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Australian Partner Visa Sponsorship - Form 40Sp

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As a newcomer to the forum I will give a little background info about myself before seeking some advice from those in the know. I recently hit the big Five-0 and have been in full time employment since I left school. I have only ever claimed unemployment benefit twice in my life; once for a fortnight back in the early eighties and again for a fortnight in mid-2010 (now called New Start Allowance). Up until 2008 I held a senior role with a global chemical company until I was unfortunately retrenched. Around the same time I was going through a marriage breakdown, ultimately leading to divorce and a rapid southerly crash of my finances. I was feeling pretty depressed and started to let myself go a little bit, drinking too much and living a pretty much aimless existence. I decided to head off to Thailand in early 2010 to re-charge my batteries and straighten myself out. Anyway, as luck would have it I met a beautiful woman who has helped me re-focus and get my life back on track. After returning to Australia I found a decent job and now have a goal to pursue. I have brought my new lady over to Australia twice this year, three months each time and I will travel to Thailand at Christmas to see her again. We have decided that we would like to marry and are now in the process of applying for the fiance visa, which we plan to lodge at the end of the year. In going through the sponsorship form 40SP I have a couple of concerns. I have gathered up my last two income statements for the last two years and my income for 2009/10 was pretty low. Income for 2010/2011 was ok. Just how much weight do DIAC place on income? Secondly, on the form it asks if you have received any Centrelink payments in the last two years. I did last year for two weeks. Will this be held against me? I do not want to have to go down the road of Assurance of Support as in my current situation finding fifteen grand would not be easy. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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To be honest don't be concered about that just show your previous tax figures and also pay slips from your new job , a personal reference may help from your employer also but not necessary. Put a good application together but you should show that you are able to provide for her including cost of living.

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I worry about the short stint on the dole. Having a job now is the important thing. A letter from your employer stating your annual wage and tax statement from last financial year should be fine.

I meant to say that I wouldn't worry about the short stint on the dole. Sorry about that.

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I'm with everyone here, just your tax assessments and I would include a letter from your employer—not necessary but certainly can't hurt and in my opinion, could only help.

Just as a little reassurance, I have been semi-retired for a year, living in Thailand on savings. I have not been employed since leaving Aus last year. I am in the final throws of a spouse visa application, ie I have received an email saying weneed no further documentation, just the health check. So even being currently unemployed hasn't hurt our application too much. I thought I would add however I have not been claiming any new start or any other type of pensions or allowances—and I mentioned as much in my statement.

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