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America Does Not Want My Money


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They've tried the open door policy and it leads to large numbers of immigrants living off the system. Plenty of exceptions to that generalization but if the net result was beneficial, we wouldn't see these policies now.

That said, I've known plenty of Thais who have gotten visas to the US. There aren't any black and white rules but one common denominator was that they were all local property owners (even if just a house or two.... probably better if more substantial)... which presumably means it won't be a one way trip.


You are correct, they want some assurance you have a reason to come back. Family, property job.

Yes and maybe a stupid question but was her past European traveling history brought into the equation and reported??

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It's really so simple, I don't understand what's the mystery:

Thailand is a very poor country in American terms:

Median salary in Thailand: maybe 10,000 baht

Median salary in USA: maybe 100,000 baht.

USA doesn't want more illegal immigrant coming in, and that's perfectly reasonable.

Nothing special about Thais,

If the OP wife was from the Philippines, Columbia or Ukraine - it would have been the same.

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They've tried the open door policy and it leads to large numbers of immigrants living off the system. Plenty of exceptions to that generalization but if the net result was beneficial, we wouldn't see these policies now.

That said, I've known plenty of Thais who have gotten visas to the US. There aren't any black and white rules but one common denominator was that they were all local property owners (even if just a house or two.... probably better if more substantial)... which presumably means it won't be a one way trip.


You are correct, they want some assurance you have a reason to come back. Family, property job.

Yes and maybe a stupid question but was her past European traveling history brought into the equation and reported??

I don't think it even got that far, once the OP's wife found out that she needed to apply for a visa, she kicked off and now they're not going.

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This issue or (non) issue has very little to do with why America is broke.

America is not broke. They own the Middle East that is the oil that runs the world. They also have the most gold. If China thinks it is going to be running the show because it collected a bunch of pieces of paper I have some bad news for them, the US gov controls the value of these pieces of paper. But in reality of course China knows this. In reality, China does not care. They have the same system as Thailand, 10% are rich, 90% are slaves.

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This issue or (non) issue has very little to do with why America is broke.

America is not broke. They own the Middle East that is the oil that runs the world. They also have the most gold. If China thinks it is going to be running the show because it collected a bunch of pieces of paper I have some bad news for them, the US gov controls the value of these pieces of paper. But in reality of course China knows this. In reality, China does not care. They have the same system as Thailand, 10% are rich, 90% are slaves.

How does the US own the Middle East? They maybe start wars in the middle east for the sole purpose of gaining access to oil.

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America wants her money. But it doesn't want more illegal immigrants even more. Thais are highly likely to become illegal immigrants. Sorry.


With thirty million illegals in the country, and an administration that unless your a felon frees you to continue sucking at the public teat (80% illegals receive some form of gov't aid) it makes no sense to not allow those in that are willing to walk in the front door, enter. At least they will bring money and won't collect WIC Welfare free medical etc that the back door entrants feel entitled too.

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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!


We are unable to obtain permanent residency here whereas foreigners get 'residency' fairly easily in the UK - IF they are able to gain entry.

The UK government is making it harder for many nationalities to get in these days, with It's British citizens test etc. Like a UK guy who marries a Thai woman has many obstacles to pass for The Thai wife to get permanent residency, however eastern europeans lots of whom don't even speak English can come and go as they please? Also asylum seekers come and get everything, sometimes ending up in houses that are worth a million pounds at the taxpayers expense obviously. Its crazy!!

Sorry kinda off topic

Rant over :-)

It would be crazy if it were true. These 'eastern europeans' you refer to are citizens of another EU state, and as such can live and work in any other EU state, the same applies to UK citizens wishing to live and work anywhere else in the EU. The idea that they cannot speak English doesn't really hold any water, as they couldn't exist here if they didn't. Maybe you hear them talking to each other, which they would do in their own language, and assume that they can't speak English?

As for asylum seekers 'getting everything' that's more myth than fact and the numbers aren't huge. This is from last year but shows that the numbers, which were already quite low, have fallen, it also includes figures relating to Polish people coming to live and work in the UK, those numbers have also fallen.

The requirement to be able to speak and understand basic English if a non EU citizen wants to settle in the UK may at first seem like an obstacle, but it is quite fair really as it will help that person settle in the country more easily. I think it's a sensible idea for anyone settling in another country to have a basic grasp of the language before they do so.

Yes I kinda agree with you, how many UK citizens decided to go live in Poland or Lithuania? And I'm presently surrounded by a number of Poles who Can't speak English, and I come across it every other day, yes lots can speak English. We needed lots of these eastern europeans to come fill jobs the locals wouldn't take! But now...there is to many of them.

I travel extensively around Scotland with my job, all the small towns and villages are saturated with eastern europeans, and trust me quite a lot don't speak any English.

Ian Duncan Smith recently pointed out that more than 60% of new jobs go to migrants in this country, yes I agree some are highly skilled and immigrants are needed, the true fact is though that immigration from Eastern Europe has helped contribute to a generation of youngsters being condemned to the dole.

The whole EU thing doesn't really work for the UK, it works for the people coming into the UK.

The present government promised to bring down immigration to the tens of thousands, 2010 there was 239,000 migrants who entered the UK to live a 21% increase on the previous year, so much for the government bringing immigration down to the tens of thousands?


It just goes to show that EU red tape means we have lost control of our borders, and no government has the power to stop it, until we leave the EU that is.

Funny how it was only the UK, Irish, Swedish who opened up there labour markets when the eastern bloc joined the EU.

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There's probably more illegal immigrants in the US than there are people in Australia. If we let anyone have a visa when they land at the airport we'd have a tens of millions new immigrants over night. Sorry but you have to apply.

Thailand has millions of illegals too, Burmese, Cambodians etc and they deport them by the truckload every day so you'd think she'd understand.

Sorry you have lost the point

She is a permanant Australian with all the same conditions as her baby

Her social status shows she is not going to be an illegal immigrant

I totally agree when a Thai wants to visit America from Thailand

But her Thai past is way back and now she lives in a better country than America so her reason are

Why and who in the hell do they think they are

A piece of paper does not change the girl

There is no argument that with a passport she would get in

The question is why do they stamp all Thais with the same stamp

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Exactly. I've no idea why Western countries are so suspicious about Thai wives.

Are you the same age? If so it makes it even more incomprehensible that they could think it was a 'scam'.

Well, my country wasn't suspicious of my wife, they just required her to apply for a visa, which she did. They then gave it to her.

There is no mention in the OP that the US government thought there was any kind of 'scam' going on.

Every country has it's own immigration laws, some allow you to just turn up and they let you in, others require visas which you need to apply for before you can travel there.

My wife also had to travel to Bangkok to submit her application, the fact that she has two children and had to get someone to take care of them whilst she did that, isn't any concern of the UK government.

If she had found these requirements too difficult, or inappropriate, she wouldn't be able to travel to the UK.

The fact is that the US requires visitors from certain countries to apply for visas before they travel there. Thailand is one of those countries and the OP's wife is a Thai passport holder.

Either the OP's wife applies for a visa or she can't travel to the US. No amount of debate will change the US immigration rules in that regard.

As already stated

The Thai Wife does not want to go to a country that treats her like a bar girl

so we off to Tahiti,

she got a visa over the internet

I am just a Farang and only wants warm dinners and a warm bed at night,

The sun in Tahiti is just as good as Hawaii

So she has voted with her feet

Sorry, but how does the fact that she has to apply for a visa equate to her being treated as a bar girl?

You and your wife seem to have some strange ideas about life.

Does she think that the US government have the requirement for her to obtain a visa for the US because they automatically assume that she's a prostitute? The fact is that unless you are a passport holder of a country that has a special relationship with the US, like the UK for instance, you will, whoever you are, whatever your occupation, brain surgeon, astronaut, plumber, palm reader or bar girl, need to apply for a visa before you go there!

Your wife seems to be taking all this rather personally, as if the US government have got something against her.

Anyway, enjoy Tahiti. I wouldn't want to go to the US myself anyway, visa or no visa, but that's another story!

Again I will repeat

She understands that she needs a visa

What upsets her is while her daughter can apply over the internet

she must fly all the way to Sydney

stay over night

have a 1 on 1 interview

and fly home again

Yet her daughter just fills out a form on the internet, and they send her a visa

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ozzieman05. In your op you said America don't want my money. Further down you said "She ownes 2 businesses in Australia and pass good tax to the Australia Government". Just curious does she contribute with her money she makes from her businesses? :rolleyes:

Ha ha Wondered how long before you asked this question

When she came to Australia I set her up in business

When the babies where born I wanted to watch then grow up so I retired

My Thai wife is the sole provider of the Family income both here in Australia and in Thailand

To make the facts known

I already owned the family home when we met, but the ultiliies and up keep are not cheap

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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!


We are unable to obtain permanent residency here whereas foreigners get 'residency' fairly easily in the UK - IF they are able to gain entry.

The UK government is making it harder for many nationalities to get in these days, with It's British citizens test etc. Like a UK guy who marries a Thai woman has many obstacles to pass for The Thai wife to get permanent residency, however eastern europeans lots of whom don't even speak English can come and go as they please? Also asylum seekers come and get everything, sometimes ending up in houses that are worth a million pounds at the taxpayers expense obviously. Its crazy!!

Sorry kinda off topic

Rant over :-)

Please Note:

she has been to England

and got her visa without having to travel to Sydney or Camberra

The reason: she has permanat residence in Australia, plus other things

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What do you think the reasons are that they are wary of Thai females and therefore put them through a strict screening process?

And are you saying that policies should be reciprocal? If thats the case then Americans should be allowed to own land in Thailand as Thais are allowed to own land in the US.

I actually agree with the Thai policy of not allowing foreigners to allow land.

It is one of the things that really annoys people in the West - that wealthy foreigners are able to buy large chunks of the country.

Good for the Thais!

100% agree with you here

But Most Thai ladies have blinkers on when you bring up this subject

and I do not like eating cold dinners or sleepin alone


Learn to cook and get a cat :D ...

You speak from experience ????

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There's probably more illegal immigrants in the US than there are people in Australia. If we let anyone have a visa when they land at the airport we'd have a tens of millions new immigrants over night. Sorry but you have to apply.

Thailand has millions of illegals too, Burmese, Cambodians etc and they deport them by the truckload every day so you'd think she'd understand.

Sorry you have lost the point

She is a permanant Australian with all the same conditions as her baby

Her social status shows she is not going to be an illegal immigrant

I totally agree when a Thai wants to visit America from Thailand

But her Thai past is way back and now she lives in a better country than America so her reason are

Why and who in the hell do they think they are

A piece of paper does not change the girl

There is no argument that with a passport she would get in

The question is why do they stamp all Thais with the same stamp

But her Thai past is way back and now she lives in a better country than America so her reason are...The question is why do they stamp all Thais with the same stamp

This (especially combined witha few other things in your posts) speak volumes, I think.

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They've tried the open door policy and it leads to large numbers of immigrants living off the system. Plenty of exceptions to that generalization but if the net result was beneficial, we wouldn't see these policies now.

That said, I've known plenty of Thais who have gotten visas to the US. There aren't any black and white rules but one common denominator was that they were all local property owners (even if just a house or two.... probably better if more substantial)... which presumably means it won't be a one way trip.


You are correct, they want some assurance you have a reason to come back. Family, property job.

Yes and maybe a stupid question but was her past European traveling history brought into the equation and reported??

Thank you for your question

when filling out the application on the internet

My application went through okay

Children application went through okay

her application went through okay until it got to Country of passport


The system is designed to ignore all relevant facts other than this fact her passport is Thai

You can not speak to any one about this

the solution is

Make an appointment and travel to Sydney for a 1 on 1 appointment

We all know she will get her Visa, that is not the problem

She has learnt a new word


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They've tried the open door policy and it leads to large numbers of immigrants living off the system. Plenty of exceptions to that generalization but if the net result was beneficial, we wouldn't see these policies now.

That said, I've known plenty of Thais who have gotten visas to the US. There aren't any black and white rules but one common denominator was that they were all local property owners (even if just a house or two.... probably better if more substantial)... which presumably means it won't be a one way trip.


You are correct, they want some assurance you have a reason to come back. Family, property job.

Yes and maybe a stupid question but was her past European traveling history brought into the equation and reported??

Thank you for your question

when filling out the application on the internet

My application went through okay

Children application went through okay

her application went through okay until it got to Country of passport


The system is designed to ignore all relevant facts other than this fact her passport is Thai

You can not speak to any one about this

the solution is

Make an appointment and travel to Sydney for a 1 on 1 appointment

We all know she will get her Visa, that is not the problem

She has learnt a new word


Don't think so, the System would have popped up with the same thing if she'd put Japanese, Russian, lots of nationalities, I'd bet. It's not discrimination against Thai, or even Thai females.

Take a look at the U.S. Embassy in London, for example, here: http://london.usembassy.gov/nonimmigrant-visas.html

and here: http://london.usembassy.gov/noreq.html


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America wants her money. But it doesn't want more illegal immigrants even more. Thais are highly likely to become illegal immigrants. Sorry.

But American pushes Australia to except illegal boat people

How do I explain this to her

Just tell her that the US g'ment is a fokked up mess, which is true and if she wishes to visit the US, she has to play their game, meaning getting an Aussie passport. If you are an illegal immigrant in the US, you qualify for free health care and a stipend from the government, however, if you are a law abiding foreign national that has assets and have reasons to return to your home country if granted a visa, then you will most assuredly not receive a tourist visa. The bizarro world is upon us.

To your point about the illegal boat people, the US is famous for telling other countries what to do while blatantly supporting the opposite position themselves. Case in point, the US foreign policy for the last 60 years to prop-up and support dictators and oligarchs in the Middle East while professing free speech and freedom at home.

EDIT: typo.

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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Again I will repeat

She understands that she needs a visa

What upsets her is while her daughter can apply over the internet

she must fly all the way to Sydney

stay over night

have a 1 on 1 interview

and fly home again

Yet her daughter just fills out a form on the internet, and they send her a visa

Sounds like your wife is just jealous of her daughter, tell her to get over it ;)

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America wants her money. But it doesn't want more illegal immigrants even more. Thais are highly likely to become illegal immigrants. Sorry.

But American pushes Australia to except illegal boat people

How do I explain this to her

Just tell her that the US g'ment is a fokked up mess, which is true and if she wishes to visit the US, she has to play their game, meaning getting an Aussie passport. If you are an illegal immigrant in the US, you qualify for free health care and a stipend from the government, however, if you are a law abiding foreign national that has assets and have reasons to return to your home country if granted a visa, then you will most assuredly not receive a tourist visa. The bizarro world is upon us.

To your point about the illegal boat people, the US is famous for telling other countries what to do while blatantly supporting the opposite position themselves. Case in point, the US foreign policy for the last 60 years to prop-up and support dictators and oligarchs in the Middle East while professing free speech and freedom at home.

EDIT: typo.

Don't have to tell her

As she is Thai it has always been her dream to go to America

Yes she can go if she follows there rules

But here is where Thai Pride takes over

If your not married to a Thai you will never understand there logic or lack of it

Now she says she would not go to America if she was given a visa for nothing

all the above is her opinions

MY personal opinion

Hawaii is a Volcanic Island

Most of the sand was shipped in from Australia and California

As we have the best beaches in the world why go there any way

I always wanted to go to Tahiti, it was her dream to go to America

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They've tried the open door policy and it leads to large numbers of immigrants living off the system. Plenty of exceptions to that generalization but if the net result was beneficial, we wouldn't see these policies now.

That said, I've known plenty of Thais who have gotten visas to the US. There aren't any black and white rules but one common denominator was that they were all local property owners (even if just a house or two.... probably better if more substantial)... which presumably means it won't be a one way trip.


You are correct, they want some assurance you have a reason to come back. Family, property job.

Yes and maybe a stupid question but was her past European traveling history brought into the equation and reported??

Thank you for your question

when filling out the application on the internet

My application went through okay

Children application went through okay

her application went through okay until it got to Country of passport


The system is designed to ignore all relevant facts other than this fact her passport is Thai

You can not speak to any one about this

the solution is

Make an appointment and travel to Sydney for a 1 on 1 appointment

We all know she will get her Visa, that is not the problem

She has learnt a new word


that is really funny or the pot calling the kettle black. how mnay of the thai visa posters are 1st or 2nd generation american. I dont know one 1st or 2nd generation thai that is not asian. At the end of the day it still comes back to your thai wife being unwilling to follow an in place process.

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Thank you for your question

when filling out the application on the internet

My application went through okay

Children application went through okay

her application went through okay until it got to Country of passport


The system is designed to ignore all relevant facts other than this fact her passport is Thai

You can not speak to any one about this

the solution is

Make an appointment and travel to Sydney for a 1 on 1 appointment

We all know she will get her Visa, that is not the problem

She has learnt a new word


Discrimination....oh please!

You talk about so called discrimination and yet in an earlier post you wrote

"her social status shows she will not be an illegal immigrant & "why do they

stamp all Thai's the same?"

So what you are suggesting is, that she shouldn't even have to apply for a visa

due to her so called social status. And because of her social status she shouldn't

be treated like some "poor Thai" from Thailand. I hope you can see where this is


And BTW, I'm an Aussie with a Thai wife who has PR and I still fail to see what Pride

has got to do with obtaining citizenship.



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America wants her money. But it doesn't want more illegal immigrants even more. Thais are highly likely to become illegal immigrants. Sorry.

But American pushes Australia to except illegal boat people

How do I explain this to her

Hawaii is a Volcanic Island

Most of the sand was shipped in from Australia and California

For real?

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And back on planet earth, I hope the OP's situation reflects tit-for-tat. You mess with US citizens, we mess with Thai citizens. I have, for a long time, thought that tit-for-tat would cause positive changes to Thailand's immigration rules. Now they think what they are doing has no consequences attached. They may be mistaken on this one.

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What do you think the reasons are that they are wary of Thai females and therefore put them through a strict screening process?

And are you saying that policies should be reciprocal? If thats the case then Americans should be allowed to own land in Thailand as Thais are allowed to own land in the US.

I agree

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This issue or (non) issue has very little to do with why America is broke.

America is not broke. They own the Middle East that is the oil that runs the world. They also have the most gold. If China thinks it is going to be running the show because it collected a bunch of pieces of paper I have some bad news for them, the US gov controls the value of these pieces of paper. But in reality of course China knows this. In reality, China does not care. They have the same system as Thailand, 10% are rich, 90% are slaves.

Maybe "broke" was note the correct term for me to use, but our (The USA) debt to GDP ration is near 100%. When I balance my check book, that is essentially broke (negative revenue/ balance in deep red) in my thinking. I could be wrong, but that is not how I handle my personal finances.

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