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Employment For Thai Students

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I am doing a website for an abroad company, and the concept seems possible to be importated(used) in Thailand.

What I am looking for is a student (or a group of students) ideally in IT science, ready to commercialize the concept. The remuneration will be the following :

the student (or group of students) will give me back 20 % of the earnings. They keep the 80 % remaining. And yes, they will me give me back, it's not me who will give them 80 %, it mean there is no risk for them (as for me, I am not crazed yet).

Let say it's potentailly about 800 000 bht for the student (or group of student), more realistic will be to suppose around 400 000 within 3 month.

If there is thai students interrested,contact me.It will be only one person or one group, ideally I think one group will be better.

Also, I precise that is not an hoax, but as I am not english native speaker (I am french) there is some difficulty to expose it and on the same time to keep some confidentiallity; so if Georges, Docteur PP or any moderator think the way I presented it is not accurate, I will be also happy to communicate and let them modify this post.

Best regards


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