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Taxing And Insuring A Motorbike


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I have a motorbike, I brought it from new 8 years ago, the first couple of years I was on the ball with the tax and insurance, but missed the date one year then another etc, I have insurance but haven't had tax for it in at least 4 years, I know I have to re-register it and get a new plate and all that sort of thing but I haven't really got an idea where or how to do this, any advice would be great. I live in Pattaya.

Thanks in advance


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I have had insurance as the wife gets it at the same time as hers, not sure what would happen if a claim were made - thankfully that hasn't happened and i'm now ready to get legit.




get a thai person to tell them the bike "in storage " and unused hence untaxed :whistling:

they might want you to pay your back taxes but you should be ok

as long as you have some money in your hand ,some kind soul will help you

my friends sister (thai lady ) recently bought a driving licence for 2000 thb because she failed the test 5 times in a row :rolleyes:

and shes driiving a large pickup so watch out folks on motorbikes !!!!

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As far as i know you have to pay back tax. It's strange that you were able to get insurance but you didn't get tax. The insurance shop usually deals with it at the same time.. I take it you wife is Thai. If so just go down the land transport office and sort it out.. or get your insurance agent to do it for you for a small fee.

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I would as a farang not bring this to DLT myself, but hand it to a motocy shop. Reg book, all compulsory Insurance reciepts (if not you have to pay them all again). You will be charged all the taxes missed, and an additional late fee.

If its a small bike less than 150cc, its 100 baht a year for taxes pluss late fees, similar for Insurances

After 3 years vehicles non taxed are supposed to be derigestered, but with small bikes they do not seem to enforce it

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You may find the system in Pattaya is rather different to Phuket.

According to the main Chonburi office, who control the Pattaya branch, you will be liable for back tax for a maximum of 3 years (the liability for every year going back indefinitely went out several years ago) and there is no liability for missed insurance. The fine for late payment is 10% per year. You will also need the bike tested (which can be done at the DLT or any other test centre) due to its age, regardless of whether it has been de-registered or not - if you have only missed the tax for 4 years it is unlikely to have been de-registered yet, won't need a new plate, and is a very simple process.

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