". I think the traditional Thai ruling elite are probably now enviously looking at the control Myanmar has over western influences, pesky concepts such as democracy are proving rather inconvenient. Those who seek to change the system also wear the nationalistic cloak. Maybe this is as good as its going to get. :huh:

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A lot of foreigners are against foreigners staying here I dont know why ... there is no unity ....

Those types fall into one (or more) of the following category:

Option 1) They have failed or ran away from their home country and unless they are drunk, they don't play well with others.

Option 2) Loners who don't like people and came her to be left alone.

Option 3) Haters.

Only they know which option describes them the best.

Option 4) Their parents want to keep them as far away from them as possible

Edited by Shotime
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I never said you need to be able to speak Thai (I don't speak much Thai myself), and I never stated that you need to be able to speak Thai to contribute to society or even integrate yourself.

But if you cannot get a job or qualify for a retirement visa, then you need to learn the language and try to integrate yourself, and qualify yourself for a job. If you do not want to be integrated, then I don't believe you belong here. Integration does not mean to live like the locals, but it means to become a part of the local society. People who stay here without doing anything but bring in a bit of money from abroad only for personal consumption does not contribute, and have nothing to do here.

What I mean by positively contributing, is adding real economic value to the given economy. Spending foreign money, is not added real value, but it allows locals to generate real value, but these locals will in return become dependent on that foreign spending. Adding real value is buying a onion for 100 B peel it and sell it for 110 B, then you have added 10 B value. The person who bought the onion did not add any value, but he got an onion.

And it amazes me that many compare themselves certain groups of locals and claim that if the locals do it, why cant I? When in Rome, do like the Romans, does not mean that you should behave like the worst fraction of society. I often do thing in my house that I would never do in the house of another, or expect them to do in my house!

I misunderstood you then.

Personally, I do enough for society here and have zero interest in doing more. My generosity only goes so far in a xenophobic country that doesn't want us here in the first place and with a people who (in many locations) will generally try to cheat you before being honest.

If another person doesn't want to contribute or be part of society (any society), that is a choice a free man has, and his choice alone. Not mine, yours, or any Thai. Lots of people just like to be left alone and want nothing to do with the locals or other foreigners. And to be honest, when you see how many people are happy every time there is a visa crack down, I can't blame them for staying away from other foreigners.

If its such a xenophobic country and a bad place to be, then why are you here?

No, you are entitled to freedoms and to contribute or not in the country of your birth (and citizenship), there you get the freedom of choice, get to pick what you want to do etc.

If you CHOOSE to move to another country, then you HAVE to ACCEPT their rules, their ways, their decisions, no matter if you like it or not. All foreigners are here BY CHOICE and allowed to stay here for the reasons we can through the VISA's that are available. Taking advantage of a situation and then complaining when it gets cut out is not a right, as we CHOSE to be here, we weren't forced.

By coming here and CHOOSING to stay here, you automatically have to accept how things are and obide by the rules that you accepted when you entered Thailand. If it was your home country, then it is different as you are entitled to voice your opinion as you haven't choosen to live there as it was your place of birth.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Regardless of whether or not Thailand could, does or will benefit from letting foreigners stay here easier, it chooses to have these rules (and they are easier than most other countries), which you accepted when you chose to live here, knowingly as well.

You're(not aimed at you specifically) here by CHOICE, accept the situation or you can decide its not the place for you and go back home, where you can voice your dissatisfaction with the government in which you are a citizen.

Thailand owes us nothing and to expect anything else is pure arrogance. We 'owe' Thailand for allowing us the CHOICE to stay here relatively easy. They could make it a lot harder and thats the point.

Too many believe they have an inherent RIGHT to stay in Thailand because they are foreign and can support themselves and 'bring money into the country'. Well you/we don't and rightly shouldn't, just as for every other countries immigration which works exactly the same (or are even more picky about who they let into the country).

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Was going to post something , but changed my mind. Too scared i will have problem. Make a minority look bad so a majority in misriable abused situation can feel like a team and get a comfy feeling.

Long live democracy beer!

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A lot of foreigners are against foreigners staying here I dont know why ... there is no unity ....

Those types fall into one (or more) of the following category:

Option 1) They have failed or ran away from their home country and unless they are drunk, they don't play well with others.

Option 2) Loners who don't like people and came her to be left alone.

Option 3) Haters.

Only they know which option describes them the best.

Option 4) Their parents want to keep them as far away from them as possible

I don't fall into any of those categories. Might have to do the ED visa route, but WILL do it to learn Thai and be able to stay here (although I know some Thai already).

Your forgetting one option. Those who just do it the right way, because they believe its the way you should do it.

Get off your A*** go do 4 hours of study per week and be happy that it's not a hell of a lot harder to get a visa to stay here for semi long term without getting a job here.

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Yeah, I realise what they are cheering about, I just wonder why? Do they derive some kind of sick pleasure from this?

You keep asking the question but you're not listening to the answers. As i said half a dozen pages ago, its the fact that you're wilfully and knowingly breaking the law that some people find objectionable. Why do you think you have the right just to waltz around here and break the law and then feel hard done by when people thing that's wrong?

Oh, and by the way. I speak Thai quite well already thank you. I certainly don't need to waste my time at these crappy lessons they have at most of the Thai language schools..

Clearly you should, as that would get you the visa you need. Sounds to me like you don't want to play by the rules if they inconvenience you in the slightest way.

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Pattaya immigration should test all the ED applicants. I'd say annually but since its Pattaya, every six months would be optimum.

Taiwan has for years tested visa applicants in its HKG mission. Going to school? Guess you can speak some Chinese...

I lived in Pattaya for years. Never took a lesson - I never found anyone who could speak Thai as well as I could (not saying there wasn't or boasting, cause my Thai was bad and only got worse).

No one in Pattaya speaks Thai. THATS WHY THEY LIVE THERE! Total non commitment to Thailand. The notion that some guy in Pattaya is actively learning Thai - strikes me as laughable. Oh sure, you have the 55+ new arrivals sitting in thru the first few sessions. Their intentions are good. But someone who has even mastered the basics - never.

I could say the schools are just mills, and they might be - but most men in Pattaya are nothing but losers with no interest in Thailand, Thai culture, Thai language. Beer, pussy, gambling, football - and maybe drugs. It doesn't exactly attract the studious types or intellectuals.

Pattaya - learning center for the world :-))

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Sounds like a lot of trust fund babies trying to live here.

there big claim to fame is look at all the money I spend here.

Most of it probably goes into a bar owners pockets.

I for the life of me can not understand why people would adopt the attitude that Thailand should bend over backwards for them. I am relatively sure most of them come from a country that will not bend over back wards for a Thai.

There is a sizable number of foreigners living here and conforming to the country's laws.

Why should the rest of the foreigners not do so.

What makes them so superior that they don't have to. Get rid of them all they are the ones giving expats a bad name.

Edited by hellodolly
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ou keep asking the question but you're not listening to the answers. As i said half a dozen pages ago, its the fact that you're wilfully and knowingly breaking the law that some people find objectionable. Why do you think you have the right just to waltz around here and break the law and then feel hard done by when people thing that's wrong?

Many foreigners break law in Thailand

From drive without seatbelt/helmet to work on internet from Thailand without work permit (example work on any forums without work permit)

Also teach English in spare time without work permit. All same same. Many silly law, many foreigner break.

You happy to participate. Mostly nobody care, except you.

Many Thais break silly law too, don't pay tax, drive with no licence, drink drive, etc.

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