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Thai People Are Always Right......


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Just came back from a eating at a restaurant in Chalong,they have an international menu and Thai.

I wanted some Farang food from the menu,everybody got their food before me...waited about 50 min still no food.

In the end my food arrives..but the meat is Raw?

Send the food out..and is told if i dont like it there i can go somewhere else by Staff...no excuse or Sorry.Kitchen staff yelling at me stupid Farang.

This is a Place i have been to before..never a problem.

what is it with Thais and saying sorry?most people it the restaurant were shaking their heads in disbelief...


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Helpful if you mention the name of the restaurant, or at least it's location ('Chalong' doesn't really cut it as a guide, one of hundreds) otherwise people will guess and could lead to perfectly innocent restaurants being avoided. Again, in fairness, if you ordered meat, was there an option of it being rare, medium, well done etc? Appreciate that you're upset, but your description of events is limited.

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1320418384[/url]' post='4822376']

Chalong pier road.

I was sitting alone next to a table of a group of 8 people...what i think happened is they take orders by table not considering if it is 8 people or 1.

I got my food after they had finished their food...normally my food should take only 10 min.a Beef Patty.

Do not mind waiting but not a word from staff why food took so long..was told i should order Thai food next time.

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Not allowed to name and shame in this forum..sorry.

That's a correct answer. :D:thumbsup:

I appreciate the sensitivity, but surely a post about 'I had a particularly poor meal at xxxx' doesn't breach this rule. Difference being whether opinion could be construed as either slanderous or objective comment. Nothing wrong with being negative, particularly when it's deserved.

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Hardly anything worthwhile eating on that degenerate strip of shops.

Kaneng excluded but I wouldn't be surprised if its them because they can be really painfully slow.

"Send the food out..and is told if i dont like it there i can go somewhere else by Staff...no excuse or Sorry.Kitchen staff yelling at me stupid Farang."

Sorry, I refuse to believe that could be Kan Eang, their staff supervision and customer service are amongst the highest standard I've had in Phuket (just my opinion obviously). That's what I mean, unless you could say ''had a ........at ..........", loses credibility of the post.

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Well there isnt that many food joints on that strip now....I can only guess it would be 'sea bees' 'happy days' 'peir 42' or on a real off chance that you wandered into that empty french restaurant that used to be the mexican.

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1320428410[/url]' post='4822563']

OP...............You just sat there for nearly an hour, and said nothing to any staff member in that time?t

Not5 even motioned to get up to leave.

Just.......sat there?

Of course i asked about my food...5 min.5 min coming soon etc.When the food went back to the kitchen for cooking again..i was close to leaving:)The tought of going to another restaurant and wait again for food was no option.

Today i will cook at home:)

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thr last time and the last time forever i ordered in kata a tom yung gong..i am as usualy friendly quit tip giving person.after i got the soup there where only 4 empyy shells from the gong inside.i paid,without tip.since i stopped eat in patong or kata.this places good for nightlife.usually the food is fantastic and still cheap.the good places are customer friendly.some places dont welcome foreigners.for this places would be nice to have a sign.thais only.same in the lotos thalang.moslem seating.i accept that.would save time.in the karaoke bar you can find it out quickly.if they dont like you,the fat ugly wants take care you.most places are friendly,most of our home countries had these anti foreigner behavior too.let them time .more and more thais travel and eat pizza.the youngsters will change the old system.i took my empty soup with a smile,and had an extra beer in the next spot.

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thr last time and the last time forever i ordered in kata a tom yung gong..i am as usualy friendly quit tip giving person.after i got the soup there where only 4 empyy shells from the gong inside.i paid,without tip.since i stopped eat in patong or kata.this places good for nightlife.usually the food is fantastic and still cheap.the good places are customer friendly.some places dont welcome foreigners.for this places would be nice to have a sign.thais only.same in the lotos thalang.moslem seating.i accept that.would save time.in the karaoke bar you can find it out quickly.if they dont like you,the fat ugly wants take care you.most places are friendly,most of our home countries had these anti foreigner behavior too.let them time .more and more thais travel and eat pizza.the youngsters will change the old system.i took my empty soup with a smile,and had an extra beer in the next spot.

There are restaurants that don't want farang :o?! Sounds unlikely to me.

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had this on the way up to kata, from chalong on the left side.

ordered food and water, water come strait away.

waited for some time, other people come in and ordered too.

they got there food served before me.

waited until they decieded to serv my food, put 20 bah for the water on the table and left.

it was not the first time that i eat in this restaurant, but the last.

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Normally Thai restaurants abide by the "queue" protocol. One time I ordered some French fires to go. They told me specifically that there were 7 other customers in front of me, and that it would take 1 hr to complete my order.:wacko: The comprehension and critical thinking skills of Thais in general is not the same in anyway way to us westerners. I have learned these restaurants on the island are not like Burger King where you can "have it your way" either. They will cook it how they want. You need to specifically tell them twice what you want and don’t want . For example no onions, no tomatoes, medium, well done etc. First when you are making the order, and then as they are about to walk away from the table, repeat the order to them. . This usually works, most of the time. Make sure you use the word KAPP at the end of each comment, or else they might think you are being rude. If this is the case where they think you are being rude they will sometimes over cook or under cook your food purposely. Always remember to be polite. The food you are eating, if it cost more than 250 BAHT, is what these people are working for 8-12 hrs per day. Do you think they really give a %#$#. And for appetizers coming before meal forget it, there is no concept of such a thing. Farang owned establishments are a diffeent story all together. . You can usually talk to the owner or manager directly if you feel there was a problem, or the service you were given was not up to par.

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Not allowed to name and shame in this forum..sorry.

yes you stupid forang it is your fault that the staff cannot cook and you are angry cause you have to wait 50 minutes.

that says it all.

If you don't like it go somewhere else. we drr why don't you want to wait 50 minutes to eat un cooked food what is wrong with you ! :D

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Normally Thai restaurants abide by the "queue" protocol. One time I ordered some French fires to go. They told me specifically that there were 7 other customers in front of me, and that it would take 1 hr to complete my order.:wacko: The comprehension and critical thinking skills of Thais in general is not the same in anyway way to us westerners. I have learned these restaurants on the island are not like Burger King where you can "have it your way" either. They will cook it how they want. You need to specifically tell them twice what you want and don’t want . For example no onions, no tomatoes, medium, well done etc. First when you are making the order, and then as they are about to walk away from the table, repeat the order to them. . This usually works, most of the time. Make sure you use the word KAPP at the end of each comment, or else they might think you are being rude. If this is the case where they think you are being rude they will sometimes over cook or under cook your food purposely. Always remember to be polite. The food you are eating, if it cost more than 250 BAHT, is what these people are working for 8-12 hrs per day. Do you think they really give a %#$#. And for appetizers coming before meal forget it, there is no concept of such a thing. Farang owned establishments are a diffeent story all together. . You can usually talk to the owner or manager directly if you feel there was a problem, or the service you were given was not up to par.

50 % truth in that. Problem is when a thai national orders politly in Thai and they still get it wrong then you may have to look deeper.

The op says that he or she eats in there quite allot. Some Thai's are not confrontational. This makes life hard for me sometimes specially btwn me and my wife. if they have a problem with you they just not tell you what u have done and give you the i don't give a modfhi's attudude.

Shame really sometimes when/if you find out what u did to piss them off u can clear it.

Just their style i guess. they do it with each other also.

Some Thai family close to me had a falling out 1 unlce with another close family friend. His attidude was almost as if the other did not exsist and the other was baffled as to what he had done.

after about 3 months they were talking as if nothing had happened. turned out he had a problem over a game of cards which again could have been sorted straight away.

best thing to do is leave. or if u r getting blanked and u cannot avoid the other person then weather the storm.

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Normally Thai restaurants abide by the "queue" protocol. One time I ordered some French fires to go. They told me specifically that there were 7 other customers in front of me, and that it would take 1 hr to complete my order.:wacko: The comprehension and critical thinking skills of Thais in general is not the same in anyway way to us westerners. I have learned these restaurants on the island are not like Burger King where you can "have it your way" either. They will cook it how they want. You need to specifically tell them twice what you want and don't want . For example no onions, no tomatoes, medium, well done etc. First when you are making the order, and then as they are about to walk away from the table, repeat the order to them. . This usually works, most of the time. Make sure you use the word KAPP at the end of each comment, or else they might think you are being rude. If this is the case where they think you are being rude they will sometimes over cook or under cook your food purposely. Always remember to be polite. The food you are eating, if it cost more than 250 BAHT, is what these people are working for 8-12 hrs per day. Do you think they really give a %#$#. And for appetizers coming before meal forget it, there is no concept of such a thing. Farang owned establishments are a diffeent story all together. . You can usually talk to the owner or manager directly if you feel there was a problem, or the service you were given was not up to par.

yeah before we sold our restaurant my gf did the same with me, i just wanted something small that takes no time to get.. she made me wait behind all the people who ordered..

Explained and fought over this for an hour then she came to the light of logic. It's not hopeless you just have to show them every angle.. they really didnt teach them anything close to this kind of logic in school and its hard to develop it by yourself

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Just dump your unfinished meal under the seat cushion and leave the empty plate, pay the bill and never return.

They will think you enjoyed the meal but will get the shock when discovered rotting under the cushion.

True story.

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If you do not like the food given to you at a Thai restaurant do the decent thing, complain in a friendly way and do not be a return customer, being rude towards the restaurant staff etc will only cause a problem and give us decent falang's a bad reputation...

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If you do not like the food given to you at a Thai restaurant do the decent thing, complain in a friendly way and do not be a return customer, being rude towards the restaurant staff etc will only cause a problem and give us decent falang's a bad reputation...

Yeah yeah!! But Thai's can be rude to the falang, I suppose that is acceptable?? It's about time that a lot of Thai people in the service industry where told the truth about the service they offer.

I am certainly not going to be run over by a bunch of non thinking,shit caring Thai's!!

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If you do not like the food given to you at a Thai restaurant do the decent thing, complain in a friendly way and do not be a return customer, being rude towards the restaurant staff etc will only cause a problem and give us decent falang's a bad reputation...

Yeah yeah!! But Thai's can be rude to the falang, I suppose that is acceptable?? It's about time that a lot of Thai people in the service industry where told the truth about the service they offer.

I am certainly not going to be run over by a bunch of non thinking,shit caring Thai's!!

Absolutely correct Thai's can be very very rude not experienced this rudeness personally apart from having the 7/11 door shut in my face, it's all about being able to controll the red mist syndrome, bad service don't go back, rudeness just smile, works for me!!!

I have never had a Thai be rude to me apart from the door incident, I believe if you display an attitude you will always have problems here or any where so I guess I have no attitude problem...

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I find Thais to be at their rudest when driving. Absolutely inconsiderate and selfish as it gets.

I also find it rude when a professional refers to me, especially in my presence by a slang term denoting my race. Actually, I find that rude from just about anyone. Yet, if I did the same to them, it would be considered racist. When I bother to tell them I find it rude, immature, uneducated, unprofessional and well, outright bigotry, they giggle in a most childish fashion, another annoyance.

I think next time I'm called "whitey" I intend to respond with an appropriate slang term indicating Asian.

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