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Google Appoints New Leader For Thailand Operations


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Google Appoints New Leader For Thailand Operations


Ariya Banomyong, new Head of Google Thailand

Google Southeast Asia announced the appointment of Ariya Banomyong to the position of Country Manager, Thailand, following an extensive search for the right individual to lead the Thailand operations.

Google was built around the idea that work should be challenging, and the challenge should be fun. When approaching the task of finding the newest leader for the Thailand operation, the ideal candidate needed a unique combination of professional excellence and a truly Googley personal style.

With 14 years of combined experience in telecommunications, software, management and marketing, in addition to speaking four languages and holding two Master's degrees in Mathematics & IT from the University of Marne-La-Vallée, France, and in Management from the London School of Economics, United Kingdom, Khun Ariya's background reflects Google's culture of valuing passionate people who are willing to approach problems with creativity and can be serious without a suit.

Julian Persaud, Managing Director of Google Southeast Asia, explained that this appointment had been eagerly anticipated saying, "Khun Ariya joins us at an exciting time for our business in Thailand with the recent launch of the Thai Business, Go Online program and our Google Chrome TV advertising campaign, The Web Is What You Make It, and I am extremely pleased to welcome someone of his calibre to our team."

Ariya joins Google most recently from TRUE Corporation Plc., where he was Chief Commercial Officer of Convergence, and will now take responsibility for Google's sales and business development operations in Thailand.

Ariya added, "I have always admired Google for its innovations and creativity and the way it has changed our lives. Google Thailand will bring the international experience of Google, while enabling us to better serve our Thai users, advertisers and partners with a local presence and flavor."

Google is seeking other qualified candidates for the Google Thailand team, and open positions can be found at: http://www.google.com.sg/intl/en/jobs/singapore/


-- The Nation 2011-07-19

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Very very worrisome if you are hoping that Google's adventure with Android is going to benefit consumers in the long run.

When this chap was at True he would give talks like this;

PRE and POST PAID Convergence: Hybrid Campaigns To Maximize The Returns Of Both Your Pre And Post Paid Portfolios

  • Leveraging on prepaid to target selected segments unreachable by post paid
  • Examining pre and post paid hybrid tariffs: Benefits, challenges and lessons learnt
  • Managing your pricing and bundling strategies to ensure that your pre and post paid products do not cannibalize each other

Ariya Banomyong

Chief Commercial Officer

He's obviously good at what he does and that is to get as much money out of clients as possible. :lol: If you had issues with True, then enjoy yourselves with Thailand's new Mr. Personality

Google didn't hire him for his good looks or his puppydog smile. He's a skilled shark and he's going to earn his keep .B)

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Now can he tell me how to change the settings on google+ to english? I changed the language settings to english, but many of the sub menus are still in thai.


NCR: No Country

You should only have to enter the ncr once, then your system will remember your setting until you delete your cookies.

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Now can he tell me how to change the settings on google+ to english? I changed the language settings to english, but many of the sub menus are still in thai.


NCR: No Country

You should only have to enter the ncr once, then your system will remember your setting until you delete your cookies.

Thanks will give it a try. Still not sure what g+ offers that is diff than FB, can't imagine using both.

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Exactly, grandson or great grandson of Pridi, me thinks!

But to be fair it's probably not because of these relationship that he got the job, but because of this relationship (and being stinking rich) that he was able to lounge about in education for ten years whilst everyone else in the country was working.

Google didn't hire him for his good looks or his puppydog smile.
Glad they appointed someone for WHAT he knows and not WHO he knows or is!!

Hing = Google "Banomyong" family name. :whistling:

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Now can he tell me how to change the settings on google+ to english? I changed the language settings to english, but many of the sub menus are still in thai.

Not having that problem here. I think you probably missed something because it's all in english to me unless I go directly to google+ before logging into my account first.

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