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So Many Broken Families Here


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I have a very good Thai friend that was married to a German lady. He used to live in Germany, his English is very Deutsche: "My mistaken", for example.

Anyway, he split from his ex a long long time ago and has been pining for his daughter for years. I think it is next year his daughter will turn 18 and she will be old enough to travel to Thailand to see him. He has always made sure she knows exactly who her dad is.

Nearly 18 years he's been waiting. Now that's a dad

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I have a very good Thai friend that was married to a German lady. He used to live in Germany, his English is very Deutsche: "My mistaken", for example.

Anyway, he split from his ex a long long time ago and has been pining for his daughter for years. I think it is next year his daughter will turn 18 and she will be old enough to travel to Thailand to see him. He has always made sure she knows exactly who her dad is.

Nearly 18 years he's been waiting. Now that's a dad

My advice to the girl would be to tell her dad to sod off.
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I have a very good Thai friend that was married to a German lady. He used to live in Germany, his English is very Deutsche: "My mistaken", for example.

Anyway, he split from his ex a long long time ago and has been pining for his daughter for years. I think it is next year his daughter will turn 18 and she will be old enough to travel to Thailand to see him. He has always made sure she knows exactly who her dad is.

Nearly 18 years he's been waiting. Now that's a dad

My advice to the girl would be to tell her dad to sod off.

She's had plenty of opportunity to do so.

He maintained contact with her all the time, behind her mum's back. He was not allowed anywhere near her physically (bear in mind also she lives in Germany), but he made sure she had his contact details and nobody could stop her from calling him.

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I have a very good Thai friend that was married to a German lady. He used to live in Germany, his English is very Deutsche: "My mistaken", for example.

Anyway, he split from his ex a long long time ago and has been pining for his daughter for years. I think it is next year his daughter will turn 18 and she will be old enough to travel to Thailand to see him. He has always made sure she knows exactly who her dad is.

Nearly 18 years he's been waiting. Now that's a dad

My advice to the girl would be to tell her dad to sod off.

She's had plenty of opportunity to do so.

He maintained contact with her all the time, behind her mum's back. He was not allowed anywhere near her physically (bear in mind also she lives in Germany), but he made sure she had his contact details and nobody could stop her from calling him.

So there was some sort of restraining order issued to prevent him from getting near his daughter? Sound like a charming fellow; runs away for 18 years but should be thought of as a real knight in shining armor? Or as you put it "Now that's a dad".


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I was having a think today and I estimated around 90% of expats/drifters, call them what you will, that I know have split from the mother of their kid(s)

And you deduce this fictional '90%' is all down to the expat... nothing to do with possible promiscuity of female? Suggest having a 'think' on the high number of Thai females that run off with house/car & kids; kids being dumped on grandmothers for whatever reason (most possibly to absolve responsibility); and also suggest perhaps moving in different circles and putting your mind to work on something useful, like the unification theory.

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I have a very good Thai friend that was married to a German lady. He used to live in Germany, his English is very Deutsche: "My mistaken", for example.

Anyway, he split from his ex a long long time ago and has been pining for his daughter for years. I think it is next year his daughter will turn 18 and she will be old enough to travel to Thailand to see him. He has always made sure she knows exactly who her dad is.

Nearly 18 years he's been waiting. Now that's a dad

My advice to the girl would be to tell her dad to sod off.

She's had plenty of opportunity to do so.

He maintained contact with her all the time, behind her mum's back. He was not allowed anywhere near her physically (bear in mind also she lives in Germany), but he made sure she had his contact details and nobody could stop her from calling him.

So there was some sort of restraining order issued to prevent him from getting near his daughter? Sound like a charming fellow; runs away for 18 years but should be thought of as a real knight in shining armor? Or as you put it "Now that's a dad".


Judge all you want. It won't make any difference to him nor his daughter.

Just like hotandhumid's judgements will make no difference to those he is judging when he knows sweet FA about them. But for some posters to make comments along the lines of "why should I"?, that's beyond judgement because they have confessed already.

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I was having a think today and I estimated around 90% of expats/drifters, call them what you will, that I know have split from the mother of their kid(s) I have a little one and couldn't imagine life without seeing her every day. Yet these fellas just carry on as if they don't care, hanging out in grubby beers bars, getting drunk every day with their cronie pals, thinking they are Tom Cruise to the ladies. Some of these blokes still people support their kids (that is the very least they should do IMO) but some don't even bother to do that, they would prefer to spend their money on booze, drugs and whores than support their own flesh and blood. To me they are scum.

I don't give one single solitary Baht to help my son. Why should I?

His mother split from me. She is the cheat. She took a giant wad of cash from me on our tenth anniversary. A few months later, she had an affair with the Football Manager. Then she moved away from this house saying that she wanted "a better life".

And now she's on her own. Her affair didn't work out. And she didn't get her "better life".

But I will never give her money again. She can take care of my son all by herself.

How can yous son help it that the mother was bad ? Its not fair for your son. Anyway that is your choice. I broke up with an evil woman who had 2 kids (not mine). Now my family and me are still in contact with those kids (one even called me yesterday from Holland to talk about her language problems and her job). But we totally shut out the mom.

Anyway you have to find a way to support your kid without helping the mom. Giving cash is not an option but buying stuff might be.

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It's taken me a whole year to realize that you can't win in these situations. You just can't. The child becomes a pawn.

My son's mother knows what she is. She is the liar and the cheat and the thief.

If she gets back together with Andrew, it is because Andrew has forgiven her. And if that happens, she is absolved of guilt.

But if it does not happen, she knows that she will forever be the cheat.

And if she is the cheat, her hatred will pour out in ways that most of you guys simply can't imagine.

Sure, you've all heard the horror stories. But have you actually experienced them first hand?

I have experienced this first hand, and I agree with you.

Under these circumstances, the child can only have one parent and never see the other.

Else the woman would never allow any sharing and the child would become a weapon to beat him with.

It doesn't have to be a case of 'hating the ex', but more a case of survival for the man and the child.

Perfect reply. Thank you.

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Let's not jsut dismess andrew as vermin here, he has said on here before that his ex took him for 14 million baht, so I guess he feels she has enough money for his son.

A troll post designed to provoke a retort from Andrewbkk.

Grow up dude. Get a life. And stop being so bloody childish.

You are referring to yourself as the third person? Ha ha ha.

So, you deny saying on here before that she took you for a cool 14 million?

Maybe you was telling fibs.

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It's taken me a whole year to realize that you can't win in these situations. You just can't. The child becomes a pawn.

My son's mother knows what she is. She is the liar and the cheat and the thief.

If she gets back together with Andrew, it is because Andrew has forgiven her. And if that happens, she is absolved of guilt.

But if it does not happen, she knows that she will forever be the cheat.

And if she is the cheat, her hatred will pour out in ways that most of you guys simply can't imagine.

Sure, you've all heard the horror stories. But have you actually experienced them first hand?

I have experienced this first hand, and I agree with you.

Under these circumstances, the child can only have one parent and never see the other.

Else the woman would never allow any sharing and the child would become a weapon to beat him with.

It doesn't have to be a case of 'hating the ex', but more a case of survival for the man and the child.

Perfect reply. Thank you.

I still wonder why the focus appears to be on making sure the mother is not "absolved of guilt". If it was me I'd ridicule myself all day long if it would gurantee that my son was happy. If that meant the bitch was "absolved of guilt", so be it - it wouldn't mean diddly to me as long as my son was happy. But I guess that's just my opinion and in this case we simply disagree.

Edited by Forethat
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When the wheels came off my relationship the emphasis was on finding a way to make it work between us with the child.

Now my daughter is with me for the week, and with her mother friday/saturday for her days off.

almost 3 years down the road the mother has remarried and we have all agreed that the child is more important than our egos, so we make an effort to get along. It is not always easy, but i suspect in the end it is easier than had we continued with rancor and recrimination.

but then we were appropriately matched from the outset, despite the fact that it didn't work out.

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I agree but if they still support the child financially then i dont have a problem..

I take your point there. I heard of one guy (not a friend) who had 2 kids here who went back to the UK and doesn't send a penny over here for his own kids. He is sub human scum, pure and simple.

OK, you heard of one guy who has 2 kids here, doesn't send a penny back to them. You don't know the full background of the breakup, its ONLY what you've been told its what you call "hearsay" never ever rely on this type of "evidence" Only believe what you personally know to be fact.

Maybe, just maybe there are reasons, you ever considered this.......

1. Mother is a Drug addict, spends all the money on Yabba ( maybe)

2. Mother told the father she doesn't want his money (very unlikely admittedly)

3. The Father genuinely has no money (probably)

4 He found out the kids weren't his (possible ?)

5 Father is dead ( who knows)

6. Father is sending money to a friend who is not giving to the mother ( could be)

There are ALWAYS two sides to these types of cases ;)

We could go on and on with endless possibilities i could give you ten more BUT if he has no reason NOT to send money then you are dead right total scum bag

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