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1million Baht Sinsod (dowry)

BKK Traveler

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My friend just got engaged and has agreed to pay a 1 million baht sinsod, plus 10 baht of gold, plus the cost of the wedding.

This is to an Isaan girl. She's 20 years old, EXTREMELY traditional with high morals, along with her family, a virgin and intends to remain one until her wedding night. She's also stunningly attractive, extremely intelligent (in her second year of university with a near perfect GPA), and very charming with a wonderful personality. She claims that she's been approached by numerous rich Thai men wanting to marry her, but has turned all them down as she doesn't want to marry a Thai. Her family is poor, but not farmers. They live in a small town near the Laos border.

My friend is middle aged and has a good paying job and is well off. During the negotiations for the dowry, he was originally asked if he could pay 2 million baht and was told that the going rate in the area for farangs to pay for a such a bride was about 1.4 million baht and up. He told them he didn't have that much cash but only had 1 million so they said they'd accept that and he then agreed.

I don't think it's going to hurt him to pay that much, but I'm just wondering if inflation has really taken hold in the sinsod recently, or was this a case of "price gouging"? Does anyone have any recent data on the going rate of a sinsod in Isaan for a farang man marrying a highly desirable bride? I haven't heard of any sinsod being this high in the BKK area, except in the case of high society couples, but I'm not sure if the situation is different in Isaan where the sinsod may be viewed as the last chance for a family to get out of debt. BTW, there was no mention of returning any of the sinsod after the wedding ceremony.

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Another FOOL and his money.

Unless it is agreed that they get it ALL back which is what it's SUPPOSED to be.

Go buy the women if it's not the case. Let's see 1 million baht divided buy.......... :o:D:D

If not a troll, his friend is stupid.

Edited by Kringle
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This is a troll post guys, don't waste your breath on it.

The guy only has 1 post to his name, and this is the topic he chooses? Pu-lezzzzzz.

So don't get your dander up ranting about an imaginery 1 million baht dowry for a poor Isaan girl, it's just this idiot's brain farting.

Mods would do well to lock this thread, but if not, just leave it be. Don't feed the troll.

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During the negotiations for the dowry, he was originally asked if he could pay 2 million baht and was told that the going rate in the area for farangs to pay for a such a bride was about 1.4 million baht and up.

Get him to ask for the Thai price then. Bloody double pricing. :o

Sounds like a bit of a dodgy family IMO, first asking for 2 million, then telling him thats the farang price and all that.

Has the dude honestly not shagged her yet? Perhaps he could get a swift one in, then phone the parents after and ask for a dscount. :D

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If he's getting the money back, and it's just for show, then there's no problem with playing along with their tradition.

But if they're keeping it, and the wedding won't go ahead without it, then he's effectively making a purchase, regardless of the amount it's costing him. I know that the idea of buying a wife doesn't sit very comfortably with me :D

Each to their own :o

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My friend just got engaged and has agreed to pay a 1 million baht sinsod, plus 10 baht of gold, plus the cost of the wedding.

This is to an Isaan girl.  She's 20 years old, EXTREMELY traditional with high morals, along with her family, a virgin and intends to remain one until her wedding night.  She's also stunningly attractive, extremely intelligent (in her second year of university with a near perfect GPA), and very charming with a wonderful personality.  She claims that she's been approached by numerous rich Thai men wanting to marry her, but has turned all them down as she doesn't want to marry a Thai.  Her family is poor, but not farmers.  They live in a small town near the Laos border.

My friend is middle aged and has a good paying job and is well off.  During the negotiations for the dowry, he was originally asked if he could pay 2 million baht and was told that the going rate in the area for farangs to pay for a such a bride was about 1.4 million baht and up.  He told them he didn't have that much cash but only had 1 million so they said they'd accept that and he then agreed.

I don't think it's going to hurt him to pay that much, but I'm just wondering if inflation has really taken hold in the sinsod recently, or was this a case of "price gouging"?  Does anyone have any recent data on the going rate of a sinsod in Isaan for a farang man marrying a highly desirable bride?  I haven't heard of any sinsod being this high in the BKK area, except in the case of high society couples, but I'm not sure if the situation is different in Isaan where the sinsod may be viewed as the last chance for a family to get out of debt.  BTW, there was no mention of returning any of the sinsod after the wedding ceremony.

He's getting off easy. Many guys pay 2 million for bargirls.

If he really wants love and respect from the family he should ante up the 2 million.

In the end it will work out to about 1 million a year for the duration of the marriage.

If he has a normal sex drive he can count on about 6-7000 baht per ST. :o

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