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hubby (thai ) is getting his upper jaw sinus augmented or something of that sort (not sure what its called in english,just in hebrew)- due to poor dental hygiene and treatment, his upper front of the bone is all eaten away. he did a CT, the dentist (a surgical dentist) consulted and on thursday he and a specialist are doing a bone thingy in hubby's mouth. the teeth there are all ok (including the one that caused all the decay in the sinus area from an old work accident in thailand) so not needing a tooth replacement.

what i need is a sheet of insturctions in thai for the after treatment, and /or maybe a site that explains in graphics or easy to understand langueage (thai) the process. since hubby is not a compliant patient it is important that he gets the insturctions in thai; my translation of the hebrew is not enough.

i know that the post op treatment is mostly the same: refrain from blowing nose (IMPOTANT THAT HE UNDERSTANDS THIS), SPITTING (SAME SAME), washing mouth with dental solutions given by the doc, soft mushy foods (important), brushing teeth properly next day, etc. im sure the instructions to be found in hebrew and in english are the same as in thai since there doesnt seem to be much difference in the operations. (pain, swelling, take NSAIDS, blablabla)>

for this to work i realy need it written in thai officialy from some site - if someone could snip or clip the relavant info/instructions i would really appreciate it.

not sure how much hubby understands what they are going to do; and this is jsut he beginning since he will need more teeth in the back of mouth later next year to prevent additional jaw problems... so far, has done two months of treatments every saturday (fortunately we have a wonderful arabic dentist, reknown in our entire area, that works on saturdays , long hours and comfortable payment plans, and a wonderful person who has managed to gain hubby's trust to do so much dental work)just root canals, crowns, fillings, cleanings, the works. 4000 shekel if someone wants to compare prices (one month's wages hubby makes, sometimes he makes less)....

also, do thais (country thais -hubby is not high tech, well read or educated) have a problem with human bone transplant? not sure which ingredients will be used: animal, mineral or human... taking in to account superstition etc...?

would appreciate info, no scare stories etc of things gone wrong: just after care and tips for farther down the line...

he's getting it done on thursday evening... will he be able to go back to physical work on sunday or should he take an other day off? (field work, ATV transportation - not sitting in an office, so dont want him in pain or to prevent healing)





I hope there might be a dental site in Thai with such information but expect you will have to go through it with what you have, one on one, item by item. They have only recently even stated to include Thai language instructions for appliances here and have yet to see anyone read them past the first paragraph (and this includes degree holders). It is show and tell and suspect most dentists work the same way. Have not had such treatment so can not help on medical angels.

If you can get the English specifics you might find something with Google and Thailand in search. Hopefully someone can help.


well, apparently this was the surgery of the month for two dental surgeons: to quote them: we havent seen such a large amount of damage to bone and tissue due to lack of dental care in a long time... even among the poorer groups in israel...

two hours of oral surgery, bits of bone removed, lots of icky stuff, and a cyst to be sent off to biopsy

and he still may lose his two front teeth. he is not to bite hard things or crunch bones for the next 6 months. havent yet told him since that is a thai past time, i will let him get past the next few days first...

he wore his salong for the treatment so that was a sight to see : an arab dentist and a jewish dentist and one dental hygienest in head covering treating a thai wearing a salong...

now if someoen can tell me rather quickly, like tonite, if the tissue sample i have swimming in formalin (red cap) needs refrigeration until tomorrow when i bring it to our public clinic to be sent off for pathology? at moment sitting on counter ...??????????too late to ask the docs or our kibbutz clinic...



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