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Immigration Bangkok

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Can someone tell if the Bangkok Government Center, in Chaengwattana Road is still open.

As i have heard than flooding was arriving there, i worry to know if i will be able to go there next thursday,20 october for extend my ED visa.

Thanx for answers.............

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BKK Post said the Government Center on Chang Wattana was being used as an evac point for flood refugees so sounds like it is open.

Remember, you can extend a visa 30 days before it expires, so probably better to go now rather than wait.


I know, but its a bit complicated and i have to make report 90 days in the same time.

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BKK Post said the Government Center on Chang Wattana was being used as an evac point for flood refugees so sounds like it is open.

Remember, you can extend a visa 30 days before it expires, so probably better to go now rather than wait.


I know, but its a bit complicated and i have to make report 90 days in the same time.

I live in the area and drove from Central Chaeng Watthana down past the Government offices and on to where they are doing the overpass of the round about past McDonalds. Only problems were a broken down truck on the overpass at IT City Laksi and the road works at the roundabout itself. You should be ok on Thursday but parking may be a problem as said.

I'll try and post again if it changes before then, usually driving in the area or some of my staff come through there for work in the morning so can ask them.

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BKK Post said the Government Center on Chang Wattana was being used as an evac point for flood refugees so sounds like it is open.

Remember, you can extend a visa 30 days before it expires, so probably better to go now rather than wait.


I know, but its a bit complicated and i have to make report 90 days in the same time.

I live in the area and drove from Central Chaeng Watthana down past the Government offices and on to where they are doing the overpass of the round about past McDonalds. Only problems were a broken down truck on the overpass at IT City Laksi and the road works at the roundabout itself. You should be ok on Thursday but parking may be a problem as said.

I'll try and post again if it changes before then, usually driving in the area or some of my staff come through there for work in the morning so can ask them.

thanx guys for your answrs.

I will not have to park as i come by taxi from southern bus terminal, i am currently in samui for some extra holidays.....

Just hope it will be not too difficult to go from southern bus terminal to immigration.


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When the center of Bangkok was set on fire, riots, Immigration was open and one was "expected" to go their for 90 day visits and or any visa issues. I'm due at the end of the month and presently under water. No way I'm going to make it so guess time will tell because Immigration police simply do not waiver on these types of issues. Late it's meal money in their pockets

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All my staff took off a couple of hours ago, some live in the 7 Bangkok districts listed in the news as going to flood. I discussed it with one of the guys who uses Chaeng Watthana to get to work and he said that they are reporting that parts of Chaeng Watthana will be flooded tomorrow.

I expect it to be the Pak Kret end, one of the girls lives near there and this side of the river is starting to flood now. Also the other end at Bang Khen (one of the districts listed).

You should be ok if you come on the expressway and get off at Chaeng Watthana. I'll try and give an update in the morning for you if I hear anything or go for a drive.

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All my staff took off a couple of hours ago, some live in the 7 Bangkok districts listed in the news as going to flood. I discussed it with one of the guys who uses Chaeng Watthana to get to work and he said that they are reporting that parts of Chaeng Watthana will be flooded tomorrow.

I expect it to be the Pak Kret end, one of the girls lives near there and this side of the river is starting to flood now. Also the other end at Bang Khen (one of the districts listed).

You should be ok if you come on the expressway and get off at Chaeng Watthana. I'll try and give an update in the morning for you if I hear anything or go for a drive.

thanx a lot chunktal, i would appreciate it, as i am on my way to bangkok, actually in the bus from koh samui.

i worry a lot how to reach chaeng watthana tomorrow morning and get al my papers right.............

thanx for letting me know how the situation is, u can also send me private email at : i would appreciate a lot.

thanx again. Michel

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Went there this afternoon - not the remotest sign of water anywhere. Came from Bang Kapi along Ram Indra, which bore no sign of any water neither. Had a long look down the handful of klongs I crossed on the way - could have been in the dry season on this hot and sunny afternoon. Well, there was one sign of things not being quite normal all over - when I got my number there were 92 people in the queue for 90 day reporting, about 10 times as many as I'm used to. Took them only about 1 1/2 hour to get through to me - i.e. a workspeed of 1 man per minute.

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Went there this afternoon - not the remotest sign of water anywhere. Came from Bang Kapi along Ram Indra, which bore no sign of any water neither. Had a long look down the handful of klongs I crossed on the way - could have been in the dry season on this hot and sunny afternoon. Well, there was one sign of things not being quite normal all over - when I got my number there were 92 people in the queue for 90 day reporting, about 10 times as many as I'm used to. Took them only about 1 1/2 hour to get through to me - i.e. a workspeed of 1 man per minute.

thanx, i hope it will be the same tomorrow, lots of thanx

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Went there this afternoon - not the remotest sign of water anywhere. Came from Bang Kapi along Ram Indra, which bore no sign of any water neither. Had a long look down the handful of klongs I crossed on the way - could have been in the dry season on this hot and sunny afternoon. Well, there was one sign of things not being quite normal all over - when I got my number there were 92 people in the queue for 90 day reporting, about 10 times as many as I'm used to. Took them only about 1 1/2 hour to get through to me - i.e. a workspeed of 1 man per minute.

One of my guys came through from Ram Indra and along Chaeng Watthana this morning past the Government Complex and the Expressway to get to work. He said it is still clear all the way through still with no flooding. Only problem he had was all of the cars that are being parked up on the overpasses and bridges that are blocking traffic a bit.

If you are coming from the South and take the Expressway to Chaeng Watthana you will have no problem getting there.

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Went there this afternoon - not the remotest sign of water anywhere. Came from Bang Kapi along Ram Indra, which bore no sign of any water neither. Had a long look down the handful of klongs I crossed on the way - could have been in the dry season on this hot and sunny afternoon. Well, there was one sign of things not being quite normal all over - when I got my number there were 92 people in the queue for 90 day reporting, about 10 times as many as I'm used to. Took them only about 1 1/2 hour to get through to me - i.e. a workspeed of 1 man per minute.

One of my guys came through from Ram Indra and along Chaeng Watthana this morning past the Government Complex and the Expressway to get to work. He said it is still clear all the way through still with no flooding. Only problem he had was all of the cars that are being parked up on the overpasses and bridges that are blocking traffic a bit.

If you are coming from the South and take the Expressway to Chaeng Watthana you will have no problem getting there.

Thanx, i am allready at immigration.

Arrive at 5h45 am at southern bus terminal, take a taxi and arrive at 7 am at immigration. No sign of water, and no sign of the 4000 evacues here......... I dont know what to think about the news we can read on "The Nation" or "Bangkok post"............ I just finish to make my extension visa, and now wait for my 90 days report. About 60 people before me, so i think it will be all finish in less than one hour.....

The taxi who brings me here have charge me 100 bath more than in the counter, saying in will be very difficult for him to find another customer...........

No problem, i feel so much more better now, so i dont loom after that.

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Traffic around gov complexes, Chaeng Wattana, is 6 lanes of barely moving traffic. /via@RichardBarrow

I can confirm it, was out there to get some more food and water a couple of hours ago and it is jam packed with cars. Mainly due to people parking 2 abreast on the bridges and overpasses so only one lane of traffic going over them. It was quicker to use the side roads with the traffic lights than try and go over the bridges. The army barracks across from Tesco is flooding. The klong beside it has come up over night and is now starting to over flow.

The road was still ok, just a big traffic jam.

Lot of people panicing, some standing there watching. My guys have been told that if they need or want to go home it is ok and they can stay there if they need to (same instructions as through the coup, the riots etc) but they are to call in once a day to confirm that they are still safe or anytime if they need help or re-locating until it is over.

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Traffic around gov complexes, Chaeng Wattana, is 6 lanes of barely moving traffic. /via@RichardBarrow

I can confirm it, was out there to get some more food and water a couple of hours ago and it is jam packed with cars. Mainly due to people parking 2 abreast on the bridges and overpasses so only one lane of traffic going over them. It was quicker to use the side roads with the traffic lights than try and go over the bridges. The army barracks across from Tesco is flooding. The klong beside it has come up over night and is now starting to over flow.

The road was still ok, just a big traffic jam.

Lot of people panicing, some standing there watching. My guys have been told that if they need or want to go home it is ok and they can stay there if they need to (same instructions as through the coup, the riots etc) but they are to call in once a day to confirm that they are still safe or anytime if they need help or re-locating until it is over.

I DONT confirm that.

I have leave immigration at about 11h15 after taking some lunch, and i arrived at my Hotel near Panthip Plazza, 40 mn later.

Big traffic for sure, but its ok as usual.

Dont have to panic or to make people panicing.................

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Just returned from Chaeng Watthana government offices. I had to extend my ED visa and make 90-day residency report.

The office was open today and this morning was uncrowded and seemingly relaxed. I say seemingly because I couldn't tell how the Thai staff and immigration officers are feeling or reacting to the flood situation. In any case, I travelled by taxi from Mo Chit BTS to immigration by surface streets. The traffic was a medium amount and flowed smoothly. We arrived easily at the immigration office. No water or flooding but parts of the complex are sandbagged.

There was a line of about 30 people ahead of me when the office opened at 8:30. Everything went well and my passport, with extension, was handed back to me by 9:30. I had an additional one-hour plus wait for the 90-report, but that was processed in a couple of minutes when my number came up. I was out of the office by 10:45.

Traffic at that time (11am) on Chaeng Watthana was completely backed up in the western direction (the direction from BTS) but was flowing smoothly going east (the direction to BTS). I again took a taxi back to Mo Chit. There was only light traffic, no traffic jams and no water.

In other words, it was a complete non-event given the general situation with flooding and public concern right now. Jawnie likes it!

Ps. I had all the proper paperwork from my Thai language school. During the few minutes I spent with the immigration officer while she processed the papers and took my money, at no time did she quiz me or ask any questions related to my Thai language studies, nor did she ask me to speak or write in Thai. J.

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confirm !

was there too today, not so many peoples ... (about noon)

but on my way back i passed Khlong Prapa .. where the waterlevel was WAY Over the street level already (prapa is protected to prevent water from the street goes into it) so i would not give it too much time ...

the traffic jam is caused because residents from the area parking on all overpass bridges, blocking 2 lanes (just like on 4pm traffic) ;)

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Traffic around gov complexes, Chaeng Wattana, is 6 lanes of barely moving traffic. /via@RichardBarrow

I can confirm it, was out there to get some more food and water a couple of hours ago and it is jam packed with cars. Mainly due to people parking 2 abreast on the bridges and overpasses so only one lane of traffic going over them. It was quicker to use the side roads with the traffic lights than try and go over the bridges. The army barracks across from Tesco is flooding. The klong beside it has come up over night and is now starting to over flow.

The road was still ok, just a big traffic jam.

Lot of people panicing, some standing there watching. My guys have been told that if they need or want to go home it is ok and they can stay there if they need to (same instructions as through the coup, the riots etc) but they are to call in once a day to confirm that they are still safe or anytime if they need help or re-locating until it is over.

I DONT confirm that.

I have leave immigration at about 11h15 after taking some lunch, and i arrived at my Hotel near Panthip Plazza, 40 mn later.

Big traffic for sure, but its ok as usual.

Dont have to panic or to make people panicing.................

It might have been ok then but it was jam packed when I was there at about 10am. Not trying to make anyone panic, in fact the opposite as it is the people that are panicing and parking their cars on the bridges that are jamming up the traffic. People need to stay calm and prepare, if the are going to evacuate, do so early or make sure that they are prepared to defend their homes or ride it out if that is not possible. Just need some common sense.

I give my staff the same instructions now as during the previous problems, personal safety come first, work can wait. They are all capable of making an assessment of their own situation, they all know the options they have open to them should they need/want to relocate for the duration of the floods and I let them decide individually what they want to do.

They just had on the news that Chaeng Watthana is starting to flood and may get up to 1m in the Central Chaeng Watthana area. That is just what they are saying, where I am near Impact there is nothing so I cannot say if the report is correct or not sorry.

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I was there at 10am...it was far from "jam packed". But that's not the issue.

The office is open and functioning well, but traffic could be a problem and floods seem to be approaching.

If you need to renew your visa next week, or need to go to that office, I suggest going tomorrow, Friday, if you can. Three day weekend starts Saturday.

Traffic around gov complexes, Chaeng Wattana, is 6 lanes of barely moving traffic. /via@RichardBarrow

I can confirm it, was out there to get some more food and water a couple of hours ago and it is jam packed with cars. Mainly due to people parking 2 abreast on the bridges and overpasses so only one lane of traffic going over them. It was quicker to use the side roads with the traffic lights than try and go over the bridges. The army barracks across from Tesco is flooding. The klong beside it has come up over night and is now starting to over flow.

The road was still ok, just a big traffic jam.

Lot of people panicing, some standing there watching. My guys have been told that if they need or want to go home it is ok and they can stay there if they need to (same instructions as through the coup, the riots etc) but they are to call in once a day to confirm that they are still safe or anytime if they need help or re-locating until it is over.

I DONT confirm that.

I have leave immigration at about 11h15 after taking some lunch, and i arrived at my Hotel near Panthip Plazza, 40 mn later.

Big traffic for sure, but its ok as usual.

Dont have to panic or to make people panicing.................

It might have been ok then but it was jam packed when I was there at about 10am. Not trying to make anyone panic, in fact the opposite as it is the people that are panicing and parking their cars on the bridges that are jamming up the traffic. People need to stay calm and prepare, if the are going to evacuate, do so early or make sure that they are prepared to defend their homes or ride it out if that is not possible. Just need some common sense.

I give my staff the same instructions now as during the previous problems, personal safety come first, work can wait. They are all capable of making an assessment of their own situation, they all know the options they have open to them should they need/want to relocate for the duration of the floods and I let them decide individually what they want to do.

They just had on the news that Chaeng Watthana is starting to flood and may get up to 1m in the Central Chaeng Watthana area. That is just what they are saying, where I am near Impact there is nothing so I cannot say if the report is correct or not sorry.

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confirm !

was there too today, not so many peoples ... (about noon)

but on my way back i passed Khlong Prapa .. where the waterlevel was WAY Over the street level already (prapa is protected to prevent water from the street goes into it) so i would not give it too much time ...

the traffic jam is caused because residents from the area parking on all overpass bridges, blocking 2 lanes (just like on 4pm traffic) ;)

I heard that people are also jamming up the expressways with parked cars. It seems the police threat to tow them all away is not putting off and I doubt the police have the resources to do anything much about them anyway. Yesterday I had to go the JW Marriot in Sukhumvit and found the car park was jam packed with cars double parked all over the place - mainly pick-ups and low budget city cars that don't like like the profile of the average 5-star hotel guest.

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Any update on the situation @ Immigration Building ?

I'm going to report to the office tomorrow, drop at Mochit and catch a mini van. Not sure if the mini vans are operating. Normally long is journey from Mochit to Immigration Building ?

And if I'm prevented extending my visa because of flood, will I be penalized for overstaying ?

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There should not be any problem (but that is a bit of guess work under current conditions). Traffic may be slow however due to parked cars in elevated areas. Yes you will be overstay if you do not extend but remain beyond exit time and the standard fine is 500 baht per day. Do not know the van travel time but not too far but may have to adjust route due local road conditions.

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