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Just having a phone connected by TOT and wonder how do I know what they are doing with their "three wire copper cable and their "TOT Ground Wire".

I am having two lines on one number, one to the workshop and one to the house.

I have no idea what is the right way to confirm their work is OK.

I know TOT use 48V DC, only need two wires, can put a Telephone Station Protector Box and attach a Ground Wire.

But how can I test all is hunky dory before I go and plug in a Computer Modem?

Any help there?



Without specialised test gear (and the knowledge of how to use it) you are a bit limited.

Try this:-

Pick up the phone, dial 0 (to get rid of the dial-tone), listen for any hum, crackles or other noise on the line, a little noise is normal, you are listening for big noise.

If you have a DVM, you should get around -48V DC between one line and ground (water pipe, do NOT use your outlet ground) and about 0V between the other and the pipe.

Get a decent surge arrestor from the local computer shop, surf away.

Your modem is fairly robust against line disturbances, if you are paranoid unplug it when you're not using it.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Think aboput buying a UPS with a T/line surge protector in it also, they are readily available almost everywhere and a very good idea.


Any help with my recently installed TOT line, house pre-wired, half the day, usually mornings, so much static on line can't hear.

Mysteriously it disapears for many hours and then re-appears. I have checked all possible house interference with line to no avail.

Its real clear now. Seems I only get calls when the static is present.

Static is present with dial tone and when dialing 0.

Is it more likely TOT's line to the house, or my pre-install wiring. I do have one line live and one line dormant as part of my pre-wire.

Does TOT have repairmen who will come out and fix the problem regarless of the cause, if so anyone have a number?

Any help with my recently installed TOT line, house pre-wired, half the day, usually mornings, so much static on line can't hear. 

Mysteriously it disapears for many hours and then re-appears.  I have checked all possible house interference with line to no avail.

Its real clear now.  Seems I only get calls when the static is present.

Static is present with dial tone and when dialing 0.

Is it more likely TOT's line to the house, or my pre-install wiring.  I do have one line live and one line dormant as part of my pre-wire.

Does TOT have repairmen who will come out and fix the problem regarless of the cause, if so anyone have a number?

I don't know how technically talented you are but I had a similar problem in my house. I took an old phone cable with the RJ11 connector connected to one end and bare cable at the other. Open the junction box where the cable comes from the pole and the wires distribute into the house from there. Put the red & green wires on the screw posts at the junction box. Disconnect all the phones in the house then connect the RJ11 connector to a phone and see if the noise persists. If it does it is TOT problem if not then the wires at the junction may be corroded. Just scrape them with a knife or sandpaper and screw them back down. Also, have seen phones that would cause this kind of intermittent noise also. Since they are in parallel, one phone could effect all the attached devices.

The corroded wire problem can come and go depending on how wet it is outside. If this sounds like too much effort then of course try and get a telco rep out.


Spot on advice Tywais :D

Just remember the phone is normally only 48V DC (it will give you a tickle if your hands are damp)


The ringing voltage can be up to 150V AC, that will make your eyes light up if someone calls when you have hold of the wire :o

Not going to kill you though (low current) unless it makes you fall off the ladder :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Spot on advice Tywais :D

Just remember the phone is normally only 48V DC (it will give you a tickle if your hands are damp)


The ringing voltage can be up to 150V AC, that will make your eyes light up if someone calls when you have hold of the wire  :o

Not going to kill you though (low current) unless it makes you fall off the ladder :D

Good catch. Forgot about the ringing voltage. Been there done that. :D

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