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Female Bodyguards For Thailand's Next Prime Minister


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Not a scientific poll only my observations. Women see a lot more than men. When driving around a race track they notice things like the people in the stands and the colour of uniforms of the pit crew. A male race car driver concentrates only on the cars around him and track conditions. He does not notice things that are not necessary to his immediate task. While this is great for racing cars this is not so great for being a body guard. Simply put a women can process more visual images at the same time but can not turn off that format when a single image would do.

Thanks for the reply. There are elements of what you say that I agree with. I am a firm believer that women are natural multi-taskers, where men (ok, the large majority), tend to be very poor at multi-tasking. Women are naturally more attuned to the intuitive thought process (that's why they know we are lying when we come in at 1am with a bullsh*t excuse :) ), but just as many are detail focused. I think I know what you are driving at but believe the mechanics are slightly different. Intuitive types look at the big picture, the holistic view, the other 50% naturally prefer to focus on the more detailed aspects of life. It is the reason some people on forums pick up on the slightest errors in spelling or grammar, but fail to 'see' the argument of the contributor, and vice versa, many can understand your argument however long your diatribe but never spot the errors, and of course, on a graduated scale lying anywhere in between.

Women possess a phenomenal ability to observe, as you rightly point out (a detail thing?), yet maintain the big picture (multi-tasking?). How many times have you driven your wife down the road and from 100 meters she will say , oh there is such and such, in such and such's car! To me it is another car on the road, just another object to avoid and I never even consider assigning who's car it is, or who is in it.

The truth is that as long as we are aware of our 'short comings' in the areas of intuitive or detailed thinking, we can train ourselves to develop the weaker part of our persona[/size][/font], a feat not so easily transferable when we get back to multi tasking. The problem is that you cannot be good at everything, so women tend to be 'jack of all trades, master of none. They will not beat Alonso on the race track, but neither can Alonso drive through London on his way to work and put his make-up on at the same time and know he has just passed a member of family driving in the opposite direction. In terms of planning and observation, I would have some women on the security team all the time, but when the fists and bullets start to fly then it has to be over to the males I am afraid. Much better when the bullets run out that you have someone capable of using a 25kg plant pot as a weapon than their pair of Jimmy Choo's. It's all back 5000 yrs. Women, take care the kids, feed the kids, improve the shelter, get the water, fight of predators after the kids etc, while the Men, go kill the Mammoth and bring it back for supper, eat, sleep. I guess the women can also make sure you have done your bow tie correctly as well.....invaluable!

Edited to add, can this thread be made to be read only by males? We don't want the wimmin folk getting above their station when they read all our admittances of male inferiority biggrin.gif

Edited by metisdead
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I have had two Thai female body guards. They were very observant. For the same reason females don't make good race car drivers they make great body guards. They observe everything all the time instead on focusing on one small area. My body guards could pick out any threat and steer me clear of the area even in a crowded mall or at a concert. And they never forget a face or a voice. Years later I would be reminded of this or that. I had completely forgotten. Not the ladies, minds of steel never erased. If the ladies run out of bullets they can throw a shoe with deadly accuracy. Since women who work together eventually get on the same monthly cycle (maybe this is an old wives tale) there might be a couple of days a month when it would be advisable to stay away from the PM and her staff at the risk of getting shot.

Who's turf in Thailand are you stepping on that you need a couple of bodyguards?

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I have had two Thai female body guards. They were very observant. For the same reason females don't make good race car drivers they make great body guards. They observe everything all the time instead on focusing on one small area. My body guards could pick out any threat and steer me clear of the area even in a crowded mall or at a concert. And they never forget a face or a voice. Years later I would be reminded of this or that. I had completely forgotten. Not the ladies, minds of steel never erased. If the ladies run out of bullets they can throw a shoe with deadly accuracy. Since women who work together eventually get on the same monthly cycle (maybe this is an old wives tale) there might be a couple of days a month when it would be advisable to stay away from the PM and her staff at the risk of getting shot.

Females don't make good race car drivers? Apparently you have never heard of Danica Patrick in the US. She is a top race driver in both Indy and Nascar. As well as a model! Talk about multitasking.

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When the OP referred to Yingluck getting body guards of "the fairer sex," I had assumed they were talking about Thai ladyboys...

One might say, she'd be getting the best of both worlds... and no monthly down times to boot... :D

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I have had two Thai female body guards. They were very observant. For the same reason females don't make good race car drivers they make great body guards. They observe everything all the time instead on focusing on one small area. My body guards could pick out any threat and steer me clear of the area even in a crowded mall or at a concert. And they never forget a face or a voice. Years later I would be reminded of this or that. I had completely forgotten. Not the ladies, minds of steel never erased. If the ladies run out of bullets they can throw a shoe with deadly accuracy. Since women who work together eventually get on the same monthly cycle (maybe this is an old wives tale) there might be a couple of days a month when it would be advisable to stay away from the PM and her staff at the risk of getting shot.

Who's turf in Thailand are you stepping on that you need a couple of bodyguards?

No turf wars. Just moving documents.

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"It is not appropriate for male bodyguards to enter private spaces such as women's bathrooms."

But it's ok for female cleaners to mop around your feet when you're trying to take a leak in the mens room at 'Lotut':wub:

You beat me to it on this comment! Why is it socially acceptable - and it's the same in most countries I've been to - that female cleaners can do just what you say and "mop around a guys feet while he's taking a pee" and it's happened to me many times (I admit it's true that women - in my limited knowledge anyway - don't usually pee standing up at a urinal........do they?) but that male cleaners do not in my experience, even go into female toilets to clean, because that is not acceptable? Perhaps too, one of our female posters can enlighten us ignorant males to the age old Lads' question, as to whether in fact some girls do in fact do it (pee that is!) standing up?

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She said female guards could help ease tense situations because women were gentler than men.

She forgot to add "three weeks a month"

//edit/ that do GK?

You certainly got GK's number on that one :cheesy: :cheesy::burp:

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I have had two Thai female body guards. They were very observant. For the same reason females don't make good race car drivers they make great body guards. They observe everything all the time instead on focusing on one small area. My body guards could pick out any threat and steer me clear of the area even in a crowded mall or at a concert. And they never forget a face or a voice. Years later I would be reminded of this or that. I had completely forgotten. Not the ladies, minds of steel never erased. If the ladies run out of bullets they can throw a shoe with deadly accuracy. Since women who work together eventually get on the same monthly cycle (maybe this is an old wives tale) there might be a couple of days a month when it would be advisable to stay away from the PM and her staff at the risk of getting shot.

Females don't make good race car drivers? Apparently you have never heard of Danica Patrick in the US. She is a top race driver in both Indy and Nascar. As well as a model! Talk about multitasking.

I know many ladies back home that can out drive 70 to 80% of male drivers. If they came out here, that %age would go up to more like 99% of male drivers! The only thing that I personally think - and I learned this the hard way in most cases - that can be generalized about women as opposed to men, is that they are not as physically strong. I lost my blinders and prejudice a long time ago. As to the usual male cry about "the monthly", for most women I know, it just means carrying around a bit of extra padding. Hormones can effect moods, but training should overcome that in most cases. I must and do admit though, that I have come across a few in my time as well, who are total nutters and change completely around that time.

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I think the book "Men are from Mars etc..." put it in the right perspective, Men are genitically coded to be "hunters" we only see what we're looking at, so to speak, where women are able to take in the whole room from the doorway and be able to describe everyone there and what they're doing!

I think they put it very well when they pointed out that women have trouble reading maps and men can't find butter in the frige'!

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I have had two Thai female body guards. They were very observant. For the same reason females don't make good race car drivers they make great body guards. They observe everything all the time instead on focusing on one small area. My body guards could pick out any threat and steer me clear of the area even in a crowded mall or at a concert. And they never forget a face or a voice. Years later I would be reminded of this or that. I had completely forgotten. Not the ladies, minds of steel never erased. If the ladies run out of bullets they can throw a shoe with deadly accuracy. Since women who work together eventually get on the same monthly cycle (maybe this is an old wives tale) there might be a couple of days a month when it would be advisable to stay away from the PM and her staff at the risk of getting shot.

Females don't make good race car drivers? Apparently you have never heard of Danica Patrick in the US. She is a top race driver in both Indy and Nascar. As well as a model! Talk about multitasking.

Yes but anyone can drive round an oval, Two Left or Right Turns, no chance of getting lost :lol:

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History has shown that the so called trusted body guards of several national leaders of the world, can have second thoughts. It must be hell to reach a sought after government position and then realize that you have to depend on others to keep you from harms way. It would seem that even family, cannot be trusted entirely.

Well you do get to know your family pretty well, and when you know that they are a murderous pack of thieving egomaniacs, then I'd go for the bodyguards.

If k. thaksin gets back and Yingluk decides that she likes being PM, she had better triple the guard.

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" She added that women were better at coordinating than men " :o

Even when they drive a car ?

Most women are hopeless when a mirror is needed (too many distractions). I know few women who reverse park well, and not one who could back a trailer into a driveway.

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Bearing in mind that all political violence and intimidation over the last 5 years or so has been directly or indirectly caused by the good Dr in exile for his own benefit, I would have thought that a spring lamb or small fluffy animal (chinchilla? or hampster even) would be perfectly adequate as Yinglucks bodyguard.

You say, "...all political violence and intimidation over the last 5 years...has been...caused by Thaksin..." Why do you like to hate Thaksin so much? Why do you insist on blaming him for all of Thailand's troubles? Are you so myopic and rigidly married to your dogma that you really believe your own verbal pablum? I think you might do better to spend a little time in some objective study of Thailand's history and politics. I recommend and suggest that you might want to start reading some of Somsak Jeamteerasakul's work.

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"It is not appropriate for male bodyguards to enter private spaces such as women's bathrooms."

But it's ok for female cleaners to mop around your feet when you're trying to take a leak in the mens room at 'Lotut':wub:

It happens with you too? All along I thought it was just me they were following lol

I have had them follow me in to the toilet in the Major Cinaplex also. Double standards.:whistling:

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Didn't Karzai's brother just get offed (shot to death) by one of his own supposed bodyguards in Afghanistan???

Maybe next time they'll go with some Afghan ladies.... if and when they're let out of the house by their husbands and/or fathers. ;)

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Interesting point in this is that her campaign bodyguards were all from Border Patrol. The border patrol has sided clearly with Team Thaksin and PTP consistently,

and seem to be one of the few police groupings that the Shin clan trust.

Your sly attempt to advance another conspiracy theory falls flat when one takes a few minutes to look at the command structure of the the TBPP. Although it is a division of the Royal Thai Police, the TBPP are more influenced by the RTA. The TBPP is the division that receives the advanced training to deal for counter insurgency and similar activities. It makes perfect sense that the TBPP would provide the personnel as the Provincial and Metropolitan police divisions are focused on completely different roles. TBPP personnel are the ones that are deployed in the field for information gathering so they are most likely to identify and analyze terrorist plots and the like. TBPP senior staff officers are usually military personnel transfers and the personnel receive advanced training through the Thai military. The TBPP serve as an important adjunct to the Thai military and in larger operations are deployed under army control. Look at the South: The TBPP reports in to the army.

Are you aware that the patron of the TBPP is the Royal household? Use of the TBPP personnel is a logical selection and an indication that despite the speculation advanced, the TBPP loyalties are clear. The TBPP personnel are used because they are most appropriate and their loyalty to the nation is as certain as possible. There is no sinister plot.

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I started learning things about The Border Patrol Police over 20 years ago and it's fair to say they have a very interesting history.

That's all I'll say about that.

Not a lot of point posting then is there.

google is your friend

Im off to practise my 1000yard stare! :D

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I started learning things about The Border Patrol Police over 20 years ago and it's fair to say they have a very interesting history.

That's all I'll say about that.

Not a lot of point posting then is there.

google is your friend

Im off to practise my 1000yard stare! :D

There wasn't any "Google" over 20 years ago. We had these things called "books". And I spoke to actual "people" that were in a position to speak with considerable knowledge. So I'm not sure I need Google at the moment, thanks.

As for a point to my post...here are some points:

1) I wasn't aware that point was required.

2) I post to amuse myself.

3) Maybe someone who knows what I'm talking about will appreciate the comment

4) Maybe someone who doesn't, will be curious enough to do some reading and

5) It's 1:20AM, I'm tired and I made a off the cuff post before bed. Sue me.

6) There was no less of a point to my post than there was to yours, was there?

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I started learning things about The Border Patrol Police over 20 years ago and it's fair to say they have a very interesting history.

That's all I'll say about that.

Not a lot of point posting then is there.

google is your friend

Im off to practise my 1000yard stare! :D

There wasn't any "Google" over 20 years ago. We had these things called "books". And I spoke to actual "people" that were in a position to speak with considerable knowledge. So I'm not sure I need Google at the moment, thanks.

As for a point to my post...here are some points:

1) I wasn't aware that point was required.

2) I post to amuse myself.

3) Maybe someone who knows what I'm talking about will appreciate the comment

4) Maybe someone who doesn't, will be curious enough to do some reading and

5) It's 1:20AM, I'm tired and I made a off the cuff post before bed. Sue me.

6) There was no less of a point to my post than there was to yours, was there?

SteelyJoe, it's indeed amazing how things have changed over the years. I still remember 'AltaVista', the first or one of the first search engines, only 16 or so years ago. Indeed we had 'books', 'real contacts', before that time. I'm in IT, I had my first 'proprietary' mail account and 'dial-up' links in the early 80's. Have things improved since? I guess that depends on what you call improvements.

Personally I'd say, people are less likely to just post the truth and nothing but the truth. Embellishment, almost true, somewhat true, maybe true; seems more likely to be posted. It's against forum rules otherwise I'd do a 'Weiner' here <_<

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"It is not appropriate for male bodyguards to enter private spaces such as women's bathrooms."

But it's ok for female cleaners to mop around your feet when you're trying to take a leak in the mens room at 'Lotut':wub:

It happens with you too? All along I thought it was just me they were following lol

I notice that the lady cleaners seem to be cleaning near the area where a farang is taking a leak and it is not the first time I notice this. LOL :blink:

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"Korakarn started her career as a bodyguard in 1995. Among the VIPs she has taken care of are Hillary Rodham Clinton, Empress Michiko of Japan and members of the Thai Royal Family".

Correct me if I am wrong but dosen't Hillary Clinton travel with her own personal bodyguards. I know when she was in Australia, Australian security were not permitted to get up close and personal with her and she insisted on using her own team. Aussies were in the background yes but they were hardly her bodyguards. I guess this thai woman is one of the best in the world if Hillary replaced her own team with this woman, or maybe her team were denied work permits.

I am not knocking this womans ability to do her job for the Thai Prime Minister, she is probably capable. Just questioning the Hillary Clinton thing.

Hillary Clinton is being protected by the US Secret Service since she is the Secretary of State. Even before she became Secretary of State, she gets Secret Service protection as she was previously the First Lady. In US, all past Presidents and wife gets this Secret Service protection for life.

So you are correct, she gets her own team of bodyguards and her Secret Service team would not allow others to get near to her, especially if you are dealing with the US Secret Service.

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