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You need to look at a program called Calibre which organises your eBooks and also converts formats.

It's a little bit geeky so I haven't worked out all the uses yet.

I'm thinking of getting a tablet to supplement my iRiver eBook reader, probably an iPad, but after buying a new laptop AND a new desktop PC this year I'd need to sneak it into the house and only get it out when the Mrs is off fishing. :lol:

My friend in Pattaya last year showed me about 4 free programs he uses to do his e-book conversions, unecrypt books, and for loaners, keep them as long as he wants. I tried to sneak the BB playbook in the house, wife said whats that and had to tell her I got it without telling her because she would complain. Really I wanted a good laptop. Surprise me she said order whatever laptop you want and I did last night. Looks like the BB tablet will be sold to someone in Thailand now and will just keep the Nook as my reader/tablet. Now if I just can get wifi at home in Thailand for just a month.

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Maby this site is something you can use:


Thanks. Found the best source possible today. I live about 5 minutes from the AF base library and asked them if their stuff was online for books. Voila! I can now access for free all of the books, movies, audiobooks in the military library and some things are allowed to be copied. Being a secure site I fully expect Thailand not to block it (I hope).

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  • 5 months later...

There is chinese website you can access from Thailand. www.funshion.com. You need to download the software. Just go to the site and type in the name of the movie, TV show and it will ask you to download. It's all in Chinese but very easy to follow. Once downloaded, you can open the program and do the search in English. They have huge database with excellent quality. If the move is out on DVD, they will have it.

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  • 1 month later...

I picked it up north of the border yesterday so will watch it this weekend.

PS, the book is excellent, as are the whole trilogy, if you're a reader watch out for them. (I have them on ebooks if you want).

Edited by sceadugenga
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