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Article About True In Bkk Post Page B5


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Today was a small article in the BKK post stating that TRUE now got a licence from the NTC to operate international Internet gateway services and that they are going to offer 1Mbps for only 590.-Baht.

Does this mean things will get better with TRUE regarding international bandwidth?

Since TRUE is the only service available in our area I was going to apply next week for ADSL --- should I wait?


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No way they can give you decent international speeds at that price.

The communications Authority of Thailand (CAT) is still charging the ISP's around 25000 Baht/month for 1mbps of international bandwidth. The CAT has the monopoly, so True cannot buy anywhere cheaper.

At that price(590/month) you are looking at a sharing (contention) ratio of at least 80 to 1. Meaning you will be sharing this 1mbps with up to 80 people simultaniously.

If not more, since True is known to give extremely high contention ratios to boost their profit margin.

You'll be lucky to get dial-up speeds most of the day...

As they state in the article, it will be the cheapest in the world, and also the most useless in the world.

I simply don't understand their marketing departments, unless they specifically state that the 1mbps is local speed, usefull for example for local Thai streaming media like television over internet.

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AS True user (1 Mg/sec for 890 bht/month) I totally disagree with the speed given.

At any moment of the day , I am able to have simultaneous download from FTP located abroad (mostly Florida and australia) at the cumulate speed of 1 Mg/sec.

I get that result with the use of Download Accelerator.

One more time confusion is here :

some fact :

if you do a simple download using Window , then the max speed will be around 30k/secs , but you can have several download on the same time at that speed. Doanload Accelerator (As other accelerator) use to get the file in several part simultaneously, so that allow to use the max speed.

So yes, the system existing actually simply sucks if you want to use Bittorrent (I never get more than 15 k/secs), if you want to download Warez from russian websites, or so on ... but I do think whatever that is also illegal in your country (assuming you are an anglo saxon), so why complain or why do you want to do here waht you can not do in your own country?

Also, and at least in Bkk area, fact is to notice the quality of the connection have dramacticaly increase during the last 2 month. No disconnection, the speed stay constant, the DNS problem seems to be fixed.

I do use True for my living, I am independant coder working remote for abroad companies, so internet is VITAL for me (I get pay weekly, so if I have any problem that is my earnings that go down). The only downfall is the upload speed, 512 k/sec is a pain in ass when I have to send back full ecommerce website weighting about 3 Gb ....But that is only 890 bht, so I know well miracles are not existing

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if you do a simple download using Window , then the max speed will be around 30k/secs , but you can have several download on the same time at that speed. Doanload Accelerator (As other accelerator) use to get the file in several part simultaneously, so that allow to use the max speed.

Quite true. This has been my "secret weapon" against True for many months. :o

The only downfall is the upload speed, 512 k/sec is a pain in ass when I have to send back full ecommerce website weighting about 3 Gb ....But that is only 890 bht, so I know well miracles are not existing

Try this miracle: setup a VLAN between your PC and your destination (in the US or wherever). Hamachi is a good choice for doing that. Then install a webserver on your PC and zip your package up and place it in the root dir. Now on the remote end, install your download manager and hit your PC with it. You will see miraculous speeds!! :D

BTW, I didn't RTFA but True is full of BS saying it will be the cheapest in the world. I've worked on internet projects all over Asia for the past decade and could name half a dozen countries, and dozens of ISPs, with lower rates and better performance than True's. Of course, I could name countries worse off as well, such as the long-sufferring net users of Australia. But this is just so typical of True, trying to mislead the unwitting consumer with this kind of nonsense.

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AS True user (1 Mg/sec for 890 bht/month) I totally disagree with the speed given.

At any moment of the day , I am able to have simultaneous download from FTP located abroad (mostly Florida and australia) at the cumulate speed of 1 Mg/sec.

I get that result with the use of Download Accelerator.

One more time confusion is here :

some fact :

if you do a simple download using Window , then the max speed will be around 30k/secs , but you can have several download on the same time at that speed. Doanload Accelerator (As other accelerator) use to get the file in several part simultaneously, so that allow to use the max speed.

So yes, the system existing actually simply sucks if you want to use Bittorrent (I never get more than 15 k/secs), if you want to download Warez from russian websites, or so on ... but I do think whatever that is also illegal in your country (assuming you are an anglo saxon), so why complain or why do you want to do here waht you can not do in your own country?

Also, and at least in Bkk area, fact is to notice the quality of the connection have dramacticaly increase during the last 2 month. No disconnection, the speed stay constant, the DNS problem seems to be fixed.

I do use True for my living, I am independant coder working remote for abroad companies, so internet is VITAL for me (I get pay weekly, so if I have any problem that is my earnings that go down). The only downfall is the upload speed, 512 k/sec is a pain in ass when I have to send back full ecommerce website weighting about 3 Gb ....But that is only 890 bht, so I know well miracles are not existing

You are completely right, if you use download accelerators, then indeed your speed would be 120 KBPS or 110 or even higher. When using download windows (default ones) then it makes it look like its 30kbps. People should start realizing that fact.

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AS True user (1 Mg/sec for 890 bht/month) I totally disagree with the speed given.

At any moment of the day , I am able to have simultaneous download from FTP located abroad (mostly Florida and australia) at the cumulate speed of 1 Mg/sec.

I get that result with the use of Download Accelerator.

One more time confusion is here :

some fact :

You are completely right, if you use download accelerators, then indeed your speed would be 120 KBPS or 110 or even higher. When using download windows (default ones) then it makes it look like its 30kbps. People should start realizing that fact.

Fact is it's very easy to complain about anything or anyone, in more if it's thailand and in a forum farang based ...

There is a tendency to be assistate for anything, and to think a simple mouse click will be enought ... Windows (Xp or 95) have his own way to take care of the internet. One exemple easy to verify :

us a dial up with 98/Me, the theorical speed will be about 4.5K/secs, use it with XP, it will be 5k/secs, use it with Mandrake7.2 then it will be 5.3k/sec ... I did those test 1 year ago with the 30 days card unlimited.

Whatever ( and it's bittorrent idea) the use of one port is wasting ressource, the only things to complain is why the various OS do NOT include natively multiport download ... but in no case the ISP must be given as guilty (I think 30k is a given max speed for download with one port acording to a RFC ..., as the use of 3 different HTTP flux is also a max given another RFC ... tho I will have to verify that)

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There is no 30K limit per connection in windows, unless True has put it there.

i.e. I've downloaded software over the internet, without a download accelerator, i.e. just a click on a link in a browser, at over 600KBytes/sec. (obviously, not in Thailand, but it was in Asia, and it was from a website in the US).

I've had even faster bittorrent speeds though on the same connection... - try downloading the new OpenOffice 2.0 on bittorrent. Because it's actually a completely legal download with no copyright issues, there are lots of sites seeding it which have decent internet connections. - i.e. significantly faster than ADSL or T1. The 79Mb download just flies onto your PC...

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Well, due my english, I formulated my post by a wrong way.

Fact :

1) true seems limitate at 30 k /sec each port for download.

2) technical reason that is given , is simply to comply to a RFC.

It's evident noboddy can handle to waste bandwidth, and the use of one port at 700 k/secs is criminal when you can use 10 (70 k/secs) or 20 (35ksecs) on the same time.

Well, whatever I can say will not change anything anywhere lol, fact is also thailand do not have enought access to the global internet.

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I most definately have not to resort to tricks or third party download programs.

Downloading a file with internet explorer or Firefox comes in at the rated speed of my connection (or the max speed available at that moment)

I do use getright as a download assistant, mainly because I can throtle down the download speed so I keep being able to browse the web with decent speeds...

Simple rule: Strange as though it may seem, Thailand HAS enough international bandwidth.

Only problem is the CAT keeping the price to high.

Result: ISP's selling cheap broadband so they have to resort to very high contention ratio's to be able to pay the price of their bandwidth to CAT.

They are simply trying to sell a product which costs 4000 Baht for the price of 900 Baht. Mainly because at 4000 Baht nobody would buy!

Edited by monty
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