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Question About What Happend Recently In Pattaya

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Dutch gangster was gunned down by ‘Westerner’

PATTAYA:-- A Western man gunned down in Pattaya on Wednesday morning was a well-known Dutch underworld figure, police and Dutch newspapers said yesterday.

John Mieremet, 44, died after being shot in the neck and temple by another Westerner at his office in the Singto Thong housing estate, Col-onel Waratchai Sriratanvuth said.

The gunman, who had arrived at the office on motorcycle, was identified as a Caucasian by Mieremet’s Thai wife, Sukanya Khan-in, the police officer added. Another witness identified the driver of the motorcycle as a Thai man.

Thai investigators said the motive for the killing may have stemmed from a personal or business conflict. Newspapers in the Netherlands, however, reported that the killing appeared to be in retaliation for the murder early this week of a lawyer, Evers Hingst, who defended senior Amsterdam crime figures

Mieremet was reportedly part of a mafia-organisation founded by the late Dutch “godfather” Klaas Bruinsma. Mieremat and his partner, Sam Klepper, who was killed in 2000, were considered to be one of the Netherlands’ most notorious criminal outfits, involved in gambling, drug trafficking, prostitution and extortion rackets. The pair was known as “Spic ‘n’ Span”, after an Ameri-can brand of cleaning powder, for their skill in eliminating rivals.

After Klep-per’s death, Mieremet moved to the villa-district of Neerpelt in Belgium, where several other reputed Dutch criminals reside. He continued, however, to oversee his crime operations in Amsterdam and in February 2002 he narrowly survived an attempt on his life as he was leaving the office of his lawyer, Hingst.

Mieremet suspected Hingst was involved in the murder attempt; Hingst had invited Mieremet to his office, said little and then bolted his door shut soon as his client left.

After he was shot, Mieremet granted an interview to the De Telegraaf newspaper, in which he spoke openly about his contacts with organised crime and implied Hingst was involved. Hingst, known in Holland as the “Devil’s Advocate” for his underworld ties, denied that he was party to the murder plan.

On Monday, Hingst was shot dead in Amsterdam.

De Telegraaf reported on Tuesday that Hingst was preparing to give a television interview to respond to charges that he was the “lawyer of the underworld”. Hingst represented one of the men who kidnapped brewing magnate Freddy Heineken in 1982 and Dutch real estate tycoon Willem Endstra, a reputed mafia banker murdered in May 2004.

Dutch commentators said Mieremet’s killing, the 20th involving a senior crime figure from the country since 1991, appeared to be in retaliation for the killing ofHingst.

The killings were related to a battle for control of the city’s drug trade between Dutch gangs and those of Arab and Yugoslavian origin, Dutch media reported. The feud began with the killing in 1991 of Bruinsma.

--The Nation 2005-11-04

John was good at heart and his memory would always live on, :o

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A poignant Editorial from today's The Nation:

EDITORIAL: Thailand’s Costa del Crime

Published on November 07, 2005

Another week and another murder of a foreigner with an unsavoury reputation in Pattaya. Last Wednesday was a busy day for the Pattaya police with not one but two gangland-style murders in the seaside resort. The Thai editor of the Pattaya Post was found in his BMW, blindfolded, hands bound and with a bullet hole in the back of his head.

Earlier, in the very same housing estate, a Dutch national was killed by a gunman who had come knocking on the front door of his office. This second “hit” was newsworthy for two reasons: the shooter was a Caucasian and the target was a prominent Dutch underworld figure, John Mieremet.

Mieremet, of course, is not the first foreign gangster to be killed in Pattaya. Dozens have been murdered in the last few years. The crime organisations for which they work are of every persuasion and come from every corner of the world. There are Russian and Swedish mobsters, Pakistani conmen, west African drug and diamond dealers, English soccer hooligans, Australian boiler-room operators, Japanese extortionists and Canadian bikers running meth operations who all call Pattaya home. There is even reportedly a gay Mafia at work in the town. What is interesting about Mieremet’s murder is that it was apparently in reprisal, Dutch police believe, for the killing of Evers Hingst, the most prominent underworld lawyer in the Netherlands, only two days previously. That Mieremet could be found and murdered by a foreign triggerman in less than 48 hours suggests the links between organised crime and Pattaya are getting more sophisticated and entrenched.

This should be a cause for concern. Criminal activity and dirty money when not suppressed, only ever encourage more of the same. And Pattaya surely has enough vice already.

The British newspaper The Guardian recently summed up Pattaya’s attraction to British criminals this way: “In the 1980s, Spain’s Costa del Sol was the destination of choice for many British criminals. Today they head to Thailand, where the beaches are stunning, the women cheap and the police are bribable.”

That Thailand has acquired an international reputation as a country where illegal businesses can flourish because of poor law enforcement is obviously not a good thing. Yet little seems to be done. In large part it is because of the long-standing weaknesses and lack of sincerity in anti-corruption campaigns, but it also because of the prevailing view that any money that flows into Pattaya is good money, no matter its origins.

This is incredibly short-term and self-destructive thinking.

Apart from the damage to Thailand’s image, the growth of such dark industries as fake passports, fake medicines, human-trafficking rings, gun-running and stand-over operations and so on hurts the Kingdom in very real ways.

As with the narcotics industry, the producing country always pays a terrible price due to the local consumption spawned and encouraged by the availability of the illegal good in question. Dirty money also quickly undermines (or in Pattaya’s case further undermines) local law-enforcement and civic institutions. Further, it deters honest business activity, and generally poisons the atmosphere.

To be sure the death of Mieremet is no great loss. He was reportedly part of a Mafia-organisation founded by the late Dutch “godfather” Klaas Bruinsma and was involved in gambling, drug trafficking, prostitution and extortion rackets. Mieremet and his partner Sam Klepper were considered to be one of the Netherlands’ most notorious criminal outfits. The pair was known as “Spic ‘n’ Span”, after an American brand of cleaning powder, for their skill in eliminating rivals.

Bruinsma was shot dead over 10 years ago, Klepper in 2001 and now Mieremet. The three were living proof, or perhaps more accurately, incontestably dead proof, that those who live by the sword die by it.

It is not, of course, possible to screen or run a background check on every tourist seeking to come to Thailand for a holiday or extended stay. But it is possible to do more than turn a blind eye to some of the most egregious criminal excesses and elements that are apparent to even the most casual visitor to Pattaya.

Like Mieremet, many of the worst gangsters in Pattaya will end up dead or in jail, double-crossed or otherwise ruined. It’s the order of things in the criminal world. That they should be allowed so easily to take some of Thailand with them is a truly unsatisfactory state of affairs.

  • 1 year later...

"Bugsy" Siegel once said "Sure we only kill each other".

Still it must be dashed inconvenient for you residents

of Pattaya to have to don the Kevlar "just in case".


How can Thailand allow a criminal to come and live in their country? Dont they check if he has a criminal record, is a suspect or a fugitive? DOnt they have contact with the dutch government. Its really ridiculous cause he just came to Thailand to run away from his enemy and to have illegal business in THailand of his own. How can you let him in your country?

That's great. The guy is Dutch. He was a criminal in the Netherlands where, apparently, they couldn't manage to prevent him from committing crimes nor could they arrest & detain him. He left the Netherlands undetected and the Dutch seemingly hadn't a clue where he was.

BUT, surprise, surprise it's all the fault of Thailand. Another example of Eurotrash logic.

I couldn't agree with you more. :o

What is a "Dutch Gangster" anyway? What did he do steal a few tulips? Maybe didn't eat his olebole on New years

Well, for starters in the early eighties he apparently was involved in the kidnapping of mr. Heineken, the beer guy. Later on he moved to become a drugdealer, murderer and god knows what. Apparantly, for his income he had a "laundry" deal with mr. Endstra, who is now by the media being called "the Dutch banker of criminals". Mr. Endstra refused to give him money back and that's how the murders started. This is as far as I understand it.

For the dutch people here, check www.elsevier.nl

@omen John Mieremet did al lot in Holland but never Kidnapping Mr. Heineken the beer guy !!!

And the story that Endstra refuse to give him money back is true, but that's not the reason how the murders started.

Is there any body who knows what the adress is where John Mieremet was killed ?

If you read the earlier posts from over one year ago, there was a community (gated compound) mentioned - and the guy was shot in the office. It looks as if he wsas the developer of the community.

Putting his dirty money to use, providing housing, making a profit and laundering the dirty money. Wonder if he was on a work visa and paying tax?



John Mieremet ' I have to lose nothing ' the interview what John van den Heuvel had with John Mieremet on 28 augusts 2002.

sorry bad translation from dutch to english with alta vista

top offender Johnny Mieremet wants make clean ship with ' politiebiecht ' in from Amsterdam onderwereld. ' I have to lose nothing.' With Article Mieremet headed to particularly Willem Endstra and Willem Holleeder which returned since then as a banker of the onderwereld and Holleeder as its keeper by living. Ever he formed ' s**c and attachment ' with Sam by the feared onderwereldkoppel. But the two-high rolling mill - in the eyes of justice responsibly for innumerable liquidations - ' has been clearred ' also themselves thorough. By she died Amsterdam-Buitenveldert in 2000 by a ball rain. Mieremet survived an attack in 2002, but yesterday a violent end also came in thailand to its life. Shotgun on table the interview with John Mieremet had in its Belgian villa. John of pine hillock, which this piece wrote, will strangely have been surprised then he the large shotgun on table saw lying. John told thereby that he was not frightened die, but this way easy such as the previous time (in February) he could be no longer caught. , still it has been afterwards suggested that those balls had been meant such as warning '', say Mieremet. , but that is really a lachertje, was simply a payment.' ' Mieremet lured in the fall he had that day at one o'clock an appointment with its Evert Hingst. , that man had in the morning rung me or I to its office savage come. Afterwards I realise that I in the fall have been lured. Hingst me had nothing important tell I stood rapidly. The moment the door behind me heard dichtviel I that the key was turned. On the same moment, I still stood on the staircase, descend there a man with a fire weapon on me. It was directly of a meter distance: boem, boem, boem. In a primary response I jumped of the staircase and savage runs away. There shots followed directly. I slipped and came half under a car lie. , it has expired, now he hunts a ball by my head '', shot through it Mieremet gone. But was beyond. I have still spoken with the ambulance staff and on the operation table outside knowledge have just touched.' ' ' I thought that it my friends were have been operated ' after some keren, where he fourteen litres got blood administered he was nursed for its own security in the penitentiary hospital in Scheveningen. A considerable member sign of dozens of centimetres was the `'bewijs '' of the failed assassination attack. Mieremet did not do about that moreover difficult and compared it with a jumbo derrick fighting. You distribute and also will receive, but this attack has been prepared by people of whom I thought that it were friends of me. That makes me a lot angrily. I weet also certain that them it will try a second time. My assassins stand speak here as to wait the angle.' ' Endstra the bank vd onderwereld with Holleeder is if keeper forms the aim behind the attack according to with a dispute worth millions business with two people: Willem Holleeder and well trader Willem Endstra. , Sam by and I a number of years has been suffered by Willem Holleeder put in contact with Willem Endstra. Boys also other from and does in abundance matter with Endstra, which is the environment prepared large amounts without to invest in immovable property, did it is asked for the origin of the money. Legendary was the sense which has been used since then frequently, viz. you can him consider as a bank of the onderwereld. And Holleeder as a keeper.' ' The death of Sam by was two attacks failed according to Mieremet vergeldingactie for by the ` group groep-Klepper on heineken heineken-ontvoerder Cor of wood and ecstasy trader Ronald van Essen, (JvdH). , I knew that the Yugoslavian Joca Jocic had been engaged also assassinate me and Willem Holleeder have commissioned that with Jocic regulate to will. Holleeder returned at me with the message that I 10 millions had pay German mark and then the matter from the world was. In spring of 2001 I have done that simply cash 11.5 million paying guilder to Holleeder.' ' Joca did not get the complete amount, a part became by me paid and a part by the widow of Sam by. Afterwards I briefly heard all that oké was. Holleeder told that I had myself no more care make. Later me by means of Magdy Barsoum (much have not been later settled) clear have become that Joca have got never the complete amount.' ' Situation became grimly in 2001, arose also a conflict concerning a well venture where the girlfriend of Mieremet participated in, Ria Eelzak, and the family members of Endstr the only shareholders of were. In subsidiary company Heerfur a well portfolio of 200 millions had been e.g. categorised. Mieremet told further in the interview which he the gedoe with Endstra and Holleeder zat was and wants about 50 millions guilder. The situation became always more grimly as a result of which Ria could no longer come on the office of Endstra on the Apollolaan. Eventually were Mieremet the zat and stepped the office of Endstra with a gun in its hand. Endstra promised regulate it then. , in place of it they sent away a hiring assassin thus me, ' ' Mieremet. Holleeders girlfriend come from rich well family, Willem Holleeder call everywhere that he the largest will becomes. That man is this way refined and weet finish people feilloos against each other. Probably Endstra become by him also placed under pressure. Holleeder are only get as much as possible in its possession. Because he himself wants nothing on its name, he tries transfer everything to its girlfriend, who comes from a rich well family with good a reputation. I have let shine through rather to the police force if to step they do not pay where my girlfriend is entitled to. ' I have to nothing lose more ' am the remarkable decision of Mieremet now to the police force step such a truc? The from Amsterdam top offender grinnikt, but remains serious. , we do not have it here concerning a game. I have to nothing lose more. Or I am fired or I talk with the police force, although my lawyer, Mr. Jahae has dissuaded, that me. I can open a notebook concerning to launder to wrest of top matter people, but as much as a number of conditions have put. There concerning it is now reflected, there stands therefore still nothing on paper. I hoef in everyone no sentence reduction. Krokodillentranen the police force was about that very astonished. ' who manages nou in fact he who, ' they still wondered himself. I do not will talk also concerning people with whom I have done the previous years much well matter and that have not taken in me. But the one which came here at home on parties, my children on lap names and krokodillentranen cried then I had been shot down whereas they commissioned, can wet their udder. I am will sit prepared myself ten, twelve, fifteen years behind the tralies, but I take also a couple.' ' Telephone conversation between vd hillock and Mieremet on 1 November 2005 to I ask "hi John, how it" goes, if I Tuesday morning John Mieremet to gets the tel.. He stays at that moment with oud-ijshockeyprof Ferry the cook for quite some time in thailand. With me it is well. Nicely in the zonnetje, Mieremet answer lively. Or he has already heard of the assassination attack on its former lawyer Mr. Evert Hingst, asks I him. Yes I heard it yesterday evening, they clear each other nicely. Terribly! Them know all too much of each other and now will them under each other start. They no longer trust each other, it is nice that hè? Mieremet have been clearly aroused. I lay him for that he to the attack on Hingst some weeks for that compared with me has predicted. "Tja, I have said you", recognise Mieremet, which keep on talking vervolgens considerable time concerning the langslepende onderwereldconflict, in which he is itself also party. At the end of (taken) the conversation ask I him once again how it goes with him. With me? After this type news I it finds... yes, what must think I of it still more. I become of it in fact, however, lively hear. I weet certainly that I have survived Evert. That is a thing which is certain. Where he Monday night lay, between the refuse, heard he also at home hears. Frankly 24 hours still no after the conversation Mieremet themselves lie dying on the street. A Engelssprekende man its huurkantoortje in Pattaya have walked in and open fire. Weet Mieremet still wonderwel an attack in 2002, to survive, this time is he prospectless. Two balls in its head put an end to living the man, who is considered by justice already at least twenty years as of the head pieces of the from Amsterdam onderwereld. Also Article sees Mieremet, man with a frightening reputation http://www.crimesite.nl/modules.php?name=N...cle&sid=535 ==================================

The house of John Mieremet in Belgium is for sale now :


Is there any body who knows what the adress is where John Mieremet was killed ?

Tedje this thread is over a year old and you have revived it with the above question, but it would seem you know quite a lot about it anyway, what is your interest or connection to this?, your a newbie and this is your first post, so what the point to it?



the ad from nov. 05 from his dutch wife ( Ria ) and the kids


picure of John

My Interest :

I'm interested in Dutch crime. I was in Pattaya last x-mas and wanted to see the place where John was shot, but had no adress or time, we where traveling around and on our way from Bangkok to Koh Chang, and in Pattaya just for one morning.

Because I'm thinking of going back to thailand this year, I found this forum and this subject, if any body is interested in dutch crime, I can tell you all about it.


The member making this thread alive again clearly states that his interest is Dutch crime.

Not Thailand related, hence thread closed.

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