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Thai Officials Give Conflicting Flood Warnings


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Just smell the tap water - unless you have a problem smelling I think it is pretty obvious that it is full of chemicals. I am not sure boiling it will make it smell or taste better but at least it should kill the really bad stuff so I go along with that advice

boiling also reduces the chemical smell

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I agree with the story about conflicting stories, I thought things were getting stable but today 1000 flood victims just moved into the Stadium at Ramkhamhaeng, about 10 of them were taken to hospital after an army of nurses filtered through them all.

Plenty of food and water at these refuges.... I wonder if that's why the shops are empty? I wonder where they are buying all the water from?

Big C Ram and all other local shops out of water and very low on other basics.

Mosquitoes in Nonta area were I went were in there millions like I have never seen. Someone else said they weren't a problem. (perhaps only in some areas).

Just an obsevation: the majority of the donated food and water I have seen around is coming from NGO's and companies and regular people... Out and about in the floods I have not seen any army or government agencies giving out supplies. (Thats not to say they aren't doing it, I just haven't seen them doing in it and I've been up and down Ayuttyha and Nonta and BKK areas a lot in the last month). I just find that strange, since back in our own countries we would expect the government to handle all of that. Perhaps I am wrong: Has anyone else seen the army or government agencies supplying their own food and water?

It's quite sad to see all those homeless people arrive today, they all looked so quiet, timid and resigned... and so thankful whenever you offered them something.... really really sad:(

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