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Teacher Held For Child Assault Hangs Himself In Police Cell

Lite Beer

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Perhaps all the age of consent discussion can be resolved by a communal agreement that his alleged raping of an 11 year-old falls outside any acceptable age.


Raping someone of any age is not acceptable.


I agree. I was being thrown off by discussion that girl now being 15 year old somehow made it more acceptable.


The part that I find really strange is. Age of consent is 15yrs old. Ah but there is a catch(22) The consent can be withdrawn afterwards. <deleted>


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According to my wife this story is being reported differently in the Thai news.

According to her recount, the teacher and the student were in love, and had been living together consensually for years. The parents were distressed over the situation, and had been repeatedly advised by the village elders not to press the issue as that would only make the daughter run away.

Apparently, the parents eventually decided to play hardball, and the teacher left to go live in Pathum Thani. The girl chased after him voluntarily. The parents then decided to have him arrested, and he killed himself.

The Thais don't necessarily have the same view of underage sex as we do in the West. In my wife's village, there are currently 3 girls that she knows of ages 13-15 that are living with their "husbands" who are in their 20's and 30's. My guess is had the man simply not been so old this would have been a non story.

As it is, this guy exercised extremely poor judgment, but hearing the alternative version of events I think it is not correct to condemn the man, and I think the English language papers have been irresponsible in their reporting of the story. At 58, he should have more sense than to enter a relationship with one of his underage students, but culturally he didn't do anything that was truly out of the ordinary. He was just too old when he did it. I would guess he had some emotional problems, but the girl was also a willing participant, and the parents did have choices of how to proceed.

This is a sad story that will stay with this poor girl for the rest of her life. I doubt she will ever be able to restore her relationship with her parents given what they did and how things turned out. As a parent with a young daughter myself, this kind of thing really worries me. Exactly how do you deal with a situation like this so it doesn't destroy everyone's life?

I fault the man. The girl is still a child, but the man knows better, or should. The parents are also to blame for letting their daughter go off with this guy in the first place. It's called parental responsibility. Something most Thai's know nothing about. The majority just spit the kids out and they raise them selves. Where was the parental guideance that parents are supposed to have? Why were curfews and responsibility placed upon this girl? So many questions with only one answer IMHO, the parents didn't give a s*it what she did.

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The part that I find really strange is. Age of consent is 15yrs old. Ah but there is a catch(22) The consent can be withdrawn afterwards. <deleted>


They can prosecute you even with consent if she is under 18. One high profile case is a guy from Big Ass. A girl he dated gave birth at 16 and named him as the father in the media. He was prosecuted even though it was consensual, and genetic tests showed that the child was not actually his after all. Later his conviction was overturned because the court ruled he did not know she was under 18 at the time.

From the link posted above

"Section 283 bis Whoever, takes away the person over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age for indecent act with consent of such person, shall be punished with imprisonment of not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both."

Edited by DP25
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No, it is 18. You can get married at 15 with parental permission. You can absolutely be prosecuted for having sex with any under 18 year old if you are not married. What this man did is 100% criminal, and had he not killed himself he should have gone to jail.

He was arrested for rape and kidnapping and nothing to do with age of the girl ... you might want to check the link I provided above to the Thai Penal Codes.

You might want to read further too, as it provides penalties for offenses aged 15 to 18 they can charge you with as well. The fact is they can and do prosecute for having sex with 15-18 year olds in Thailand, in cases that have NOTHING to do with prostitution, kidnapping, rape etc. Just look at the dude from Big Ass, received a fine and a 2 year suspended sentence for having sex with a 16 year old. If you think you can get away with sleeping with an under 18 year old you are not married to you are in for a very big surprise if the authorities take an interest in you.

You are not reading the statutes properly and it has already been explained how one can be prosecuted but the fact remains that 15 is the basic age of consent in Thailand. No sense in going further on this if you simply refuse to accept you misspoke.

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The part that I find really strange is. Age of consent is 15yrs old. Ah but there is a catch(22) The consent can be withdrawn afterwards. <deleted>


They can prosecute you even with consent if she is under 18. One high profile case is a guy from Big Ass. A girl he dated gave birth at 16 and named him as the father in the media. He was prosecuted even though it was consensual, and genetic tests showed that the child was not actually his after all. Later his conviction was overturned because the court ruled he did not know she was under 18 at the time.

From the link posted above

"Section 283 bis Whoever, takes away the person over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age for indecent act with consent of such person, shall be punished with imprisonment of not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both."

Section 283 is about kidnapping and starts with ...

Section 283

Whoever, in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person, procures, seduces or takes away for indecent act a man or woman by using deceitful means, threat, doing an act of violence, unjust influence or mode of coercion by any other means, shall be punished with imprisonment of five to twenty years and fined of ten thousand to forty thousand Baht.

It then goes on to site various circumstances for enhanced sentencing including .. again this is NOTHING to do with the age of consent which has been stated and showed a number of times to be 15-years old in Thailand with some added twists including being able to withdraw consent after the fact..

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You are not reading the statutes properly and it has already been explained how one can be prosecuted but the fact remains that 15 is the basic age of consent in Thailand. No sense in going further on this if you simply refuse to accept you misspoke.

I did not mispeak. 18 is the age that is enforced and what they prosecute for. Anyone using the age of 15 is going to end up in jail eventually. You should try telling the judges that prosecute people for sleeping with 16 year olds that they are wrong too, because it happens for consensual encounters under 18. I agree there is no sense going on further in anything with you

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The part that I find really strange is. Age of consent is 15yrs old. Ah but there is a catch(22) The consent can be withdrawn afterwards. <deleted>


They can prosecute you even with consent if she is under 18. One high profile case is a guy from Big Ass. A girl he dated gave birth at 16 and named him as the father in the media. He was prosecuted even though it was consensual, and genetic tests showed that the child was not actually his after all. Later his conviction was overturned because the court ruled he did not know she was under 18 at the time.

From the link posted above

"Section 283 bis Whoever, takes away the person over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age for indecent act with consent of such person, shall be punished with imprisonment of not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both."

Section 283 is about kidnapping and starts with ...

It is also used for entirely CONSENSUAL encounters with people between 15 and 18. Having sex with someone 15-18 is 'taking away' for indecent acts unless you are married to them

Edited by DP25
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I think the issue is the age of the girl. 15 not acceptable. :o

The basic age of consent in Thailand is 15 years old .... whether right or wrong morally, it is legal.

Yes 15 but only with the parents consent. Strange as it may seem it is 18 otherwise.

There is more to this story.. but for me 15 and 58 do not mix. Teachers and students do not mix romantically.

Other poster talking of large age gaps ok as long as they are other 18.. most i would imagine are over 25..

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To argue about interpenetration of this law or any law on the books here in Thailand, is probably fruitless. The application of the law is what gets results or not, as most of us have observed.

At times it would appear that two groups of people make the laws of most countries of the world. Those who word the law so that they and their peers are never out of work (lawyers) and those who would not know to pour water out of a boot which has instruction and a flashing lite on the heel. (certifiably ignorant retards. The latter may have the best track record, of presenting something that is understood by the majority of people.

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It is hard to have sympathy for pedophilles.

Though not acceptable, also not a pedophile. A pedophile is defined as someone who desires pre-adolescents (younger than 12-13 years old). Fifteen years old does not meet that criteria. Just saying...

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"We had two men within 10km of our former home, one UK, one US, whose wives were greater than a 43yr age difference younger.

But that is entirely ok, to be applauded, in some circles here."

I think the issue is the age of the girl. 15 not acceptable. :o

to thais it is acceptable, they marry @ 14 in thailand, i dont think the husband is expected to wait 2 yrs after they marry, in many muslim countries its even younger, im not saying its right, but if its legal , who are we to judge ??, there should be international laws on this matter

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I think the issue is the age of the girl. 15 not acceptable. :o

The basic age of consent in Thailand is 15 years old .... whether right or wrong morally, it is legal.

It is morally wrong in western countries.

We how ever are in a eastern country with different values and conditions than what we grew up with.

Just because we grew up with different values it does not make other peoples values wrong.

Stop and consider if it had been legally or morally wrong here why then did the parents lie and say she was kidnapped and raped both of which are morally and legally wrong.

And for money they would have accepted the situation.

Sounds like another Nation in depth want to sell newspaper article regardless of the facts.

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"We had two men within 10km of our former home, one UK, one US, whose wives were greater than a 43yr age difference younger.

But that is entirely ok, to be applauded, in some circles here."

I think the issue is the age of the girl. 15 not acceptable. :o

It is in Thailand.

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No, it is 18. You can get married at 15 with parental permission. You can absolutely be prosecuted for having sex with any under 18 year old if you are not married. What this man did is 100% criminal, and had he not killed himself he should have gone to jail.

He was arrested for rape and kidnapping and nothing to do with age of the girl ... you might want to check the link I provided above to the Thai Penal Codes.



Marriage and sex are two different things. As for marriage you actually need parent consent if under age 20. You also need to be at least 17-years old to marry in Thailand if you don't have an order from the court.

Simply stating what you think is fact doesn't make it fact.

If you wish to cite the law then please cite the applicable law. This is not solely a criminal law case and in fact it isthe CHILD PROTECTION ACT,B.E. 2546(2003) that is triggered first. The criminal law applies if the alleged crime(s) were more severe under the provisions of the criminal law. The Child Protection law was breached . Look at the definition of a child. "Child" means a person under eighteen years of age, but not include a person those who become sui juris through marriage.

The age of consent has absolutely no relevance when it comes to the enforcement of this law. Now read the relevant sections;

Section 26. Under theprovisions of other laws, no person shall,irrespective of the consent of achild, act as follows:

(3) compel, threat, induce, encourageor allow a child to conduct inappropriate behavior or to have behavior which isrisky to wrongdoing;

(9) compel, threat, use, induce,encourage, support or allow a child to perform or act in an indecent manner whether in response of emolument or other purposes;

What part of a teacher student sexual relationship do you not understand triggers sections 3 and 9 above?

Chapter 7: Properbehavior Promotion of Pupils and Students Section 64. A pupil and student shall behave inaccordance with regulations as determined by a school or education institution and as prescribed by the Ministerial Regulation.

Schools in Thailand have regulations on the subject of teacher student sexual relationships.

Section 78. Whoever violates section 26 shall beliable to imprisonment for a term of not exceeding three months or to a fine ofnot exceeding thirty thousand Baht, or to both.

If other laws prescribe heavier penalty for the offences under paragraph one than the penalty under this Act,such penalty shall be imposed.

Edited by geriatrickid
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No, it is 18. You can get married at 15 with parental permission. You can absolutely be prosecuted for having sex with any under 18 year old if you are not married. What this man did is 100% criminal, and had he not killed himself he should have gone to jail.

He was arrested for rape and kidnapping and nothing to do with age of the girl ... you might want to check the link I provided above to the Thai Penal Codes.

You might want to read further too, as it provides penalties for offenses aged 15 to 18 they can charge you with as well. The fact is they can and do prosecute for having sex with 15-18 year olds in Thailand, in cases that have NOTHING to do with prostitution, kidnapping, rape etc. Just look at the dude from Big Ass, received a fine and a 2 year suspended sentence for having sex with a 16 year old. If you think you can get away with sleeping with an under 18 year old you are not married to you are in for a very big surprise if the authorities take an interest in you.

I have no interest in the law...

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