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Thai Govt Dismisses Health Fears: Flood


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There will be no epidemic because if there were it would frighten the tourists away. So all epidemics have been banned.

Correct. As much as it is FORBIDDEN on Samui to tell tourists about snakes(no hab) centerpeeds( never hear) and denque ( array!?]

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Even outside of Bangkok one should carefully wash eggs and veggies now. Many of the transported goods might have been in contact with the floods. I would suggest to FRY AND COOK EVERTHING very well during this flodd period. I would not eat ANYTHING from open foodstalls exposed to floodwater or sprayed water from carwheels inside the flood areas even with only wet or even dry roads exposed to floodwater before. The risk to get sick through dirtwater related bakteria is extremly high. Lots of trucks loaded with goods are passing through flooded roads. Everything not sealed absolutly watertight should be treated as contaminated. You never know what it was going through befor it lands on your table. Awareness is the best doctor.

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Of more than 2.1 million Thais seriously affected by floods, fewer than 100,000 are staying at government shelters....

(then further down)...

Leptospirosis is a dangerous disease. Infected people may succumb within seven days if they do not receive proper treatment.

(an then again)...

He, therefore, believed that Thailand would see more than 10,000 people catching the disease because flooding has already directly affected about one million people in the country.

First 2.1 millions, then 10.000 at risk out of 1 million...

Which makes then 20.000 already at risk for 1 disease alone (potentially deadly...

Won't comment about the stupidity on the rats not been there....

Who is in charge of finding those experts? Bozo the clown?

Figures underestimated as usual, so probably over 200k at serious risk.....

Only one remedy: dismiss health fears... :blink:

Edit: re-read first paragraph, even more funny (sarcasm...): sounds like, everything is ok, we tested the 100,000 that are in shelters away from flooded areas; and they do not have any diseases; therefor, we are safe !!!!! (Pathetic)...

Edited by CantSpell
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From the top to the bottom of the Thai food chain, one problem is common: a stubborn refusal to face facts.

Of course risk of infectious diseases are an inherent part of any crisis, and should be planned for by any competent government. Flooding, obviously, means high risk of waterborne diseases, and rats are of particular concern. To suggest the flooding will mitigate the risk of rat transmitted diseases is disingenuous; a past neighbour in Bristol fell from a boat into the harbour and died days later of Weil's Disease - leptospirosis. Bristol is hardly overrun with rats; nor was it flooded.

Quote: "Though recognised among the world's most common diseases transmitted to people from animals, leptospirosis is nonetheless a relatively rare bacterial infection in humans. The infection is commonly transmitted to humans by allowing water that has been contaminated by animal urine to come in contact with unhealed breaks in the skin, the eyes, or with the mucous membranes."

Edited by JohnAllan
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i once experienced the dubious delights of Dysentery in a flood situation in Africa, Indeed a salutatory experience Dysentery is probably best described as. Diarrhea with an attitude . I was young and fit but I lost a lot of weight over the infection period some 25% if my memory serves me correct. However I was young, fit and well nourished. The victims of the current flooding are at risk, a very high risk factor is involved contrary to what the experts are saying from the comfort of their offices and of course those experts have no worry about the cost of their treatment do they.

Now we see the victims of the flooding and they are at risk contrary to the band of fools in the governments comments, these flood victims have go t to be fed well and have access to adequate facilities for their ablutions thus giving them a chance of coming through the floods in a healthy fashion.

The idiots in this current mis administration indeed have proved beyond any doubt their total incompetence and the inability to relate to the truth in any fashion, These creatures are not fit to be in charge of a mop and bucket let alone country and its peoples''

There is a very high risk of disease breaking out anywhere where there has been flooding, let us hot that those diseases for all of our sakes are not infectious and are indeed contained and those who may suffer from any ailments are given the best treatment so as to survive and help rebuild their familys future.

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Of more than 2.1 million Thais seriously affected by floods, fewer than 100,000 are staying at government shelters....

(then further down)...

Leptospirosis is a dangerous disease. Infected people may succumb within seven days if they do not receive proper treatment.

(an then again)...

He, therefore, believed that Thailand would see more than 10,000 people catching the disease because flooding has already directly affected about one million people in the country.

First 2.1 millions, then 10.000 at risk out of 1 million...

Which makes then 20.000 already at risk for 1 disease alone (potentially deadly...

Won't comment about the stupidity on the rats not been there....

Who is in charge of finding those experts? Bozo the clown?

Figures underestimated as usual, so probably over 200k at serious risk.....

Only one remedy: dismiss health fears... :blink:

Edit: re-read first paragraph, even more funny (sarcasm...): sounds like, everything is ok, we tested the 100,000 that are in shelters away from flooded areas; and they do not have any diseases; therefor, we are safe !!!!! (Pathetic)...

true. what about the tenthousands sitting in their flooded villages for months already, who have NEVER received help or have not seen any doctors or officials at all? What about the thousands of young children on the movies and pics playing in the filthy waters every day for days, weeks, months?

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Isn't that the same government that said that Bangkok wasn't going to flood? No matter how much the politicians move their mouths and wave their hands they can't reverse the basic laws of physics. The elevation of the water is higher in the north than the elevation of the Gulf of Thailand and , unless they can reverse the laws of Physics, they can't make water flow uphill. Unfortunately along with the long term exposure to the water comes disease, it can't be avoided, only reduced by proper treatment. Since they are already saying it isn't going to be a problem why should they think about preventing it?

I happen to think that many of "the brain-washed" actually think that Thaksin CAN "defy the laws of Physics" after all he can "walk on water" so why not make it "flow up stream" - easy peasy for him :lol:..

They have a ready made answer as to why he didn't do this - just why would he want to send the water back up to the North when all his "believers" live there and a majority of his "detractors" live in the capital???

Convinced???? No!!!!! then I predict that you don't live in the North!! am i right??? What, you do!! ohhhhh dear!!!!!!!!!!

Taksin Paranoid, probably have this post removed as well. Everything that happens in Thailand (maybe the World) is Taksin. Natural disasters people suffering, dieing = mindless poor and Taksin. What a Joke

The topic is serious not always an opportune to voice ones own selfish discriminations

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Isn't that the same government that said that Bangkok wasn't going to flood? No matter how much the politicians move their mouths and wave their hands they can't reverse the basic laws of physics. The elevation of the water is higher in the north than the elevation of the Gulf of Thailand and , unless they can reverse the laws of Physics, they can't make water flow uphill. Unfortunately along with the long term exposure to the water comes disease, it can't be avoided, only reduced by proper treatment. Since they are already saying it isn't going to be a problem why should they think about preventing it?

I happen to think that many of "the brain-washed" actually think that Thaksin CAN "defy the laws of Physics" after all he can "walk on water" so why not make it "flow up stream" - easy peasy for him :lol:..

They have a ready made answer as to why he didn't do this - just why would he want to send the water back up to the North when all his "believers" live there and a majority of his "detractors" live in the capital???

Convinced???? No!!!!! then I predict that you don't live in the North!! am i right??? What, you do!! ohhhhh dear!!!!!!!!!!

Taksin Paranoid, probably have this post removed as well. Everything that happens in Thailand (maybe the World) is Taksin. Natural disasters people suffering, dieing = mindless poor and Taksin. What a Joke

The topic is serious not always an opportune to voice ones own selfish discriminations

+1 Thank you! Thank you SO much!

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Isn't that the same government that said that Bangkok wasn't going to flood? No matter how much the politicians move their mouths and wave their hands they can't reverse the basic laws of physics. The elevation of the water is higher in the north than the elevation of the Gulf of Thailand and , unless they can reverse the laws of Physics, they can't make water flow uphill. Unfortunately along with the long term exposure to the water comes disease, it can't be avoided, only reduced by proper treatment. Since they are already saying it isn't going to be a problem why should they think about preventing it?

I happen to think that many of "the brain-washed" actually think that Thaksin CAN "defy the laws of Physics" after all he can "walk on water" so why not make it "flow up stream" - easy peasy for him :lol:..

They have a ready made answer as to why he didn't do this - just why would he want to send the water back up to the North when all his "believers" live there and a majority of his "detractors" live in the capital???

Convinced???? No!!!!! then I predict that you don't live in the North!! am i right??? What, you do!! ohhhhh dear!!!!!!!!!!

Taksin Paranoid, probably have this post removed as well. Everything that happens in Thailand (maybe the World) is Taksin. Natural disasters people suffering, dieing = mindless poor and Taksin. What a Joke

The topic is serious not always an opportune to voice ones own selfish discriminations

Since you mentioned Thaksin, my question is "Why hasn't he come back to Thailand in its hour of greatest need instead of

pontificating from his luxury quarters in Dubai"?:unsure:

Oh, I can answer that, he's a coward and loves nothing more than his money.

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Nobody talks about the fecals of hundredthousands in the already flooded areas wich have too float into Bangkok sooner or later. Not even to talk about Bangkoks more and more flooding sewers. Splashing floodwater by cars and trucks does the rest by contaminating the air. There is no way to avoid this. Hundredthousands of Bangkokians get in touch with it on daily bases. Each contact with the slightest scrach rises the risk of an infection. As pics show, thousands of children enyoiing there daily bath in this waters in Bangkok every day. By any measures: THIS IS CALLING FOR DESASTER! But all eyes are conzentrated on BANGKOKS CENTER. Time to quickly change priorities. Millions of sick staff will NOT safe the economy and WILL destroy tourism AND Economy.

The fecal matter will likely make it's way to Pattaya, but we won't even notice. B)

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Is there a Thai equivalent of "better safe than sorry" or even "prevention is better than cure"?

I think what's popular is "som nom na"

I understand "som nam na" as meaning something like "serves you right." So kiddo- Who deserves this?

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So far things have been very tame out here along Phra Athit Rd. but the above photo is a nasty looking broth. I do not believe that if something like this is widspread that it is not a health hazard. Especially if we get hit with a few warm days and the bugs in that stuff get a chance to cook.

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If anyone had any doubts about what the hi-so elite really think about the Thai masses then this blatant disregard for health and safety that we're seeing pretty much spells it all out clearly. The upper tier Thais have never given two sh*ts about the bottom. It's as true now as it was a hundred or five hundred years ago. This is what you get when you have a culture and system built on exploitative hierarchies.

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The rubbish is starting to pile up here in central Bangkok,west side. No-ones taking it away. These idiots who call themselves officals have no idea what could happen next. Rats are already increasing in number and imagine the situation in 1 month! Filthy soi dogs are ripping open bags as well to make it worse.

I will take action into my own hands (dogs) expecially after the cops leave the area due to their booths being wet.

Edited by jalansanitwong
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May I suggest that if anyone can get any photo's of the rubbish that is collecting and contaminating water etc etc, kids playing in filthy water etc that they publish them here. The only hope is that any journo's scouting the site may find them and report. Only once the international community start condemning Thailand for its stupidity in failing to prepare its people for the threat of several different epidemics will the Government take note and do something.

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From the top to the bottom of the Thai food chain, one problem is common: a stubborn refusal to face facts.

Of course risk of infectious diseases are an inherent part of any crisis, and should be planned for by any competent government. Flooding, obviously, means high risk of waterborne diseases, and rats are of particular concern. To suggest the flooding will mitigate the risk of rat transmitted diseases is disingenuous; a past neighbour in Bristol fell from a boat into the harbour and died days later of Weil's Disease - leptospirosis. Bristol is hardly overrun with rats; nor was it flooded.

Quote: "Though recognised among the world's most common diseases transmitted to people from animals, leptospirosis is nonetheless a relatively rare bacterial infection in humans. The infection is commonly transmitted to humans by allowing water that has been contaminated by animal urine to come in contact with unhealed breaks in the skin, the eyes, or with the mucous membranes."

........ such as the eyes, initially manifesting itself as a pink or reddening.

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So far things have been very tame out here along Phra Athit Rd. but the above photo is a nasty looking broth. I do not believe that if something like this is widspread that it is not a health hazard. Especially if we get hit with a few warm days and the bugs in that stuff get a chance to cook.

32 years in Thailand, and assessing the place up in general, leaving asside a minority of houseproud persons, the majority have NEVER been shown how to clean and maintain a house. It's a skill in it'self .

any family home is never painted maintained, inside the home most have no Idea about cleaning, most kitchens are open to rats and cockroaches, most toilets are discusting, so to the point of this post. The government dismisses heath fears-BECAUSE they don't operate adequate health regulations.

How many homes do YOU know that have disinfectant in the toilets ?? How many food markets are disgusting and flyblown. how many open streets have tips every so often, when do you see children keep plastic bags till they get home -to bin- all this <deleted> has to go somewhere--usually in the canals in BKK clogged up drains etc. So what the government is saying is we are so clean in Thailand there will never be a health problem. THEY have blinkers on.

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Don't underestimate the risk to save face.

Plan for it because if it hits, the floods will look like a summer holiday.

This whole operation of managing and keeping the public informed, let alone looking after their welfare and health is more a gamble.

First management in Thailand seems to be based on opinions rather on professional expertise and communication modified or tampered to give the endangered public a different view to the actual. How many deaths has it to take for the right action to be taken. Loosing face....Well, they have long time ago.... For the women its no problem. They have MISTIN to put back a powder coated one. For the Men...they have none but reflect blame.... that is what we will begin to see in the weeks to come

Edited by alanferdi
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We finally get the answer to what Sudarat Keyuraphan was doing posing as an expert and flying around in a helicopter a while back. She was brought in for her expertise in covering up epidemics. A skill she ably demonstrated when denying the existence of bird flu.

""Rats won't run around when floodwater is high. But once floodwater subsides, people must quickly dispose of garbage or else rats will show up and spread the disease," Pornthep said."

So where are the rats now? Safe up in the North or in Esaan? And then they come back when the water subsides? ...

And in the two answers in one post, we now know what Chalerm has been doing too.

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A big concern: alot of hospitals are closing down because of the floods. So where can the sick people go for treatment? People are being turned away from hospitals. Come on Thai government, do something about this. Lots of people are sick; where can they get treated?

Edited by MaiChai
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A big concern: alot of hospitals are closing down because of the floods. So where can the sick people go for treatment? People are being turned away from hospitals. Come on Thai government, do something about this. Lots of people are sick; where can they get treated?

No people aren't sick, just poor labor and farmer. But that aren't people for this government. I can only hope that some of the reds are waking up now....

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well my girlfriend is being taking by some soldiers around hospitals trying to find one open prepared to treat her. Hospitals don't need to close; most of them are mult story buildings. What a fiasco. Thais could not manage a p1ss up in a brewery.

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Isn't that the same government that said that Bangkok wasn't going to flood? No matter how much the politicians move their mouths and wave their hands they can't reverse the basic laws of physics. The elevation of the water is higher in the north than the elevation of the Gulf of Thailand and , unless they can reverse the laws of Physics, they can't make water flow uphill. Unfortunately along with the long term exposure to the water comes disease, it can't be avoided, only reduced by proper treatment. Since they are already saying it isn't going to be a problem why should they think about preventing it?

I happen to think that many of "the brain-washed" actually think that Thaksin CAN "defy the laws of Physics" after all he can "walk on water" so why not make it "flow up stream" - easy peasy for him :lol:..

They have a ready made answer as to why he didn't do this - just why would he want to send the water back up to the North when all his "believers" live there and a majority of his "detractors" live in the capital???

Convinced???? No!!!!! then I predict that you don't live in the North!! am i right??? What, you do!! ohhhhh dear!!!!!!!!!!

Taksin Paranoid, probably have this post removed as well. Everything that happens in Thailand (maybe the World) is Taksin. Natural disasters people suffering, dieing = mindless poor and Taksin. What a Joke

The topic is serious not always an opportune to voice ones own selfish discriminations

Since you mentioned Thaksin, my question is "Why hasn't he come back to Thailand in its hour of greatest need instead of

pontificating from his luxury quarters in Dubai"?:unsure:

Oh, I can answer that, he's a coward and loves nothing more than his money.

Why do you give a ratz arse what Thaksin does or doesn't do? And do you think he has such strong feelings about you? Time to stop blaming the boogie man for all the world's problems and get on with it, don't you think?

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So far things have been very tame out here along Phra Athit Rd. but the above photo is a nasty looking broth. I do not believe that if something like this is widspread that it is not a health hazard. Especially if we get hit with a few warm days and the bugs in that stuff get a chance to cook.

32 years in Thailand, and assessing the place up in general, leaving asside a minority of houseproud persons, the majority have NEVER been shown how to clean and maintain a house. It's a skill in it'self .

any family home is never painted maintained, inside the home most have no Idea about cleaning, most kitchens are open to rats and cockroaches, most toilets are discusting, so to the point of this post. The government dismisses heath fears-BECAUSE they don't operate adequate health regulations.

How many homes do YOU know that have disinfectant in the toilets ?? How many food markets are disgusting and flyblown. how many open streets have tips every so often, when do you see children keep plastic bags till they get home -to bin- all this <deleted> has to go somewhere--usually in the canals in BKK clogged up drains etc. So what the government is saying is we are so clean in Thailand there will never be a health problem. THEY have blinkers on.

32 years in Thailand and you are still applying western standards to a 3rd world country. For a time I would have classified Thailand as a 2nd world emerging nation, but after the events of the last few weeks I believe their standing has retreated considerably.

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So far things have been very tame out here along Phra Athit Rd. but the above photo is a nasty looking broth. I do not believe that if something like this is widspread that it is not a health hazard. Especially if we get hit with a few warm days and the bugs in that stuff get a chance to cook.

32 years in Thailand, and assessing the place up in general, leaving asside a minority of houseproud persons, the majority have NEVER been shown how to clean and maintain a house. It's a skill in it'self .

any family home is never painted maintained, inside the home most have no Idea about cleaning, most kitchens are open to rats and cockroaches, most toilets are discusting, so to the point of this post. The government dismisses heath fears-BECAUSE they don't operate adequate health regulations.

How many homes do YOU know that have disinfectant in the toilets ?? How many food markets are disgusting and flyblown. how many open streets have tips every so often, when do you see children keep plastic bags till they get home -to bin- all this <deleted> has to go somewhere--usually in the canals in BKK clogged up drains etc. So what the government is saying is we are so clean in Thailand there will never be a health problem. THEY have blinkers on.

32 years in Thailand and you are still applying western standards to a 3rd world country. For a time I would have classified Thailand as a 2nd world emerging nation, but after the events of the last few weeks I believe their standing has retreated considerably.

I agree with your comments , but I will ever excuse laziness and parental mismanagement, how is it a few can be clean and others not caring ?? No one has to be Calcutta, or other places, the main thing about it that MOST Thais are bodily clean, so what happened to the other things, it's not just a 3rd world thing, it's an attitude here.

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