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Reliable White Magic !

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Hi friends, I am a Budhist guy living in CM on retirement and I find it interesting to out about so called white Magic (not harmful). When people believe in it, there must be some truth in it and I find it is not correct to reject or make fun of it. Is there somebody, who experienced some good or tried and got any kind of experience on white magic? Is there somebody who can recommend me a good, reliable person or a monk with such "supernatural power" in Chiang Mai?


Head monk at any temple, for good luck and blessing.

Black magic is frowned upon and monks face losing their monkhood if found practicing.


Please to PM me if you need specific details - but this is an account of several years ago.

I had been admitted to RAM hospital with a life threatening condition. Major abdominal surgery was performed after which, unfortunately, I developed an infection at the site of the incision. I do not blame RAM for this as I have the highest respect for the sugeon, the doctors and standard of nursing care. Truly, I believe that it was just one of those things that happen in hospitals.

In any case there seemed to be nothing more that could be done as when I was opened - they found my pancreas like concrete. To all intents and purpose I was counting my days.

The girls who work for me in my office found a Healing Monk and his Disciple in Saraphee, close to Chiang Mai. They visited and brought to my hospital room Holy Sai-Sin cord, which they draped all around the room, and a very large Buddhist candle which they lit and we all prayed and they kept vigil though the night. That was my turning point.

The Desciple of the Healing Monk thought that Black Magic had been performed on me and indeed, shortly before my condition developed, my then General Manager of my company, and her cousin who was the accountant,had emblezzled 2 million Baht and it all became every messy.

Soon, I was able to leave the hospital and visit Saraphee to be blessed by the Healing Monk. White Magic to counter Black Magic in my humble opinion.

Whatever, and I suppose that we must all draw our own conclusions but today I am back to normal as far as health for a man of my age and every day is a bonus.


When people believe in it, there must be some truth in it

I will not say whether there is white magic or not, but just wanted to say that what I quoted is an incorrect assumption. People believe all kinds of things and many of them are false. This could be one of them. As a Buddhist you should try to use an inquiring mind. Remember that when people believe things, opportunity for charlatans is rife. Do not lose your sense of discernment.

  • Thanks 1
When people believe in it, there must be some truth in it

I will not say whether there is white magic or not, but just wanted to say that what I quoted is an incorrect assumption. People believe all kinds of things and many of them are false. This could be one of them. As a Buddhist you should try to use an inquiring mind. Remember that when people believe things, opportunity for charlatans is rife. Do not lose your sense of discernment.


I cannot find your original replty- but what you say is correct in so far as there are many charlatans and we should all be prepared and take care. We all follow or own star with regard to our befiiefs and spirituality =

Still, if I may quote Shakespere:



And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Peace and love


  • Haha 1

Head monk at any temple, for good luck and blessing. Black magic is frowned upon and monks face losing their monkhood if found practicing.

I'm not trying to be funny or anything, although this response might come across that way :blink: but isn't it magicians, not monks, who perform magic? If so, then perhaps there are specific forums where you could get in touch with those folks within the so called magic circle, or whatever it's named, who are most likely better qualified to point you in the right direction?

Good luck anyway


Is there somebody who can recommend me a good, reliable person or a monk with such "supernatural power" in Chiang Mai?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Aginns,

Look in a mirror, and when that fails, in the eyes of a child, or a flower.

best, ~o:37;


Magic is the claimed art of manipulating aspects of reality either by supernatural means or through knowledge of occult laws unknown to science. Be it white or black. ;)


Without magic, there would be no occult - and the occult is a very powerful element throughout human history

There are plenty of books on magic - Crowley is a good read even though he took it very dark

When people believe in it, there must be some truth in it

I will not say whether there is white magic or not, but just wanted to say that what I quoted is an incorrect assumption. People believe all kinds of things and many of them are false. This could be one of them. As a Buddhist you should try to use an inquiring mind. Remember that when people believe things, opportunity for charlatans is rife. Do not lose your sense of discernment.

Thanks, but I am not a foolish person to fall into such people. But I believe there is something in this Cosmos, a kind of Power or Energy that can do wonders. Even the teachings of Buddha and Christ Jesus has never deinied it and they understood it and used it for good. But that is those days, but now as you said there are many charlatans.

What I need is to inquire into these Marvelous Power and to understand it.

  • Haha 1

Hello Aginns.

I do not want to debate this issue because it is beyond me but I thought you might be interested, as a follower of the Lord Buddha, in what He, himself, is purported to have said. This is recorded in the Digha-nikaya,Part 1, Kevata Sutta,p.245 :

"Well, Kevata ! It is because I perceive danger in the practice of mystic wonders, that I loathe, and abhor, and am ashamed thereof "

Check it out . Hope this helps.


  • Like 1

If you have a Thai friend who can translate for you there is Thai language forums showing many of these magic people around chiang mai. Lots in the San patong side of town it seems. Ajarn don is real strong power if you can find him (alway drive around the non signed small streets on the way to find his temple with my wife's good memory; sorry no chance I could tell you how to get there). The last time I went there it seemed a middle aged Falang had started some kind of tattoo tour from his website taking backpackers to see him; I've got to say I wasn't really sure what to think about this. For example he advised them to donate only 500bht for tattoo and apparently was taking 2-5 people every few days, taking up lots of his energy, power, and time, keeping all the local people waiting for hours. I kind of feel like people should take a time in the place and find down this by themselves; not just pass through and get as a holiday momento; these are real beliefs not just a tourist attraction; but I guess it does help build the temple project etc, and better than a fake one in the wrong place from a tattoo shop. Up to everyone themselves really. But anyway; maybe he reads Thai visa and can pm u to show u the way; or maybe u can find him through google search.

Chok dee


Hello Aginns.

I do not want to debate this issue because it is beyond me but I thought you might be interested, as a follower of the Lord Buddha, in what He, himself, is purported to have said. This is recorded in the Digha-nikaya,Part 1, Kevata Sutta,p.245 :

"Well, Kevata ! It is because I perceive danger in the practice of mystic wonders, that I loathe, and abhor, and am ashamed thereof "

Check it out . Hope this helps.


Hello again Aginns.

Without wishing to labour the point and only to assist you with direction, here is another translation from the Pali of this Sutta - the Kevatta (Kevaddha) Sutta :

"Seeing this drawback to the miracle of psychic power, Kevatta, I feel horrified, humiliated and disgusted with the miracle of psychic power"

Best wishes.

Can't help but feel that post #8 suggests a very good place to start - but that's just my own opinion.

  • Like 1

Hello Aginns.

I do not want to debate this issue because it is beyond me but I thought you might be interested, as a follower of the Lord Buddha, in what He, himself, is purported to have said. This is recorded in the Digha-nikaya,Part 1, Kevata Sutta,p.245 :

"Well, Kevata ! It is because I perceive danger in the practice of mystic wonders, that I loathe, and abhor, and am ashamed thereof "

Check it out . Hope this helps.


Hello again Aginns.

Without wishing to labour the point and only to assist you with direction, here is another translation from the Pali of this Sutta - the Kevatta (Kevaddha) Sutta :

"Seeing this drawback to the miracle of psychic power, Kevatta, I feel horrified, humiliated and disgusted with the miracle of psychic power"

Best wishes.

Can't help but feel that post #8 suggests a very good place to start - but that's just my own opinion.

Thanks dear SwaziBird. I know what you say are true, but my inquisitive mind says to me that I must look for the truth myself. As far as I know, Buddha also used his mind connected with cosmic power for some miracles, isn't it?


Not a monk but a lay woman, she heals people and has guided meditations every evening in Sankaempeng, in Wat Kiak Jam...show up around 7 or 8 pm and ask a taxi driver to take you there as it is not easy to find...she doesn't ask for money either (although there is a temple donation box somewhere).

All the best!

Is there somebody who can recommend me a good, reliable person or a monk with such "supernatural power" in Chiang Mai?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Aginns,

Look in a mirror, and when that fails, in the eyes of a child, or a flower.

best, ~o:37;

Excellent! smile.gif

  • Like 1

Not a monk but a lay woman, she heals people and has guided meditations every evening in Sankaempeng, in Wat Kiak Jam...show up around 7 or 8 pm and ask a taxi driver to take you there as it is not easy to find...she doesn't ask for money either (although there is a temple donation box somewhere).

All the best!

Thanks so much!


Just because Buddha sees the potential danger in magic power and the potential for people to be side tracked by it is not say it does not exist; quite the opposite intfact- if you chose light over dark and trust in yourself, no reason I can see not to bring good by utilising such power so long as u remember to maintain mindfulness


No disrespect. Everything should be determined by ones own minds and experience inquirey more than a placing of faith or something; thats just my opinion and I'm sure a billion or more people might disagree but end of the daily everything comes back to the individuals mind

Is there somebody who can recommend me a good, reliable person or a monk with such "supernatural power" in Chiang Mai?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Aginns,

Look in a mirror, and when that fails, in the eyes of a child, or a flower.

best, ~o:37;

Excellent! smile.gif

I second that!! Best post of the week.


I have no wish to convert anyone from that that they wish to believe and hold to be true.

I only relate what I have personallly have experienced and , for me , believe to be true.

We all follow our own star.

Then I was about to die. Medical help could not cure,

Now I am still alive.


I believe, for me personally, that there is far more out there than we can give credit to. My Humble opinion. My apolgies if this offends.

Peace and love



Head monk at any temple, for good luck and blessing.

Black magic is frowned upon and monks face losing their monkhood if found practicing.

These people who say they have "magic" are charlatans. Superstition and bastardisation of Buddhism is to control you and get your money like many other religions. Monks that "pick lottery numbers" and "walk on water" are a myth and a corruption of the Bodhisattva Vows. There is no supernatural in Buddhism only natural.


I have no wish to convert anyone from that that they wish to believe and hold to be true.

I only relate what I have personallly have experienced and , for me , believe to be true.

We all follow our own star.

Then I was about to die. Medical help could not cure,

Now I am still alive.


I believe, for me personally, that there is far more out there than we can give credit to. My Humble opinion. My apolgies if this offends.

I am always amazed at the violent disbelief of the so-called scientific community - as if science in itself was also a religion. That is not true. Science is based on empirical evidence for one, and understanding. Although, by and large, empirical evidence much more than understanding as our understanding of things is usually a cobbled-together model that just happens to fit the empirical data as far as we can see. It's all Newton's Mechanics - a working model in specific circumstances rather than an absolute truth. And there's nothing wrong with that.

But a true scientist cannot dismiss empirical evidence such as the above. It must be taken seriously. If you seek out white magic, then this monk in Saraphee might be a good starting point. Maybe the word "magic" is a distraction - it needs to be defined as "things we do not understand" rather than "hooey".

Personally, the way in which western medical science has closed itself to eastern teachings is nothing short of mind-boggling. It's more like a strict orthodox church than like a scientific community. Things we don't understand are dismissed as charlatanerie. In part this might be explained by the long tradition of charlatanerie in the west, where ineffective medical practice was sold as the real deal for very long periods of time. It's not an excuse though.

I've only had this experience with Reiki. My wife had back pains and couldn't move, it got very bad; so we went to the university hospital in the middle of the night (this was in Germany, very high standard of medical care). They took an X-Ray. Then a surgeon explained to us that there was liquid coming out somewhere, clearly visible on the X-Ray. However, he said, there's no treatment he could recommend. Back surgery has severe side effects and might make things worse - there is no guarantee it would fix this problem. He was very frank about that. He recommended to lay in bed.

My father knew a Reiki teacher so we went to her the next day; she'd been teaching(!) reiki for over 20 years. first she checked my wife's legs - they were different lengths by just over 1cm. So she pulled one out, and after they were the same length. Then she gave her a 1 hour treatment and told her to avoid chicken in the cold climate. The back pains went away and never came back. This was 6 years ago. And a single treatment!

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