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The Robin Hood Pub And Restaurant


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Two weeks ago my wife and I and two friends from Pattaya dropped in on The Robin Hood pub and restuarant on Sukhumvit, Bangkok. We ordered three glasses of Heinekin and a soft drink, and then later one more Heinekin.

Sometime later I was handed a bill for five Heinekins and the soft drink. It was a simple order. Naturally, I immediately querried the bill with the waitress, who went away and returned with a corrected receipt without so much as word, or an apology or any eye contact whatsoever. She simply put the book on the table and walked away. Naturally, we didn't leave a tip and vowed never to return to this establishment again.

Also, we were seated for about ten minutes before I could get the attention of a member of staff to serve us.

Have any other members been "accidentally" short-changed here?

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Two weeks ago my wife and I and two friends from Pattaya dropped in on The Robin Hood pub and restuarant on Sukhumvit, Bangkok. We ordered three glasses of Heinekin and a soft drink, and then later one more Heinekin.

Sometime later I was handed a bill for five Heinekins and the soft drink. It was a simple order. Naturally, I immediately querried the bill with the waitress, who went away and returned with a corrected receipt without so much as word, or an apology or any eye contact whatsoever. She simply put the book on the table and walked away. Naturally, we didn't leave a tip and vowed never to return to this establishment again.

Also, we were seated for about ten minutes before I could get the attention of a member of staff to serve us.

Have any other members been "accidentally" short-changed here?

It happens both intentionally and unintentionally. In this case it's not clear whether it was just a simple error on the cashers part. The fact that it was corrected with no fuss would suggest it was not intentional (IMHO). Not unusual for a waitress to behave uninterested also (low pay and all).

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tywais - yeah I can accept there could be a degree of doubt involved here as to whether it was intentional or unintentional, but the over-whelming feeling of all four us at the time (two Thai persons and two foreigners) was that she, perhaps, with the connivance of the establishment, was trying to pull a fast one.

The amount in question was 140 baht.

But what really upset us was that there was no apology - intentional or unintentional - there's really no excuse for that!

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tywais - yeah I can accept there could be a degree of doubt involved here as to whether it was intentional or unintentional, but the over-whelming feeling of all four us at the time (two Thai persons and two foreigners) was that she, perhaps, with the connivance of the establishment, was trying to pull a fast one.

The amount in question was 140 baht.

But what really upset us was that there was no apology - intentional or unintentional - there's really no excuse for that!

You would be amazed at the difference, for whatever reason, in service at places along Sukhumvit and virtually the rest of Thailand. We avoid it like the plague.

Personally, I would put it down to carelessness and apathy. I doubt they would put the effort into any sort of rip-off scheme. Even if she made a mistake, why would she acknowledge such to you? You don’t even really exist in her eyes, and to be honest, if I had to work down there, I would probably feel the same way in no time.

Not meaning to make excuses, but that part of town is unreal.


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When I was 18 years old I worked in the main bar of a large 4-star hotel. There was almost a walk-out by the staff because they thought I had been inserted by the management to find out what was going on. My father was a policeman and very friendly with the manager. I convinced the head barman that I was not a 'plant' and he took me at my word. He told me that I was to work a cash-free bar - no money exchanged hands - paper chits only. However, if I did not do everything exactly as he told me we would both be in big trouble. Thereafter, he taught me all the ropes on how to boost ones wages many times over. It opened my eyes for life as to what really goes on in the catering/bar trades. I learnt more tricks and fiddles than I thought were ever possible and I certainly did very well financially.

From experience, I think bar people are very good at what they do. I think the only mistakes they ever make are in favour of the bar or themselves. If you do not believe me then ask yourself when was the last time you ever got more than you paid for in a bar. In my experience the answer is never.


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Yep...First time I checked it out one night about a year ago(after session in londoner 2 for 1)with K.W and family our chek-bin was askew.

Got it rectified with a scowl so guess wot...never been back. :D

Nightcap followed at the old Dogs Billhooks up the soi (never a prob and always get served even if a wee bit...).....as they say its your dosh and how you spend it..up to u....or NOT :o

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Have any other members been "accidentally" short-changed here?

About a year ago, myself and 2 of my mates decided that we were going to do a Kilkenny challenge and drink a gallon of it in the Robin Hood. For those of you that don't know a gallon is 8 pints. After 8 rounds of 3 pints and plenty of pointless drunken conversation, we were ready to settle the bill. When the bill came, they billed us for 26 pints. We tried to explain that 3 x 8 is 24 and not 26. After a bit of debate they eventually agreed that there had been a mistake.

I remember another occaisson in the Hood going for a happy hour drink beginning at 7pm. For some reason the clock on the cash register was 45 minutes slow so any drinks ordered in the first 45 minutes were charged normal prices. I don't know if it was done on purpose or it is just due to incompetance.

Anyway between my mates the place is now affectionally known as "The Robin Bastard." :o

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When I was 18 years old I worked in the main bar of a large 4-star hotel. There was almost a walk-out by the staff because they thought I had been inserted by the management to find out what was going on. My father was a policeman and very friendly with the manager. I convinced the head barman that I was not a 'plant' and he took me at my word. He told me that I was to work a cash-free bar - no money exchanged hands - paper chits only. However, if I did not do everything exactly as he told me we would both be in big trouble.  Thereafter, he taught me all the ropes on how to boost ones wages many times over. It opened my eyes for life as to what really goes on in the catering/bar trades. I learnt more tricks and fiddles than I thought were ever possible and I certainly did very well financially. 

From experience, I think bar people are very good at what they do. I think the only mistakes they ever make are in favour of the bar or themselves.  If you do not believe me then ask yourself when was the last time you ever got more than you paid for in a bar.  In my experience the answer is never.


Perhaps I am misinterpreting your post, not being familiar with "tricks and fiddles", but are you saying that you somehow cheated either the bar/hotel and/or the patrons by stealing their money? Your post smacks of a certain pride and satisfaction in your endevours, which I hope doesn't extend to any potentially dishonest and unlawful activities? Apologies in advance if I've misinterpreted the gist of your post.

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To answer your question Lomatopo, it was a part-time summer job many years ago after leaving school and before embarking on an honest career. I am now retired. In those days there were ways of making extra money in the bar trade, usually because of flexibility in the accounting system. How many pints to account for in a barrel of beer (80 or 84?). How to price and account for a spirit and a mixer, e.g. one price for a gin & tonic and another price when each was sold separately. How to convert "have a drink on me" into cash in a non-cash bar. One accounted for the stock received, measure by measure, and any surpluses were perks of the job. Similarly, any shortages at stocktaking had to be made-up from ones pocket. And, I very much regret to say, I learnt how to cheat the customer, especially as the levels of intoxication increased, usually by giving short measures. I needed the job and I am not proud of what I did. However, those three months many years ago gave me an insight into the various tricks of the trade that many people would never see. IMHO, not a lot has changed.

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Nomad - appreciate your honesty in telling it as it is (or was). Cheers!

Quite right... It happens everywhere in the UK, like it or not... Anything from tax reasons through to making sure that the staff can have a drink at the end of the night.

I'm not condoning it, but if the auditors, stock takers AND the Inland Revenue make allowances for it, then why not?

As far as the Robin hood goes, never been stung there, but yet again, never really had service with a smile :o

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  • 4 weeks later...
Two weeks ago my wife and I and two friends from Pattaya dropped in on The Robin Hood pub and restuarant on Sukhumvit, Bangkok. We ordered three glasses of Heinekin and a soft drink, and then later one more Heinekin.

Sometime later I was handed a bill for five Heinekins and the soft drink. It was a simple order. Naturally, I immediately querried the bill with the waitress, who went away and returned with a corrected receipt without so much as word, or an apology or any eye contact whatsoever. She simply put the book on the table and walked away. Naturally, we didn't leave a tip and vowed never to return to this establishment again.

Also, we were seated for about ten minutes before I could get the attention of a member of staff to serve us.

Have any other members been "accidentally" short-changed here?

People Please, get a grip! We are talking about one glass of Heinekin. I have just been to the Robin Hood Pub on Sukhumvit for the first time and found the staff lovely, friendly and very attentive. The band is great and we are going back to beat the owner at pool again next week...Lol

Lighten up, In the scheme of things, what is one beer?

Edited by aussieiris
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To answer your question Lomatopo, it was a part-time summer job many years ago after leaving school and before embarking on an honest career. I am now retired. In those days there were ways of making extra money in the bar trade, usually because of flexibility in the accounting system. How many pints to account for in a barrel of beer (80 or 84?).  How to price and account for a spirit and a mixer, e.g. one price for a gin & tonic and another price when each was sold separately. How to convert "have a drink on me" into cash in a non-cash bar. One accounted for the stock received, measure by measure, and any surpluses were perks of the job. Similarly, any shortages at stocktaking had to be made-up from ones pocket.  And, I very much regret to say, I learnt how to cheat the customer, especially as the levels of intoxication increased, usually by giving short measures. I needed the job and I am not proud of what I did. However, those three months many years ago gave me an insight into the various tricks of the trade that many people would never see. IMHO, not a lot has changed.

I worked as a bartender at TGI Fridays for years and can say that Nomad knows the score. I will point out though that it is usually the house that gets shorted, not the customer. There is a lot more flexibilty at a corporate restaurant because they allow for variance due to anticipated spillage, overpours, mistakes, etc...

Something that has occurred to me several times in Thailand has been being served something other than what I ordered. The staff then usually begs me to accept it because otehrwise they will have to pay for the mistake. I always go along with it (I am not too picky), but I often wonder if it a ruse to push a pricier item on me or unload something they need to get rid of.

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Something that has occurred to me several times in Thailand has been being served something other than what I ordered. The staff then usually begs me to accept it because otehrwise they will have to pay for the mistake. I always go along with it (I am not too picky), but I often wonder if it a ruse to push a pricier item on me or unload something they need to get rid of.

Never happened to me. Probably playing you for a fool. No offence.

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From experience, I think bar people are very good at what they do. I think the only mistakes they ever make are in favour of the bar or themselves.  If you do not believe me then ask yourself when was the last time you ever got more than you paid for in a bar.  In my experience the answer is never.


Happens now and then, last time 3 months ago. The waitress mixed the table numbers.

Honest me pointed out the mistake, it would have left her with almost nothing for the night's wage, if it had been deducted from her pay.

I also first assume it's an honest mistake when there is more on the bill than I had.

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People Please, get a grip! We are talking about one glass of Heinekin. I have just been to the Robin Hood Pub on Sukhumvit for the first time and found the staff lovely, friendly and very attentive. The band is great and we are going back to beat the owner at pool again next week...Lol

Lighten up, In the scheme of things, what is one beer?

First post and he's praising Robin Hood...interesting.

Anyway, I happened to stop in there a while back for my first (and last) time. While the food was expensive, it was pretty good. But despite that, a similar thing happened to me...an extra beer was added to the tab. When you only had 2 beers a third, additional one is quite noticeable. After bringing this to the notice of the hostess she denied it and said I was wrong! Finally, after another worker came over they agreed to change it, although not pleasently and they never really did admit they had made a mistake. Not such a nice experience overall.

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People Please, get a grip! We are talking about one glass of Heinekin. I have just been to the Robin Hood Pub on Sukhumvit for the first time and found the staff lovely, friendly and very attentive. The band is great and we are going back to beat the owner at pool again next week...Lol

Lighten up, In the scheme of things, what is one beer?

First post and he's praising Robin Hood...interesting.

Anyway, I happened to stop in there a while back for my first (and last) time. While the food was expensive, it was pretty good. But despite that, a similar thing happened to me...an extra beer was added to the tab. When you only had 2 beers a third, additional one is quite noticeable. After bringing this to the notice of the hostess she denied it and said I was wrong! Finally, after another worker came over they agreed to change it, although not pleasently and they never really did admit they had made a mistake. Not such a nice experience overall.

Hmmm, one can easily draw the conclusion from reading here, the Robin Hood/O'reilley's group actually has a nefarious master plan to pad bills... eiher that or full of scurrilous employees.

Fact is, I've been in Robin Hood at least once or twice a month since it opened and it's never happened to me. Service has always been great as well.

This is not meant to excuse the poor cust service indicated by a couple others here, rather to point out, if you polled the actual # of all publicans experiences at RH, I'd bet this is the exception, rather than the rule. Perhaps demand to speak directly to the owner if it happens again. Now, I'm just waiting for someone to accuse me of having an agenda here 3,2,1... :o:D

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People Please, get a grip! We are talking about one glass of Heinekin. I have just been to the Robin Hood Pub on Sukhumvit for the first time and found the staff lovely, friendly and very attentive. The band is great and we are going back to beat the owner at pool again next week...Lol

Lighten up, In the scheme of things, what is one beer?

First post and he's praising Robin Hood...interesting.

Anyway, I happened to stop in there a while back for my first (and last) time. While the food was expensive, it was pretty good. But despite that, a similar thing happened to me...an extra beer was added to the tab. When you only had 2 beers a third, additional one is quite noticeable. After bringing this to the notice of the hostess she denied it and said I was wrong! Finally, after another worker came over they agreed to change it, although not pleasently and they never really did admit they had made a mistake. Not such a nice experience overall.

Hmmm, one can easily draw the conclusion from reading here, the Robin Hood/O'reilley's group actually has a nefarious master plan to pad bills... eiher that or full of scurrilous employees.

Fact is, I've been in Robin Hood at least once or twice a month since it opened and it's never happened to me. Service has always been great as well.

This is not meant to excuse the poor cust service indicated by a couple others here, rather to point out, if you polled the actual # of all publicans experiences at RH, I'd bet this is the exception, rather than the rule. Perhaps demand to speak directly to the owner if it happens again. Now, I'm just waiting for someone to accuse me of having an agenda here 3,2,1... :o:D

No doubt bahtsold owns a share in the Robin Hood! :D

Edited by bkkmadness
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Rob from the rich, give to the poor....Robin Hood's motto.

I have been told my a number of people..."If you know the people behind the Robin Hood. It is a fitting motto." In fact I remember reading the same in the Big Chilli mag a year ago or so " How fitting the motto is, based on the owners reputation... "

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Was there a month and a half ago. Had a lady using the men's room. She stated that the women's room was occupied and said that the waitress allowed her to use it. I complained to the manager and he was indifferent about it. What if I was caught using the men's room and his repond was that I had a point.

Don't plan to go back there any time soon and probaby never. :o

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Was there a month and a half ago. Had a lady using the men's room. She stated that the women's room was occupied and said that the waitress allowed her to use it. I complained to the manager and he was indifferent about it. What if I was caught using the men's room and his repond was that I had a point.

Don't plan to go back there any time soon and probaby never. :o

Sounds fair to me :D.

You obviously aren't a woman and have had to stand in line for 35 minutes just to use the bathroom. Have a little sympathy for those of us with TWBS (teeny weeny bladder syndrome).

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I've held back on this one for a while now, but I have had a bad experience there. This was about a 2 months after it first opened.

Thing was, the English manager was really sound with it. Although the problem couldn't be rectified, he offered to make it up with a night of free beer for me and my mates. We never did take him up on the offer though.

Truth be told though, I'd much rather be in Londoners or Dubliners. I should also give the Bulls Head a bit of time too, as the food there is spot on.

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Was there a month and a half ago. Had a lady using the men's room. She stated that the women's room was occupied and said that the waitress allowed her to use it. I complained to the manager and he was indifferent about it. What if I was caught using the men's room and his repond was that I had a point.

Don't plan to go back there any time soon and probaby never. :o

Cross gender use of loos in Thailand is common.

Get used to it. :D

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Was there a month and a half ago. Had a lady using the men's room. She stated that the women's room was occupied and said that the waitress allowed her to use it. I complained to the manager and he was indifferent about it. What if I was caught using the men's room and his repond was that I had a point.

Don't plan to go back there any time soon and probaby never. :D

you obviously haven't been to most clubs in London, where i regularly encountered women using the urinals. :o

and they weren't transvestites either.

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Was there a month and a half ago. Had a lady using the men's room. She stated that the women's room was occupied and said that the waitress allowed her to use it. I complained to the manager and he was indifferent about it. What if I was caught using the men's room and his repond was that I had a point.

Don't plan to go back there any time soon and probaby never. :D

you obviously haven't been to most clubs in London, where i regularly encountered women using the urinals. :o

and they weren't transvestites either.

Nope never been to London, like to go there someday. I came from the States so I guess I have to get use to it. Still not used to having a female attendant/cleaner coming in while trying to pee.

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