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Hi all,

MY husband is in the process of applying for Family visit visa for me( Thai national) to UK and he is currenty unemployed.

His brother is supporting us for my expenses during my travel and remain in UK. My Question is: Does my husband need to write anything about hisfinance?

or just saying unemplyed is enough?

We have written about his brother's finance.

Appreciate any help and Thanks in advace



In his sponsor's letter your husband should explain his financial circumstances and why his brother is providing the finance for the visit.


Thank you 7by7 :jap: one more question : husband getting jobseeker allownce, do we have to write that in the application form and his sponsor letter?

Thanks again




My husband's brother has written the following declaration letter to confirm his intention to support me financially uring my visit to UK.

I would be grateful for nay feedback and thank you in advance.:jap:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I xxxx hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that I take the complete responsibility to support xxxx during her travel to and stay in United Kingdom and fulfill all of her expenses which includes travel, Subsistence, Leisure and any other circumstantial needs without recourse to public funds

I am working as a xxxx on a permanent position in xxx since xxxxx. I earn xxxx as net monthly salary, as reflected in the payslips from xxx to Sept 2011. My salary allows me to live reasonably well in the UK, with an excess of income over expenditure.

My bank statement from Sept to Oct 2011 confirms my ability to provide £ xxxx for xxxx visit. In addition to the above, I have a reasonable amount of savings that I can draw upon if required.

I further understand that I may be committing an offence and liable to prosecution if, after I have given this undertaking, I do not support the person named above.

I am very much looking forward to seeing xxxxx in UK and I hope you will look favorably on this application.

if you need any further clarifications please contact me on xxxx


I have played around with your brother in laws draft letter, feel free to ingnore or alter as you wish. Others will probably chip in.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I xxxx hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that I take the complete responsibility to support I confirm that I will provide financial support to xxxx during her proposed visit to The United Kingdom and fulfill all of her expenses which includes travel, Subsistence, Leisure and any other circumstantial needs without recourse to public funds.

(Maybe add a short para explaing why he is supporting you on your proposed trip.

I am working as a xxxx on a permanent position in xxx since xxxxx. I earn xxxx as net monthly salary, as reflected in I attach my the payslips from xxx to Sept 2011 as evidence that my financial support is affordable. My salary allows me to live reasonably well in the UK, with an excess of income over expenditure.

My bank statement from Sept to Oct 2011 confirms my ability to provide £ xxxx for xxxx visit. In addition to the above, I have a reasonable amount of savings that I can draw upon if required (unless the bank statements don't indicate affordabiliy I would leave the savings out, if your brother in law will need to draw on reserves to support you during your trip, then he needs to provide evidence rather than simply referring to them)

I further understand that I may be committing an offence and liable to prosecution if, after I have given this undertaking, I do not support the person named above. (Not true, so leave this para out)

I am very much looking forward to seeing xxxxx in UK and I hope you will look favorably on her application.

If you need further clarification please feel free to contact me on xxxx



In addition to OG's comments, I would provide at least 3, preferably 6, months worth of payslips and bank statements to show a longer term picture of his finances.

For clarity and to avoid duplication, I have merged this topic with your previous one on this subject.


I am just sorting out my wifes visa now, but we have had a baby so it is now more easy, but 7 months ago we paid someone to help us, I was the same that I could not show that I was working, well I was'nt I was on the beach for 6 months!! so my dad sent 6 months of bank records and tax papers. If you are married and ur trying to get a family visa I dont think it matters the he has no work papers because he is not the one you are going to see, well thats what ur saying to them, ur going to see ur brother inlaw and he is taking care of you.

Just one thing, tell them everything, they want to know the whole story, Its not a set rule for everyone so they will look at what you have and hopefully say yes.

just some things i got told to get.

My dads ownership off his house, along with pics of the inside showing where u intend to stay and sleep, I got all the papers that where given when he bought his house. and some pics of me and my family at the house.

my dads bank records and tax records for the last 6 months

a letter from my mum and dad, saying how we are welcom to stay there and how they will be willing to pay and take care of my wife. How exited they are to take her out to the local places to eat and shop and see where here family spend there life and where I had grown up. teaching how to cook english food (not that she will like it!!!!(dont put that!!or tell my mum!!!!)))

Pics of me with my wifes family, a letter (in thai) from her mum and dad


phone bills, showing I call a lot everyday,

emails. I went on my facebook and printed out EVERYTHING that was on mine and her's about us, it gives the date when every word or pic is put on there, so thats a good thing to do.

money transfers from me to my wife (shame it was'nt the other way round, her working and me in the sun!!!)

So thats about what I got told to do.

The thing was she was pregnant and we were not going to say that, but it soon got hard to hide and we were advised not to aply because it would get turned down due to thew gov not wanting us to have the baby in uk and the NHS to pay.

They want to know everything and if a later time you want to get another visa and they found out you had lied or not told then something they could make it very had the next time.

anyway.......chuk dee ;)


Thank you Keevandmay for this very helpful reply

:jap: :jap:

One more Question: I am staying in my husband flat so would not that contradict saying that I am going to see his brother

Of course I want to see husband brothers and I have put other reasons for the visit such as: seeing husband life in UK and experience life in UK

which is essential when it comes to deciding to settle in UK with husband in the future.

Thanks again Kevandmay for your kind help




yeah dont tell them that ur not staying at ur brother in laws house, he is the one with the money for you and he is taking care of ur stay, u need to show a pic of the room at ur hubbys brothers that u will stay in.

but no one will come knoking at the door to see if you are there or not.

Ok so maybe you have to lie a little bit!! thats called a wight lie in english!! and there not so bad.


THANK YOU SO MUCH Kevandmay,:jap:

I get your point but would not they wonder why I am not staying in Husband flat !!

I appreciate your input and advice :jap: :jap: :jap:


Thank you very very much theoldgit :jap: :jap:

Iam Thai and your edit very helpful and grateful for your kind help


You are more than welcome, I just wish my Thai was half as good as your written English - good luck.

By the way, you probably spotted my deliberate mistake, you could leave this bit in, it was crossed out in error without recourse to public funds.



I get your point but would not they wonder why I am not staying in Husband flat !!

I think 'kevandmay' is getting confused, you say exactly where you are staying on your application form, and provide evidence that it's suitable and available.

Please don't lie on the application, I realse you have never suggested that you would, if you do, and it's spotted, your application will almost certainly be refused and you're liable for a ban of 10 years for future applcations.



Ok so maybe you have to lie a little bit!! thats called a wight lie in english!! and there not so bad.

Please don't advise people to tell lies, white or otherwise, on their applications, if a lie is discovered then the application will almost certainly be refused and the applicant is liable for a 10 year ban on future applications.



Ok so maybe you have to lie a little bit!! thats called a wight lie in english!! and there not so bad.

Please don't advise people to tell lies, white or otherwise, on their applications, if a lie is discovered then the application will almost certainly be refused and the applicant is liable for a 10 year ban on future applications.

but u cant get some one to help you get a visa and say they will cover ur cost and take care of u when u are in england then not even stay with that person, hows that going to work??


Don't forget the most important item.

REASON TO RETURN to Thailand, without that you will not get a VISA.

Good reasons to return

Land and property ownership in Thailand

Children left behind in Thailand

Business or job when you come back.


but u cant get some one to help you get a visa and say they will cover ur cost and take care of u when u are in england then not even stay with that person, hows that going to work??

I'd give you slightly more credit if the two sponsors had no connection whatsoever. But we're talking about the applicant's husband and brother-in-law! ! !


but u cant get some one to help you get a visa and say they will cover ur cost and take care of u when u are in england then not even stay with that person, hows that going to work??

I'd give you slightly more credit if the two sponsors had no connection whatsoever. But we're talking about the applicant's husband and brother-in-law! ! !

of corse they have conection, its a family visa. But I'm sure other people have done many dif ways to get this, I was just telling what I have been told to do,


but u cant get some one to help you get a visa and say they will cover ur cost and take care of u when u are in england then not even stay with that person, hows that going to work??

I'd give you slightly more credit if the two sponsors had no connection whatsoever. But we're talking about the applicant's husband and brother-in-law! ! !

of corse they have conection, its a family visa. But I'm sure other people have done many dif ways to get this, I was just telling what I have been told to do,

Just because a family visit visa is applied for, it doesn't mean there has to be a connection between sponsors.

Who has told you to lie on your application and why would you act on such advice?


There is no reason why a visitor cannot stay with person A but have their trip paid for by person B. In this case the applicant's husband and brother-in-law. All that is needed is a brief explanation.

When my step-son visited a few years ago I paid for the trip but he stayed at my brother's as we only have a two bedroom flat and he and his sister are too old to share. We explained this in the application; no problems.

As already said, lying on an application is almost certain to be discovered, if not at the application stage then when entering the UK.

Immigration Officer; Where are you staying?

Traveler; With my husband.

IO; But you said in your application you will be staying with your brother-in-law. You have lied. Entry refused and visa canceled.

If a lie is discovered then, again as said, this will almost certainly result in a 10 year ban from the UK as a visitor, and possibly a lifetime ban in any category, including settlement as a spouse.

Kevandmay, if you have lied in an application and got away with it you have been extremely lucky. Do not use this forum to advise people to do the same.


I applied for a Family Visa for my wife, I gave my uncles address as we were going home for a funeral and my brother, his wfe and young child were going to stay at my mums house. After arriving in the UK, we went to my Mums house and actually stayed there as she needed the company, my brother arrived a few days later, during this time I phoned the UKBA and informed them of this change, they were not interested in it, as my wife had a valid visa.

We stayed at my Mums for the duration of the stay.


There is no reason why a visitor cannot stay with person A but have their trip paid for by person B. In this case the applicant's husband and brother-in-law. All that is needed is a brief explanation.

When my step-son visited a few years ago I paid for the trip but he stayed at my brother's as we only have a two bedroom flat and he and his sister are too old to share. We explained this in the application; no problems.

As already said, lying on an application is almost certain to be discovered, if not at the application stage then when entering the UK.

Immigration Officer; Where are you staying?

Traveler; With my husband.

IO; But you said in your application you will be staying with your brother-in-law. You have lied. Entry refused and visa canceled.

If a lie is discovered then, again as said, this will almost certainly result in a 10 year ban from the UK as a visitor, and possibly a lifetime ban in any category, including settlement as a spouse.

Kevandmay, if you have lied in an application and got away with it you have been extremely lucky. Do not use this forum to advise people to do the same.

I'm not telling people to lie I was just trying to tell what I have been advised, My wife was pregnant and we got told to not try and hide it because they would see it as a lie.

I was told if my dad is showning his bank and house papers to show he can take care of my wife, Then thats where im staying. If I cant show my bank slips then its because i dont have money in there, so i def cant pay for a house of my own, thats why he is doing it in the first place and not me.

Sorry I did'nt want to come across like I was trying to make people lie,


Well, saying

Ok so maybe you have to lie a little bit!! thats called a wight lie in english!! and there not so bad.
certainly gave the impression that you were advising the OP to lie!

Well, saying

Ok so maybe you have to lie a little bit!! thats called a wight lie in english!! and there not so bad.
certainly gave the impression that you were advising the OP to lie!

Hmmm yeah it does read that way, but also I advised in the post before not to.

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