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What The hel_l Is A Farang?


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What the hel_l is a Farang?

Much to learn :o

I am planning my first trip to BKK, later this month. So, I am trying to learn as much as I can. And this seems like a great form to do this.

It sure is, you'll find out pretty much anything you wish to know on here.

Have a good time in LOS you lucky thing you!

ps LOS = Land of Smiles :D


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That's what we're here for :D Now what else do you need to know?

Welcome to thaivisa :o


Thank you! I have two more questions. Is the AIDS/HIV as bad as I hear, like 50% of the women have AIDS/HIV (or maybe its 50% of the women hookers?) and my second question, what's the best way to greet someone. Shaking hands or bow or what?

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That's what we're here for :D Now what else do you need to know?

Welcome to thaivisa :o


Thank you! I have two more questions. Is the AIDS/HIV as bad as I hear, like 50% of the women have AIDS/HIV (or maybe its 50% of the women hookers?) and my second question, what's the best way to greet someone. Shaking hands or bow or what?

It's ALWAYS a good idea to use protection whether you're in Thailand or anywhere else.

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That's what we're here for :D Now what else do you need to know?

Welcome to thaivisa :o


Thank you! I have two more questions. Is the AIDS/HIV as bad as I hear, like 50% of the women have AIDS/HIV (or maybe its 50% of the women hookers?) and my second question, what's the best way to greet someone. Shaking hands or bow or what?

It's ALWAYS a good idea to use protection whether you're in Thailand or anywhere else.

Unless you are trying to kill yourself!

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Thank you! I have two more questions. Is the AIDS/HIV as bad as I hear, like 50% of the women have AIDS/HIV (or maybe its 50% of the women hookers?) and my second question, what's the best way to greet someone. Shaking hands or bow or what?

Hey don't listen to so many rumors there are parts of Thailand that unfortunately have this trade but not 50% of Thailand for sure.

And the best way of greeting someone is to give a "Wai" but because you are a tourist I wouldn't worry too much about that :D

Edit - And with the HIV part of your question there is a problem but use your common sence and don't put yourself at risk by not protecting yourself, 7/11 stores are open 24 hours :o

Edited by Ice Maiden
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That's what we're here for :D Now what else do you need to know?

Welcome to thaivisa :o


Thank you! I have two more questions. Is the AIDS/HIV as bad as I hear, like 50% of the women have AIDS/HIV (or maybe its 50% of the women hookers?) and my second question, what's the best way to greet someone. Shaking hands or bow or what?

Thats way overblown. If that were so the population would be in a tailspin. Yes, there is a problem with HIV here, and no you should not have unprotected sex with a "working" girl/boy or any other for that matter.

The traditional Thai greeting is called the wai and is made by placing the hands together with the tip if the fingers held about high chest to forehead height (the more respected the person is, the higher it is held. You are not expected to use this all the time, or to ever wai a child, but when being introduced to someone the effort is usually appreciated. Hand shake, and/or a slight bow of the head usually works fine too.


A "wai"


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That's what we're here for :D Now what else do you need to know?

Welcome to thaivisa :o


OK one more question. I know BKK has almost 10 million people, and I was reading a topic about the street violance (excuss my spelling, long day) How bad is it, is it getting worse?

Personally, I don't think violence is any worse in BKK than any other major city in the world. The average Thai is pretty friendly. Use common sense and be aware of your surrundings. Not to be paranoid, just cautiously aware in unfamiliar surroundings.

Edited by AmeriThai
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That's what we're here for :D Now what else do you need to know?

Welcome to thaivisa :o


OK one more question. I know BKK has almost 10 million people, and I was reading a topic about the street violance (excuss my spelling, long day) How bad is it, is it getting worse?

Use common sense and your instincts. Take taxis rather than walk through unknown areas at night (as you would in any country). All in all, its a pretty safe country when you aren't driving. :D


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That's what we're here for :D Now what else do you need to know?

Welcome to thaivisa :o


Thank you! I have two more questions. Is the AIDS/HIV as bad as I hear, like 50% of the women have AIDS/HIV (or maybe its 50% of the women hookers?) and my second question, what's the best way to greet someone. Shaking hands or bow or what?

I don't know the answer to your first question, I would suggest checking out the relavant Embassy website (I don't which country your from), eg, the British Embassy in Bangkok has information for tourists ect..

As far as greeting go's there's quite alot of different do's and don't depending upon the situation/person you are greeting. If unsure just a smile will do in most cases.

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That's what we're here for :D Now what else do you need to know?

Welcome to thaivisa :o


Thank you! I have two more questions. Is the AIDS/HIV as bad as I hear, like 50% of the women have AIDS/HIV (or maybe its 50% of the women hookers?) and my second question, what's the best way to greet someone. Shaking hands or bow or what?

It's ALWAYS a good idea to use protection whether you're in Thailand or anywhere else.

Unless you are trying to kill yourself!

I assume that's not part of your travel plans. I think you'll find Thailand is a pretty fun and fascinating place to visit.

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Farang is also the name of a fruit.

An apple, right?

No. It's guava, a fruit originally from (of all places) tropical America.


Hello Guatemala! LOL... I dunno.. Don´t mind me... Carry on... tv.com welcome to the party.


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Welcome to the forum. The answer to your first question, " what is a Farrang" A person not born in Thailand is a Farrang, although most asians are not considered to be a Farrang. Bassically means foriegnor. Has nothing to do with skin color, or weather you come from Europe, or anywhere else in the world.


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Welcome to the forum. The answer to your first question, " what is a Farrang" A person not born in Thailand is a Farrang, although most asians are not considered to be a Farrang. Bassically means foriegnor. Has nothing to do with skin color, or weather you come from Europe, or anywhere else in the world.



White foreigner.

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Welcome to the forum. The answer to your first question, " what is a Farrang" A person not born in Thailand is a Farrang, although most asians are not considered to be a Farrang. Bassically means foriegnor. Has nothing to do with skin color, or weather you come from Europe, or anywhere else in the world.


Basically it is the white colour of skin, meaning of European descent.

However, some coloured people are referred to as "farang" if they have western attitudes.

"farang" - European/American/Ozzies

"kaek" - Indian/Pakistanis/Arabs

"kaek khao" Southern Med, Turkish, maybe Iran

"Jaek" - Chinese

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here the call the black ones A-dam (male) or E-dam (female), but from what I understood it is not very nice.

There is also a word for jewish people, I forgot it, it should be also not nice.

But the socity here is all very southern and they anyway don't use any nice words for anyone :o:D:D

Judge is correct. Occasionally you will hear blacks referred to as farang-dam (black forgiener)

Asians tend to be called by their nationality. Yeepoon (Japan) Cheen (Chinese) etc.


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