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Nai Harn Lake Construction ?


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Was down the beach end of the lake today.

They have totally blocked of the sea from the lake.

The umbrellas have already taken over the new beach created there.

used to be a nice swimming hole there when conditions were correct..

now that end of the lake is destroyed.

anybody know what the construction is all about ?? <_<

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I do not know what you call the "gate" that allows the lagoon water to flow under the road to the seas but from what I can see the construction is to make that bigger. My assumption is to allow larger amounts of the lagoon water to flow through when needed.

After the early April rains, the lagoon water rose above the inside wall of the lagoon, I noticed about a week after they started tearing out the old "gate". I'm pretty sure once they get done they'll take down the berms on the seaside and all will be back to normal.

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rolleyes.gifthe construction is to replace the old water control valves which have been broken for yearsohmy.gif sea water could flow in plus contaminated water out . The construction i was told is for the local OR BOR TOR council to be able to control the water through a new gate system, plus some other constuction beach side, the little lake will remain? albeit smaller

And, as another poster said they are building more and more around the lake so that means more outages from the little boxes . so its good for the beaches to be cleanerbiggrin.gif how that will be done i have no idea

ohmy.gifthe original water [not solid waste] over flow from Thai constuction.s went through culverts to a 'klong' a settlement lake normaly full of water plant's the natural bacteria ate the bad stuff and the water went into the ground, you will see some klongs still in the Rawai area but along Visit road they are being filled in to make building land. and the out flow from the bar shops houses as you come down the hill from Chalong is very bad, plus all around the Saiyuan area the culverts and pipes are blocked as more building takes place

ohmy.gif plus walk along the beach road in Rawai towards the or bor tor offices and the stench from the drain, is. to say the least ,ripe and there does not seem to be a klong at the end so bad stuff is flowing through the new drains into the river to the far end of the beach, there are concerns over the beach wall collapse.near nikita's i think that is the least of the problems sorry this has wandered on riley 96

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