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Excess Use Of 'Emergency' Contraceptive Pills, Thai Academics Reveal


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Excess use of 'emergency' pills

By Poungchompoo Prasert

The Nation

Eight million packets of "emergency" contraceptive pills are bought over the counter each year - many by under-age girls, academics revealed at a seminar in Bangkok yesterday.

They urged health officials to teach young women about proper use of the pills, which have more hormones than normal contraceptive pills, because many teenagers look to be using them in a bid to stop unwanted pregnancies.

Speaking at the Miracle Grand Convention Hotel, Chulalongkorn University pharmacy lecturer Niyada Kiatying-angsulee quoted a "worrying" report that said pharmacies sold 8 million sets of emergency pills annually. She said this showed the pills were being used too often.

Thai teenagers also had misconceptions about the pills, such as believing that they were 100 per cent effective, when they only had efficacy of 70-90 per cent. They seemed to believe the pills could be used any time, but a person should not take them more than twice a month, she said.

Chulalongkorn obstetrics and gynaecology lecturer Dr Annop Jaisamram said there were misunderstandings while the number of women using the pills was growing - despite the fact they were meant to be for emergencies such as sexual assault or in the event of a broken condom.

Chulalongkorn Hospital got many patients with excessive menstrual bleeding who had said they took the emergency pill up to five times a month or two to three times a week, he said, urging that it must be used carefully.

Over-use of the pill might cause side effects more than just nausea or vomiting. And it could not stop young women getting pregnant, as it only extended the ovulation period, and would only be up to 90 per cent effective if taken promptly after sex.

Dr Kittipong Saejeng, director of the Health Department's reproductive-health office, said interviews at pharmacies by Chiang Mai University researchers found that nearly a third (30 per cent) of people buying the emergency pill were teens aged from 13-15.

A poll by Health Department officials in 2009 of youths from Prathom 6 up to vocational-college level found that 60 per cent of those who had used the emergency pill did so after their first sexual encounters.

Dr Kittipong said use of the emergency pill needed to be studied, and young people needed to be educated about proper usage.


-- The Nation 2011-07-12

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It appears that the discussion of sex is taboo in Thailand (as it is in most third world countries) and most people don't have a clue about effective contraception, STDs, and personal responsibility.

So, who is going to provide the education that Dr Kittipong is advocating? Obviously, parents aren't doing the job. I doubt that the schools have the trained personnel. Osmosis hasn't worked in the past (There has to be something in the first place to be passed through to the other side). Let's face it, there has to be a drastic change in the way Thai society addresses this topic, and considering how resistant Thais are to change, this is not going to be easy, if at all possible.

Don't expect the male population to take on this responsibility since so many have been programmed from birth that they can do anything they wish and not have to answer for it. Hey, you get to go to the circus every day and someone else has to clean up the elephant s**t. Unfortunately it will up to the female to take on sole responsibility again.

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My former gf (age 41) take 3 or 4 a month as prefer method of contraceptive.

My current lady (age 34) don't know they exist until I tell her.

So not just problem with young person.

What you have said is very true and i also have a young gf (age33) that does not know about her body. And she has two girls aged 11& 12 it looks like it will be up to me to tell the girls, and introduce them to some programs on the Net that should show and tell them about what is what.

My GF does not no the pill even exist as well ?????.

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When they try to educate people they're seen as encouraging sex, when they do nothing they're surprised as to why teenagers are using the wrong contraception and getting hurt. This isn't just about teenagers however, like other people in this thread have commented, even adults know nothing. It's the blind leading the blind.

The biggest problem is these old farts in their ivory towers are dictating decisions which don't effect them and are causing more problems for the Thai people. They think they can "turn the tide" just like in the US with their failed abstinence programs.

I think the only reason they deny a proper education to teenagers is to punish those that do have sex outside of marriage. Since it's against the old fart's morals to have sex before marriage what better way to punish them then to give them a baby which will guarantee they remain poor. If they get education on proper contraception then their plan is ruined. It also makes sense in the context of why they have a pro-life agenda too.

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My former gf (age 41) take 3 or 4 a month as prefer method of contraceptive.

My current lady (age 34) don't know they exist until I tell her.

So not just problem with young person.

Like many problems in Thailand be it motorbike riding 'habits', poor driving etc. this is down to a lack of education.

If the girls actually 'need' these pills then condoms are obviously not being used. A much bigger problem. Sex education in schools should be compulsory in a country where sexual activity is prolific. One hour per week sexual counseling at school for all teenagers would help. Teach the girls first - they have to carry the burden and are fare more likely to be responsible than your average Thai male.

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OK. Stand by your beds opinionators...

The US has 50+ per 1,000 teenage pregnancies....

Uk 30/1,000

Don't forget that despite everything there are vast numbers of pig ignorant people in the west as well ;-)


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<br />
<br />My former gf (age 41) take 3 or 4 a month as prefer method of contraceptive.<br />My current lady (age 34) don't know they exist until I tell her.<br /><br />So not just problem with young person.<br />
<br /><br />Like many problems in Thailand be it motorbike riding 'habits', poor driving etc. this is down to a lack of education.  <br /><br />If the girls actually 'need' these pills then condoms are obviously not being used.  A much bigger problem.  Sex education in schools should be compulsory in a country where sexual activity is prolific.   One hour per week sexual counseling at school for all teenagers would help.  Teach the girls first - they have to carry the burden and are fare more likely to be responsible than your average Thai male.<br />

But that would require publicly acknowledging that the precious darlings would even consider sex before marriage, and then the school would be blamed as the cause of the students' "immorality". I find the morality of the average well-educated older Thai is somewhere between Queen Victoria and American Christian fundamentalists, sometimes almost on a Muslim scale. And once the girl's lost her "purity", even if it's actually rape, she's a lost cause, she and her family are shamed (and long-term residents know this is a fate worse than death), the girl has to leave the baby with mum and head for the big smoke to make money to send home to pay for milk.

Which is why 80% of the bargirls you meet have the same story, once they're single mothers they've got nothing left to lose, life among their own people is basically over so might as well try to hitch your star to the alien invaders. . .

The problem doesn't have a chance to be solved until the older generation in power is dead, and then it will take enormous resources combined with reasonable intelligence and common-sense in the MoE bureaucracy. Anyone want to take odds on the situation improving within say 20 years?

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My former gf (age 41) take 3 or 4 a month as prefer method of contraceptive.

My current lady (age 34) don't know they exist until I tell her.

So not just problem with young person.

Like many problems in Thailand be it motorbike riding 'habits', poor driving etc. this is down to a lack of education.

If the girls actually 'need' these pills then condoms are obviously not being used. A much bigger problem. Sex education in schools should be compulsory in a country where sexual activity is prolific. One hour per week sexual counseling at school for all teenagers would help. Teach the girls first - they have to carry the burden and are fare more likely to be responsible than your average Thai male.

I think this answer just about sums it all up. :thumbsup:

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My former gf (age 41) take 3 or 4 a month as prefer method of contraceptive.

My current lady (age 34) don't know they exist until I tell her.

So not just problem with young person.

Like many problems in Thailand be it motorbike riding 'habits', poor driving etc. this is down to a lack of education.

If the girls actually 'need' these pills then condoms are obviously not being used. A much bigger problem. Sex education in schools should be compulsory in a country where sexual activity is prolific. One hour per week sexual counseling at school for all teenagers would help. Teach the girls first - they have to carry the burden and are fare more likely to be responsible than your average Thai male.

I think this answer just about sums it all up. :thumbsup:


So the failure rate of condoms has nothing to do with it....


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I have never met a Thai girl who want to use condom!

All want white skin baby, all happy be pregnant with white man.

Don't care if man stay around.

This tells us that you are hanging out with the wrong girls.

In all my years in Thailand I have never had bareback sex except bj's of course.

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As well as educating young people, how about educating the pharmacists who seemingly dole out whatever drugs are asked of them without any questions? I guess money takes precedence over other people's health...

You said it.... "pharmacists who seemingly dole out whatever drugs are asked of the".... Well they don't do they and you know it!

Now then.

Not many years ago Thailand was as bad as so many Catholic countries with regard to contraception.

Now you can buy condoms just about anywhere.

That is progress.

In many "developed" countries you can NOT get the morning after pill very easily which defeats the idea.

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<br />
<br />My former gf (age 41) take 3 or 4 a month as prefer method of contraceptive.<br />My current lady (age 34) don't know they exist until I tell her.<br /><br />So not just problem with young person.<br />
<br /><br />Like many problems in Thailand be it motorbike riding 'habits', poor driving etc. this is down to a lack of education. <br /><br />If the girls actually 'need' these pills then condoms are obviously not being used. A much bigger problem. Sex education in schools should be compulsory in a country where sexual activity is prolific. One hour per week sexual counseling at school for all teenagers would help. Teach the girls first - they have to carry the burden and are fare more likely to be responsible than your average Thai male.<br />

But that would require publicly acknowledging that the precious darlings would even consider sex before marriage, and then the school would be blamed as the cause of the students' "immorality". I find the morality of the average well-educated older Thai is somewhere between Queen Victoria and American Christian fundamentalists, sometimes almost on a Muslim scale. And once the girl's lost her "purity", even if it's actually rape, she's a lost cause, she and her family are shamed (and long-term residents know this is a fate worse than death), the girl has to leave the baby with mum and head for the big smoke to make money to send home to pay for milk.

Which is why 80% of the bargirls you meet have the same story, once they're single mothers they've got nothing left to lose, life among their own people is basically over so might as well try to hitch your star to the alien invaders. . .

The problem doesn't have a chance to be solved until the older generation in power is dead, and then it will take enormous resources combined with reasonable intelligence and common-sense in the MoE bureaucracy. Anyone want to take odds on the situation improving within say 20 years?

i can agree with all these points but there is a big question of responsibility here,and its the fact that ,........there is none from thai men !!,...getting a girl pregnant here seems to be the starting of " time for me to get out of here" usually to take up a job with great prospects like a motorbike taxi driver ,.......... make these guys pay for the kids they are /should be responsible for, thais hate parting with money ,........ parting with the mother seems easy for them in comparison , if there was a CSA here the under age pregnancies would drop very quickly im sure, tho there might be a few suicide attepts by the absent fathers thinking of the 2000b pm they would have to part with !

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Things that are common sense in the west, often turns out as a complete surprise in Thailand.

Better and more education is what this country needs.

and the other way round too...

I found more sensible people in Asia including Thailand than the whole west...

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