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Flood Predictions Expertise Panel


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Flood predictions expertise panel

There are some simple rules.

1. How many water can the combined rivers flow ofwater natural

2. How many water can they pump in the sea artificial

3. How many water evaporate natural

Ok that's easy or not.

1. What's the combined flood water surface in m2

2. What's the combined volume of the flood water in m3

3. What's the flood speeda minute rate in m3


1. Terrain elevation

2. Canals floating rates

3. Canals combined m3 factor

4. Artificial barriers

5. Changing weather conditions

So how we predict how severe the flood will be.

Not all the water will hit us in 1 time it will be slowly but it will come in portions.

It's like waves on the beach.

We have to predict how many water m3 with interval of 6 hours will hit us in conjunction with the high and low tides.

How many can flow in the sea and how many remain to flow on the land area.

Managing water is an art not many understand it's a complex business with long time fore casting vision to prevent flood like this.

Please be free to give your opinion maybe this Thai government and the ones to come and all of us will learn from it.

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Seems a bit too obvious, but one of the arts of management, whether it be a company or a country, is delegation.

Delegate groundwater management itself to competent professional engineers and not leave it to unqualified, incompetent politicians. Likewise with long term planning.

There would still be ample opportunities for politicians to "participate" in construction projects. :jap:

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Seems a bit too obvious, but one of the arts of management, whether it be a company or a country, is delegation.

Delegate groundwater management itself to competent professional engineers and not leave it to unqualified, incompetent politicians. Likewise with long term planning.

There would still be ample opportunities for politicians to "participate" in construction projects. :jap:

Corruption will always be a problem but would be a lot less if they had a special independent department for water management with a longtime budget.

Based on foreign expert's rapports how to handle and solve flood and ground water.

And I am sure Bangkok will need it to survive with an average sinking of 2 a 3cm a year and a rising sea level from around 1 cm a year and a increasing rain fall in central Thailand

Hope this disaster open their eyes.

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