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Ants In My Condo.


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Have quite a few, rather small, ants in my condo - and they not only pursue food but also water so I want to do something about it now.

I read a variety of tips of the net, but am also interested in getting a professional dropping by for spraying/fumigation or whatever once a month.

Any tips for getting rid of ants (in a condo) that worked for you? Any good companies out there using resonably "safe" methods that will not kill me too :o ?


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In my experience you can do nothing - they come into my house behind the tiles, through the sink, in the doors, in the windows, any which way they can - and every different type of ant you could imagine. I swear one day I will fall asleep and they will carry me off to their nest :o

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Use this stuff, they take it back to the nest and it kills the whole nest.


It's kind of messy as it doesn't have a trap that comes with it.

I shipped over a couple of dozen boxes of Raid Double Control ant traps (same concept as the above powder/bait). I can say they definitely work. They head for it like there's a party inside and then the party gets smaller after a week or so and haven't come back.


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I had millions of the tiny red ants. I tried everything that was availabl;e at Bic C and Tesco Lotus. Nothing worked. I was complaining to a friend of mine and he gave me a bottle of stuff called Terro. (USA) It is in a small plastic bottle and it looks like a clear syrup. It has now been a year and I have not seen an ant since.

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I had millions of the tiny red ants. I tried everything that was availabl;e at Bic C and Tesco Lotus. Nothing worked. I was complaining to a friend of mine and he gave me a bottle of stuff called Terro. (USA) It is in a small plastic bottle and it looks like a clear syrup. It has now been a year and I have not seen an ant since.

This stuff?:


They've got a good web site, but don't know if it's available in Thailand.

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That's the company and here is the link to the specific product. Since I am an American I have friends coming and going from there often so it is easy for me to have one of them pick up a bottle for me.


Actually I had no idea there were so many different kinds. This product I have only works for the little red ants. My condo is totally ant free. The house up country now has no red ants but I still have the big black ones. I'll have to decide what kind they are and get something for them too.

I had millions of the tiny red ants. I tried everything that was availabl;e at Bic C and Tesco Lotus. Nothing worked. I was complaining to a friend of mine and he gave me a bottle of stuff called Terro. (USA) It is in a small plastic bottle and it looks like a clear syrup. It has now been a year and I have not seen an ant since.

This stuff?:


They've got a good web site, but don't know if it's available in Thailand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had problem back in UK and was looking for something to get them to stay away, other than mass slaughter. Amazed to find that mint leaves worked a treat, just located where they were entering flat and crushed up some fresh mint leaves and put across their path. They must have decided to visit flat next door, because never saw them again.

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Mint leaves? Maybe a mint essential oil will then do the trick too? Easier to put out and stronger smell I guess. Maybe mixed with some tea tree oil and citronella - I use that mix anyway as my natural moskito repellant.

Anyway; my ant battle is gonig very well - they are not the biggest fans of the powder/bait stuff in the green see-though plastic boxes I bought at Carrefour but they did nipple some and the the boxes are now placed all over the apartment. Even poored some of the stuff straight down the small holes in the wall where I followed them to/from.

In addition I bought one of those long nosed spray bottles and after a few days of the boxes only - where I have tracked their origins to I gave them a plast of the spray.

Not seeing many around these days. They still seem to be attracted to fresh water - will even get into the water boiler and drown themselves. That stopped almost also as I sprayed the boiler stand with the above mentioned citronella/teatree/mint mix. Did the same to the foot of the garbage can.

I think I will leave out an ant "party" of suger water and stuff (with just a bit of the pellets from the green boxes :o ) to see if I can trace any back to their nests.


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