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It's been nearly 2 years since my partner arrived in the UK and soon we'll have to apply for the ILR. My main concern is meeting the financial criteria, I'm studying an Msc and only doing temp work, at the moment I'm on a short term contract earning reasonable money at the moment however this is due to end soon and by the time of the application I shall only be working p/time with another employer on a temp basis, my partner is also working p/time but on a permanent contract.

I expect my income to only about £3-400 per month while hers is around £600, rent and council tax is only about £475. It's not an ideal situation but it's only temporary while I'm at uni and I'm due to finish in April 2012, based on the above information would we meet the financial criteria? Can her income be taken into consideration or do I need to quickly get a permanent job at Asda or similar to get through this?? BTW I'm not receiving any government funds re uni.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks, Jay


As long as you can show that the two of you can adequately support and accommodate yourselves without recourse to public funds then you will be fine.


As long as you can show that the two of you can adequately support and accommodate yourselves without recourse to public funds then you will be fine.

Also, evidence of funding from third parties is acceptable for this purpose if joint income/money available to both is inadequate.

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