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A Tale Of 3 Thai Chicks


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Thanks for the advice mate, sounds a bit harsh but ill take on board you and the other ex pats have obviously seen similar stories before. Reading it back though it does make sense what you say haha.

As for cash handouts, I'm not a tight wad or anything but I work hard-ish to be able to take a month off work and blow whatever I like so I'd sooner squeeze a pebble through my japs eye than hand out cash. Don't get me wrong I got no qualms doing a bit of beach clothes shopping but I'm not just gonna hand over 10k.

Also she has talked about marriage. Now I'm no idiot but she's really hot so I had to keep this thing going by agreeing that we are mutually exclusive and what not. Permission to ask her mother to marry allegedly costs 400,000 bhat. Good thing I'm not thai is what I say.

I'll see how it goes when im out there. If she is great company in Krabi and isn't too high maintenance I'll take her to Phangan but if not I'll come up with an excuse and go solo. Ive got a week in Chiang mai and chaing rai to myself before I see her plus a week at the end where I haven't where I wanna go yet. I'm thinking Kanchanaburi.

Btw apologies to the OP for hijacking the thread.

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Quite an interesting thread........Thai ladies and money?

Have another breeze through the thread and see how many posts here mention money......

You may incude this one if you wish..

But who is more concerned about money, those that don't have any.......or those that can't bear to spend it on any other than themselves?

Fair point. I don't know about others but, from my perspective, it's not so much about whether, or not, I'm prepared to spend money on a lady but more if they are deserving of my generosity. At the end of the day it's my money and my choice as to whether I spend it or not. If I detect dishonesty, or deceitfulness, in a lady why on earth would I, or any guy for that matter, spend money on such a person? It doesn't make sense; rewarding someone that is out to deceive you? Rewarding someone with no respect for you? Giving such a person a handout would see them have even less respect for you because you'd be seen as a chump who can be easily duped/used/manipulated.

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The first was greedy and had a bad attitude.

The second was cheap and slutty.

The third was perfect.

I reckon I'd have stopped at the second one mate. Quit while you're ahead. :D

Edited by mca
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There are women that aren't just in it for the money, but it takes time, a lot of time and luck to find one.

For sure. There's a number of Thai ladies where both they and their family are financially independent. They don't have to be the cliched Sino-Thai examples. Just average middle class folks. The rub is a quite a few westerners don't move in the necessary circles to find them.

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Fed up hearing this BS that is fed to gullible farang.

Have stated on here before, but will say again before you ask, I paid no sin sot for my wife, I do not give her a monthly allowance.

My wife also does not give her mother money on a monthly basis.

Hi-so chinese looking university educated woman, great looking and half your age I assume.

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Rubbish. The need to take care of your parents/family is part of Thai culture.

So what's the deal if you can't do so, insufficient income, etc. If you can't, you can't, but what happens? Are you ostracized from the clan, punished, just regarded as a loser, what?

I don't think there are many of us who couldn't afford 2000bht a month to care for a girls parents, they don't get pensions you know.

If you are that short of cash you should be back home claiming welfare.

Is the girl an invalid or does she suffer from some sort of incapacity, whats to stop the girl working and taking care of her own parents?

They do get pensions you know.

2,000 or 20,000 is totally irrelevant, its called personal responsibility, are these people incapable of caring for themselves, what about other family members, how much do they contribute?

Fed up hearing this BS that is fed to gullible farang.

Have stated on here before, but will say again before you ask, I paid no sin sot for my wife, I do not give her a monthly allowance.

My wife also does not give her mother money on a monthly basis.

Sounds very cold hearted, unless your wife's family is already very rich. But I'm sure you're a lovely fella.

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Fed up hearing this BS that is fed to gullible farang.

Have stated on here before, but will say again before you ask, I paid no sin sot for my wife, I do not give her a monthly allowance.

My wife also does not give her mother money on a monthly basis.

Hi-so chinese looking university educated woman, great looking and half your age I assume.

Wrong in every aspect.

However FYI, Mon from Prakhanong, college educated, yes great looking and the same age.

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Wrong in every aspect.

However FYI, Mon from Prakhanong, college educated, yes great looking and the same age.

I wouldn't even consider sharing a bed with a woman my age, even if she was doing it for free (maybe if she paid me money).

My gfs job is producing babies, she doesn't have much time left to earn money. If she were my age, she would be too old to reproduce.

I am more than happy to send mother money.

I can't believe what a bunch of mean, penny pinching, tightwads frequent these forums.

Give the girls some cash, sounds like they are earning it.

Geez, I thought I was kee-nee-ow

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Rubbish. The need to take care of your parents/family is part of Thai culture.

So what's the deal if you can't do so, insufficient income, etc. If you can't, you can't, but what happens? Are you ostracized from the clan, punished, just regarded as a loser, what?

I don't think there are many of us who couldn't afford 2000bht a month to care for a girls parents, they don't get pensions you know.

If you are that short of cash you should be back home claiming welfare.

Is the girl an invalid or does she suffer from some sort of incapacity, whats to stop the girl working and taking care of her own parents?

They do get pensions you know.

2,000 or 20,000 is totally irrelevant, its called personal responsibility, are these people incapable of caring for themselves, what about other family members, how much do they contribute?

Fed up hearing this BS that is fed to gullible farang.

Have stated on here before, but will say again before you ask, I paid no sin sot for my wife, I do not give her a monthly allowance.

My wife also does not give her mother money on a monthly basis.

Sounds very cold hearted, unless your wife's family is already very rich. But I'm sure you're a lovely fella.

I am not some 60 year old weighing 150 kgs looking for a farmers daughter.

No the family is not very rich, just normal hard working people.

When I visit the house I dont see the garden littered with bio degradable empty Chang bottles strewn all over the place.

No brothers knocking back lao kao while wasting their time away being waited on hand and foot.

Lovely fella or not is neither here nor there, one thing I am not is a sucker, neither is the wife, she has no time for wasters bleating on about how hard they have it.

The wife is still working and has no intention of being a mia farang, or khon kee kiat, kee mo or kee kong as many appear to be.

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Wrong in every aspect.

However FYI, Mon from Prakhanong, college educated, yes great looking and the same age.

I wouldn't even consider sharing a bed with a woman my age, even if she was doing it for free (maybe if she paid me money).

My gfs job is producing babies, she doesn't have much time left to earn money. If she were my age, she would be too old to reproduce.

I am more than happy to send mother money.

I can't believe what a bunch of mean, penny pinching, tightwads frequent these forums.

Give the girls some cash, sounds like they are earning it.

Geez, I thought I was kee-nee-ow

Maybe thats why you have to pay for it and I dont.

Have already mention my wife earns her own money, but it sure sounds as if yours is also earning hers.

Mama in the village must be so proud, big face to be gained.

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When I visit the house I dont see the garden littered with empty Chang bottles.

No brothers knocking back lao kao while wasting their time away being waited on hand and foot.


You paint a wonderful description of something I used to experience.

I could never understand how they can just leave empty beer bottles in their garden.

Edited by zzaa008
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Wrong in every aspect.

However FYI, Mon from Prakhanong, college educated, yes great looking and the same age.

I wouldn't even consider sharing a bed with a woman my age, even if she was doing it for free (maybe if she paid me money).

My gfs job is producing babies, she doesn't have much time left to earn money. If she were my age, she would be too old to reproduce.

I am more than happy to send mother money.

I can't believe what a bunch of mean, penny pinching, tightwads frequent these forums.

Give the girls some cash, sounds like they are earning it.

Geez, I thought I was kee-nee-ow

I did once. She was a lady I knew 40 years ago. We didn't recognize each other at first but as we talked we both realized we were old acquaintances.

I was feeling nostalgic and told her she still had the same beautiful hair she had as a young woman.

She wrapped herself around me in the in the dim morning light and we took a trip back in time.

Only happened once. When I was 22 I liked 22 year old women. Some things never change. My liking 22 year old women has remained constant.

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I find it astonishing that anyone would want to have a Thai girlfriend/wife but refuse to accept their culture and use this as a condition of the relationship. Totally selfish and I'm not surprised at the OP's lack of success.

Those girls are not what you'd call traditional thai girls. They are most likely working girls who are solely out to meet foreigners so they can get provided for. Nothing to do with accepting their culture because that isnt part of their culture.

Rubbish. The need to take care of your parents/family is part of Thai culture.

My friend does send 2000 baht to her parents each month, her thai bf doesn't, the most common gifts are makeup & parfume.

If you force her to stop working then yes you will have to fork up 2000 baht for her parents, otherwise not, unless the relation is based on money

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Maybe thats why you have to pay for it and I dont.

When you are 60 and 150kg you will be paying for it too. (or not having it at all).

Most people end up there, so daft to knock it when you are young.

I wonder if he will. The self centered, up tight youth culture that produces people like rgs200uk also has produced rampant political correctness and militant feminism. His attitude and the attitude of people like him will have probably wiped out the free wheeling Thai tarts that now populate the bars, universities and business in this lovely country.

It may be, and it would be poetic justice, that the same luxuries that are available to older men currently will only be the fodder of tawdry novels about how Thailand used to be.

Rgs200uk may end up having to change his “Depends” all by himself and the V pill will probably be illegal by then.

At least that would be the appropriate application of Karma.

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Rent by the hour, rent by the day, rent by the month, or rent forever... as in marriage. It's still a case of value for your money. Unless you are fortunate to marry some wealthy, independent, good looking woman that is 10+ years younger then it is going to cost you something in the end... even if it is just your loss of freedom. It's your choice. Make a wise decision. There is something for everyone. As you get older your options decrease but your decisions become easier. By the time you get to retirement age you should know what you enjoy most in life, and it's a bummer if you locked yourself into some arrangement 30 years before that you would now like to get out of. I've met hundreds of miserable old sods who complain continually about their situation, but are locked in out of some sense of honour.

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I really don't get this love = money thing. Usually when I hear of somethng like this I think that they just don't respect the farang and only want to see how much money they can extract.

Anyway im headed there in 2 months time for a month and then am looking to re locate from work (UK) to Bangkok. I've been talking to this 1 girl for a few months and it's fair to say we are pretty into each other. I'm 29 and she is 22. She works for some production company doing quality assurance and she's booked some time off work for when I come with a view to accompanying me to Krabi and possibly Koh Phangan.

I've got no problem paying for her flights which will probably come out at 4-5000 bhat for each trip. Obviously ill be paying for the hotel as well as food drink and daily spending money but the came at me with a weird question this week. She essentially asked me to pay her the equivilent of her monthly salary for the time she is with mr, as compensation for her taking time off work. Now I tried to ask her if she had the concept of paid leave where she worked but I couldn't understand whether she was playing dumb or just emarassed at my answer. Needless to say I declined saying I was upset that she was even asking me.

Her and her sister gossip on each others facebook wall every day and when im feeling nosey ill run a few 'extracts' through an online translator and it turns out the mother was asking her to ask me, but her sis said it was a dead tradition and not to bother or risk 'losing me'. On the mum she sends home 15,000 out of her monthly 25,000 wage. I said to her look waan jai if you want more money to pay loom lent then don't send so much to your mum. As far as I know her mum sits on her arse in Ubon raking in a monthly racket wage from her 3 daughters.

I like the girl and am still looking forward to seeing her but I do have a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. I actually really like her (course I do, why wouldn't I) but im thinking to maybe keep my options open. I'm not really a big P4P guy tbh. I might hit a club to check out some freelancers but I don't think ill be spending my evenings in Nana, except for maybe 1 evening to see what all the fuss is about.

Don't let others dissuade you from your trip and connection with the lovely lady. Go and enjoy yourself, but just have a set amount that you are willing to spend and don't deviate from that. There are always going to be a few extras, but don't let it bother you. Just be adamant and don't get angry. If it costs an extra 500 to 1000 baht a day then so what if you think you are getting value for your money. Think how much it would cost you if you were bringing a wife from your own country. I can guarantee it would be more. Reply to everything with a smile and a laugh. Make it out to be a game if she wants more. Mothers in Thailand know all about this game of milking unsuspecting farangs. If the girl hasn't heard it from her mother then she will hear if from her friends. Blood is thicker than water and friends are trusted before strangers. And, make no doubt about it... you are a stranger.

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I really don't get this love = money thing. Usually when I hear of somethng like this I think that they just don't respect the farang and only want to see how much money they can extract.

Anyway im headed there in 2 months time for a month and then am looking to re locate from work (UK) to Bangkok. I've been talking to this 1 girl for a few months and it's fair to say we are pretty into each other. I'm 29 and she is 22. She works for some production company doing quality assurance and she's booked some time off work for when I come with a view to accompanying me to Krabi and possibly Koh Phangan.

I've got no problem paying for her flights which will probably come out at 4-5000 bhat for each trip. Obviously ill be paying for the hotel as well as food drink and daily spending money but the came at me with a weird question this week. She essentially asked me to pay her the equivilent of her monthly salary for the time she is with mr, as compensation for her taking time off work. Now I tried to ask her if she had the concept of paid leave where she worked but I couldn't understand whether she was playing dumb or just emarassed at my answer. Needless to say I declined saying I was upset that she was even asking me.

Her and her sister gossip on each others facebook wall every day and when im feeling nosey ill run a few 'extracts' through an online translator and it turns out the mother was asking her to ask me, but her sis said it was a dead tradition and not to bother or risk 'losing me'. On the mum she sends home 15,000 out of her monthly 25,000 wage. I said to her look waan jai if you want more money to pay loom lent then don't send so much to your mum. As far as I know her mum sits on her arse in Ubon raking in a monthly racket wage from her 3 daughters.

I like the girl and am still looking forward to seeing her but I do have a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. I actually really like her (course I do, why wouldn't I) but im thinking to maybe keep my options open. I'm not really a big P4P guy tbh. I might hit a club to check out some freelancers but I don't think ill be spending my evenings in Nana, except for maybe 1 evening to see what all the fuss is about.

Don't let others dissuade you from your trip and connection with the lovely lady. Go and enjoy yourself, but just have a set amount that you are willing to spend and don't deviate from that. There are always going to be a few extras, but don't let it bother you. Just be adamant and don't get angry. If it costs an extra 500 to 1000 baht a day then so what if you think you are getting value for your money. Think how much it would cost you if you were bringing a wife from your own country. I can guarantee it would be more. Reply to everything with a smile and a laugh. Make it out to be a game if she wants more. Mothers in Thailand know all about this game of milking unsuspecting farangs. If the girl hasn't heard it from her mother then she will hear if from her friends. Blood is thicker than water and friends are trusted before strangers. And, make no doubt about it... you are a stranger.

Do you mind if I edit your post slightly Ian...

"Think how much it would cost you if you were bringing a hooker from your own country"

I think now we have a better perspective...

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I really don't get this love = money thing. Usually when I hear of somethng like this I think that they just don't respect the farang and only want to see how much money they can extract.

Anyway im headed there in 2 months time for a month and then am looking to re locate from work (UK) to Bangkok. I've been talking to this 1 girl for a few months and it's fair to say we are pretty into each other. I'm 29 and she is 22. She works for some production company doing quality assurance and she's booked some time off work for when I come with a view to accompanying me to Krabi and possibly Koh Phangan.

I've got no problem paying for her flights which will probably come out at 4-5000 bhat for each trip. Obviously ill be paying for the hotel as well as food drink and daily spending money but the came at me with a weird question this week. She essentially asked me to pay her the equivilent of her monthly salary for the time she is with mr, as compensation for her taking time off work. Now I tried to ask her if she had the concept of paid leave where she worked but I couldn't understand whether she was playing dumb or just emarassed at my answer. Needless to say I declined saying I was upset that she was even asking me.

Her and her sister gossip on each others facebook wall every day and when im feeling nosey ill run a few 'extracts' through an online translator and it turns out the mother was asking her to ask me, but her sis said it was a dead tradition and not to bother or risk 'losing me'. On the mum she sends home 15,000 out of her monthly 25,000 wage. I said to her look waan jai if you want more money to pay loom lent then don't send so much to your mum. As far as I know her mum sits on her arse in Ubon raking in a monthly racket wage from her 3 daughters.

I like the girl and am still looking forward to seeing her but I do have a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. I actually really like her (course I do, why wouldn't I) but im thinking to maybe keep my options open. I'm not really a big P4P guy tbh. I might hit a club to check out some freelancers but I don't think ill be spending my evenings in Nana, except for maybe 1 evening to see what all the fuss is about.

Don't let others dissuade you from your trip and connection with the lovely lady. Go and enjoy yourself, but just have a set amount that you are willing to spend and don't deviate from that. There are always going to be a few extras, but don't let it bother you. Just be adamant and don't get angry. If it costs an extra 500 to 1000 baht a day then so what if you think you are getting value for your money. Think how much it would cost you if you were bringing a wife from your own country. I can guarantee it would be more. Reply to everything with a smile and a laugh. Make it out to be a game if she wants more. Mothers in Thailand know all about this game of milking unsuspecting farangs. If the girl hasn't heard it from her mother then she will hear if from her friends. Blood is thicker than water and friends are trusted before strangers. And, make no doubt about it... you are a stranger.

Do you mind if I edit your post slightly Ian...

"Think how much it would cost you if you were bringing a hooker from your own country"

I think now we have a better perspective...

One man's wife is another man's hooker and beauty is not the only thing in the eye of the beholder. Now we may have a better perspective.

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I wonder if he will. The self centered, up tight youth culture that produces people like rgs200uk also has produced rampant political correctness and militant feminism. His attitude and the attitude of people like him will have probably wiped out the free wheeling Thai tarts that now populate the bars, universities and business in this lovely country.

Militant Feminism

An interesting aspect of feminism is they seem to preach that prostitution is bad.

I would have thought that feminism would teach that giving something to a man, that you could sell, should be considered exploitation.

Logically all feminists should be selling the product and not giving it away, and by selling avoiding being exploited by men.

(That is of course assuming that feminism is not, in reality, misandry by another name)

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Do you mind if I edit your post slightly Ian...

"Think how much it would cost you if you were bringing a hooker from your own country"

I think now we have a better perspective...

No, I'll stick with what I first wrote. Why would I bring an old, fat hooker to a country full of young lovelies? I spent 20 years with my first wife and 7 years with a second wife. We traveled extensively. I KNOW how much it costs to travel as a couple with a woman. I only have to compare the cost of holidays. The wife wants a holiday in Hawaii in at least a 4 star hotel. I enjoy a fishing trip while staying in my camper. The wife wants to go on a cruise liner. I'm happy camping in a tent in the mountains. The wife wants to go to the Cayman Islands and stay in hotels that cost $300 a night and eat in restaurants for $100 a meal. On my trip to the Caymans I shared a room at a friend's apartment and we ate sandwiches while bonefishing. I'm fairly realistic in everything I do and know the value of everything. I don't need a mommy to wipe my bum, and I'm a better cook that most women. Cleaning a home with modern equipment is a piece of cake. If I need someone to talk to I'll choose another man. I'm past my breeding age and don't need to raise another bunch of kids. I've already done that. I can get my enjoyment with kids by helping out a few Thai women I know. Then, I can walk away with no commitments.

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I wonder if he will. The self centered, up tight youth culture that produces people like rgs200uk also has produced rampant political correctness and militant feminism. His attitude and the attitude of people like him will have probably wiped out the free wheeling Thai tarts that now populate the bars, universities and business in this lovely country.

Militant Feminism

An interesting aspect of feminism is they seem to preach that prostitution is bad.

I would have thought that feminism would teach that giving something to a man, that you could sell, should be considered exploitation.

Logically all feminists should be selling the product and not giving it away, and by selling avoiding being exploited by men.

(That is of course assuming that feminism is not, in reality, misandry by another name)

"His attitude and the attitude of people like him"

What attitude would that be?

The attitude that I wont be taken for a ride and act as some sort of socialist welfare fund.

The attitude my wife also shares.

The wind of change is blowing through not only Thailand but the rest of Asia, this is Bkk 2011, not the airmens club Korat or NKP 1971.

I dont feel threatened by the fact some now have options other than the paddy fields or the factory.

I dont suffer from some sort of insecurity or inferiority complex, I welcome the change, educated women now available with the financial independance not to have to accept some drunken wife beating gambling Thai, or some over the hill coffin dodger.

I see you keep harping on about the past, yesterdays man, if you past is more important than your future, then you have none, you will go the way of the dodo.

I appreciate there will always be upcountry bumpkins who place no emphasis on there daughters education, the same people who consider their pension fund to be selling their daughter, so there will always be sex for sale, its already for sale in most upcountry locations, most farang are unaware these places even exist.

I dont see my Thai friends going there to meet a potential spouse, buy them houses, land, condos and cars, most go for a couple of hours and leave, they dont fall in love with these girls or pine after them, these guys know the rules and so do the girls, its the farang that doesnt get it.

Thailand, last chance saloon for many, next stop Cambodia, only because they cant afford the 'juicy girls' in Korea or Japan.

Perhaps you could tell me KK, how many womens bedrooms you have been in where they have pictures of fat balding overweight farang on the wall, mostly I see posters of puppy dogs, mountain or beach scenes, or Korean pop stars.

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I wonder if he will. The self centered, up tight youth culture that produces people like rgs200uk also has produced rampant political correctness and militant feminism. His attitude and the attitude of people like him will have probably wiped out the free wheeling Thai tarts that now populate the bars, universities and business in this lovely country.

Militant Feminism

An interesting aspect of feminism is they seem to preach that prostitution is bad.

I would have thought that feminism would teach that giving something to a man, that you could sell, should be considered exploitation.

Logically all feminists should be selling the product and not giving it away, and by selling avoiding being exploited by men.

(That is of course assuming that feminism is not, in reality, misandry by another name)

"His attitude and the attitude of people like him"

What attitude would that be?

The attitude that I wont be taken for a ride and act as some sort of socialist welfare fund.

The attitude my wife also shares.

The wind of change is blowing through not only Thailand but the rest of Asia, this is Bkk 2011, not the airmens club Korat or NKP 1971.

I dont feel threatened by the fact some now have options other than the paddy fields or the factory.

I dont suffer from some sort of insecurity or inferiority complex, I welcome the change, educated women now available with the financial independance not to have to accept some drunken wife beating gambling Thai, or some over the hill coffin dodger.

I see you keep harping on about the past, yesterdays man, if you past is more important than your future, then you have none, you will go the way of the dodo.

I appreciate there will always be upcountry bumpkins who place no emphasis on there daughters education, the same people who consider their pension fund to be selling their daughter, so there will always be sex for sale, its already for sale in most upcountry locations, most farang are unaware these places even exist.

I dont see my Thai friends going there to meet a potential spouse, buy them houses, land, condos and cars, most go for a couple of hours and leave, they dont fall in love with these girls or pine after them, these guys know the rules and so do the girls, its the farang that doesnt get it.

Thailand, last chance saloon for many, next stop Cambodia, only because they cant afford the 'juicy girls' in Korea or Japan.

Perhaps you could tell me KK, how many womens bedrooms you have been in where they have pictures of fat balding overweight farang on the wall, mostly I see posters of puppy dogs, mountain or beach scenes, or Korean pop stars.

The “I am not some 60 year old weighing 150 kgs looking for a farmers daughter.” type of attitude.

The, “Maybe thats why you have to pay for it and I don't.” type of attitude.

I realize this will strike you as strange but it has been 5 years since I have been in a Thai womans bedroom and she had pictures of old monks and her ex husband, a fat old guy. She said he had a good heart till it gave out.

I don't think you are any better than I am because you don't have to pay for it. I just think you are less experienced. Nothing wrong with being new to women and marriage. Everyone goes through that stage.

As far as juicy girls in Japan and Korea. I have been there when they were much less expensive but I don't think the juiciness would have changed much though. To be honest I prefer Thailand and Thai women.

I must admit I am an over the hill coffin dodger but all in all my life expectancy is probably longer now than when I was 22 years of age. I am used to long odds on my own survival.

Today I live close to where I lived 40 years ago. I don't like a lot of the changes I see now and the changes I see coming. I realize I am a dinosaur. Perhaps an extinct species. I think my kids think I am a dinosaur. They think I relocated to Thailand to recapture my wild youth spent cavorting with young Asian women while listening to, “Hotel California.”

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Perhaps you could tell me KK, how many womens bedrooms you have been in where they have pictures of fat balding overweight farang on the wall, mostly I see posters of puppy dogs, mountain or beach scenes, or Korean pop stars.

Most Thai women I know don't seem to have photos in their bedrooms, maybe you only know girls who live in one room?

The photos in my home, are all of her looking pretty and they are in the living room for all the visitors to admire.

I appreciate there will always be upcountry bumpkins who place no emphasis on there daughters education, the same people who consider their pension fund to be selling their daughter, so there will always be sex for sale, its already for sale in most upcountry locations, most farang are unaware these places even exist.

I dont see my Thai friends going there to meet a potential spouse, buy them houses, land, condos and cars, most go for a couple of hours and leave, they dont fall in love with these girls or pine after them, these guys know the rules and so do the girls, its the farang that doesnt get it.

So your friends all use country girls as sex toys?

They must have missed out on all those educated girls.

Seems you associate with a class of person that you despise on these forums.

Edited by ludditeman
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"His attitude and the attitude of people like him"

What attitude would that be?

The attitude that I wont be taken for a ride and act as some sort of socialist welfare fund.

The attitude my wife also shares.

The wind of change is blowing through not only Thailand but the rest of Asia, this is Bkk 2011, not the airmens club Korat or NKP 1971.

I dont feel threatened by the fact some now have options other than the paddy fields or the factory.

I dont suffer from some sort of insecurity or inferiority complex, I welcome the change, educated women now available with the financial independance not to have to accept some drunken wife beating gambling Thai, or some over the hill coffin dodger.

I see you keep harping on about the past, yesterdays man, if you past is more important than your future, then you have none, you will go the way of the dodo.

I appreciate there will always be upcountry bumpkins who place no emphasis on there daughters education, the same people who consider their pension fund to be selling their daughter, so there will always be sex for sale, its already for sale in most upcountry locations, most farang are unaware these places even exist.

I dont see my Thai friends going there to meet a potential spouse, buy them houses, land, condos and cars, most go for a couple of hours and leave, they dont fall in love with these girls or pine after them, these guys know the rules and so do the girls, its the farang that doesnt get it.

Thailand, last chance saloon for many, next stop Cambodia, only because they cant afford the 'juicy girls' in Korea or Japan.

Perhaps you could tell me KK, how many womens bedrooms you have been in where they have pictures of fat balding overweight farang on the wall, mostly I see posters of puppy dogs, mountain or beach scenes, or Korean pop stars.

The "I am not some 60 year old weighing 150 kgs looking for a farmers daughter." type of attitude.

The, "Maybe thats why you have to pay for it and I don't." type of attitude.

Touch a raw nerve did I?

You really should grow a thicker skin, this is Thailand we are living in, it hasnt as yet been plunged into the PC world.

BTW its not an attitude, its the truth, but please enlighten me what about it offends you,the fact I am not 60, not a fat knacker or the fact I am not looking for a farmers daughter?

You seem to have some problem with the fact I dont pay for it, if you chose to pay for it, its no concern of mine.

Sounds as if you are using me as a whipping post whilst you exercise some inner demons, doesnt bother me in the least.

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Perhaps you could tell me KK, how many womens bedrooms you have been in where they have pictures of fat balding overweight farang on the wall, mostly I see posters of puppy dogs, mountain or beach scenes, or Korean pop stars.

Most Thai women I know don't seem to have photos in their bedrooms, maybe you only know girls who live in one room?

The photos in my home, are all of her looking pretty and they are in the living room for all the visitors to admire.

I appreciate there will always be upcountry bumpkins who place no emphasis on there daughters education, the same people who consider their pension fund to be selling their daughter, so there will always be sex for sale, its already for sale in most upcountry locations, most farang are unaware these places even exist.

I dont see my Thai friends going there to meet a potential spouse, buy them houses, land, condos and cars, most go for a couple of hours and leave, they dont fall in love with these girls or pine after them, these guys know the rules and so do the girls, its the farang that doesnt get it.

So your friends all use country girls as sex toys?

They must have missed out on all those educated girls.

Seems you associate with a class of person that you despise on these forums.

"Most Thai women I know don't seem to have photos in their bedrooms, maybe you only know girls who live in one room?"

Please reread this quote,

'how many womens bedrooms you have been in'

Nowhere does it mention one room,

'So your friends all use country girls as sex toys?"

Some do some dont, some use Bkk girls some dont, but thats neither here nor there.

The fact of the matter is they are availing themselves of a service provided, but they dont then deicide to park their white buffalo outside the premises as they rescue the girl from her chosen profession, then buy land, houses cars and condos.

'They must have missed out on all those educated girls."

I honestly dont know the education level, but I know plenty of places where educated girls are available.

My local snooker hall employs markee girls from a local university, but thats a topic for another thread.

"Seems you associate with a class of person that you despise on these forums."

Yet more assumptions, again wrong.

Please reread my posts on this thread,

You will find the following,

"Rubbish. The need to take care of your parents/family is part of Thai culture."

With my reply on the matter ,

"Is the girl an invalid or does she suffer from some sort of incapacity, whats to stop the girl working and taking care of her own parents?

They do get pensions you know.

2,000 or 20,000 is totally irrelevant, its called personal responsibility, are these people incapable of caring for themselves, what about other family members, how much do they contribute?

Fed up hearing this BS that is fed to gullible farang.

Have stated on here before, but will say again before you ask, I paid no sin sot for my wife, I do not give her a monthly allowance.

My wife also does not give her mother money on a monthly basis'

If you chose to pay your wife, her family or whatever its no concern of mine.

My concern is the, its part of Thai culture line so many gullible farang buffalo are fed.

No need to feel insecure, I dont despise you if you chose to pay, up to you as they say, big face to be gained in the village, however if the cap fits wear it.

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btw. it seems to be the law, just read it from another forum

section 1563. Children are bound to maintain their parents.


Section 1564. Parents are bound to maintain their children and to provide proper education for them during their minority.

That law has been tossed aside more times than people can count. Of course the word "proper" could be up for interpretation.

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