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Europe Default Would Great For Farang

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To be blunt ,no matter what the Greeks do ,the days of plenty are over ,live with it.

But thats the problem European governments are still spending like there is no tomorrow, and borrowing money that future generations can never pay back.

The days of plenty are still well and truly here for Luton Council who now have money to prop up the property ponzi scheme by paying the deposits of young parasites. (many councils are upto the same scam)


So we both left for roughly the same reason then? Second class citizen in your own country? Still the parasites come. I expect the population of Somalia is in negative territory now!

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To be blunt ,no matter what the Greeks do ,the days of plenty are over ,live with it.

Who do you think should live with it? The Greeks or everybody else? The system is going to have to make changes, some tough choices ahead but is anyone going to be strong enough to do it on their watch. I would love to be at the G20 meeting when the Euro members ask the Greek PM why he did not mention the referendum last week!!!

One possible way out would be for Germany to repay the $100 billion it has owed Greece since WW2. It's funny how history gets written; Jews did quite well - they got their own state, nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, 10% of the US Senate and the biggest voice to label the Third Reich's actions exclusively as 'Holocaust' so everyone remembers, but millions more non-Jews were murdered, many from Eastern European countries which fell behind the Iron Curtain and were disregarded by Western historians really until the 80s. Greece suffered terribly; after two botched Italian invasions, German troops enacted some of the most appalling war crimes against Greek citizens, not just rape, torture and murder but economic theft of goods, food, businesses resulting in the starvation of over 300,000 people. Then in 1942, Germany forced Greece to make a 'war loan' which it has never repaid. With interest and inflation, easily $100 billion, and more than enough to cover Greek debt for several years. People love to label Greece an economic basket-case, or corrupt, but revenge is a dish best served cold.

Edited by aussiebebe
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To be blunt ,no matter what the Greeks do ,the days of plenty are over ,live with it.

But thats the problem European governments are still spending like there is no tomorrow, and borrowing money that future generations can never pay back.

The days of plenty are still well and truly here for Luton Council who now have money to prop up the property ponzi scheme by paying the deposits of young parasites. (many councils are upto the same scam)


So we both left for roughly the same reason then? Second class citizen in your own country? Still the parasites come. I expect the population of Somalia is in negative territory now!

Im still here, kind of by choice. The end of the EU and then for communist Scotland to go it alone will be a start towards getting England back on its feet. This referendum is the first glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

This cartoon sums up life for the younger generation, fcuked over by financially illiterate baby boomers.


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One possible way out would be for Germany to repay the $100 billion it has owed Greece since WW2. It's funny how history gets written; Jews did quite well - they got their own state, nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, 10% of the US Senate and the biggest voice to label the Third Reich's actions exclusively as 'Holocaust' so everyone remembers, but millions more non-Jews were murdered, many from Eastern European countries which fell behind the Iron Curtain and were disregarded by Western historians really until the 80s. Greece suffered terribly; after two botched Italian invasions, German troops enacted some of the most appalling war crimes against Greek citizens, not just rape, torture and murder but economic theft of goods, food, businesses resulting in the starvation of over 300,000 people. Then in 1942, Germany forced Greece to make a 'war loan' which it has never repaid. With interest and inflation, easily $100 billion, and more than enough to cover Greek debt for several years. People love to label Greece an economic basket-case, or corrupt, but revenge is a dish best served cold.

fairy tales and invented stories containing pure refined rubbish don't become true no matter how often they are repeated.

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One possible way out would be for Germany to repay the $100 billion it has owed Greece since WW2. It's funny how history gets written; Jews did quite well - they got their own state, nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, 10% of the US Senate and the biggest voice to label the Third Reich's actions exclusively as 'Holocaust' so everyone remembers, but millions more non-Jews were murdered, many from Eastern European countries which fell behind the Iron Curtain and were disregarded by Western historians really until the 80s. Greece suffered terribly; after two botched Italian invasions, German troops enacted some of the most appalling war crimes against Greek citizens, not just rape, torture and murder but economic theft of goods, food, businesses resulting in the starvation of over 300,000 people. Then in 1942, Germany forced Greece to make a 'war loan' which it has never repaid. With interest and inflation, easily $100 billion, and more than enough to cover Greek debt for several years. People love to label Greece an economic basket-case, or corrupt, but revenge is a dish best served cold.

fairy tales and invented stories containing pure refined rubbish don't become true no matter how often they are repeated.

Its a big ask for the Greeks to remind the Germans of that and then ask for the debt cancellation, I think it is very unlikely. The latest news would seem to be that the next tranche to Greece is now to be witheld until after the referendum ( or General Election ). Then we will see what we will see. I think Greece will be asked to leave the EU but be allowed to use the currency, they may be re admitted a long way into the future if they can put their house in order and a salutory lesson for others who have difficulties at the moment.

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lol Jews were not given Israel because of reparation of crimes committed. They were given Israel because of their money and political influence and most importantly because the West wanted a state in the Middle East that they could use as a base to control the region. The Jews were kicked out a long time ago and have no logical claim to that land. Alas, none of it matters, just the fact that all of our oil is buried under their sand.

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Despite being a pro 4th Reich EU piece of scum this guy could end up being the saviour of Greece should the proles vote to leave the EUSSR.

Should the Greeks vote out and and return to the drachma, there will be many an investor waiting in the wings to pour his money into a nation thatll be free of EUSSR taxation, bureaucracy and ludicrous business stifling laws.

and many of aforesaid investors will enjoy a devaluation of the Greek Drachma which will we much worse than it was before 1999 :whistling:

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And amazingly the UK govt, who are also a bit short of cash, have found some spare cash they make available to the EU and not doubt a few more good causes around the world, whatever you do dont cry wolf just keep paying the taxes. PS if you want advice about paying tax, esp income tax, contact your nearest Greek Govt. And they think Thailand is amazing.

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Australia must help EU for global economy's sake, Wayne Swan says

Read more: http://www.news.com....6#ixzz1cdzIhYvr

So the Aussie government wants to borrow money so they can help out the EU. How crazy is that?

Dow Tops 12,000 After Greece Ditches Bailout Referendum

Another way to put that is, bank shares rise upon hearing democracy in Europe has died after being on life support for many years, and that they have free reign to steal from the taxpayer from now until eternity without being questioned.

We are governed by totalitarian German Franco scum, its frightening the way Merkel has completed Hitlers work unquestioned.

Irony is these parasitic maggots love to have referendums whenever one goes against the EU regime.

Edited by houseinbkk
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Another way to put that is, bank shares rise upon hearing democracy in Europe has died after being on life support for many years, and that they have free reign to steal from the taxpayer from now until eternity without being questioned.

We are governed by totalitarian German Franco scum, its frightening the way Merkel has completed Hitlers work unquestioned.

Irony is these parasitic maggots love to have referendums whenever one goes against the EU regime.


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Australia must help EU for global economy's sake, Wayne Swan says

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national/aussie-taxpayers-shouldnt-have-to-rescue-eu/story-e6frfkvr-1226184375316#ixzz1cdzIhYvr

So the Aussie government wants to lend money so they can help the EU. How crazy is that?

this crazyness is based on the fact that if the EU runs in a deep recession, its main trading partner China loses customers for its products. and when China's economy suffers then the Aussies can burn their coal in fireplaces (especially in places with harsh winters like Cairns and Darwin) and build dams with iron ore to stop potential flooding in Queensland.

as simple as that :lol:

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Nothing is ever as simple and straight forward as it seems. It seems the Greeks had the referendum plan going a month ago, they have their own agenda and if the EU can help as well thats so much the better. Did you know that hardly anyone in Greece pays income tax? Is there any wonder the Govt have cash problems and the man or woman in the street dont want that to change?

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Australia must help EU for global economy's sake, Wayne Swan says

Read more: http://www.news.com....6#ixzz1cdzIhYvr

So the Aussie government wants to lend money so they can help the EU. How crazy is that?

this crazyness is based on the fact that if the EU runs in a deep recession, its main trading partner China loses customers for its products. and when China's economy suffers then the Aussies can burn their coal in fireplaces (especially in places with harsh winters like Cairns and Darwin) and build dams with iron ore to stop potential flooding in Queensland.

as simple as that :lol:

However, China has seen its future and is taking steps to encourage substainable domestic consumption to suport its manufacturing sector. Steps like increasing the disposable income of its workers and purchasing resourse around the world that they can value add at home. Asia is the new super power, lets let the EU collapse without us. But seriously Australia has all we aussie need to live comfortably, the resourse boom is making multinational companies rich but all it does for the population is create employment. But we still have a bumper crop this year, the lambs are being born at a record rate and their is a glut of fine wine, Hmmm lamb, flat bread and wine, how very greek, lol.:partytime2:

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Australia must help EU for global economy's sake, Wayne Swan says

Read more: http://www.news.com....6#ixzz1cdzIhYvr

So the Aussie government wants to lend money so they can help the EU. How crazy is that?

this crazyness is based on the fact that if the EU runs in a deep recession, its main trading partner China loses customers for its products. and when China's economy suffers then the Aussies can burn their coal in fireplaces (especially in places with harsh winters like Cairns and Darwin) and build dams with iron ore to stop potential flooding in Queensland.

as simple as that :lol:

However, China has seen its future and is taking steps to encourage substainable domestic consumption to suport its manufacturing sector. Steps like increasing the disposable income of its workers and purchasing resourse around the world that they can value add at home. Asia is the new super power, lets let the EU collapse without us. But seriously Australia has all we aussie need to live comfortably, the resourse boom is making multinational companies rich but all it does for the population is create employment. But we still have a bumper crop this year, the lambs are being born at a record rate and their is a glut of fine wine, Hmmm lamb, flat bread and wine, how very greek, lol.:partytime2:

Sounds good, if I give you my address can you send round some wine and lamb, forget the flat bread though, send that to the Greeks :D

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Mish is the guy who actually thinks we are going to have deflation despite the fact that since 1913 we have had deflation almost never and the fact that the Fed can always print more money and is doing just that. Mish's target for the DJIA is 3000 last I heard. :lol:

Mish's hero Papanclownou:


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Australia must help EU for global economy's sake, Wayne Swan says

Read more: http://www.news.com....6#ixzz1cdzIhYvr

So the Aussie government wants to lend money so they can help the EU. How crazy is that?

this crazyness is based on the fact that if the EU runs in a deep recession, its main trading partner China loses customers for its products. and when China's economy suffers then the Aussies can burn their coal in fireplaces (especially in places with harsh winters like Cairns and Darwin) and build dams with iron ore to stop potential flooding in Queensland.

as simple as that :lol:

so this is America and Europes true role in the global economy? To consume? So Australia gets the raw materials, china builds stuff with them and Americans and Europes enjoy what the Chinese build and that is the entire system?

Hmmm... I wonder if the Chinese ever thought about enjoying the stuff they build for themselves and their own population?

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The Chinese have been a bit slow to realize that they need a stronger internal market to support their industries because everything stalls if the western world runs out of cash and stops ordering things that people could probably well do with out, have a looka round you what you have and just ask yourself did you really need to buy that? Has my life changed that much?

Same with clothes, look in your wardobe my bet is you have got 2 or 3 times more that you really need, looked nice at the time though. Thats what keeps economies going.

If Greece was a car how long before your say I have had enough of repairing this, scrap it?

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so this is America and Europes true role in the global economy? To consume? So Australia gets the raw materials, china builds stuff with them and Americans and Europes enjoy what the Chinese build and that is the entire system?

Hmmm... I wonder if the Chinese ever thought about enjoying the stuff they build for themselves and their own population?

no Chinese in his right mind would buy most of the cràp that is exported. and for the Chinese exports which are not cràp there is either no domestic demand or the majority of China's inhabitants can't afford them (yet).

raw materials are of course required to produce things for local demand (e.g. housing) or for consumption (food stuff). but the money to purchase these materials has to be earned first. some economies are heavily depending on Chineses consumption (South America is the major supplier of soy, maize, pork, beef and other staples who's consumption has skyrocketed).

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Australia must help EU for global economy's sake, Wayne Swan says

Read more: http://www.news.com....6#ixzz1cdzIhYvr

So the Aussie government wants to lend money so they can help the EU. How crazy is that?

this crazyness is based on the fact that if the EU runs in a deep recession, its main trading partner China loses customers for its products. and when China's economy suffers then the Aussies can burn their coal in fireplaces (especially in places with harsh winters like Cairns and Darwin) and build dams with iron ore to stop potential flooding in Queensland.

as simple as that :lol:

so this is America and Europes true role in the global economy? To consume? So Australia gets the raw materials, china builds stuff with them and Americans and Europes enjoy what the Chinese build and that is the entire system?

Hmmm... I wonder if the Chinese ever thought about enjoying the stuff they build for themselves and their own population?

yep who else would buy toys covered in lead paint and babies milk fortified with powered plastic? However, its good to see they are deflating their realestate bubble through legislation, thats something we Aussies could learn.

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so this is America and Europes true role in the global economy? To consume? So Australia gets the raw materials, china builds stuff with them and Americans and Europes enjoy what the Chinese build and that is the entire system?

Hmmm... I wonder if the Chinese ever thought about enjoying the stuff they build for themselves and their own population?

no Chinese in his right mind would buy most of the cràp that is exported. and for the Chinese exports which are not cràp there is either no domestic demand or the majority of China's inhabitants can't afford them (yet).

raw materials are of course required to produce things for local demand (e.g. housing) or for consumption (food stuff). but the money to purchase these materials has to be earned first. some economies are heavily depending on Chineses consumption (South America is the major supplier of soy, maize, pork, beef and other staples who's consumption has skyrocketed).

Hornby railways are now made in China, what would they make of that? Pure Digital radio's are all made there too, China does not have digital radio so no good there either. Pure is the number 1 digital radio seller, probably in the world and they supply chips to other producers as well. The biggest problem they had with China was convincing them to build them in wooden cases! They did not understand the sound quality was better, now they do when they look at shipments.

Waza, a lady came to see me in John Lewis, Oxford Street, London, she was from ABC and wanted to know all about the digital radio, how it worked, so I expect you are/were importing them too. Pure kept me well imformed on research and developments and both they and i have done well. Digital radio is very easy to operate, but its all about selling the airwaves of AM and FM to mobile phone companies, nothing is what it seems.

If anyone is wondering, its not the pure you see as the drugs depot in Big C! Pure is part of Imagination Technoligies without which Apple or Intel would not survive they both own 16% and 9% respectively. A Great British company.

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so this is America and Europes true role in the global economy? To consume? So Australia gets the raw materials, china builds stuff with them and Americans and Europes enjoy what the Chinese build and that is the entire system?

Hmmm... I wonder if the Chinese ever thought about enjoying the stuff they build for themselves and their own population?

no Chinese in his right mind would buy most of the cràp that is exported. and for the Chinese exports which are not cràp there is either no domestic demand or the majority of China's inhabitants can't afford them (yet).

raw materials are of course required to produce things for local demand (e.g. housing) or for consumption (food stuff). but the money to purchase these materials has to be earned first. some economies are heavily depending on Chineses consumption (South America is the major supplier of soy, maize, pork, beef and other staples who's consumption has skyrocketed).

Hornby railways are now made in China, what would they make of that? Pure Digital radio's are all made there too, China does not have digital radio so no good there either. Pure is the number 1 digital radio seller, probably in the world and they supply chips to other producers as well. The biggest problem they had with China was convincing them to build them in wooden cases! They did not understand the sound quality was better, now they do when they look at shipments.

Waza, a lady came to see me in John Lewis, Oxford Street, London, she was from ABC and wanted to know all about the digital radio, how it worked, so I expect you are/were importing them too. Pure kept me well imformed on research and developments and both they and i have done well. Digital radio is very easy to operate, but its all about selling the airwaves of AM and FM to mobile phone companies, nothing is what it seems.

If anyone is wondering, its not the pure you see as the drugs depot in Big C! Pure is part of Imagination Technoligies without which Apple or Intel would not survive they both own 16% and 9% respectively. A Great British company.

Yep everything is digital in Aus now, radio TV ect, and everything you buy is made in China, even our icon brands such as Bonds underwear and Aussie souvenirs for the tourists. Except fresh food and Holden cars lol.

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so this is America and Europes true role in the global economy? To consume? So Australia gets the raw materials, china builds stuff with them and Americans and Europes enjoy what the Chinese build and that is the entire system?

Hmmm... I wonder if the Chinese ever thought about enjoying the stuff they build for themselves and their own population?

no Chinese in his right mind would buy most of the cràp that is exported. and for the Chinese exports which are not cràp there is either no domestic demand or the majority of China's inhabitants can't afford them (yet).

raw materials are of course required to produce things for local demand (e.g. housing) or for consumption (food stuff). but the money to purchase these materials has to be earned first. some economies are heavily depending on Chineses consumption (South America is the major supplier of soy, maize, pork, beef and other staples who's consumption has skyrocketed).

I am confused. We don't build very much in the West and China builds everything yet the Chinese people can't afford these things but we can? Why? Oh, because we have an economic model of infinite debt! Quite absurd. How can one expect to consume more than he produces on credit forever?

Edited by farang000999
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