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Clarification Needed On Re-Entry Just Before "O" Expiry

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I have a Non-Immigrant Category "O" visa which expires on December 15th and which I will not extend because I cannot meet the financial requirements although I wish to remain in Thailand. On the understanding that I will get an "admitted to" date 90 days after my return, I have arranged a trip from Bangkok to Penang returning December 11th. Am I correct in this assumption ?

I have a friend who recently returned from the UK to Kraabi and was only given an "admitted to" date two weeks later to coincide with his Visa ( same as mine ) expiry date so I am getting anxious.

If I am wrong about the 90 days can you suggest the best course of action and timing for necessary Visa runs ?

Your advice is very mush appreciated.

Brian B - Chumphon

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Do you have a multi entry visa, issued by a Thai Consulate somewhere in December 2010 and that has use before 15 December 2011 on it? Or are you talking about a current extension of stay obtained from immigration inside Thailand?

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Do you have a multiple entry non-O from a consulate abroad then yes.

If you have one year extension of stay from immigrations in Thailand then no.

Thanks very much for the advice ; sadly I have an multiple entry extension issued in Hua Hin in December 2010. Do you think I should stay in Penang until after the Visa expiry date then re-enter as a tourist ?

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Do you have a multi entry visa, issued by a Thai Consulate somewhere in December 2010 and that has use before 15 December 2011 on it? Or are you talking about a current extension of stay obtained from immigration inside Thailand?

Thanks for the quick reply ; I have an multi entry extension issued in Hua Hin so I am scuppered. Any tips you can give me about the best tactics to remain in Thailand would be gratefully received.

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Actually an extension allows no entry (you are already here) but suspect he also obtained a multi re-entry permit which only allows stay of up to 15 December. What we do need to know is on what basis he had this extension of stay as that will determine the options available.

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Actually an extension allows no entry (you are already here) but suspect he also obtained a multi re-entry permit which only allows stay of up to 15 December. What we do need to know is on what basis he had this extension of stay as that will determine the options available.

It was based on retirement and it was a multiple re-entry type - thanks again Lopburi3

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Actually an extension allows no entry (you are already here) but suspect he also obtained a multi re-entry permit which only allows stay of up to 15 December. What we do need to know is on what basis he had this extension of stay as that will determine the options available.

It was based on retirement and it was a multiple re-entry type - thanks again Lopburi3

To the OP you mean two different things, one is an extension based on Retirement, the second is you purchased a multiple re-entry permit to come and go out of Thailand, but as soon as your extension finishes so does your re-entry permit.

If on retirement then quite difficult, if married it is easier outside of Thailand

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Not to Hijack the OP's post, but I have a friend who is in the same situation as the OP but he is on a Extension based on Marriage.

He also just can't meet the financial requirements to renew his Extension.

He's aware of the Possibility to go to Laos or Kuala Lumphur, but his question is:

Is it possible that after the "Permission to Stay" ends (December 13th) that he can extend at immigration for lets say 30 days to bring him into the New Year, or should he do a Border Run, to get 15 days ?

Thanks :jap:

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Not to Hijack the OP's post, but I have a friend who is in the same situation as the OP but he is on a Extension based on Marriage.

He also just can't meet the financial requirements to renew his Extension.

He's aware of the Possibility to go to Laos or Kuala Lumphur, but his question is:

Is it possible that after the "Permission to Stay" ends (December 13th) that he can extend at immigration for lets say 30 days to bring him into the New Year, or should he do a Border Run, to get 15 days ?

Thanks :jap:

He could try and get 60 day extension for purpose of visiting he's wife.

From Police order 777/2551

2.24 In the case of an alien visiting a Thai spouse or child:

Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 60 days at a time.

(1) Proof of relationship.

(2) In the case of a spouse, their marital relationship shall be de jure (legitimate) and de facto.

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At the worst he might have to make a border run for 15 days and then get the 60 day extension to visit wife so he is in a better position than retirement. For retirement he might be able to obtain a single entry non immigrant O visa for 90 day stay in hope of having enough to extend at the end of that time or try to obtain a two entry tourist visa which would cover almost six months stay with 30 day extensions.

Another option would be the ED visa/extensions for study. That would cost a bit but much less than retirement extension financial requirement.

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