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UN Warns Mutant Strain Of Bird Flu In Asia Poses A Direct Threat To Thailand


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Absolute phuquing rubbish. The UN have withdrawn their rubbish claim after a proper doctor said it was twaddle.

Too late now. The cat is out of the bag, or should I say the bird has left the roost. :rolleyes:

Who ever sells those useless face masks you see throughout SEA must be making a killing.

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whats the problem,in total its killed fewer people than die every day in road accidents in s e asia every day!

nobody seems to be shouting for the banning of cars!

Hey Goofy, don't ban the cars. They are not the problem. It is the drivers. But then again you have to hace good police to keep the bad drivers off the road. And Thailand has good police but they don't work too much. It is either too HOT or too WET outside to go to work. Hahahahah

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I can't help but think "if this was serious" a "threat to the world as a whole" would not the concerned western countries shut down their borders? Ban world travel and "isolate" those that have come back from the "hot spot" or near it?? Air travel is worse then some poor bird migrating. Here in Canada, during the H5N1, sales were high for shots but free shots were slow as they said "this is a precaution against"? A typical knee jerk canadian responce to media hype.

I do agree with the post that one day, maybe sooner then most of us would like, an outbreak of some kind is over due. Air travel will see to that.

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Just when the tourist numbers were starting to come back. Wondering how Thailand will prepare for this pandemic. Will Yingluck tell the Thai people to start killing off birds for the sake of tourist? or will this Novice leader step up with emergency funds needed to create an environment in the poultry industry that the mutant virus has less chance of wanting to thrive. The word is out from the UN but that does not mean the rural (voting base) for the (Pardon Thaskin Party) has been updated to this new mutant strain of an old nemesis.

Looks like Yingluck will kill all of them for the sake of us................:lol:

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Forewarned is forearmed. I would guess that with the knowledge that there is a flu bug around that MIGHT be particularly nasty, people can prepare accordingly. For those at high risk, they can take additional precautions. For schools and institutional settings they can keep a close eye on illness.

During the last two influenza scares, I was massively exposed to the viruses. People around me getting sick and also being tested and diagnosed. I never got it.

It's not just about not getting sick, it's also about not overwhelming the health system by slowing the spread of the disease.

I hope we don't end up with those horrible scenes of thousands of animals being killed. I find that quite unbearable.

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Just a matter of weeks to cross from Viet Nam.

Either they take concrete steps to monitor and eradicate FAST, or it will hit the humans soon enough.

Farmers, their children and old people first of course.

Even one preventable death is too many,

if it's in YOUR family.

This is not about selling shots,

but about cutting off the vectors as early and often as possible.

Dear sir:

Owing to the cogency of your contributions to these forums, may I inquire: Are we talking about "factory chickens" or the "free range +/-" varieties?

My preference is to view the plumage in direct-sunlight before selecting the fowl for the feast which is all but impossible with regard to factory-fowl.


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"The World Health Organization says bird flu has killed 331 people since 2003"

7 years, less than 50 a year. whilst i welcome concern over any potential killer illness / bug are there not more devastating health problems out there including malaria and dengue?

No, nothing more serious than a potentially lethal flu other than..... small pox.

This particular flu has thankfully not developed an easy form of transmission but if it does, the potential for disaster is simply unimaginable.

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Ahh the good old bird flu. You do all realise that the normal influenza virus killed/s more people every year then the 'pandemic' of bird flu ever did. This is a fact, but hidden by good corporate media.

IN fact, when the original epidemic didn't happen, the pharmaceutical companies had millions and millions of doses of vaccines for bird flu that no one ever wanted, because it just wasn't the threat it was made out to be.

Same goes again. 300 deaths over 8 years, is nothing (in regards to most other illnesses that cause death every year). As with traditional influenza it mainly is high risk of the young, old and immune compromised. Any one else who gets it and exhibits symptoms will go through similar stages to traditional influenza.

This is all about money, selling the vaccines that are already stock pilled and keeping people in 'fear' of something. If you think anything else, you need to start reading more and see what truly is happening in the world.

IF it was about health, then surely they would be worrying about diseases that can be easily prevented to be spread ie HIV education.

There's too much stuff out there (information) that shows the birdflu was a legit scare, but it didn't become any epidemic, but the band wagon was already rolling so everyone rolled with it, and it's still going on.

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