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Renewing A 5 Year Driving License In Chiang Mai


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I have trawled through the motor forum which has a special section on applying for a driving license and renewing one but from what I can gather many areas have different requirements.

I need to renew my 5 year one.

Has anyone done this recently in CM?

Are pics, proof of residency and medical certificate required? All of these items seem to vary from city to city, some just say letter of residency, no medical certificate, no pics as they use digital cameras, and others ...the other way round :blink:

I know that the soon to expire license and passport , with photocopied pages of everything you need for a 90 day extension visa are definates...but the rest???

So if anyone has recently got one can you please post your personal experience here

Many thanks


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Righty O than, this is what you need to do.

First, go to your local quack or hospital for a medical.

You open your mouth, say; RRRR, breath in and out and that's it. About 80 baht to 100 baht.

Next download from the Internet an Application Form For Residency In Thailand application. (See sample below). Do a Google search to find. Complete the form on your computer and print out.

Visit Immigration and obtain a residency certificate. You will need your completed Application Form For Residency In Thailand application, a photo, your passport and photocopies of your passport pages.

No need to take a ticket for waiting when you arrive at Immigration, just tell the guy you want a residency certificate for a driving license. Hand over your paperwork to the officer and he will process everything for you.

Once completed, you pay 500 baht that goes straight into the officer's pocket. So do not expect to receive a receipt. This is why you get treated like a VIP and do not have to queue up with the rest of the peasants, because it`s cash in hand for them. Still much cheaper than purchasing a certificate from the consulate.

After that, go to any driving license centre of your choice in Chiang Mai.

First the nice lady will take your mug shot for the driving license. No need to take a photo yourself.

Next the eye tests. A big box with 2 small rods that move in opposite directions. You press a button when you think they are aligned. Then the color blindness test, a wall chart with dotted numbers in different colors.

Next, you watch a video. Sorry nothing X rated, the theme is the Thai highway codes. Don`t worry, they have an English version. Warning: try not to fall into a frenzy of side splitting laugher when viewing the video. That for me was the most difficult task.

Then you have to answer some questions as to what you saw in the video, after that if you pass all the tests, you will receive your driving license and then you're done.

Cant remember how much for the license fees, wasn't too expensive.

You will require separate driving licenses for a motorbike and car, but only require 1 residency certificate, whether it`s for 1 or 2 driving licenses.

Sometimes the test examiner lets you off of watching the video or answering questions about the video. Depends on his mood at the time. So make sure you keep smiling and he likes you.

Hang Dong is the best test centre to visit. They are more geared up for farangs and do not seem so stringent about the tests.

Good luck and hope all goes well on the day.


Edited by Beetlejuice
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How about a letter from the person you rent a house from, is that still required? (If you also have a work permit) ?

No letter from LL needed. My WP sufficed just fine. I had the WP, passport, various copies, pictures, yada yada, and went to the center in Hang Dong. The nice young woman at the info counter downstairs pointed me upstairs. The nice young woman at the info counter upstairs (who speaks excellent English) gathered all my paperwork, directed me to make more copies of certain pages (of course I hadn't done it correctly, but oh well). There is a photocopy dept. right on the second floor, and they charge reasonable prices. Once my paperwork was all set, info desk lady directed me to the next task.

.....(you can read all about that above from other posters).....

Anyway, no, don't bring pictures anymore. They charge another 100 baht and take the digital pictures there, and put them right on the license while you wait. Easy peasy.

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Thanks for the most excellent and helpful responses. :)

So for me its: Letter from Doc

Letter from Immigration. I don't have a job and we have a blue

book as my wife owns the house, she says we can still use this and

don't have to go to Immigration, I don't think I am gonna risk it.

All relevant pages copied twice from passport.

Old driving license.


Does anyone know if there is a penalty for being late? :ermm:

I'm still legal right now, but it would be helpful if I could do it

a couple of days past due.

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Righty O than, this is what you need to do.

First, go to your local quack or hospital for a medical.

You open your mouth, say; RRRR, breath in and out and that's it. About 80 baht to 100 baht.

Next download from the Internet an Application Form For Residency In Thailand application. (See sample below). Do a Google search to find. Complete the form on your computer and print out.

Visit Immigration and obtain a residency certificate. You will need your completed Application Form For Residency In Thailand application, a photo, your passport and photocopies of your passport pages.

No need to take a ticket for waiting when you arrive at Immigration, just tell the guy you want a residency certificate for a driving license. Hand over your paperwork to the officer and he will process everything for you.

Once completed, you pay 500 baht that goes straight into the officer's pocket. So do not expect to receive a receipt. This is why you get treated like a VIP and do not have to queue up with the rest of the peasants, because it`s cash in hand for them. Still much cheaper than purchasing a certificate from the consulate.

After that, go to any driving license centre of your choice in Chiang Mai.

First the nice lady will take your mug shot for the driving license. No need to take a photo yourself.

Next the eye tests. A big box with 2 small rods that move in opposite directions. You press a button when you think they are aligned. Then the color blindness test, a wall chart with dotted numbers in different colors.

Next, you watch a video. Sorry nothing X rated, the theme is the Thai highway codes. Don`t worry, they have an English version. Warning: try not to fall into a frenzy of side splitting laugher when viewing the video. That for me was the most difficult task.

Then you have to answer some questions as to what you saw in the video, after that if you pass all the tests, you will receive your driving license and then you're done.

Cant remember how much for the license fees, wasn't too expensive.

You will require separate driving licenses for a motorbike and car, but only require 1 residency certificate, whether it`s for 1 or 2 driving licenses.

Sometimes the test examiner lets you off of watching the video or answering questions about the video. Depends on his mood at the time. So make sure you keep smiling and he likes you.

Hang Dong is the best test centre to visit. They are more geared up for farangs and do not seem so stringent about the tests.

Good luck and hope all goes well on the day.

Hi Beetlejuice

Not wishing to contradict your post....but just done mine and in an attempt to offer a different experience.....No eye tests, video , no other tests or questions. Just handed over all the relevant paperwork, fee and completed the mugshot...Licence issued.

Quite simple and took about thirty minutes.

But to support your post...it does seem that this process varies between applicants and ages . I have no explanation for this except to say that the various counter clerks seem to adopt their own interpretation of the requirements. ... Another Farang next to me of a similar age on the next counter had to go through all the process that you have mentioned. Took my wife along and had no problems with any re-testing of all the things you mentioned, nor what this other Farang had to endure.

Edited by Raindancer
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Thanks for the most excellent and helpful responses. :)

So for me its: Letter from Doc

Letter from Immigration. I don't have a job and we have a blue

book as my wife owns the house, she says we can still use this and

don't have to go to Immigration, I don't think I am gonna risk it.

All relevant pages copied twice from passport.

Old driving license.


Does anyone know if there is a penalty for being late? :ermm:

I'm still legal right now, but it would be helpful if I could do it

a couple of days past due.

I don`t know the answer for sure. Perhaps someone on here knows.

Do not think there are any penalties for overdue applicants, but you may have to take the complete test again if your present license has expired for too long.

For peace of mind, best to renew the license when it becomes due and have no problems.

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Exactly the same as getting your one year or five year license as far as documentation goes.

I renewed mine at the beginning of this month which was about two weeks past expiry of the old license with no additional questions or hassle.

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Renewing your 5 year licence needs to be done before expiry. I left mine till after and got a real bollocking for it, I also got it for 6 years or till my birthday following the 5 years, so nearly 6 years. From memory "Tywais" did the same thing :rolleyes:

edit.....with the 5 year renewal the video and reaction test is mandatory, but not for the first five year licence

Edited by Maejo Man
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Renewing your 5 year licence needs to be done before expiry. I left mine till after and got a real bollocking for it, I also got it for 6 years or till my birthday following the 5 years, so nearly 6 years. From memory "Tywais" did the same thing :rolleyes:

Excellent memory MM. :D Yep, 5 years 364 days. I went in on a Friday as my birthday was Sunday but was too late to start the process. I was anxious about being late but she said Monday (one day late) would be no problem. Personally, I wouldn't chance it. You have up to 90 days before expiration be be able to apply.

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My wife rang the licensing office and was told the blue house book would suffice and I did not need a letter from immigration, so against my better judgement off we went.

WRONG, :annoyed: when we got there we were told that we must have the letter from immigration, who told her it was not required? (shrug of shoulders)so it was an about turn and a half hour wait to get the letter.

Luckily for me I only live half a klick from the road tax and licensing offices so it was no real hardship, they also said I have to take the colour blindness and reaction test, takes an hour or so.

Going back and hope to have better luck this morning ;)

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Righty O than, this is what you need to do.

First, go to your local quack or hospital for a medical.

You open your mouth, say; RRRR, breath in and out and that's it. About 80 baht to 100 baht.

Next download from the Internet an Application Form For Residency In Thailand application. (See sample below). Do a Google search to find. Complete the form on your computer and print out.

Visit Immigration and obtain a residency certificate. You will need your completed Application Form For Residency In Thailand application, a photo, your passport and photocopies of your passport pages.

No need to take a ticket for waiting when you arrive at Immigration, just tell the guy you want a residency certificate for a driving license. Hand over your paperwork to the officer and he will process everything for you.

Once completed, you pay 500 baht that goes straight into the officer's pocket. So do not expect to receive a receipt. This is why you get treated like a VIP and do not have to queue up with the rest of the peasants, because it`s cash in hand for them. Still much cheaper than purchasing a certificate from the consulate.

After that, go to any driving license centre of your choice in Chiang Mai.

First the nice lady will take your mug shot for the driving license. No need to take a photo yourself.

Next the eye tests. A big box with 2 small rods that move in opposite directions. You press a button when you think they are aligned. Then the color blindness test, a wall chart with dotted numbers in different colors.

Next, you watch a video. Sorry nothing X rated, the theme is the Thai highway codes. Don`t worry, they have an English version. Warning: try not to fall into a frenzy of side splitting laugher when viewing the video. That for me was the most difficult task.

Then you have to answer some questions as to what you saw in the video, after that if you pass all the tests, you will receive your driving license and then you're done.

Cant remember how much for the license fees, wasn't too expensive.

You will require separate driving licenses for a motorbike and car, but only require 1 residency certificate, whether it`s for 1 or 2 driving licenses.

Sometimes the test examiner lets you off of watching the video or answering questions about the video. Depends on his mood at the time. So make sure you keep smiling and he likes you.

Hang Dong is the best test centre to visit. They are more geared up for farangs and do not seem so stringent about the tests.

Good luck and hope all goes well on the day.

Hi Beetlejuice

Not wishing to contradict your post....but just done mine and in an attempt to offer a different experience.....No eye tests, video , no other tests or questions. Just handed over all the relevant paperwork, fee and completed the mugshot...Licence issued.

Quite simple and took about thirty minutes.

But to support your post...it does seem that this process varies between applicants and ages . I have no explanation for this except to say that the various counter clerks seem to adopt their own interpretation of the requirements. ... Another Farang next to me of a similar age on the next counter had to go through all the process that you have mentioned. Took my wife along and had no problems with any re-testing of all the things you mentioned, nor what this other Farang had to endure.

..why are you paying an Immigration Official 500 baht to issue a form that is FREE..you're only making it harder and harder for us all by pushing up the bar!

PS. At Transport Office you also need to do an accelerator/break reaction test prior to the video. Fee for 5 year license from memory was 510 baht.

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Righty O than, this is what you need to do.

First, go to your local quack or hospital for a medical.

You open your mouth, say; RRRR, breath in and out and that's it. About 80 baht to 100 baht.

Next download from the Internet an Application Form For Residency In Thailand application. (See sample below). Do a Google search to find. Complete the form on your computer and print out.

Visit Immigration and obtain a residency certificate. You will need your completed Application Form For Residency In Thailand application, a photo, your passport and photocopies of your passport pages.

No need to take a ticket for waiting when you arrive at Immigration, just tell the guy you want a residency certificate for a driving license. Hand over your paperwork to the officer and he will process everything for you.

Once completed, you pay 500 baht that goes straight into the officer's pocket. So do not expect to receive a receipt. This is why you get treated like a VIP and do not have to queue up with the rest of the peasants, because it`s cash in hand for them. Still much cheaper than purchasing a certificate from the consulate.

After that, go to any driving license centre of your choice in Chiang Mai.

First the nice lady will take your mug shot for the driving license. No need to take a photo yourself.

Next the eye tests. A big box with 2 small rods that move in opposite directions. You press a button when you think they are aligned. Then the color blindness test, a wall chart with dotted numbers in different colors.

Next, you watch a video. Sorry nothing X rated, the theme is the Thai highway codes. Don`t worry, they have an English version. Warning: try not to fall into a frenzy of side splitting laugher when viewing the video. That for me was the most difficult task.

Then you have to answer some questions as to what you saw in the video, after that if you pass all the tests, you will receive your driving license and then you're done.

Cant remember how much for the license fees, wasn't too expensive.

You will require separate driving licenses for a motorbike and car, but only require 1 residency certificate, whether it`s for 1 or 2 driving licenses.

Sometimes the test examiner lets you off of watching the video or answering questions about the video. Depends on his mood at the time. So make sure you keep smiling and he likes you.

Hang Dong is the best test centre to visit. They are more geared up for farangs and do not seem so stringent about the tests.

Good luck and hope all goes well on the day.

In Ubon , Det Udom I got this paper you are showing but the liscencing place would not accept it so I had to go back to the immigration office 70 kms and get the other paper with my photo on it then I was given the 1st year liscense .

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I have a one year license (first year) now, anyone know what to do to get a 5 year?

..for a farang you can opt to renew for a further one year or five year period..the same procedure applies.


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Thanks for the most excellent and helpful responses. :)

So for me its: Letter from Doc

Letter from Immigration. I don't have a job and we have a blue

book as my wife owns the house, she says we can still use this and

don't have to go to Immigration, I don't think I am gonna risk it.

All relevant pages copied twice from passport.

Old driving license.


Does anyone know if there is a penalty for being late? :ermm:

I'm still legal right now, but it would be helpful if I could do it

a couple of days past due.

mine had already lapsed several years -no problem-

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To save a few more baht, go to the doctor's clinic directly across from the main entrance to Chiang Mai Rajabhat University (formerly the teachers' college); it's the entrance on the side street, not the one on Chang Peuak Road. He will not even bother to check your pulse, but for 20 baht will sign a form proclaiming that you are healthy enough to possess a driver's license. Three minutes and you're on your way again. Worked for me.

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Just this last April, I went from my temporary(1 year) to 5 year licence for both car and motorbike.

Documents required.

Medical Cert 40B

I think I just copied my whole passport twice to cover all bases - I got some of it back, but better safe than sorry.

Work Permit - I have one, so no need for anything else. I don't know about any coloured books. I took two WP copies also.

Old Drivers Licences and copies.

Aussie Licence and copy.

They have a photocopy person, but make the copies beforehand as it saves hassle and breaking the stride.

Go upstairs with the above paperwork, skip the general info line and go straight to counter 21 the very last one on the right(actually the first one). Just past the info desk.

Say hi to the lady and be polite. I gave her all my forms and she packaged them all up, she called the info lady across and gave me a number. I paid 900 ish baht(renewal for both and 200 for the plastic licences).

I waited a bit to pay, but all up 30 minutes go to woe and I have 2x5 year licences.

If you take the time to be prepared, it is worth it.

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TP ..good questions and responses... :)

Just realised that my 5 Year DL is up in Feb next year (where has the time gone?) but our next visit to CM is in Sept.

Be handy if I could get a new one early...but dont look like it. :huh:

Re:"The quack"...I used the one in the pratice just by the Tesco last time before going on to the Centre..10 minutes and hok sip Bt. :)

Also last time when I visited Immigration they put me (and mugshot) in the Big Book which i assumed was for the record and then they welcomed me as a resident to CM..??? even although...which was nice ...assume everyone gets the same...yes?

Finally believe that the new Credit Card type DL allows you to drive in surrounding asean countries ...is that also correct?

When I was working in Hanoi a load of years back getting a local VN DL was almost impossible and "peng mak yai"...


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  • 3 weeks later...

I went today to renew my license.

Didn't really bring anything other than my passport and work permit, and the old license of course.

They pointed out which pages to copy, there is a copy service right there that's cheap. "Cheap"-cheap. Borderline free.

So no real need to make copies beforehand.

And no need for photographs.

No need for medical either.

I did need to sit through the instruction session. Didn't want any special treatment so joined the Thai language one also because there were some cute chicks in attendance. It's pretty boring though, there's a course starting at 1pm and will take damned near an hour; they could have said the same thing in about 15 minutes, but okay. Still I re-acquainted myself with the distance you're supposed to park from the curb (25 centimeters exactly, not more not less), and that you need to digest alcohol for 1 hour before driving, so 3 bottles of beer = 3 hours, but you can also get fresher by drinking water/coffee or take a shower. Great.

So they manage to eat up a little more of my time than I would have preferred, but otherwise it's totally painless and I'm good for another 5 years. I was sad to see the accident videos were the same as last year, would have like to see some fresh carnage while waiting. The slackers.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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To get your first thai driving licence do you need both your country of origin DL (in my case UK) and an international driving permit ?

I have a yellow house book, anything else needed ?

If the original is in English then I believe you don't need an International driving permit. ( Being from the UK, I'd say it's in English. ;) )

To others: If the original is NOT in English, then you need either an International dirving permit from the same country as your drivers license, or a certified translation.

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