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Happiness Index For Thais Drops


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Happiness index for Thais drops

By The Nation


The so-called Gross Domestic Happiness Index among Thais is dropping due to worries over a sluggish economy, political turmoil and natural disaster, according to an Abac poll released yesterday.

The study conducted between July 20 and August 4 among 3,028 people living in 17 provinces showed that the index had dropped to 6.8 out of 10 points from the previous 7.55 points. The respondents said they were troubled by several negative factors in their lives.

The problems they mentioned were political instability, power play among government officials, economic downturn, rising cost of living, flooding and other natural disasters as well as poor infrastructure.


-- The Nation 2011-08-06

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Bundle up all the things that are making people unhappy and some might think Thailand was well on the way to being a failed state. I prophesy that they will be a lot more unhappier in the immediate and near future. Anybody know what the astrologer from CM thinks?

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I am a little surprised to read this, because I thought after voting in their favorite party, finally having a female PM (who is not only 'suay' but also sports a lovely smile and perfectly-styled hair, 3 of the quintessential qualities of an effective government leader) and having Jatuporn back in the ranks, people surely ought to be dancing in the streets in sheer GDH bliss. Apparently not so.

It's high time to shell out those tablet computers pronto, raise those minimum wages to an unrealistic level and issue creditcards to farmers and taxi drivers. Only then can the GDH index rise again like a rocket, because nothing makes Thais happier than hand-outs for which they don't have to give anything in return.

Golden times are just ahead!

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Hope I am wrong, but I have cautioned the "one who knows all" that Christmas still comes at the end of December, and you have to expect disappointment, if your wish list is too long. Santa expects treats prior to you getting what is requested/dreamed about, plus he knows if you have been naughty or nice.

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I read an article on the way Thai people feel about the way things have been (past tense); generally about issues over the last several years that would bring on these feelings.

What I read in the posts to this article are nothing more than innuendos about Thaksin's failed government healthcare plan, which failed due to his opponents creating delay in the funding to assist with subsidies the hospitals and practitioners to perform their Hippocratic oath to the sick and needy. Government healthcare around the world has always been a failure.

I read sardonic prophesies about the future with reference tot he Shinawatra family.

I read childish and immature smacks regarding the new PM's personal choice in how she presents herself, smacks against what she plans to do in the future, and the future outlook on the consequences of Thais being lazy freeloaders.

I have not read anything regarding any possible reasons the past has made these people feel this way. Nothing but avoidance, and the visceral hunger to smack anything Shinawatra. It really is nauseating. I bring this up to rub it in your faces. It is a form of hijacking an OP with continual bashing towards a certain family and altogether avoiding anything constructive to say about the thesis of an article, or why it was written. it dillutes the quality of this forum, and makes it boring because there is no originality in the posts. Anything that doesn't type along with the drivel gets attacked. That's my opinion. That's the way it smells.

I feel this article perhaps lists a few interesting reasons that the elections turned out the way they did. I trust the happiness index will go up as the people's decisions have won the day, and the future is the direct result of their vote. There's no need to rehash the past. The people aren't happy. Clearly the past made them that way. Not the future, or what any of you think about a certain lady's flashy smile and perfect hair style.

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I read an article on the way Thai people feel about the way things have been (past tense); generally about issues over the last several years that would bring on these feelings.

What I read in the posts to this article are nothing more than innuendos about Thaksin's failed government healthcare plan, which failed due to his opponents creating delay in the funding to assist with subsidies the hospitals and practitioners to perform their Hippocratic oath to the sick and needy. Government healthcare around the world has always been a failure.

I read sardonic prophesies about the future with reference tot he Shinawatra family.

I read childish and immature smacks regarding the new PM's personal choice in how she presents herself, smacks against what she plans to do in the future, and the future outlook on the consequences of Thais being lazy freeloaders.

I have not read anything regarding any possible reasons the past has made these people feel this way. Nothing but avoidance, and the visceral hunger to smack anything Shinawatra. It really is nauseating. I bring this up to rub it in your faces. It is a form of hijacking an OP with continual bashing towards a certain family and altogether avoiding anything constructive to say about the thesis of an article, or why it was written. it dillutes the quality of this forum, and makes it boring because there is no originality in the posts. Anything that doesn't type along with the drivel gets attacked. That's my opinion. That's the way it smells.

I feel this article perhaps lists a few interesting reasons that the elections turned out the way they did. I trust the happiness index will go up as the people's decisions have won the day, and the future is the direct result of their vote. There's no need to rehash the past. The people aren't happy. Clearly the past made them that way. Not the future, or what any of you think about a certain lady's flashy smile and perfect hair style.

If the people are so happy with Yingluck how come 52% of the people voted against her? If they are so happy with her why is the index not going up instead of down. The people have known for over a month now who the PM would be. Do you think that maybe they don't think she can or will do any thing about their problems. Remember this pole was taken after she was elected. The big question should be why is the index not going up?

Seems to me you are striking out at the TV posters as being part of the reason for the Thai unhappiness. In a earlier post you mentioned a whole list of things that they were unhappy about. Most of them things that the Dem's could do nothing about.

You remember

["Maybe that happiness is a direct and opposite result of their angst over past "political instability, power play among government officials, economic downturn, rising cost of living, flooding and other natural disasters as well as poor infrastructure.""]

The poor infrastructure they inherited they did not cause it. The economic down turn was and is a world wide event it is not confined to Thailand In fact Thailand has done much better than most countries. O gosh gee willikers the cost of living is going up. When was the last time it went down over a two year period? Surely you are not even trying to infer that the natural disasters were the fault of the Dem's? As for political instability and power plays. Do you think that maybe a band of people under the pay and direction of a certain person who was PM at one time illegally ceasing a section of down town Bangkok putting thousands and thousands of people out of work invading hospitals trying to burn the city down Turning the whole area into a garbage dump and expecting the people they had abused to clean it up. Do you think that maybe just maybe that could have been a large part of the instability. And by the way what did the PT do to help solve this problem?

Now you are saying Thaksin had a failed health care plan. Have you checked with the PT they think it was a strong point in favor of Thaksin.

Tell me honestly would you have voted for my wife if her last name was Shinawatra? She has no political experience she can smile and say now is not the time to talk about it. But on the down side she can not say she will do some thing she can not do. I guess that is a negative thing to you.

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I read an article on the way Thai people feel about the way things have been (past tense); generally about issues over the last several years that would bring on these feelings.

What I read in the posts to this article are nothing more than innuendos about Thaksin's failed government healthcare plan, which failed due to his opponents creating delay in the funding to assist with subsidies the hospitals and practitioners to perform their Hippocratic oath to the sick and needy. Government healthcare around the world has always been a failure.

I read sardonic prophesies about the future with reference tot he Shinawatra family.

I read childish and immature smacks regarding the new PM's personal choice in how she presents herself, smacks against what she plans to do in the future, and the future outlook on the consequences of Thais being lazy freeloaders.

I have not read anything regarding any possible reasons the past has made these people feel this way. Nothing but avoidance, and the visceral hunger to smack anything Shinawatra. It really is nauseating. I bring this up to rub it in your faces. It is a form of hijacking an OP with continual bashing towards a certain family and altogether avoiding anything constructive to say about the thesis of an article, or why it was written. it dillutes the quality of this forum, and makes it boring because there is no originality in the posts. Anything that doesn't type along with the drivel gets attacked. That's my opinion. That's the way it smells.

I feel this article perhaps lists a few interesting reasons that the elections turned out the way they did. I trust the happiness index will go up as the people's decisions have won the day, and the future is the direct result of their vote. There's no need to rehash the past. The people aren't happy. Clearly the past made them that way. Not the future, or what any of you think about a certain lady's flashy smile and perfect hair style.

To get back into power the Shinawatra's had to promise the world to the all the big babies here.

Now they are IN they should be coughing up the sweets = but they will stall as long as they can, that is why now the the big babies are not happy, and the longer the P.M. stalls the babies will start stamping their feet, then they will start screaming. This is Thai childrens way of getting what they want, the grown ups are the same. YOU SEE.

If the P.M. pays all and gives all,-- good=the babies will be happy and the government will be bankrupt. I actually am looking forward to the outcome. Don't forget you Thai's the biggest promise was that all the poor will become rich in 6 months??

Edited by ginjag
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Tell me honestly would you have voted for my wife if her last name was Shinawatra? She has no political experience she can smile and say now is not the time to talk about it.

Hard to judge whether she is properly qualified without seeing a picture. Would you care to post? If not, can you tell us her hot or not score.biggrin.gif

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Tell me honestly would you have voted for my wife if her last name was Shinawatra? She has no political experience she can smile and say now is not the time to talk about it.

Hard to judge whether she is properly qualified without seeing a picture. Would you care to post? If not, can you tell us her hot or not score.biggrin.gif

I'm more interested in the serious matters. I'd like to know her position on geckos, whether she has tried petrol station coffee, and if she can comb her own hair or not?

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Tell me honestly would you have voted for my wife if her last name was Shinawatra? She has no political experience she can smile and say now is not the time to talk about it.

Hard to judge whether she is properly qualified without seeing a picture. Would you care to post? If not, can you tell us her hot or not score.biggrin.gif

I'm more interested in the serious matters. I'd like to know her position on geckos, whether she has tried petrol station coffee, and if she can comb her own hair or not?

Combing her hair - she will do that every minute of the day as all Thai females are pre occupied with this, (it's not a bad thing though) the other fear of gecko's -the small chinchuks, or the larger Tukkair (call sound) good food in Issan fetch 40 bht for a decent sized one, they live on the outside of house walls catching flies and creepy crawlies Her voters live with these creatures, If she new how Thai persons lived and understood the gecko's she may well be not afraid.

o.k. everyone has a fear but telling posters about such stupid little things, making believe these Hi-SOs are quite ordinary folks.:bah: on the happiness point my previous post covered that

Edited by ginjag
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With the way the price of pork is rising on top of a raft of other things over the past year or so, Im not surprised people are less happy.

Also this is the hardest time of the year for the rice farmers, funds are low spending tight, which of course has a knock on effect on all associated business (except fertiliser suppliers)......as you say rising food prices....which can hardly be attributed to a government formed for a few days!!

I predict if you take a poll around December time the happiness index may well have improved......but how can I know this....:shock1:

Edited by 473geo
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Also this is the hardest time of the year for the rice farmers, funds are low spending tight, which of course has a knock on effect on all associated business (except fertiliser suppliers)......as you say rising food prices....which can hardly be attributed to a government formed for a few days!!

I don't think the rising food prices can be attributed to a government formed for a few years either, but PTP campaigned on the platform of it being the fault of the Dems and on the platform of being able to change this situation so it will be interesting to see how they follow through.

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Also this is the hardest time of the year for the rice farmers, funds are low spending tight, which of course has a knock on effect on all associated business (except fertiliser suppliers)......as you say rising food prices....which can hardly be attributed to a government formed for a few days!!

I don't think the rising food prices can be attributed to a government formed for a few years either, but PTP campaigned on the platform of it being the fault of the Dems and on the platform of being able to change this situation so it will be interesting to see how they follow through.

If you look at the departing speech carefully contrived by the Abhisit camp there may well be a message there that the Dems failed to notice......

It may well be good housekeeping to increase your tax revenues and foreign reserves to be a global player.........but if the reserves are built on the underfunding of the country with regard to areas of requirement, if there is no funding utilised to improve the lives of the population, be this investment in education, infastructure, or business growth incentives, then the funds carry a negative message to the people.....

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I predict if you take a poll around December time the happiness index may well have improved......but how can I know this....:shock1:

Guess it depends on whether your square-faced friend keeps his promise or not.

They who replace a poor manager, find it easier to make an immediate positive impression........so it is with governments......

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I predict if you take a poll around December time the happiness index may well have improved......but how can I know this....:shock1:

Guess it depends on whether your square-faced friend keeps his promise or not.

They who replace a poor manager, find it easier to make an immediate positive impression........so it is with governments......

That explains why everyone is feeling so happy right now then. Oh, but hold on...

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I predict if you take a poll around December time the happiness index may well have improved......but how can I know this....:shock1:

Guess it depends on whether your square-faced friend keeps his promise or not.

They who replace a poor manager, find it easier to make an immediate positive impression........so it is with governments......

That explains why everyone is feeling so happy right now then. Oh, but hold on...

Perhaps the original happiness level was assessed after the PTP win......bound to be a little deflation considering the long wait for the entrance of the new government........but here they are.....happiness decline about to be reversed.....

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Perhaps the original happiness level was assessed after the PTP win......bound to be a little deflation considering the long wait for the entrance of the new government........but here they are.....happiness decline about to be reversed.....

That's great news.

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Thais needn't fret, they are not alone. The whole world is in a downturn just now but as they say in France, that's life.

Thais needn't fret because PT have told them they have the power to turn the economy around regardless of what is happening in the rest of the world.

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Don't forget you Thai's the biggest promise was that all the poor will become rich in 6 months??

I think they may be getting regular reminders.

It will be brought about soon after the BKK traffic problem is fixed.

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Don't forget you Thai's the biggest promise was that all the poor will become rich in 6 months??

I think they may be getting regular reminders.

It will be brought about soon after the BKK traffic problem is fixed.

How about a city centre anti congestion tax, say 500 baht a day entry fee to a predefined central zone for private cars Monday to Friday, exemption for business deliveries, public transport, taxis etc.

Reduce traffic and/or create revenue to upgrade alternative travel modes

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I read an article on the way Thai people feel about the way things have been (past tense); generally about issues over the last several years that would bring on these feelings.

What I read in the posts to this article are nothing more than innuendos about Thaksin's failed government healthcare plan, which failed due to his opponents creating delay in the funding to assist with subsidies the hospitals and practitioners to perform their Hippocratic oath to the sick and needy. Government healthcare around the world has always been a failure.

I read sardonic prophesies about the future with reference tot he Shinawatra family.

I read childish and immature smacks regarding the new PM's personal choice in how she presents herself, smacks against what she plans to do in the future, and the future outlook on the consequences of Thais being lazy freeloaders.

I have not read anything regarding any possible reasons the past has made these people feel this way. Nothing but avoidance, and the visceral hunger to smack anything Shinawatra. It really is nauseating. I bring this up to rub it in your faces. It is a form of hijacking an OP with continual bashing towards a certain family and altogether avoiding anything constructive to say about the thesis of an article, or why it was written. it dillutes the quality of this forum, and makes it boring because there is no originality in the posts. Anything that doesn't type along with the drivel gets attacked. That's my opinion. That's the way it smells.

I feel this article perhaps lists a few interesting reasons that the elections turned out the way they did. I trust the happiness index will go up as the people's decisions have won the day, and the future is the direct result of their vote. There's no need to rehash the past. The people aren't happy. Clearly the past made them that way. Not the future, or what any of you think about a certain lady's flashy smile and perfect hair style.

To get back into power the Shinawatra's had to promise the world to the all the big babies here.

Now they are IN they should be coughing up the sweets = but they will stall as long as they can, that is why now the the big babies are not happy, and the longer the P.M. stalls the babies will start stamping their feet, then they will start screaming. This is Thai childrens way of getting what they want, the grown ups are the same. YOU SEE.

If the P.M. pays all and gives all,-- good=the babies will be happy and the government will be bankrupt. I actually am looking forward to the outcome. Don't forget you Thai's the biggest promise was that all the poor will become rich in 6 months??

If they really believed that statement? then three things will need to be faced up to:

1.Its not going to happen

2. Their vote has been wasted

3. and the Thai Happiness Factor is likely to plummet even further.

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How about a city centre anti congestion tax, say 500 baht a day entry fee to a predefined central zone for private cars Monday to Friday, exemption for business deliveries, public transport, taxis etc.

Reduce traffic and/or create revenue to upgrade alternative travel modes

Great Idea. We can have surveillance cameras, databases, enforcement officers, fines, appeals tribunals, endless arguments about whether diplomatic vehicles are exempt etc etc. It will be just like living in a well regulated highly taxed european city, should really cheer everyone up!

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