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Thai Election Commission Endorses More MPs, Including Red Shirt Leaders


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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

and the red shirts are angels with wings?:blink:

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

you mean Taksin can not move forward to next step of his plan to turn Thailand into his own state dont you whistling.gif

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No. The biggest problem is the international Global movement that is supporting the reds and Thaksin. And it is they who have created the problems in the first place. The story does not end with the election of the neo fascists. There's a long way to go yet.

Neo faciasts? Which group is which now? Many in the forum call the Redshirts commmies or socialists.

Would it be possible for you anti PTP people to have a meeting and decide upon which derisive label you wish to assign to the PTP and UDD members.?

It would make it easier for some of us to more easily follow the rants.

Thank you.

Hard to put a lable on schizophrenics.

A number of red leaders are in fact ex-communists. Hence "The People's Rhetoric" in many of the stage speeches.

Hard to put a label on schizophrenics? What is "schizophrenic" then, if not a label?

EX-communists are now neo-fascists - that is quite a turnaround

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

No. The biggest problem is the international Global movement that is supporting the reds and Thaksin. And it is they who have created the problems in the first place. The story does not end with the election of the neo fascists. There's a long way to go yet.

Neo faciasts? Which group is which now? Many in the forum call the Redshirts commmies or socialists.

Would it be possible for you anti PTP people to have a meeting and decide upon which derisive label you wish to assign to the PTP and UDD members.?

It would make it easier for some of us to more easily follow the rants.

Thank you.

Which shows yoiu how much of a construct from thin air the Red Shirt movement is. It contains old school Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Just plane thugs for hire. All mixed in under one umbrella message.

Facsists need not be right wing exclusively.

Most communist societies devolved into being under the thumb of leadership that fit this description well.l.



1. a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Think Mao or Stalin.

3. a fascist movement, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Communism and fascism are not mutually exclusive in practice.

It need not resemble Only Mussolini's version.

Interesting piece of rhetoric but nonetheless completely fallacious.

Both have led to authoritarian rule but they are mutually exclusive.

Communism is a system pledged to the public ownership of the means of production, fascism is totally accepting of capitalism. That they both have led to unacceptable systems is certainly true but they are totally different philosophies.

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Small point but why were they not investigated before they stood for election? What was the EC doing, sitting on it's collective arse? They stood and they got voted for so fair play they won.

I mentioned in another thread (I think) that with 4600++ candidates and 45/60 days to investigate even if the EC has hundreds of people they still wouldn't be able to screen all before the elections. Add the need to be careful what can you do? Be pragmatic! Accept candidates under the condition they may still be disqualified. This without taking into account what 'wrongs' may occur tll the elections and what concerned members of the public may report.

So to conclude, basicly any candidate could still be disqualified independent of the election result.

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

No. The biggest problem is the international Global movement that is supporting the reds and Thaksin. And it is they who have created the problems in the first place. The story does not end with the election of the neo fascists. There's a long way to go yet.

Neo faciasts? Which group is which now? Many in the forum call the Redshirts commmies or socialists.

Would it be possible for you anti PTP people to have a meeting and decide upon which derisive label you wish to assign to the PTP and UDD members.?

It would make it easier for some of us to more easily follow the rants.

Thank you.

I wouldn't concern yourself.......I observe most appear to be leaving the hard core ranters to their daily communal rant when any political headline appears.......after a while people realise the needle has stuck.....

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Small point but why were they not investigated before they stood for election? What was the EC doing, sitting on it's collective arse? They stood and they got voted for so fair play they won.

I mentioned in another thread (I think) that with 4600++ candidates and 45/60 days to investigate even if the EC has hundreds of people they still wouldn't be able to screen all before the elections. Add the need to be careful what can you do? Be pragmatic! Accept candidates under the condition they may still be disqualified. This without taking into account what 'wrongs' may occur tll the elections and what concerned members of the public may report.

So to conclude, basicly any candidate could still be disqualified independent of the election result.

It's a bit of an arse-about-tit way to go about things, though, don't you think, uncle Rubl? Surely, such things should be finalised before the next general elections, subject to reasonable process, of course.

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

Very true, but many on here will disagree and blame everything on Thaksin and the reds

Please dont shoot the messenger cos I am only repeating what was told to me last week. At least for the time being the PAD is dead because the backers see no relevance in its continued existence. It will not be too long now that we see the demise of the ASTV channel for lack of funds. Come to think of it the ASTV channel now resembles a shopping channel.

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

Yeah red shirts are no problem at all. And they are quite useful if you need to burn down a building or terrorise hospital patients. Or if you need a bit of bomb-throwing done.

I would like you to ponder this. Thai people will be closer to the truth than you are, they will know more about who did what than you do. So presuming you are correct in your comments how bad can can Abhisit and the Dems be if they cant beat a bunch of corrupt terrorists. The Thai people are awakening from a decades long slumber into a political awareness. Part of that awareness is we are ok with a little corruption but we will not tolerate a PM who retains the status quo at our expense whilst be party to murder of many of our fellow citizens.

Dems did the same during their campaign for re election, started blaming thaksin for everything and do you know what happened. Yingluck popped round the back and headed in the winner. Dems are dead as a political force for at least the next 8 yrs, if they want power they will need to muster a coup from their backers. Thaksin is without doubt the only man capable of leading this country. And most of the Thai people believe he is.

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

Yeah red shirts are no problem at all. And they are quite useful if you need to burn down a building or terrorise hospital patients. Or if you need a bit of bomb-throwing done.

I would like you to ponder this. Thai people will be closer to the truth than you are, they will know more about who did what than you do. So presuming you are correct in your comments how bad can can Abhisit and the Dems be if they cant beat a bunch of corrupt terrorists. The Thai people are awakening from a decades long slumber into a political awareness. Part of that awareness is we are ok with a little corruption but we will not tolerate a PM who retains the status quo at our expense whilst be party to murder of many of our fellow citizens.

Dems did the same during their campaign for re election, started blaming thaksin for everything and do you know what happened. Yingluck popped round the back and headed in the winner. Dems are dead as a political force for at least the next 8 yrs, if they want power they will need to muster a coup from their backers. Thaksin is without doubt the only man capable of leading this country. And most of the Thai people believe he is.

No disrespect intended, but 99% of Thai people do not even know what economics is. There is a reason why red shirts, yellow shirts, no shirts and clown shirts can gather the number, because mob has no idea or education and believe anything they are told. and if not they are simply paid.

PAD does not need to come out now because government has not been formed as yet, PAD also does not need to come out now because 300 baht wage will hurt backers pockets, so they are not going to press the issue. HOWEVER the moment government is formed and endorsed, rest assured PAD and yellow shirts will make its presents one way or another.

The moment, PTP clan thinks is safe to try to bring back Thaksin, Yellow will block more than just the airport.

Its called timing AND smart or dirty politics(which ever term you prefer)

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'princejohnjay' timestamp='1311308842' post='4575410'

Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

No. The biggest problem is the international Global movement that is supporting the reds and Thaksin. And it is they who have created the problems in the first place. The story does not end with the election of the neo fascists. There's a long way to go yet.

Neo faciasts? Which group is which now? Many in the forum call the Redshirts commmies or socialists.

Would it be possible for you anti PTP people to have a meeting and decide upon which derisive label you wish to assign to the PTP and UDD members.?

It would make it easier for some of us to more easily follow the rants.

Thank you.

Which shows yoiu how much of a construct from thin air the Red Shirt movement is. It contains old school Communists, Socialists, Fascists and Just plane thugs for hire. All mixed in under one umbrella message.

Facsists need not be right wing exclusively.

Most communist societies devolved into being under the thumb of leadership that fit this description well.l.



1. a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Think Mao or Stalin.

3. a fascist movement, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Communism and fascism are not mutually exclusive in practice.

It need not resemble Only Mussolini's version.

Interesting piece of rhetoric but nonetheless completely fallacious.

Both have led to authoritarian rule but they are mutually exclusive.

Communism is a system pledged to the public ownership of the means of production, fascism is totally accepting of capitalism. That they both have led to unacceptable systems is certainly true but they are totally different philosophies.

Not false at all,

just not being lockstep to ONE set of philosophical definitions.

Try and read # 1,

most of that perfectly describes the majority of Communist runs states in practice, and theory is not nearly as important as practice in reality.

Fascism has not necessarily a direct capitalist component, only control of the people by some mechanism. Even if that mechanism gives the appearance of them sharing in the control, in reality that has rarely ever happened.

If you don't think China, Cuba and Russia were ruled from THE TOP with an Iron Hand, then you never looked too hard at them.

Edited by animatic
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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

Yeah red shirts are no problem at all. And they are quite useful if you need to burn down a building or terrorise hospital patients. Or if you need a bit of bomb-throwing done.

I would like you to ponder this. Thai people will be closer to the truth than you are, they will know more about who did what than you do. So presuming you are correct in your comments how bad can can Abhisit and the Dems be if they cant beat a bunch of corrupt terrorists. The Thai people are awakening from a decades long slumber into a political awareness. Part of that awareness is we are ok with a little corruption but we will not tolerate a PM who retains the status quo at our expense whilst be party to murder of many of our fellow citizens.

Dems did the same during their campaign for re election, started blaming thaksin for everything and do you know what happened. Yingluck popped round the back and headed in the winner. Dems are dead as a political force for at least the next 8 yrs, if they want power they will need to muster a coup from their backers. Thaksin is without doubt the only man capable of leading this country. And most of the Thai people believe he is.

Do you have any idea how many people died at the hands of the authorities under Thaksin's administration? I think you should research that, because your 'murder' argument is ridiculous. Have a Google for 'Tak Bai', for starters. That's part of the reason why PTP still doesn't have a single seat in southern Thailand.

It's wrong to speak of "The Thai People" as if they are united political unit. It's anything but. Check out one of the maps of seat allocations to political parties and you'll get the idea.

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

No. The biggest problem is the international Global movement that is supporting the reds and Thaksin. And it is they who have created the problems in the first place. The story does not end with the election of the neo fascists. There's a long way to go yet.

Neo faciasts? Which group is which now? Many in the forum call the Redshirts commmies or socialists.

Would it be possible for you anti PTP people to have a meeting and decide upon which derisive label you wish to assign to the PTP and UDD members.?

It would make it easier for some of us to more easily follow the rants.

Thank you.

Don't be ridiculous, it is clearly known that many in UDD is part of the old (true) Red (communist) uprising. But that the major players in Thaksin and friends are on the outside right wing-populists, hidden social fascists neo-corporatist.

Hence why the uprising is having identity issues...

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One difference with what the red shirts are now and what they were in the past, is that some of their leaders are now elected representatives of the people within the parliament and a few more also await confirmation of this. This is a move from street to parliament and imho is a positive move as playing within the formal democratic system is a positive step. It is also a step that extra-parliamentary and particularly radical movements have urged on them worldwide. Part of the PAD also tried this approach but failed to get the same kind of endorsement from the people. Both the red faction of the PTP and the PAD include ex-communists odd as that may sound in the PAD's case.

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

No. The biggest problem is the international Global movement that is supporting the reds and Thaksin. And it is they who have created the problems in the first place. The story does not end with the election of the neo fascists. There's a long way to go yet.

Neo fascist?? What you been smoking?? Right wing Haaa

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Small point but why were they not investigated before they stood for election? What was the EC doing, sitting on it's collective arse? They stood and they got voted for so fair play they won.

I mentioned in another thread (I think) that with 4600++ candidates and 45/60 days to investigate even if the EC has hundreds of people they still wouldn't be able to screen all before the elections. Add the need to be careful what can you do? Be pragmatic! Accept candidates under the condition they may still be disqualified. This without taking into account what 'wrongs' may occur tll the elections and what concerned members of the public may report.

So to conclude, basicly any candidate could still be disqualified independent of the election result.

It's a bit of an arse-about-tit way to go about things, though, don't you think, uncle Rubl? Surely, such things should be finalised before the next general elections, subject to reasonable process, of course.

To be honest if lots of things regarding the Election Law, procedures and especially pre-election issues are improved within the next four years I'd be reasonably happy already. As this is Thailand I do not expect to see 'finalised' too often, and when it magically appears the moths seem to have got to it as well. :ermm:

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Small point but why were they not investigated before they stood for election? What was the EC doing, sitting on it's collective arse? They stood and they got voted for so fair play they won.

I mentioned in another thread (I think) that with 4600++ candidates and 45/60 days to investigate even if the EC has hundreds of people they still wouldn't be able to screen all before the elections. Add the need to be careful what can you do? Be pragmatic! Accept candidates under the condition they may still be disqualified. This without taking into account what 'wrongs' may occur tll the elections and what concerned members of the public may report.

So to conclude, basicly any candidate could still be disqualified independent of the election result.

It's a bit of an arse-about-tit way to go about things, though, don't you think, uncle Rubl? Surely, such things should be finalised before the next general elections, subject to reasonable process, of course.

To be honest if lots of things regarding the Election Law, procedures and especially pre-election issues are improved within the next four years I'd be reasonably happy already. As this is Thailand I do not expect to see 'finalised' too often, and when it magically appears the moths seem to have got to it as well. :ermm:

too many variables and allowance for a coup then?

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

No. The biggest problem is the international Global movement that is supporting the reds and Thaksin. And it is they who have created the problems in the first place. The story does not end with the election of the neo fascists. There's a long way to go yet.

Neo faciasts? Which group is which now? Many in the forum call the Redshirts commmies or socialists.

Would it be possible for you anti PTP people to have a meeting and decide upon which derisive label you wish to assign to the PTP and UDD members.?

It would make it easier for some of us to more easily follow the rants.

Thank you.

Don't be ridiculous, it is clearly known that many in UDD is part of the old (true) Red (communist) uprising. But that the major players in Thaksin and friends are on the outside right wing-populists, hidden social fascists neo-corporatist.

Hence why the uprising is having identity issues...

As usual relying on here say. Facts please

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Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

Yeah red shirts are no problem at all. And they are quite useful if you need to burn down a building or terrorise hospital patients. Or if you need a bit of bomb-throwing done.

I would like you to ponder this. Thai people will be closer to the truth than you are, they will know more about who did what than you do. So presuming you are correct in your comments how bad can can Abhisit and the Dems be if they cant beat a bunch of corrupt terrorists. The Thai people are awakening from a decades long slumber into a political awareness. Part of that awareness is we are ok with a little corruption but we will not tolerate a PM who retains the status quo at our expense whilst be party to murder of many of our fellow citizens.

Dems did the same during their campaign for re election, started blaming thaksin for everything and do you know what happened. Yingluck popped round the back and headed in the winner. Dems are dead as a political force for at least the next 8 yrs, if they want power they will need to muster a coup from their backers. Thaksin is without doubt the only man capable of leading this country. And most of the Thai people believe he is.

No disrespect intended, but 99% of Thai people do not even know what economics is. There is a reason why red shirts, yellow shirts, no shirts and clown shirts can gather the number, because mob has no idea or education and believe anything they are told. and if not they are simply paid.

PAD does not need to come out now because government has not been formed as yet, PAD also does not need to come out now because 300 baht wage will hurt backers pockets, so they are not going to press the issue. HOWEVER the moment government is formed and endorsed, rest assured PAD and yellow shirts will make its presents one way or another.

The moment, PTP clan thinks is safe to try to bring back Thaksin, Yellow will block more than just the airport.

Its called timing AND smart or dirty politics(which ever term you prefer)

Very sadly, I am inclined to agree with your closing paragraphs.

We are at Act 2 scene 1 of a tragedy for Thailand and there is more to come.

Interesting times.........

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