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Thaksin Keeps Low Profile In Thai Flood Crisis


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Thaksin was a great prime minister and would probably still be PM if the army hadn't have staged a coup as happen in third world countries all to often. Clearly the Thai people want Thaksin its not my country so as a Farrang I must respect the Thai people's wishes and wish his sister the best of luck (she didn't ask for floods) and hope one day the country can once again have Thaksin back.

Wow, I can only assume you were not in Thailand when he was Prime Minister, or perhaps you just weren't paying attention. The main characteristics of his tenure were cronyism, corruption, and a complete disregard and disrespect of any dissent. If you think that makes him a great Prime Minister then I would really hope you don't actually exercise your right to vote, wherever you are from. Perhaps you are Italian and voted for Berlusconi? American and voted for George W?:bah: You hope he comes back?!!! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies!

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Thaksin was a great prime minister and would probably still be PM if the army hadn't have staged a coup as happen in third world countries all to often. Clearly the Thai people want Thaksin its not my country so as a Farrang I must respect the Thai people's wishes and wish his sister the best of luck (she didn't ask for floods) and hope one day the country can once again have Thaksin back.

Wow, I can only assume you were not in Thailand when he was Prime Minister, or perhaps you just weren't paying attention. The main characteristics of his tenure were cronyism, corruption, and a complete disregard and disrespect of any dissent. If you think that makes him a great Prime Minister then I would really hope you don't actually exercise your right to vote, wherever you are from. Perhaps you are Italian and voted for Berlusconi? American and voted for George W?:bah: You hope he comes back?!!! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies!

One of the great weaknesses of democracy is that he village idiot get equal voting rights as the professor. Thaksin sycophants resemble the former rather than the latter.

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Thaksin was a great prime minister and would probably still be PM if the army hadn't have staged a coup as happen in third world countries all to often. Clearly the Thai people want Thaksin its not my country so as a Farrang I must respect the Thai people's wishes and wish his sister the best of luck (she didn't ask for floods) and hope one day the country can once again have Thaksin back.

...except the narrative falls down when it is pointed out that Thaksin was not the PM when the coup took place. His term of office had expired and he was continuing as a caretaker PM.

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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

I completely agree with you

The big question is ... what color shirts will they chose? Almost all the colors are spoken for already. :sick:

Perversely we may find that the colour is red.

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Thaksin is doing the right thing in staying quiet through this apart from expressing sympathies. Needless distractions are not needed now and everyone should be working together to get the country back up and running ASAP and putting aside political differences however difficult that is. Unfortunately this isnt happening on other fronts but I doubt even the most ardent Thaksin hater would criticize him for this quiet approach

I really don't understand your fervent support of this tyrant!!!:unsure:. He has been nothing short of a DISASTER for Thailand (since birth probably) and ONLY does things to benefit himself.

Stop kidding yourself and see things "as they really are". Do you think he is being kind by keeping a low profile??? If he could keep a low profile at all other times - beyond this flood disaster, then Thailand would be a better place for everybody (including those poor Thais who put his sister into government to oversee this catastrophe with such calamitous consequences)!!

Rid this family of any Shinawatra influence and THAT will get Thailand back on its feet again to its rightful position in South-East Asia and not perceived as being a third world country.

I see that Thaksin's clone has gone (finally) and Italy should reap the rewards despite the mess it has been left in - now kindly leave Thailand alone K. Thaksin so that normallity can return, pleeeease!!!:jap:.

Your opinion of Thaksin could be considered more if this weren't such an emotional outburst. Seeing "things as they really are" should have been stated as "seeing things the way I see them". Where are all these competent people waiting in the wings to do such a superior job? There aren't any. They don't exist.

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Besides, Pavin Chachavalpongpun said, Yingluck's big brother may not be in any position to help. "Thaksin doesn't have a PhD in water management," he quipped.

Looking at all those people involved in the flooding crisis and/or just voicing opinions publicly I wasn't aware having a PhD in Water Management was a requirement. Somehow it seemed more like a liability to know about the subject :ermm:


you don't need a PhD to see the waterways that have been converted to construction projects. These waterways need to be reestablished for normal drainage rather than using the streets for drainage. What are the chances of that happening? Quite low.

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everybody seems to be happy Thaksin is quiet (at the moment), but why does the Thai media still write about him? this is something that has baffled me even during the previous government. Thaksin has been booted out of the country yet people (politicians, journalists, and everyone else) never stop talking about him. all this attention must keep Thaksin/Takki/Mr T/Big Brother/The Fugitive/Voldemort/etc grinning from ear to ear.

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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

Interesting that you brought up the 5,000 baht compensation number... Isn't that the exact number Abhisit (supposedly) paid out to the southern flood victims in 2010?

And your ending sentence is also interesting as there are many possibilities of what the protesters are actually protesting...

They don't know how much to give ... so they just copy Abhisit's 5000

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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

Interesting that you brought up the 5,000 baht compensation number... Isn't that the exact number Abhisit (supposedly) paid out to the southern flood victims in 2010?

And your ending sentence is also interesting as there are many possibilities of what the protesters are actually protesting...

They don't know how much to give ... so they just copy Abhisit's 5000

Then surely, if the policy has been copied from Mark's administration, everything is fine! Or not??

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Thaksin Keeps Low Profile During Flooding

Political experts have pointed out that Thaksin is keeping a low profile during Thailand's worst flooding in decades.

The international press reported that fugitive former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's spokesman said Thaksin did not post several messages on social networks, Twitter, and Facebook offering sympathy to the victims, as believed by many.

Thaksin's spokesman also denied that Thaksin sent relief supplies with a card written 'with love and great concern from Thaksin Shinawatra'.

Payap University in Chiang Mai Professor Paul Chambers said Thaksin has remained more silent than expected.

It's likely that he wishes to distance himself from the Yingluck administration as it could tarnish his reputation when the government's flood mismanagement is coming under fire.

Chambers stated that it would benefit Thaksin and other Pheu Thai politicians to let Yingluck ride out the storm and take notoriety related to her handling of the crisis rather than involve himself in helping his sister.

Pavin Chachavalpongpun, a Thai researcher at the Institute for Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore commented that it's good for Thaksin to let Yingluck tackle the crisis herself, although it is readily apparent that she is failing.

Pavin noted that if Thaksin were to intervene in his sister's administration, it would further aggravate the situation and open the door for the opposition to attack the government.

In addition, Pavin said Thaksin may not be in any position to help, pointing out that he doesn't have a PhD in water management.

He said there was almost zero chance that Thaksin would be back by December to participate in his daughter's wedding as he previously asserted, as the country will still be dealing with the flood aftermath.

He also added the prime minister is unlikely to take any legal action to clear the path for Thaksin's return this time when the country is perturbed by a water crisis, as it would be political suicide for both her and her brother.


-- Tan Network 2011-11-11


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"It's likely that he wishes to distance himself from the Yingluck administration as it could tarnish his reputation when the government's flood mismanagement is coming under fire"

:cheesy: ...so being wanted for a two year prison sentence hasnt tarnished his reputation...:w00t:

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Thaksin is quiet because when he was MP he didn t follow the plan set out to deal with flood waters entering Bangkok from the north.

The plan proposed was to build a huge lake near Ayuthaya to capture the flood waters coming from the north and then a canal from

Ayuthaya to the sea. If Thaksin had implamented this plan Bangkok would be flood free today.

I don't know if that is true or not, if it is it's worth quoting.

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Why has the fugitive clown kept quiet, besides being incapable of any original thinking, there is no money for him to manipulate into his own purse.

Too busy printing stickers with his name to label donations. Without his knowledge of course! Great heart.

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everybody seems to be happy Thaksin is quiet (at the moment), but why does the Thai media still write about him? this is something that has baffled me even during the previous government. Thaksin has been booted out of the country yet people (politicians, journalists, and everyone else) never stop talking about him. all this attention must keep Thaksin/Takki/Mr T/Big Brother/The Fugitive/Voldemort/etc grinning from ear to ear.

"Thaksin has been booted out of the country"

Just a minor point, but he actually left of his own accord, to see the Olympics in China, but then chose to fail to return, presumably because he'd changed his previous decision about accepting the court decision, or feared several the results of other cases which now remain stalled, due to his continuing absense ?

Nevertheless he does remain an important, and often divisive, figure. Partly because of his remaining politically-active and influential in TRT/PPP/PTP, despite promises to "Quit Thai politics", and partly because many ordinary people remember the 'good times' during the final years of the global-boom of the early-2000s, and which he still receives credit-for.

Many Thai politicians seem to enjoy visiting him, in Brunei or Hong Kong or Dubai, and the popular recent PTP election-slogan of "Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Acts" also suggests his continuing control of the party & now the new government, so that the media (local or international, to whom he continues to give interviews) are likely to continue to write about him, I'm afraid.

However he has gone strangely quiet in recent weeks, despite his sister struggling & perhaps failing-to-rise to the leadership-challenges of the floods, and the potentially-embarrassing appearance of banners crediting him with donating flood-relief goods, on trucks which were distributing what many believe to be public-donated goods. Perhaps he's just busy with some of his other business interests ? B)

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Totally agree , why more people don't realize this baffles me .

Because he has the money for a world class and scale Public Relations offensive.

In this case; very little class and quite offensive.

Also known in the biz as Perception Management, which is Modern Day multiple media Propaganda, if done in the government context.

Or common sense business survival, if done in business and done with honesty. It is rarely done with honesty. More as damage control when a marque is threatened.

In this case, the attempts to spin the damage to the Dems is the only overt actions and Thaksin himself is trying to not be dragged into the actual downfall of his proxy party government, which is bad long term if he is connected too directly, lil sister or not. No doubt the damed hamster in his financial thrall, advises to not get in too deep ,because the poop this time is too deep, viscous and odiferous to dig out of at present without the stink remaining for years. You can practically hear the PR cage wheels spinning, trying to find an exit strategy, but this is a mobious loop of trouble, and if you get tarred with the same brush as those stuck on that loop of the damned, you can't easily return as Lockinbar and save the damsel in distress. Or claim her kingdom after she is gone.

Edited by animatic
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