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Thai PM Appeals For Unity Amid Flood Crisis


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Seven pages of the usual bitches bitching on Thai Visa, like the little cats they are, yet not one constructive idea as to how to avert this kind of disaster!

The Government has only been in office for four months! Do you really expect them to turn around a country that has been screwed over for hundreds of years in 100 days?

What government could have prevented this? More to the point, which government will actually do anything about it after the waters subside?

Give it a month or two, it will all be forgotten, everyone will carry on smiling like nothing ever happened, until the next time!

None of these rotten apples ever do anything for Thailand, they just line their own pockets and sit chirping like canaries on branches when something goes wrong, pointing their stinking shit covered fingers at anyone but themselves.

How long was Yinglucks brother in charge?, 6years? he had plenty of time to sort this debacle out long ago .

No one expected the current Government to prevent this, however most would expect that the Government should show some leadership in a crisis and make "informed" and transparent decisions, Clearly and sadly this is lacking~

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The OP is about 'unity'. It's good to see that you participate and even trust your life to the military. Probably good choice, those boats of Minister Plodprasop are going nowhere :whistling:

As for who's at fault, in any country 'we, the people' only blame the current government because that's the one in a position to do something. The previous government, if no longer in power, is not interesting. Those elected to be in power now are the ones with responsibilities and therefor are accountable. Nothing personal at all. Similar protests would have been voiced if the previous government would still be in power and was seen similarly incompetent. IMHO :ermm:

(edit: add: on the 9th this month PM Yingluck spoke a very true thing: About prevention, Ms Yingluck says the government cannot prevent floods in all areas as there is too much water.)

Brilliant of her... :D

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"There is nothing wrong with feeling the way many people are feeling at the moment. If you need to have a cry, you can rest on my shoulder, I am right there with you".

YOU are the silly one - this is absolutely rubbish!!! If you are the prime minister then you must set an example by being able to lead in adversity and not go running to the tissue box whenever something goes wrong.

She chose to put herself in this position, did she not?? She accepted the responsibility of governing the country, did she not??? It has nothing to do with the government "changing the goalposts" in order to ease her brother back into the country (simply another Thai national), does it not???

If putting herself through all of this hell (for which she clearly cannot cope with the pressure or responsibility) was for the sole reason of getting Thaksin back into Thailand then it would be a bit more understandable (although not acceptable) - but she has stated "that this was not a priority for her government" so she must accept the blame and get on with it!!!! No sympathy from me Yingluck, you have brought this upon yourself and must suffer the consequences, no matter how much you don't want to!!!!:jap:.

Of course Steve I can comprehend everything you write and agree 100%(almost) with your musings ,but let us try and be fair and in many ways realistic, this position she now hold,s was not of her own choosing was it? but her brothers who uses people like you and I use Kleenex to further his own monomaniacal lust for more wealth and power ,no doubt she is now regretting the moment that she agreed to be as putty in his hands. :unsure:

She didn't seem to have any regrets when it came time for taking nearly one billion baht as her share of the Shin sale.

Nor did she have any regrets when she was placed several times as the figure-head boss of his companies.

Hard to have much sympathy for this middle-age billionairess when she readily accepts the rewards for being in the Shinawatra clan, but breaks down whenever responsibility and accountability are encountered.

Yeah Buchholz and Steve in no way do I feel sorry for her,I am merely remarking I do not think she really knew what she was letting herself in for and must be now deeply regretting her actions ,the main one of course was to get big brother back ,Thaksin uses people like throw away bic razors without a doubt, this time its back fired big style, as yinglucks credibility as a leader is at zero level , problem is many Thai's have short memories ;)

She probably didn't know the full extent of what she faced. It was easy for Thaksin, who has said he raised her "like a daughter", to have manipulated that position during the discussions with the Shinawatra clan in Dubai when the decision was made to have her run as PM.

He certainly would have downplayed any concerns she might have raised as to the level of responsibility that came with the position or the pitfalls she might encounter (such as a natural disaster).

It's known that she resisted accepting the nomination for a long time, but Thaksin isn't the type to accept no, and increased the pressure on her to accept as his level of desperation increased with the passage of time.

Her tears could easily be more related to the manipulation she now realizes in the way he used her and betrayed her trust in him.

Still, she's not someone who can be sympathized for as one might for a child or mentally handicapped, as she's neither.

In the end, she, as a full-fledged competent adult, accepted the position after capitulating to the family pressures.

If she had continued to resist and stayed out of politics, or if she had decided to take the helm of the family's billions as head of a non-fake humanitarian foundation and actually put the stolen money to good use, she would have received a lot more admiration and respect.


Edited by Buchholz
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Seven pages of the usual bitches bitching on Thai Visa, like the little cats they are, yet not one constructive idea as to how to avert this kind of disaster!

The Government has only been in office for four months! Do you really expect them to turn around a country that has been screwed over for hundreds of years in 100 days?

What government could have prevented this? More to the point, which government will actually do anything about it after the waters subside?

Give it a month or two, it will all be forgotten, everyone will carry on smiling like nothing ever happened, until the next time!

None of these rotten apples ever do anything for Thailand, they just line their own pockets and sit chirping like canaries on branches when something goes wrong, pointing their stinking shit covered fingers at anyone but themselves.

How long was Yinglucks brother in charge?, 6years? he had plenty of time to sort this debacle out long ago .

I can just see it in the year 2111 expats still complaining about Thailands woes saying but Taksin was in power for 5 years and he should have fixed it can't blame the present government it is thaksins fault for todays woes. Stop living in the past people. What did the last governmemt go? About the same as Thaksin, nothing so point two fingers not one

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As much as I dissaprove of the present government I don't think there is a great deal they could have done to stop this flood, at best they may have been able to minimise it slightly. This is a once in 50 year maybe even a 100 year flood.

Australia had the same problems in December 2010 and January 2011, 50% of Queensland was flooded. Sure you can have plans in place and infrastructure to alleviate the flooding but you can't stop the sheer volume of water.

Nahh it was Yinglucks fault, karma I recon. :jap:

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I just want to say that I'm not a supporter of any colored shirt. While my opinions may seem like I'm leaning towards being pro-Democrats, it's only because there are only 2 options at the moment (just like the US). I would love to see the rise of a strong, game changing 3rd party come into play in Thai Democracy but that's highly unlikely since they usually get swept up into coalitions anyway. Last but not least, I am anti-Thaksin and of this government and for good reasons IMHO. Now that my position is clear...

Leading a country isn't a game and shouldn't be taken lightly. Did PM Yingluck think it would be just a walk in the park with no natural disasters, economic crisis, border warfare and etc.? I wouldn't be so hard on this government if Yingluck, while she was growing up decided to get into politics and wanted to steer the country into prosperity, making a difference in people's lives. If she researched on the responsibilities of being a Prime Minister and really cared about the people, then she should've declined being a puppet. You're doing the right thing if you don't get behind the wheel knowing that you're drunk or don't fly a plane if you've never flown one (or at least have taken lessons). Lives are at stakes, the country is at stakes. That's what she gambled with and that's what making me so disappointed in her, her government and those who elected her.

Those who elected her are just as responsible for the incompetence. They knew that a Deputy PM's son murdered a police officer (not some random thug) and got away with it through his father's influence. They knew that Thaksin cheated the country by grafting laws for his own benefits. And they knew that PM Yingluck had no experience what-so-ever in leading a country. These are all signs that say "Hmm... no.. I don't think these are the right type of people who we should elect to run our country", but what do Thais do? Lo-behold... ignorance.

The position many of the Anti-red/Anti-Thaksin posters have taken is that, they're not essentially Pro-Democrat.. but they're against this particular government. I sympathize with the poor and the red shirts too for wanting to be heard. I'd wear a red shirt too if the movement really was meant for Anti-Dictatorship and that there's a tyrant ruling over Thailand now with an iron fist. However, the movement is just to bring Thaksin back. Someone who has done the country wrong already. I doubt many Americans would want Nixon back to run the country. The picture is clear and simple... this government (and its previous master) has done wrong, has no credibility for the positions they hold, and is just incompetent. Just like it's common sense you wouldn't hire a plumber to build your roads, you wouldn't hire some thugs to run your country.

Finally on the flooding and unity. I hope people are not wearing red-shirts or yellow-shirts while they're giving support, that's just stupid. I don't understand why they can't just go out in regular clothing and do good without showing which political side they're on? So far I've heard only "The Red-Shirts will have a charity concert" or "Red-Shirt will collect donations".. why Red-Shirt. They're all Thai.. it should be "Thai People will have a charity concert".

Rock solid post ,my compliments.

Goooooooood Moooooorning Thaiiiiiiiiiilaaaaaand! My compliments as well! pounding my fist on the table.

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Former Thai Rak Thai executive Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan

She said the crisis prompted her to step in to provide advice.

Discouraging to learn that the former Bird Flu Cover-Up Minister is stepping into the fray. :(

Will she be advising on how best to cover-up the ineffective flood control measures of the current administration?

Perhaps she can see a 30% opportunity.

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Interested to see your response to this - please keep it polite though!!
YOU are the silly one - this is absolutely rubbish!!!
Any Thaksin/red brigade sympathisers should admit their stupidity in sticking up for this lost cause

Steve mate. You do make me laugh. You're not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Oops, my apologies.

Steve mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You DO make me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!! You're not exactly the sharpest KNIFE in the drawer are you???????????

There. That's better.


The truth hurts maybe!!!!????*****####

Just trying to accentuate my points and arguments for maximum impact - and what's wrong with making analogies by the way???? Analogies embellish my thoughts in order to help the lay man (or those intelligently challenged simpletons who favour the colour red - includes Man Utd, Arsenal, and Liverpool fans) to understand my simple words.

It's OK, don't worry, I won't hold your lacking intellect against you 'mca' as I treat and view ALL people as equal (apart from a certain khun T).

I will carry on using my exclamation marks if thats OK with you!!!!! Is it????? Have a good day, and you'll get over it my friend B):D:lol:!!!!!!!!!

By the way, I notice that you choose to attack my writing style rather than the content of my posting - this indicates that you are either the cowardly sort, or perhaps more akin to the true reason, you accept my argument and do not have the ability to respond to it - which I take as a huge compliment, so thank you!!!!! Your attempt at "gutter" humour at my expense has made me feel immensely proud of myself. I really don't deserve this accolade, but equally so, I'm truly chuffed about it all the same!!!!!

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I just want to say that I'm not a supporter of any colored shirt. While my opinions may seem like I'm leaning towards being pro-Democrats, it's only because there are only 2 options at the moment (just like the US). I would love to see the rise of a strong, game changing 3rd party come into play in Thai Democracy but that's highly unlikely since they usually get swept up into coalitions anyway. Last but not least, I am anti-Thaksin and of this government and for good reasons IMHO. Now that my position is clear...

Leading a country isn't a game and shouldn't be taken lightly. Did PM Yingluck think it would be just a walk in the park with no natural disasters, economic crisis, border warfare and etc.? I wouldn't be so hard on this government if Yingluck, while she was growing up decided to get into politics and wanted to steer the country into prosperity, making a difference in people's lives. If she researched on the responsibilities of being a Prime Minister and really cared about the people, then she should've declined being a puppet. You're doing the right thing if you don't get behind the wheel knowing that you're drunk or don't fly a plane if you've never flown one (or at least have taken lessons). Lives are at stakes, the country is at stakes. That's what she gambled with and that's what making me so disappointed in her, her government and those who elected her.

Those who elected her are just as responsible for the incompetence. They knew that a Deputy PM's son murdered a police officer (not some random thug) and got away with it through his father's influence. They knew that Thaksin cheated the country by grafting laws for his own benefits. And they knew that PM Yingluck had no experience what-so-ever in leading a country. These are all signs that say "Hmm... no.. I don't think these are the right type of people who we should elect to run our country", but what do Thais do? Lo-behold... ignorance.

The position many of the Anti-red/Anti-Thaksin posters have taken is that, they're not essentially Pro-Democrat.. but they're against this particular government. I sympathize with the poor and the red shirts too for wanting to be heard. I'd wear a red shirt too if the movement really was meant for Anti-Dictatorship and that there's a tyrant ruling over Thailand now with an iron fist. However, the movement is just to bring Thaksin back. Someone who has done the country wrong already. I doubt many Americans would want Nixon back to run the country. The picture is clear and simple... this government (and its previous master) has done wrong, has no credibility for the positions they hold, and is just incompetent. Just like it's common sense you wouldn't hire a plumber to build your roads, you wouldn't hire some thugs to run your country.

Finally on the flooding and unity. I hope people are not wearing red-shirts or yellow-shirts while they're giving support, that's just stupid. I don't understand why they can't just go out in regular clothing and do good without showing which political side they're on? So far I've heard only "The Red-Shirts will have a charity concert" or "Red-Shirt will collect donations".. why Red-Shirt. They're all Thai.. it should be "Thai People will have a charity concert".

Rock solid post ,my compliments.

Goooooooood Moooooorning Thaiiiiiiiiiilaaaaaand! My compliments as well! pounding my fist on the table.


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What leader can control a flood? I remember the American X-president George Bush being to late for his reaction to the floods after Hurricane Katrina. I think the real test is what the Yingluck will do/ can do for the people without homes, food, and jobs. That will be her real challenge which can be predicted a head of time...

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Thaksin wants back in - cajoles, then orders his sister to comply with his demands after she shows reluctance to take it on - she takes the reins but her inexperience betrays her - she wants out but Thaksin isn't in yet - disaster strikes and world collapses around her - she must suffer her "personal hell" for longer as Thailand sinks ever lower beneath the murky waters - several episodes of smeared mascara and blotchy face powder ensue - the people turn against her and rebel against the government - she is turfed out, much to HER relief - end of sad story - a story with a happy ending however!!!!

She tried her best but it was not good enough - Yingluck, cry no more, go back to where you come from and let the big boys take the helm.

The first thing that the new Democrat government should do is banish the colour red, remove all references of it from school books and imprison or execute anyone who wears clothing even with a slight dash of red - includes underpants, and socks NB: red bras, knickers and suspender belts are to be encouraged however as they are sexy and do not reflect the bearers personal political beliefs, eats food like red peppers (green, yellow and orange are OK), raspberries or strawberries, mentions the colour r**, or is witnessed as stating that it is their favourite colour, in public :).

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As much as I dissaprove of the present government I don't think there is a great deal they could have done to stop this flood, at best they may have been able to minimise it slightly. This is a once in 50 year maybe even a 100 year flood.

Australia had the same problems in December 2010 and January 2011, 50% of Queensland was flooded. Sure you can have plans in place and infrastructure to alleviate the flooding but you can't stop the sheer volume of water.

Nahh it was Yinglucks fault, karma I recon. :jap:

One of the few good comments that really is talking about what has happened here , some pretty stupid and unhelpful comments too , i think some of you older long serving Ex-pats should take a dam_n good look at whats happening in you home country , where you come from , corruption , lies ,deception , and just pure crap , Western polititions are full of it and are certianly less sincere in their attitude towards people , it would be usefull and make better reading to hear some more helpful comments , half of you lot here sound like a bunch of spiteful schoolgirls .

Yinglucks only been in office for a few months , and she has suddenly been dumped with this on her lap . i think ( in time ) she might not be too bad ( if she can keep her brother of her back ).

R.I P, all the people who have lost thier lives , my Thai wife has her house in Navanakorn industrial estate , and she was told yesterday that it is under 2 meters of water , it is extremely worying for her , 200,000 people have been evaquated from that estate along , yes 200,000 , some people talking here think it is a big joke , brain dead jerks .

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What leader can control a flood? I remember the American X-president George Bush being to late for his reaction to the floods after Hurricane Katrina. I think the real test is what the Yingluck will do/ can do for the people without homes, food, and jobs. That will be her real challenge which can be predicted a head of time...

"That will be her real challenge which can be predicted a head of time"...

Couldn't they (in this world of ever changing and extreme weather cycles) have put in place some kind of defence against flooding???

It has happened on her watch so she is to blame for the disastrous consequences that the rains have brought.

This is not my logic - but the rediculously flawed logic of "Abhisit bashers" who blamed him for the deaths and damage that floods did earlier this year in the South with the outrageous statements such as "death on Abhisits hands". They argued that many of the mountain landslides were as a consequence of legal (and illegal) deforestation that had taken place at the base of the mountains, making the soil unstable and liable for initiating the slides. After having pointed out that he had been in power for 2 years and this deforestation had occurred decades ago they retorted - ooooh no!!!!! it happened on his watch so it is HIS responsibility!!!!! As they say "whats good for the goose is good for the gander".

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And for the posters who seem intent on knocking the PM for crying. Aphisit cried during the crisis last year. ( And before the minutia-obsessed point it out-yes I am well aware he did it in private)

" But mca. At least he did it in private. Not in public where strength and resolve needs to be shown. But what can you expect from a woman"

There. I've saved some the bother of replying by replying to myself. :)

"my" what a clever boy you are, well done!!!!!!!:jap:. I'm totally impressed by your consideration in not wanting to waste so many people's time - you are a true star so give yourself a big pat on the back and go to the top of the class :D.

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And for the posters who seem intent on knocking the PM for crying. Aphisit cried during the crisis last year. ( And before the minutia-obsessed point it out-yes I am well aware he did it in private)

" But mca. At least he did it in private. Not in public where strength and resolve needs to be shown. But what can you expect from a woman"

There. I've saved some the bother of replying by replying to myself. :)

"my" what a clever boy you are, well done!!!!!!!:jap:. I'm totally impressed by your consideration in not wanting to waste so many people's time - you are a true star so give yourself a big pat on the back and go to the top of the class :D.

"But what can you expect from a woman"

"I say old chap" I'm not sure that such blatantly and unapologetic sexist comments such as this are allowed on this site!!!!!

Oh dear!!! I seem to have replied to myself instead of to the original poster - I hope that there isn't some kind of virus spreading on TV forum indicating impending insanity. Anyone know who is responsible for this absurd behaviour and is there a cure for it?????

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The truth hurts maybe!!!!????*****####

Just trying to accentuate my points and arguments for maximum impact - and what's wrong with making analogies by the way???? Analogies embellish my thoughts in order to help the lay man (or those intelligently challenged simpletons who favour the colour red - includes Man Utd, Arsenal, and Liverpool fans) to understand my simple words.

It's OK, don't worry, I won't hold your lacking intellect against you 'mca' as I treat and view ALL people as equal (apart from a certain khun T).

I will carry on using my exclamation marks if thats OK with you!!!!! Is it????? Have a good day, and you'll get over it my friend B):D:lol:!!!!!!!!!

By the way, I notice that you choose to attack my writing style rather than the content of my posting - this indicates that you are either the cowardly sort, or perhaps more akin to the true reason, you accept my argument and do not have the ability to respond to it - which I take as a huge compliment, so thank you!!!!! Your attempt at "gutter" humour at my expense has made me feel immensely proud of myself. I really don't deserve this accolade, but equally so, I'm truly chuffed about it all the same!!!!!

I think the main jist of my post which unsurprisingly went your head like Halley's Comet on amphetamines was your appeal for polite answers whilst completely ignoring your own insults such as "rubbish", "stupidity" and, in your latest potential Booker Prize winner, "intellectually challenged simpletons" which,after reading some of your own offerings, is a road best left untravelled.

BTW in the world of rational people ( a place you may have fleetingly visited at some point during your life) that would be considered attacking the content of your post rather than the writing style would it not?

I'll leave it to you to use your rapier like intellect to have the last word.

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BTW, pretty much every night for the past two weeks or so, I've been watching the various Thai TV news shows in the evening, and seen countless clips of various folks doing sandbagging and various other forms of attempted flood control or relief activities

And of all those scenes, I can't recall even one of seeing any of the workers in an Army or Armed Forces uniform, and certainly none in police uniforms.... Instead, it's looked like lots of every day ordinary Thai citizens, men and women alike, none wearing any kind of uniform items or gear, probably living nearby and doing their best to try to protect their homes.

I've read and heard that there were some hundreds of military personnel assigned to the Ayutthaya industrial park flood prevention efforts that ultimately failed in totality... Other than that, can someone tell me what all the various Armed Forces units have been doing throughout this debacle???

If you go back a few days, the thread re "Military commander abused in Pathum Thani" had a good picture of army personnel working in awful conditions. There was also another thread about military built rafts (steel, with 200 litre drums for float) being provided, and a comparison with the bamboo ones from Science Minister (he suggested tying water bottles underneath).

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The truth hurts maybe!!!!????*****####

Just trying to accentuate my points and arguments for maximum impact - and what's wrong with making analogies by the way???? Analogies embellish my thoughts in order to help the lay man (or those intelligently challenged simpletons who favour the colour red - includes Man Utd, Arsenal, and Liverpool fans) to understand my simple words.

It's OK, don't worry, I won't hold your lacking intellect against you 'mca' as I treat and view ALL people as equal (apart from a certain khun T).

I will carry on using my exclamation marks if thats OK with you!!!!! Is it????? Have a good day, and you'll get over it my friend B):D:lol:!!!!!!!!!

By the way, I notice that you choose to attack my writing style rather than the content of my posting - this indicates that you are either the cowardly sort, or perhaps more akin to the true reason, you accept my argument and do not have the ability to respond to it - which I take as a huge compliment, so thank you!!!!! Your attempt at "gutter" humour at my expense has made me feel immensely proud of myself. I really don't deserve this accolade, but equally so, I'm truly chuffed about it all the same!!!!!

I think the main jist of my post which unsurprisingly went your head like Halley's Comet on amphetamines was your appeal for polite answers whilst completely ignoring your own insults such as "rubbish", "stupidity" and, in your latest potential Booker Prize winner, "intellectually challenged simpletons" which,after reading some of your own offerings, is a road best left untravelled.

BTW in the world of rational people ( a place you may have fleetingly visited at some point during your life) that would be considered attacking the content of your post rather than the writing style would it not?

I'll leave it to you to use your rapier like intellect to have the last word.

I assume you mean gist and (over) your head.

Interesting headline that BTW - "Halleys Comet on amphetamines" I always imagined that Bill's band were clean cut boys and would have steered away from the drugs scene, but what do I know, maybe I was simply insulated from such relevations by my parents on account of my being a young boy at the time :).

I didn't ignore my so-called insults, I used them.

Why didn't someone tell me that I had won the "booker prize"??? it just gets better and better - afterall, you informing me that I have won something as prestigious such as this, I tell you, it has made my cheeks resemble a puffer fish!!!!

I'm not sure if I have visited this other world you mention as it doesn't "ring a bell" as far as worlds that I have visited go!!! Where is it??? and why do you think I might have been there???? "Rational people"!!!!!!- sounds like an extremely boring place to me so I think I'll give it a miss in as far as my worldly travels go if thats alright with you :jap:.

Very noble and honourable of you to let me have the last word on this episode as it implies I have won the argument by scribing the concluding words on the matter!!!!:D. It's been a joy chatting to you in such a personable way - no hard feelings at me being the victor?????

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People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation?

Here is a snipet of what was written by the Australian and published in the public domain about Australia's P.M who was in the exactly same position as Yingluck. Please feel free to point out any difference. Yingluck is right up there with the standards of a P.M of a western country.

"IT may be that Julia Gillard has displayed a human side that genuinely empathises with the flood victims, or we may have just witnessed a brilliant and well-timed acting performance, but neither possibility changes the fact that she is the do-nothing leader of a government that has been impotent for the past three years.

If Gillard is truly touched by the plight of those affected by the Queensland floods, and this is driving her commitment to helping them, that's wonderful. The problem is that she remains the same person who bungled the Building the Education Revolution and foisted Fair Work Australia on employers at a time when flexibility was desperately needed in the workforce.

As a leader, she has shown a lack of willingness to act and poor judgment when she does; no amount of tears -- crocodile or otherwise -- will change that."

(Australian 10 Feb 2011)

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People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation?

Here is a snipet of what was written by the Australian and published in the public domain about Australia's P.M who was in the exactly same position as Yingluck. Please feel free to point out any difference. Yingluck is right up there with the standards of a P.M of a western country.

"IT may be that Julia Gillard has displayed a human side that genuinely empathises with the flood victims, or we may have just witnessed a brilliant and well-timed acting performance, but neither possibility changes the fact that she is the do-nothing leader of a government that has been impotent for the past three years.

If Gillard is truly touched by the plight of those affected by the Queensland floods, and this is driving her commitment to helping them, that's wonderful. The problem is that she remains the same person who bungled the Building the Education Revolution and foisted Fair Work Australia on employers at a time when flexibility was desperately needed in the workforce.

As a leader, she has shown a lack of willingness to act and poor judgment when she does; no amount of tears -- crocodile or otherwise -- will change that."

(Australian 10 Feb 2011)

"People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation"?

Thats a big fat YES!!!!!

"Yingluck is right up there with the standards of a P.M of a western country".

You are kidding aren't you - she has only been in politics for 2 months let alone as a "pretend" prime minister of the first degree!!!

The sooner she realises this the better - someone please tell her politely to go back to doing what she is good at, and politics clearly doesn't come into that category!!!

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People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation?

Here is a snipet of what was written by the Australian and published in the public domain about Australia's P.M who was in the exactly same position as Yingluck. Please feel free to point out any difference. Yingluck is right up there with the standards of a P.M of a western country.

"IT may be that Julia Gillard has displayed a human side that genuinely empathises with the flood victims, or we may have just witnessed a brilliant and well-timed acting performance, but neither possibility changes the fact that she is the do-nothing leader of a government that has been impotent for the past three years.

If Gillard is truly touched by the plight of those affected by the Queensland floods, and this is driving her commitment to helping them, that's wonderful. The problem is that she remains the same person who bungled the Building the Education Revolution and foisted Fair Work Australia on employers at a time when flexibility was desperately needed in the workforce.

As a leader, she has shown a lack of willingness to act and poor judgment when she does; no amount of tears -- crocodile or otherwise -- will change that."

(Australian 10 Feb 2011)

"People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation"?

Thats a big fat YES!!!!!

Well is she any worse than Australia's P.M in the same situation? The answer would be a big NO. and Julia is considered a world leader.

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People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation?

To quote someone who answered the same question, that's a big fat YES!

Edited by gl555
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With natural disasters, the rule of thumb tends to be that the worse it is, the less accountable the government becomes. The arguments about what could have been done to handle it better given the earlier warnings fade away as the increasing scale of the problem becomes apparent.

There may have been warning signs of some flooding, but the larger the scale of the problem, the less likelihood there is of there ever having been warning signs of a deluge of this scale.

This isn't an attempt to 'get the government off the hook' as many here will assume. Just an observation that some situations can escape the control of any governing body in the world.

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People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation?

Here is a snipet of what was written by the Australian and published in the public domain about Australia's P.M who was in the exactly same position as Yingluck. Please feel free to point out any difference. Yingluck is right up there with the standards of a P.M of a western country.

"IT may be that Julia Gillard has displayed a human side that genuinely empathises with the flood victims, or we may have just witnessed a brilliant and well-timed acting performance, but neither possibility changes the fact that she is the do-nothing leader of a government that has been impotent for the past three years.

If Gillard is truly touched by the plight of those affected by the Queensland floods, and this is driving her commitment to helping them, that's wonderful. The problem is that she remains the same person who bungled the Building the Education Revolution and foisted Fair Work Australia on employers at a time when flexibility was desperately needed in the workforce.

As a leader, she has shown a lack of willingness to act and poor judgment when she does; no amount of tears -- crocodile or otherwise -- will change that."

(Australian 10 Feb 2011)

"People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation"?

Thats a big fat YES!!!!!

Well is she any worse than Australia's P.M in the same situation? The answer would be a big NO. and Julia is considered a world leader.

I'm afraid we are poles apart on this and will have to agree to disagree - I know I'm right though!!!:jap:.

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Brave man "mca" I see you are not hiding!!!!

If bravery is logging in to a forum using an anonymous username, then I'm beginning to see how team Thaksin/Reds/PTP can be such a threat to you....

Chill out. The world ain't such a bad place, unless we make it so.

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With natural disasters, the rule of thumb tends to be that the worse it is, the less accountable the government becomes. The arguments about what could have been done to handle it better given the earlier warnings fade away as the increasing scale of the problem becomes apparent.

There may have been warning signs of some flooding, but the larger the scale of the problem, the less likelihood there is of there ever having been warning signs of a deluge of this scale.

This isn't an attempt to 'get the government off the hook' as many here will assume. Just an observation that some situations can escape the control of any governing body in the world.

Please answer this truly.

Do you think that she has done a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster???

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I am no expert at flood control BUT it seems to me everyone is missing the point in attributing blame. It has been quite clearly reported that the rains this year have been no heavier than in previous years. In other words the problems we are experiencing now are not a result of nature but as a result of mismanagement.

From what I have gleaned from reports the problem was caused by retaining too much water in the dams up north. Someone was betting the farm on less rains than normal and the extra water retained being used for irrigation and power generation. As it turns out this was a bad bet.

What I have not seen reported is who made this disastrous decision. However one thing is clear and that is that the decision was made recently. Previous administrations are not to blame.

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Brave man "mca" I see you are not hiding!!!!

If bravery is logging in to a forum using an anonymous username, then I'm beginning to see how team Thaksin/Reds/PTP can be such a threat to you....

Chill out. The world ain't such a bad place, unless we make it so.

Anonymous???? I am chilled out - its only a bit of banter!!!

Besides, "Those who cast the first stone.............."

I find your last offering about team Thaksin/Reds/PTP rather amusing and confusing.

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