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Directions And Information Fishing Thaialand


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Anybody wishing to fish bung sam and does not know where it is or a couple of places in Pattaya visit this site.It took me lots of hard work to find bungsam as the tour operators keep it a closely guarded secret so you have to pay them.

The SITE IS http://bungsanlanlake.netfirms.com

The lake is actually called bunsamran it also has it's own site which I have linked to mine.I hope this is a lot of help to you all and finally broken the monoppoly of the unscrupulous tour operators who will ot tell you how to get there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bung sum Lan is a great lake, difficult to get the large fish out though due to the huts on the water, the fish get caught up around the wooden legs resulting in many lost big fish.

It is a fantastic place though, i've had cats and carp over 50kg, and they go much much bigger!!!

Opening soon is a new lake in Samui which will also have outstanding fishing, from houseboats, which will mean it's much easier to land the bigguns!


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  • 4 weeks later...
thats great, im moving to bangkok soon,  will you be fishing there? maybe we could meet for a bit fishing? what sort of gear will i need mate?

im a guy ny the way my g/f is lucy1

Sorry for the late reply.I will be back there on jan27th 2006.You will need strong carp dods and I use multiplier reels,ot bait runners with at least 30 lbs breaking strain.I only use cheap gear nothing to expensive. if you need more dteails contact me

[email protected]

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Ah man, I wanna go fishiiiiing.

Last time I went to Canada, my dad decided he no longer will go fishing and gave me all of his gear. Pen reels and sturdy fishing rods.

He also gave me his whole fly fishing kit, can't wait to see the looks on peoples faces when I try that out here. :o

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