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Motor Bike With No Papers


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3 years ago I bought a Mio off a friends b/f as one was leaving for the UK and the other for Bangkok.

We agreed we'd do the paperwork when the guy was back in Issan

but have now lost contact with both of them.

Anyone know how I can get this bike legally owned by me

so I can tax/insure/ride the blooming thing?



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Take it one of the second hand bike dealers , explain the situation and ask them if they can arrange for it to be registered. They will of course charge you a fee to facilitate it but at least it will be done.

Oh yeah you might want to hold your breath during the process in case the thing has been reported stolen. But then again you bought it off a mate so that couldn't be the case.

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You can get a witness to sign a bit of paper at the police station to say that the guy gave you the bike but that doesn't solve the problem for the tax just that if someone stops you , you have a bit of paper from the police to say it's yours.

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Get rid of it or keep it as a trophy. Although the chances of being caught are slim, and the actual fines may be a small amount there is no point in riding it around. If anything sell it off to someone who doesn't care about the paperwork. Don't bother yourself with it.

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Get rid of it or keep it as a trophy. Although the chances of being caught are slim, and the actual fines may be a small amount there is no point in riding it around. If anything sell it off to someone who doesn't care about the paperwork. Don't bother yourself with it.

Hey Steve... wanna buy a MIO with no greenbook?

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I think the op means by having no paperwork meaning not having the green book.

He doesn't say no paperwork, Just that they would do the paperwork when he returned. He may very well have the book.

Sorry, re read the title.

Edited by Gonsalviz
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If you get caught with the bike with no tax not paying it for 5 years as soon as the police see it they will take it off you and not give it back .but if you wear a helmet all the time you should never get stopped .Refer to my previous post about the papers if you get caught about having a witness going to the police station with you i did this last week for my thai friend .

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<br />
<br />I think the op means by having no paperwork meaning not having the green book.<br />
<br /><br />He doesn't say no paperwork, Just that they would do the paperwork when he returned. He may very well have the book.<br /><br />Sorry, re read the title.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Have you just read the post above yours.

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Been riding a bike with no tags, stickers, books, or any registration of any sorts for years. Jaideeguy gave the best advice, wear a helmet and don't give them a reason to stop you. Granted I have been stopped at drunk checks and had no problem, as well as have had cops ride behind me etc etc.

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